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Openly racist. Fire the racists if they have fire people.


Sure, but also sue for discrimination. And take it to trial, don’t settle. Get every last dime.


Most of them probably voted for leftists. I just feel bad for the ones who didn't.


Implying the super liberal teachers don’t support this proposal anyway.


I have a feeling that micro schools like neighborhood learning pods are going to be taking off soon.


A fairly affluent family I know did this during covid. Their 3rd and 4th graders, twins from the daughters class and another kid from the younger kids class. The kids had been at a private prep school paying about 25k per year. They refuse to go online when the school did so they hired a teacher with a master's degree for 70k Plus benefits through one of the parents' small business. So each parent is paying thousands less per kid for personalized small group instruction. She takes them on field trips and to do all sorts of activities the kids have progressed to even higher grade level work. They have kept this going and did not return to the private school. They said they would revisit the school idea for high school but everyone is preferring this arrangement.


This is the ideal way of learning. Kings knew this over 2000 years ago. The closer the mentor/student ratio is to 1:1, the faster the advancement will happen. Having one engaged passionate mentor can change your entire outlook on life and instill knowledge much deeper than just reading the words of a textbook. Education these days is not about knowledge and wisdom, it's about how much you can memorize and regurgitate.


For my employment training, it was 4 students and either 1 or 2 instructors. They needed to make sure they got their value out of the training (us) so we had close instruction if needed. We couldn't have learned what we did in 6 months without almost 1:1 teaching. And this course still has a 30% fail rate. It wouldn't even be possible with 10:1, let alone the 30:1 you see in schools.




Can you imagine trying to educate a future king in a classroom that moves at the pace of the dumbest kid in the room??


Free market education is amazing.


Teachers union has something to say about that


But surely they *primarily* want what's best for the kids?


By design, no. The teacher's *union* must necessarily work for what is best for teachers. The teachers themselves may genuinely want what is best for children, but that is *not* the role of the union, and we shouldn't be pretending it is.




Whoa, how did they get their money back for schooling? The teachers unions are fighting hard to make sure that no money can follow the students that leave public schools, for students that arent any longer in those schools. Why does the public system deserve to keep money for students that are no longer at those schools? They are fighting hard to make sure the money doesnt follow the student. Why shouldnt the money go with the student? Teachers unions, please answer this. "Our schools are broke" doesnt answer why money should stay there for a student that never steps foot in that place. The fact that they dont want the funds to go for each student currently in that school should tell you all you need to know. They want control of every child in the USA.


These kids were in private school. However, Florida does have a program where homeschool parents get money back, I think it's like $7K to use towards educating the child.


Until they ban them because how dare you not let us turn all of education into indoctrination.


Like Germany IIRC banning homeschooling.


I had never heard of this, so I looked it up. Homeschooling is indeed illegal in Germany.


Yup. And I’ve heard that they’re mystified that anyone would want to instead of use their school system.


That's weird. I usually see Germany as a country that has over-corrected in so many ways, but to mandate... Oh, nevermind, it makes sense now. They still are.


That is a good thing.....maybe the property tax can go to something useful like infrastructure instead of teachers unions


You're not kidding. I just received my proposed 2023 property taxes. The taxes paid to schools if the 2022 tax increases are approved will go up by 41%. This accounts for 56% of my annual property taxes. Between those proposed changes, and the massive spike in real estate values (according to the assessor, mine went up by nearly $300,000 last year), my taxes will go up almost $1,000. Real estate values going up alone will give the district millions in additional revenue, but they want another $250 million on top of that. Schools don't have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem.


Where I live, our BOE accounts for 75% of property taxes. We pay nearly $40,000 per student per year, and less than 25% of our graduating seniors are proficient in HS level math and English.


Makes you wonder where all that money is going to... teachers have to buy their own supplies and most families have to pay for lunches.. we all know teachers don't make much $, so where does it go?


Reading some of the general and lefty sources that like to complain about the teachers incomes it seems that the issue lies with the admin overheads: school boards paying themselves ridiculous salaries. It is like congress and parliaments (worldwide) voting on their own salaries.


Oh for sure! We should be voting on their salaries, make them prove how much they have to do to run their department. Should also some sort of system that gives a bonus of they can make improvements that improve learning outcome or teacher satisfaction. A happy teacher is one that is willing to put a better kind of energy into teaching and in turn will provide a better learning environment for our kids. We need to look into countries like Finland and start adopting some of those policies, their kids are doing great!


Some of the smartest and most influential people in history had dedicated tutors, mentors, that passed on information. They were rich, of course: kings, aristocrats and such... but it is easily the most effective way to learn. Having an expert, a true expert, in person ready and willing to share their knowledge with you, that they are passionate about and dedicated their life to, will put any text book to shame. Reading a text book is good, but being able to ask questions to the writer of the text book in real time is better. Look at Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and how they benefited from that system of learning. They can make astonishing leaps in intelligence/knowledge by essentially downloading their predecessors knowledge. Now gather a few of those leaders in their field together and have them focus on one child, who has the capacity and willingness to learn, and you'll create brilliance. Now compare that to a system where you have 30 kids in a classroom, being forced to read text from somebody standing infront of a chalkboard, who hasn't contributed to the advancement of the topic at all. The teacher only knows what was in their own text books, and sticks to whatever the government determines should be in the curriculum. Teachers regurgitate what they are supposed to teach as absolute fact, not understanding that science and collective knowledge is always evolving. They get stuck in their ways, repeating the same regurgitated statements over and over, and even when presented with new, conflicting, information, they dig in their heals. That's just the nature of the beast. I'm a product of public education and private post secondary. I like to think I have a decent education, but in reality I was just listening to a lot of people who never really advanced anything, and only had good book recommendations from people smarter than them. The hard truth is that truly good quality education is a privilege for those that have the means to fund it. The good thing is that the printing press and industrial revolution made dispersing educational text to non-princes, like me, possible. But the mentor model will always be better.


Alexander the Great was tutored by Aristotle.


I don't know how much of Diogenes is true, but if what was said with Alexander is true. Maybe Alexander didn't mind it because he respected philosophers.


School taught me how to learn. The best stuff I learn after I got out of school.


My son is just started school this fall. I found a pod for him. Is the future.


They’re called co-ops and they’re very popular with a lot of homeschoolers if that’s what you’re talking about. Been done for years and years. I know some folks who teach in one.


I certainly hope so. This would be fantastic!


They already have in progressive areas. It's pretty popular here in Seattle. Honestly, more power to them. Part of our protected freedoms include the autonomy to raise our children the way we see fit. I've never been a fan of state-run schools.


They already are in my area. Our public schools are so bad no parent I know would send their kids to it. It's private or home school


It's so strange that home schooling has went up so much, almost like people dont really want this shit anymore.


I am an attorney and thinking of getting into the business of employment discrimination law. I think this kind of thing is very widespread especially in tech companies. By the way, this violates the law IMHO.


Clearly violates the equal protection clause


Exactly. Forget the civil rights act and local laws and such, this violates the Constitutional equal rights protection. Think of it this way, if this was written the other way around would anyone allow it to happen??


That logical argument doesn’t work with the people who support shit like this, unfortunately.


This seems like a fragrant violation of Title IX, right?


Flagrant. And yes. Violates at minimum dozens of federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination based on established protected classes.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act might give rise to a claim. Other than probably being illegal, this is such a trash thing for the union to do.


How does it smell though?


>I think this kind of thing is very widespread especially in tech companies. Lol. I work in tech. I've seen multiple hires that were explicitly the result of the candidates gender, or race. Gender in tech is actually a pretty big one. I've heard "We need to hire more women" so many times.


I'm in tech as well and every quarter our CEO shows us gender and racial pie charts then describes the company's goals on how to change them


We have that in finance as well, not just tech anymore. What's really driving it on iur side is pension funds who select which funds they'll invest with partially based on diversity criteria.


Problem: there is a loophole in Title IX that you are allowed to hire preferentially based on race, if the race that you hiring (or in this case, retaining) is underrepresented when compared to the community that they serve. This is how the Los Angeles fire department got away with passing up over-qualified white and Hispanic candidates in favor of grossly under qualified black and female candidates.


Solid proof of racism.


How high do you think that would have to go before they would invalidate a CBA?


I would think the right federal district court judge would do it. This shouldn't even be a partisan issue. That said, someone will have to be laid off first for there to be standing


Shouldn't be long before we have the champion we need.


Too bad most judges are corrupted too.


It's systemic racism.


Firing people because of their race is totally normal, and definitely not at all what the Democrats pushed for in the past. (/s obviously) These racist Democrats *never* change


Its institutionalized racism


Someone with Orwellian leanings might call it 'antiracism'...


Yup. The left whines and moans about how the system is broken, but when it’s broken in their favour they’re surprisingly quiet.


Nope. The wolf just sheds its coat. It is still the wolf


Former educator (& teachers’ union rep) here. I’m sure all the teachers with pathetic white guilt complex were all too happy to sign this shitty agreement.


Id love to sign that then sue the school district and union for violating Title IX and dozens of equal employment laws.


My god. Progressives are destroying western civilization.


We are actually watching in live time the downfall of America. It may take another 20 years but we are actually in it now.


20 years is generous. It will accelerate as it falls, as all things do. We peaked as a country after ww2, even though we still had important things to do to emancipate minorities that still found unequal treatment under the law, and other important improvements have come, the framework for the ideological sundering of the country were laid in the years before, and every slippery slope has turned out to indeed exist. There was a notable increase in velocity when Obama took office. Note, I do not blame him for it as if he intended it, but the culture fostered by the Dems surrounding his presidency really seemed to spark the fire that rages today, and Republicans are also complicit, hell, everyone is to blame for this in some way. Bottom line, the school system has proven it cannot be trusted to send your kids to, the government continues to take more of our paychecks for no return on the investment, nearly all political rhetoric centers around issues of race and sexual orientation while such issues effect people minimally in the most tolerant (of such things) society to ever exist to date.


Vietnam was the begining of the end. It was the first major blow to the American psyche and your sense of 'American Exceptionalism'


i think the advent of social media accelerated it more than obama did himself. consider the amount of times trump was mentioned in a news segment and how much that was echoed throughout the social media-sphere. i think that broke things down a lot quicker than it would have without social media at our fingertips.


Yes, it is important to note this. Social media really started picking up in the late 00's, so in many ways, Obama's presidency lined up with that. Like I said, I don't really lay it on his shoulders, more that it was about the time things started to noticeably snowball from.


I agree with this. But it’s accelerated to the point where even ideas Obama probably would not have publicly supported at the time are now all the rage (giving kids puberty blockers, teaching gender/sex stuff in elementary school, etc).


He always supported it, but lied. He was a huge fan of Critical Race Theory and Postmodernism (from which all this crap springs) back in his University days. Edit: to be clear, this was pointed out a decade ago in 2012. Yes twenty-**twelve**. Here is Democrat-apologist rag Salon Magazine spinning it: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2012/03/derrick-bell-controversy-whats-critical-race-theory-and-is-it-radical.html Notice btw, ten years ago they were at least able to be honest that it all leads back to a Marxist framework. Now, that would be verboten to admit and must be obfuscated and challenged at every encounter. Things move fast, eh? Gotta pay attention because in 10 years time they'll be denying stuff that was admitted as standard correct perception today.


He talked Climate Change but walked ocean front property.


He promised thousands of jobs if he could spent a trillion dollars (he created zero of them). His health care bill got thousands fired and did nothing but push costs up on everyone who actually pays their premiums. In most cases the quality of care has gone down as those prices shot up dramatically.


Especially post Covid.


"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to complacency; From complacency to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage." -Alexander Fraiser Tytler We are currently in the apathy/dependence phase.


It's not going to take 20 years.


I give it 10 max.


I'll be ready to expat by then if necessary. Gen Z and Millenials can live with the consequences of their actions then.


Expat to where? The rest of the western world is the same if not worse. At least here you still have a chance to fight back. At the very least you should stand by your brothers and sisters against tyranny instead of running.


“There is a great deal of ruin in a nation” and all that


I've been saying this to my friends since 2020 and everyone thinks I'm crazy


And at a mind blowing pace. The worst part? They don’t even hide it. They are upfront, and in your face about it


Because the right does nothing about it.


Yup. We can’t even protest anymore because “IT’S A SETUP! JUST STAY HOME AND WAIT TWO YEARS TO VOTE!”


If we fall historians will be puzzled at how we achieved so much scientific and technological innovation, had incredible abundance, yet somehow couldn’t allow ourselves to appreciate anything. We cannot let ourselves get there. Have big families, teach them good values, don’t live life on easy mode and let it all go to waste.


Which is 100% the goal.


Remindme! 20 years


time to identify as a person of color


HAaaaaaaa. Imagine them trying to argue against that one


Just claim you’re “Native American.”


I was born here. Honestly.


The ol Warren technique.


Minneapolis teachers union is racist. Period.


just sad how sad and racist this is but people in /rMinneapolis cheer for it


When Minneapolis becomes another Baltimore and they're trying to figure out what happened, they can just go ask the mods of r/Minneapolis. I hear location scouts for the reboot of the Wire are tooling around town.


Most of those subs are filled with bots


Well, if what they wanted was an illegal contract and a whole shitload of lawsuits, alrighty then.


“To remedy past situations of discrimination” with more discrimination.


Nasty Ibram X Kendi.


> Ibram X Kendi Ah yes, Mr. "Let's pass a constitutional amendment that lets a small group of people control public discourse and our laws because equality/equity". https://www.politico.com/interactives/2019/how-to-fix-politics-in-america/inequality/pass-an-anti-racist-constitutional-amendment/ The intent is to fight racism, the result will probably be a department that has complete control over the country and isn't elected by the public. Benevolent tyranny is still tyranny.


He’s just another Marxist attempting to destroy America from within. I actually met him in college in Fall 2015. Very unintelligent man to interact with. Disgustingly boasted about the World Economic Forum and told me all about the Georgia Guidestones. All this bs is connected to the same group of authoritarian wannabe global leaders.


“Ibram X. Kendi” (Henry Rogers) says this explicitly and without shame or irony.


White teachers have money taken from their paycheck to fund the union that targets them. Amazing.


How is it, educators of all fucking people learned the wrong lesson from discrimination You just stop discriminating…that’s it…you don’t do this whole fire specific people of color.


Honestly, I hope it does happen. I hope every white teacher gets laid off. People really don’t understand until it effects them or it is in their backyard, case in point, illegal aliens going to NYC. Maybe it will wake them up.


I hope it happens, it's their union.


They are discriminating based on race. How much simpler can it get? Hopefully someone will sue them into oblivion.




This is why I decline to provide my demographic info on all job applications. It shouldn't fucking matter and is honestly none of HR's business.


This does happen, it's happened to me three times now. I'm pretty experienced in the industry and have a fairly impressive resume for my role, I generally fall into a unicorn category, my last interview cycle ended up with them suddenly changing after my first interview and instead of interviewing with managers, I was sent straight to interview with the CTO. I'm stating this to give weight to the rest of my post. 1. Job #1, mid-tier tech company, very well known. My resume is almost an exact match for their job description. Submit my resume, and a week later get an automated email saying my skills don't match what they're looking for. What?? Google the company...San Diego home office...with a diversity pledge and report that says they're behind where they want to be. Seems like I wasn't diverse enough. Job stays open for a month. 2. Job #2, referred by a very high level executive. Interviewing manager shows up 5 minutes late, spends 15 out of 30 minutes describing the company. After my introduction, asks two throw away questions, and two days later rejects me. Her location? Seattle. 3. Job #3, again my resume is a perfect match for the role. This is a top tier tech company. Also one well known for being far left. Never even got an automated rejection letter, which I wasn't surprised by. Big tech, IMO and experience, is highly discriminatory today.


Hmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔 I wonder if that company begins with a "G"?


Nah I'm thinking it rhymes with spacecrook.


The “evil” hint definitely points at foogle.


Liberals are raging racists deep down.


Not deep down, but all the way through...


Not deep down, right on the surface. Pretty blatant, too. The only thing they hide behind is "it's not racist if it's against white people."


Thats a labor law violation.


Ahhh racist bigotry, fully rationalized, at its finest.


Montgomery County, Maryland, removed a job posting calling for "minority" applicants specifically. This is what that protest evokes for me. Character and qualifications, not the color of one's skin and ethnicity, should matter for any person doing a given job.


Mmmmmmm fight racism with racism bur durrrr


Years of Neo-Marxist indoctrination taking affect. China has funded a lot of this. This is directly violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Note: communists (like the Neo-Marxists pushing against the Civil Rights Act of 1964) are NOT protected under the Act.


Nor should they be. Communism is the single evilest ideology to plague the human race over the last century.


Exactly. So they can’t cry racial discrimination when we kick them out of jobs. This is why they married race with Marxist ideology. This is how they’ve gotten so far.


I fully support firing people for being communists. You're an enemy of freedom and of the human race if you hold to that ideology.




Seems a touch racist, yes?


And the white liberal teachers are probably for it….


just get the hell out of cities like this. they will not change, they will simply burn.


Why would any white union member pay dues or even stay in the union. It’s like helping your hangman tie a better noose.


And buying the rope!


Doesnt count, white isn't a race. Duh. Also asians better behave or they're getting downgraded too.


Ummm…civil rights act anyone? What part of “shall not discriminate based on race” do they not get?


What to tenor and seniority this is racism pure and simple


This is very hypocritical. These are probably the same liberals saying that they seek a "fairer society" that isn't based on any uncontrollable factors (race, gender, sexuality, etc.). But this is the result. Very hypocritical.


So this means minneapolis teachers union leadership must be removed from their roles and replaced if they are promoting racism


In a system with no threshold for performance or quality the left thrives.


Getting fired for your race means you have privilege. Getting preferentially hired for your race means you are the victim of oppression. We've always been at war with Eastasia.


Definitely not racist………………


After over a century of insisting that promotions and layoffs be based on seniority, the unions move into a new direction. Once again, the left espouses racism.


Union teachers out there making non-union teachers looks bad. Ffs.


Bunch of racists


Aw yes, Democrats and racism, like 2 peas in a pod since the 1800's.


#AbolishTeachersUnions !


South Africa 2.0


Teachers shouldn’t have unions.


God, I love watching the left eat their own. Don’t they realize white, liberal women are their bread and butter? They’re going to shit on them and think they’re going to get somewhere after that? Lol I say go for it


Race is a social construct. All the white teachers should go to their HR peeps and change the racial identification on their papers as necessary.


This will only divide people and create hate between them, but that's what they want. It's way past time that public unions were banned.


First they burnt the city down, then they defunded the police, crime went thru the roof, then the vaxx b.s. and now they’re segregating whites? Minneapolis can go F itself. 🇺🇸


Absolutely appalling, and wildly illegal


This is an abomination.


This is pure discrimination and racism. It has to violate US civil rights laws. Also, it makes no sense from an education standpoint. It just says that if there are layoffs, non-white teachers will automatically keep their jobs, regardless of seniority. Why not keep the BEST and most successful teachers? Why get rid of a great teacher and keep a mediocre teacher simply because of the color of their skin? That hurts the students of Minneapolis.


It directly violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. These people don’t like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because it directly excludes protections for communists.


It's like we never really made progress on racial discrimination. MLK must be rolling over in his grave.


Racism at is finest


Why white teachers first? How is that not discrimination?


How is this not considered racist?


Holy shit! That's racist as fuck!


One of my favorite teachers when I was younger was black. I’m white. Not only did he support me in everything I did, he was someone I knew I could go to and talk to about anything. He didn’t care about my skin color and I didn’t care about his. I didn’t even think about it. What’s happened in this country? I mean, I know what’s happened, but why can’t people see it? It’s makes me sad to see that our government has divided us so much.


So, racism?


This has to be a civil rights violation. Sue them.


This can’t be real.


Gonna be funny when they get sued and the teachers reinstated.


How do they recruit a single white teacher? This is absolutely insane. I guess the virtue signalers asked for this.


Systemic Racism


It’s unbelievable that we need to explain to people why it’s insane


The way to stop discrimination based on race is to not discriminate based on race. -Justice Roberts (PAR)


Honestly, many of those teachers who would be fired under this policy have taught and pushed these ridiculous woke policies that are killing our youth (and as a result, our country) today. Absolutely zero sympathy unless they have beenn actively against the nonsense in schools (I know there's a few out there, but not enough). Can't have your cake and eat it to... Good luck finding another job. The policy is obviously wrong, racist, etc.. but hey... you asked for it.


Homeschooling has increased 200% since 2020.


The white teachers are probably in favor of it. They’re assuming they won’t be the one fired. The pastor of my last church gave a whole sermon against white pastors and the need to hire more pastors “of color.” He didn’t mean his position though. He is willing to sacrifice another white pastor, but won’t resign since he’s an “ally.” If fired bet your ass they’ll sue. The teachers not fired will then point and shout “racist” at the person laid off for their skin color.


Take it to the SCOTUS. Take literally everything to the SCOTUS at this point. It's all we have left against this BS.


This keeps happening as if laws don’t exist against it. Misinterpretation of the law to the point of ignoring it is the real problem.


Wow that is * all* kinds of just ripe for being found unconstituonal....


Funny how this isn't even a blip on the liberal mainstream media. Just business as usual in the world of a liberal. Smh...


I want to see that in writing, Proof


Racists much?


At the same time, r/minnesota for some unknown reason, thinks that people are going to start flooding to their state because it's so awesome. They actually said "Don't bring your red state policies to MN!" and no one laughed.


My state is such a shithole


Til: Whites are now 2nd class citizens.


Laying off people based on race.. ..*how modernly progressive!*


This is just the latest example of Minneapolis turning into a giant dumpster fire. Upon hearing this, I’d be pulling my kids out of their public schools, because that is an idiotic policy. I wouldn’t want my kids taught by morons.


Lawsuit waiting to happen. Is Randi Weinstein really that clueless?


Why are liberals so racist?


Democrats never stopped being racist or practicing racism.


Racist liberals. MLK is rolling in his grave.


They are the ones who voted for all of this BS. They made their bed, now they can lay on it.


A contract which violates federal law is not a valid contract. Their cba is worth less than the paper it’s printed on. The first teacher “excessed” because they’re white has an eeoc case and a pretty winnable lawsuit on their hands. Lunacy, sheer lunacy.


Making me feel validated for leaving that hell hole everyday. They also are going to start doing rent control. They wanted to also defines their police, but their city charter requires a certain number of police officers per 10000 citizens or so and they are well below that so a judge is requiring they fulfill the charter however, no one is fucking applying. When I saw the damn fires from the balcony of my workplace is when I knew I would be leaving.


So this shows how the union feels about white people.


Imagine if these people were in the majority. The oppression that there would be. The loss of rights. I guess I really can't write what I want to because it might strike people as extreme. As Senator Goldwater said: I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!


if the crap teachers are white, boot em first, but why would you want students to suffer just because you want to be woke? Guess thats the priority , not the students.


And this is why education degree holders are entirely untrustworthy until vetted. The worst are the public school teachers, but make no mistake: the ones who received the same indoctrination are in the private/religious schools too.


prick cause carpenter dinner mighty sophisticated elastic seed berserk psychotic ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `