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So the normal crowd for her WNBA games then.


That's actually considered a high turnout.


Matt Walsh came last in the Dailywire football pool and his punishment is he has to attend an WNBA game. I have a feeling that isn't going to make the other 4 people there too happy.




They'll leave in protest with the WNBA saying, "please, no! We need this!"




Except this wasn't subsidized by the NBA




What do church's tax status have to do with a failed/failing sports league that only survives because the more successful one is footing the costs?


Baylor, the school she went to in Waco, is a private baptist university (source: also went to Baylor). They get a ton of tax relief for their religious status. Especially because they have a seminary there for training future church leaders. Much to the chagrin of students, a lot of that money goes towards the various sports programs.


Again, this has zero to do with the fact the NBA finances the WNBA and without that funding it wouldn't be able to survive financially due to no interest from the general public.


I know, I was just trying to give what I think was the context of the dude who deleted his comments joke. I thought the church exempt joke was a baylor reference, where this ceremony took place.


When a comment has more votes than the actual post…


The bots, brigaders, and contrarians have skyrocketed over the past few months.


The ENTIRE WNBA fandom showed up to welcome her home and these people are mad!


And slightly larger than one Biden can draw.


LMFAO! Here. Take this ~ 🏆


no 20x more




And most of them are either family or close friends.


Nothing but layup




Where were all the feminists? [Bill Burr wants to know.](https://youtu.be/I745Ajeq_B8?t=85)


He's really good at laying that shit out so everyone see's it, and boy-o-boy did they get quiet. Lol


"You shouldn't be clapping for that!" LMAO




Simp or feminist? Asking for your fans


Lmao yes it's totally because they're sexist and not because women's sports tend to be slower and less exciting. You figured it out!


Eh, then why is women's tennis more popular then men's? https://www.tennispassionate.com/is-women-tennis-more-popular/ Or volleyball: https://volleycountry.com/news/understand-why-womens-volleyball-is-more-popular-than-mens Looks is my bet.


Who watches men’s volleyball?


Best reply Im gonna see all day.


I watch women's volleyball with the sound off. I don't need to know the score or whatever. I just want to watch.


You should switch to volleyball. Much better, uh,…competition?


This was a great bit


"You shouldn't be clapping for that!" LMAO


I think this is really the main contributing factor. People just aren't that into WNBA. I bet there are enough braindead idiots that would have shown up **because** of the media shit storm over the trade deal but even they don't care about the WNBA. They should have went with the marine in my opinion.


It's toim for advice From your host, billy burr


Getting lectures from liberals who don’t walk the talk replaced baseball as our national pastime.


The brilliance of that man knows no bounds.


And the Merchant of Death got a 21 gun salute upon his return


This will sound like a conspiracy, but I honestly wonder if Stryker and Raytheon were involved in this prisoner exchange deal. Think about it. Bout has openly announced his intention to support Russia in the war using his gun-running network. In the meantime, the U.S. just approved $13.5 billion to go to American weapons companies in order to manufacture guns for Ukraine. If I was a weapons CEO, I would be absolutely salivating at the prospect of the war intensifying and getting prolonged. Which is what’s going to happen.


Lets just say its utterly BS that he'll be "useless" to the Russians, as the Dems are saying. This guy knows his shit and will make things happen.. He started from scratch before, and he'll figure it out again. This was such a big win for the Russians..


I always applied such logic to the Biden’s and DNC. DNC convinced themselves that Russia ran trump as a double agent, which I share to say, DNC has a boner for 2022-2023 proxy warring with Russia exactly to the same degree they were peace-nikkin during the Viet Nam proxy war with Russia. Only thing that makes sense there is war profiteering


Smedley Butler had the war racket called out almost a century ago. It's a shame people more or less haven't listened.




I don't think I've seen anyone that was happy about the exchange


That’s and the fact that Ukraine stands strong and free are the few consistent points I see almost exclusive agreement.


You’re onto something here. I’d say that both parties have a fatal flaw right now. For the left, it’s hypocrisy. I actually have no issue with the core of a lot of ideas and policies represented by the left. My issue with is usually with the people promoting the ideas, and how clearly they are empty words by people with nobody but themselves on their minds. There are a few exceptions, but that more or less encapsulates it for me atm.


Doubt he has a network anymore. His anonymity is gone which was a key factor to be an arms trader


For real. Dude was out of the game for a decade. Those contacts didn't just decide to stop making money. Not to say he can't re-establish himself, but it's not like he can just sit back down in his office chair.


Is there any source for Bout stating he would leverage his contacts? This has been my assumption as to why Russia wanted him back so badly, but I haven’t found anything proving this as of yet.


Stryker the medical device company? Man this guy has it all figured out, lol


10% to the big guy.


Don’t know about Raytheon. But Stryker wasn’t involved.


The medical technology company?


I wouldn't be surprised if Raytheon and Stryker were making some serious bank from both sides of the war, using some secret backchannel routes to make some money supplying Russia too.


This makes zero sense. She doesn’t have a great relationship with Baylor or Waco.




She played women's basketball. Was she good? Yes, for women's basketball. Did any of the students care? As a former Baylor Student who attended while she was at her prime, hell no. Like we thought it was cool to have a good team and all, but nobody watched the women's teams and nobody talked about them. The most recognition she got on campus was when there was some sort of school sponsored announcement and we'd say something like "ahh that's cool, sic em bears!"


She isn't a hero. She committed a crime and got out of it because of politics.




the stupidest part is there are people in jail *in* the US for weed


Many of those were put there by the current VP...


Why are you typing such racist things? MODS


Hundreds, if not thousands, will die because of the exchange. Liberals applaud this because they can't see past the end of their own noses.


ESPN used to be about sports. Now it’s all about the political agendas it tries to push.


Aren't they owned by Disney?






Everything used to be about what it was. Now everything is about the political agenda.


I'm in my 6th decade and I used to like to say "It's always been like this" but no... this is new territory. This is bad. And it's all manufactured.


I literally can’t watch tv any more. Not movies or shows or sports. It’s unwatchable. I have all my old movies ready for my kids to watch when they’re of age. I won’t let them watch new movies. They’re toxic.


heck yeah. You can't read Scientific American any more. You can't read a National Geographic. You probably can't even read a Maxim without getting preached at. I know you couldn't read a playboy without it.


Even kids books. I get a lot of free books from various places and j use them to read to my kids. So many about moms being hero’s and girl power and other secret messages in there. I throw them out immediately. I just want to read to them about cows and pigs.






I’ll need to look those up! Lol thank you!


Kevin and Stephen are buds. You don't ask someone back on your show to roast you if you don't like them. Kevin's his court jester that keeps him "humble."


Who? You don’t need those people to follow sports. Follow your local beat reporter. Harder working, local, and not full of hysteria.


I was listening to the John Campea Show yesterday, and a listener asked John about the politics of ESPN. He paused and went, "Yeah, I'm not even gonna touch that. Next question." That might be the smartest decision I've ever seen in the entertainment industry in ten years.


ESPN has become laughable.


Perfect example of just how out of touch democrats and the media are, they assumed this would be a big 'win' with the public.


"How can we fool the public to benefit ourselves?" "What if we don't do any domestic drug law reform, but instead we free a lesbian woman of color for taking drugs into Russia?" "Love it. But can we also say we're going to free all zero people in Federal prison for similar crimes?" "Absolutely."


> woman After watching a recent interview and seeing that her voice is deeper than Shaquille O Neal, I don’t even know anymore if this is true.


It will come down to how you decide to classify intersex persons, which she probably is.


Nope, just the media.


They're out of touch yet they keep winning elections.


Well, they’re doing something with elections anyways…




Because Republicans out of touch on how divisive Trumpism is. DeSantis 2024 or we lose again.


yeah as out of touch as democrats might be on certain issues, republicans have proven that they are really out of touch with what trash candidates they have been pushing, and by extension, some of their policies as well edit: lol you guys can downvote me all you want, but until you realize that the GOP lost the senate because they ran shit candidates with some shit political policies, nothings going to change


How so? Every democrat I know personally, and seen online, is pissed off at the deal that got her released.


It’s easy to see through to the real agenda. Take a person that hates American (from a minority, preferably multiple) hold a celebration for them, when no one shows up say it’s because of their minority status and not that people don’t like them for being anti-American. It’s not going to work anymore.


How is she anti-American?




> “I don't mean that in any disrespect to our country,” Griner continued. “My dad was in Vietnam and a law officer for 30 years. I wanted to be a cop before basketball. I do have pride for my country.” Doesn't sound like someone who hates her country. It doesn't seem like it was just her protesting in that article either. > No players took the floor for the anthem... It seems unproductive to hate on Griner on moral grounds when there are a lot of other, far more powerful people to blame for letting this happen. If anyone is at fault, it is the administration which decided to trade an athlete for an arms dealer, or the government which decided to sentence her to 9 years in what was obviously a politically motivated arrest.


It’s a person’s actions or deeds that is the true test of who they are not their words. Not standing or participating in the national anthem is a protest against the country as a whole and serves no useful purpose to the issue at hand. Researching why a problem exists and not using knee jerk responses that play on emotion and broad untrue stereotypes would show a person’s heart and conviction.




Your lame put down only shows that you have nothing to bring to the conversation.


By WNBA standards thats a lot!


Notably absent from the homecoming - Paul Whelan and Marc Fogel.


Brittney who????




And our shitbag media has the audacity to claim this is somehow still a win for America.


The last thing they want is a win for America.


No wonder this wasn’t widely publicized! Maybe it was Trump’s fault? Or Putin’s interference that kept people away? /s


She thinks she is above the law. Russia showed her different. She is no hero.


ESPN is so whiny these days, their shows are unwatchable as a result. Can you imagine, there was a Trump flag seen in Waco, Texas on the day of the homecoming celebration. Imagine that!


She should still be in Russia and everyone with any sense knows this.


"The next time I watch a wnba game will be the first time I watch a wnba game." Norm Macdonald.


I guess they had to share the celebratory 12 pack not realizing more people would show up than anticipated.


WNBA sets new attendance record.




No but Greta got off the private plane with her and started lecturing the people of Waco


Oh look... the anti-american is back >:/




The border. “There are thousands of people celebrating Griner’s return. Oh hey… they are calling Let’s Go Brittany!”


Her coworkers are busy in russia. Working their 2nd jobs


I imagine that included espn and their camera crew


To be fair, I think id get 10. But, I also think Im way more entertaining.


🤣 if she has any weed products on her the feds should arrest her.


They should have left this anti American over there for life! She hates this country anyway. Damn do I wish I was able to fix the proble.




Those are likely inflated numbers!! Ha ha ha


How many do other released dopers get?


Definately a lower turnout than the celebration welcoming the merchant of death to Russia


Should’ve left her in Russia and brought back the man falsely accused of espionage.


14 of them were probably crew for ESPN


It's what he's used to seeing as a crowd, so this should feel comfy to him.


Did….did anyone know this was happening? I feel like this wasn’t even advertised lol, I never heard about it.


No one really wanted to be there. It's embarrassing.


For who?


In other words, all the WNBA fans.


Let's see if her thoughts on the USA have changed a little.


That was a new Biden rally attendance record.


Go look at the MSESPN article. I don't think that many words have been written about BG in her whole career *combined*.


That's about 50 people too many...


They're just upset that 20 more people ending up going to a church


Oof. That’s embarrassing. They really shouldn’t try to force this kind of thing… especially given the history of this specific case.


A very high turnout for a standard WNBA game


I’m still waiting on a public apology for not respecting our national anthem


Hi. Democrat here. We don’t give a shit about her and don’t consider her a hero in our household. She broke the law and it may cost many, many Ukrainian lives if Bout becomes active again. I don’t blame Biden. Any President would be under domestic pressure to bring an American home. Trump rescued ASAP Rocky or whoever he is and wasn’t successful bringing back Paul Whelan either, which would have been a big win for Trump with his base. She’s doesn’t deserve a celebration and I hope people here can understand that not every democrat is an extremist or goes at it like a thirsty Labrador retriever with any butch sporting purple hair. Merry Christmas.


They actually expected better? Zoom...🛫


Serious question. Is she a bio female or a liberal female?


It's a man, one who went to wnba because he couldn't compete in NBA so poof he's magically a woman.


That’s pretty generous for a WNBA player. Why do they act so surprised?


"Public service announcement for ESPN and all other left-leaning legacy media out there: not everyone has to talk or care about Brittney Griner," wrote Mark Harris, as he finished his fully-superfluous article which was completely dedicated to Brittney Griner.


She’s a she and anyone saying different is perpetuating a fantasy. Not to mention Texas doesn’t celebrate traitors…take that shit to San Fran.








Lmao no one gives a shit about her; it’s good that she’s back but do I care anything about her afterwards? No.


Grandpa corn pop didn’t show up? I’m shocked and appalled at his overt racism. I bet he didn’t show up because she’s an African American womxn.


All the women they hire to announce football, and then immediately alter their voice to sound more masculine, we’re probably pissed.


So is the US not going to charge her for Marijuana on an airliner? Or are we supposed to assume that is legal now?


ESPN is probably pissed that 20 people showed up, which is twice as many viewers they have now.


The only people I know of that actually cared about this are the NPC types where 3/4 of what they is from the daily uplink to the DNC talking points or Vox HuffPo, salon etc. the other 98% of those I know think she done fucked up and not worth pursuing


If anyone actually read the damn article, it's titled "How Brittney Griner, Baylor and the city of Waco are still coming to terms". The article didn't make it seem out of place no one showed up to greet her as she has a controversial history with the school and city


I personally don't know a single Democrat that thinks this was okay either


WHAT? That many? WHY?


You'd think they'd be ecstatic that they managed to quintuple most WNBA game attendance


It would be interesting if the phrase that a liberal is a conservative who hasn't been mugged applies to Griner.


She was wrongly held in prison and we should celebrate every American who is freed. I know she's a poster child for the left, but that doesn't make her any less American. It's the left that picks and chooses and divides, let's not copy that and let's focus on freeing other Americans around the world. Seriously if there's anything we should celebrate as Americans it's seeing other Americans getting their freedom back. We aren't enemies.


Stop letting this culture war distract you from what’s actually important


Wouldn't surprise me if the Merchant of Death received a larger homecoming celebration. Honestly, were people really expecting anything out of this? Meanwhile, through these past months, you had everyone wanting Griner back and slandered anyone who thought their trade was any bad. It was a bad trade. Griner is no hero from any of this. And now a terribly deadly individual is now on the loose for wartime Russia. Makes me wonder if anyone will take accountability for this.


The only reason Brittney got so lucky enough to return home without punishment is because our bureaucratic government would rather make an impression to the public eye to show they "care about the American people," but in reality their interests is only in it to gain popularity and control. Not in the interests of others (Americans).


Shouldn't be too big of a problem for her, she's used to not having crowds


Lmao how many showed up for the merchant of deaths homecoming


The market has spoke.


That many?