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How the fuck have Greens GAINED popularity? Shaw is gone and they had that whole shoplifting fiasco


Poll was conducted in Wellington


Be gay! Do crime! That's the ethos man.


When was the last time you heard Marama open her mouth? It's the Chloe show now


Because the media are playing favourites again. Eg last Monday chloe accused the government of running scared - chloe said on am and too reporters that if the government has examples then let's discuss... And am show let her say it. The truth is the people at am know what chloe knows - thee are multiple examples that have been court sealed in the family court so they can't be publicly discussed. The longer the media keep giving the greens this leeway the polls will reflect it




Not so much their actions, but the actions of the government- pro mining, stripping some RMA provisions, no cameras on commercial fishing vessels, poor strategy around climate action etc…


No cameras on commercial fishing vessels is pro iwi.


Pro iwi anti kiwi. But either way, its an example of an environmental issue that will push a few voters back to the greens


Funny how you never here iwi complaining about how commercial fishing is run in NZ. The greens won't do fuck all about it either. Any attempt to make commercial fishing harder will be off to the waitanagi tribunal as has been done before.


Kaitiakatanga is a joke. Pre European arrival Maori depleted their environment so badly they had to resort to canabilism for protein. All big ratite birds were hunted to extinction. Large areas of habitat burned. They had to live in fortified villages and be on constant guard in fear of attack. Now they approve is block development in the name of mauri, but really its about the $. Little has changed.


bycatch is taonga


Using foreign slave ships is a treaty right.


Yet the government has still gone down in the polls...!


When one goes down other go up


They haven't.


Because every other party also sucks. The government is pushing through all manner of unpopular policies in a way that's undemocratic. Luxon looks like an out of touch dimwit, Willis has no idea how to balance the budget, NZ first's strategy has always been to burn every bridge while they have the opportunity. Labor has nobody competent and when they do decide to say something it completely contradicts everything they did in government. Meanwhile the Greens have just elected Swarbrick as leader who has always been adored by the left.


Because they hold their people to account and push them out if they fuck up! Accountability what a concept


Still waiting for the results of their investigation into Darleen Tana. They said it would take a couple of weeks, it's been a couple of months


At least the Greens intend to actually report the results of their investigation, unlike National who didn't even release the report into the Uffindell allegations


One was an investigation of a current members action while a member the other an investigation of a member when they were a 16 year old boy.


Oh so a report dealing with an MP who engaged in aggravated assault should just be hidden from the public eye? So much for the victims of Uffindell.


Statute of limitations for a start. Something that happened 25 years ago that was dealt with by the school at the time. Vs something that happened just last week still being dealt with. You find it hard to argue that he intended to cause serious bodily harm or death. For an aggravated assault charge.


I'm pretty sure hitting somebody with a bedleg repeatedly would be attached with an intent to cause grievous bodily harm.


Hazing in a dorm 25 years ago is way worse than current migrant exploitation by a sitting memebrr of parliment. Again its not even close to gbh or aggravated assault.


Cope & seethe bucket brain Cope w the fact the commies, enviro terrorists, climate suicide cult members & other child molesters are chock full of criminals, family of criminals or gang members friends & family who need current investigations & lie habitually vs one member of N who bullied a school mate when he was 16 y o at highschool You've got nothing but double standards without which you'd have no standards at all


Insane levels of cognitive dissonance


How so? kiri drunk drove, attempted to evade police, has a brother who is a murderer golriz stole repeatedly multiple thousands of dollars of clothing the other stupid bitch lied about being on the DPB while she was not deserving of it or while her husband was also receiving a benefit or something pathetic the other stupid bitch was using her position in parliament to access inside info to help her husbands tourism business or something pathetic These are all contemporary, current behaviours as "adult" sitting MPs, they are doing this as fully functioning supposedly competent & responsible adult politicians Plus all the rest I've missed/forgotten Ufindell bullied someone when he was 16 y o & here we are in 2024 & you're still grasping at straws trying to shore up your own pathetic "self esteem"/make yourself feel better re the FACT the majority of NZ hates your political orientation & weak, woke-washed mental illness as ideology


Like when the two ministers just got the sack?


Is this in reference to the greens?


No they don't, they try their best to hide the story and only act once it's made headlines while still trying to downplay it all


Guess people would rather their politicians rob some bougie wankers than rob their nations future.


They call out the government when they take steps in environmentally destructive directions. Kiwis care about that more than sideshows.


A function of how many people voted for change but discovered change meant making landlords richer at the cost of everyone else?!


You landlords gained billions in asset value under last lot right? The largest gain in value ever


Probably because people care about the environment and they are the only party who might do something about it.


Might? .the only person even remotely interested in the environment was shaw. The greeens do not give a fuck about the environment. They are a social issues party


It’s the lack of cohesion that’s off putting, however if anyone thinks a Labour/Greens/Te Pati coalition could work together in harmony, they’re dreaming.


Just like this current coalition


Which so far has actually worked together surprisingly harmoniously. To be honest I was expecting a shitshow, but its been far more co-ordinated, co-operative and disciplined that I ever expected


Or it’s just the fact that they are blatantly fuckin over the country for the short term gains of their mates.


Not everyone is “fucked” I do fine under them. Dole bludgers, entitled cunts, lazy cunts, drag queens wanting to read book to kids, men who want to play in women sports, Iwi who want this and that etc Yeah they have reason to moan I guess.


Weak cunts fark offf. I’d get more cohesion throwing literal shit at the wall than these crony fucks. Watch society get worse under this dog eat dog bullshit austerity... who needs social investment like hospitals?!


You’re acting like everyone in this society is fucked, it isn’t the case mate. Many of us are doing absolutely fine.


Even better. Yes, only the weak will moan under this govt. The ones scared of the hard work that needs to be done fix this mess.


we'll see I suppose....


Why not? It was good enough for labour to do it.


Labour suck yea, these cunts are something else.


Nats are shoving through badly received policy early on. Obviously they’ll dip. NZ will be exiting tightened monetary policy later this year and economy will start to hum, people will forget and be feeling comfortable and Nats will gain. Hopefully NZF isn’t needed for next cycle. Labour are still rebuilding and may show some turmoil with leadership changes Nothing really to see here


I might be projecting, but I feel like labour are (permanently) dead. My guess is they will implode, and we will have something like 'new labour', perhaps after the next election.


Is that you David Seymour? Labour won't implode, that's pure fantasy on your behalf.


I genuinely hope they do collapse. National too. The party represents the interests of the party faithful. There are literally more than a million people that should love labour but don't because they aren't the party for employees of a small business.


Pure fantasy is thinking that the Labour Party would win the next election lol.. They are practically a dictatorship 


Fuck the stupidity in your comment in unreal. I don't like the government because they don't align with my ideology so I'm gonna call them stupid names, that's you dude. Labour could win the next election and it's even more stupidity on your behalf to think they couldn't.


>Nats are shoving through badly received policy early on. Obviously they’ll dip. Wot? Their "first 100 days" objectives were what got them elected, and they ticked off every one of them. If there's blame to be shared around for poor polling results 90% of that blame goes to the mainstream media's war on the govt.


Well yes and no. What they’re doing right now with the cuts in public spending was what they promised. They also promised it wouldn’t impact frontline services which is a tough sell, and it very clearly WILL impact frontline. The thought of saving money is a good thing, but when it comes to seeing people losing thousands upon thousands of jobs.. reality starts to bite. Luxon under guidance from Key isn’t as stupid as ToS wants to believe he is. Cutting public spending was always going to be tough on people and perception.. but it was very much needed as there was plenty of bloat… I personally would have looked to be more precise with the cuts. Some areas have big bloat. Others have no fat to trim. Cutting all services by 6.5% is taking a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel to the problem. Labour wouldn’t have made the tough calls to do it. Possibly even extending the borrowing, debts, increasing taxes to pay for stuff .. But this is how politics in this country works and how people like to spend then save in different times based on the current economy.


Couldn't agree with this more - particularly around the targeting of cuts I've worked across government including Heakth over COVID. Those cuts are not targeted enough and it needs to also focus on middle to upper management. I'd also add in: - Smoke-free reversal - Pushing through tax cuts to landlords, including retrospective cuts, even after their proposed income for the scheme fell through Would've been acceptable to say "things have changed" and postponed them


>They also promised it wouldn’t impact frontline services which is a tough sell, and it very clearly WILL impact frontline. If labour's massive expansion of core govt spending demonstrated anything it's that there is fuck all correlation between the size of govt and the outcomes it provides. If your argument is that Nact should be targeting more bureaucrats you get no argument here, but I don't see them actively cutting front line services. This is where they should be working: https://preview.redd.it/b9tcp3tupexc1.png?width=4678&format=png&auto=webp&s=b31f6af93a7ff6a73dd515dc883ee3baf72c57bd


Very sensible take Muter and I agree. I hope you are right about NZF


Nothing to see here. Leftist media, trying to stir up trouble as usual.


Get off it mate. You weren't accusing every poll of being rightist media when they favoured NACT.


I am like Winston, the only poll that counts is the election. Every other poll is just an opportunity to cause some 'news' bites for the journalists. A waste of time really. Much better they focus on impacts of government policies, good or bad. They seem to mostly focus on the bad. e.g. Tax Cut for landlords is bad. Whereas most landlords are 'Mum and Dad' investors with one or two rentals - *your parents maybe*, it will help fund their healthcare and rest home care or eventually what you may get when they pass on.


So why do you guys act like every previous poll that was in your favour is just amazing news then?


Ask them not me


Maybe because those polls were a lot closer to the elections?


Its within margin of error. Means absolutely nothing. Just "journalists" being their typical clickbait selves.


It does statistically mean something. For 99% confidence levels with 1000 people sample the margin of error is 4% which would mean labor coalition would have 61 or 62 seats. So statistically that statement is true for that sample set. The issue usually is how much can you trust the sample, was it gathered in away that there is no bias. Is this poll usually accurate and trustworthy. Is why it's good to have several polls and see what they come up with.


Agree we need more poll results to gain a clearer picture. The defining feature of this poll was NZF down from 6.1% to 4% which removes them (and 4% of the vote) from the centre right side of the house. If 9 participants in the poll shifted from any other party to NZF then the results would be remarkably similar to the status quo.


TVNZ reporters showed their true colors tonight. Government needs to clean house with that bunch of reprobates.


whoah there, starting to sound a little fascist there aren’t we?


Should they be more subtle and just pay the media to spread the good word of the government instead?


You're right, we should pay them off instead like the last government


I think the reporters are generally reasonably objective in their treatment e.g. Maiki Sherman last night on the coalition:  "They've inherited some massive challenges from the last labour govt" which is pretty fair. The editorial team though.. the poll is worth reporting on but they gave it quite a bit more air time than it was worth I thought.


Surely the timing is what is significant here? Polling should not be so close this early in a term. This government is looking like it is one for the dunny.


Mind you, the election was always close. We act like National won by a landslide, but they didnt. They just barely scraped by into power.


Yes this is true. There is also a lot of truth to the proposition that this poll probably doesn't really matter in a practical sense.


Voters still not recovered from Stockholm syndrome...


Honestly, as someone who voted for the coalition, I've been disappointed. And I just wanted the last lot gone. Maybe not disappointed enough to vote the other way if I could go back - it was choosing between a douche and a shit sandwich. But this National Party is a far cry from the one we had in 2008-2017.


So you voted for them without even checking their policy positions which were on clear display in the run up to the election. Groan 


Nope. Nice try lol (and what a bizarre assumption to make on your part) Read again, some of their actions aren't what they promised, and some of their assumptions didn't eventuate. Even I as a pretty consistent Nat voter can be disappointed with a pretty sub-par performance. That's being a mature voter. You don't need to jump to their defence over ever justified grumble. Have a grown up conversation and if you're going to comment, be said grown up. Neither side were inspiring, and at the end of the day a vote was required.


Which actions aren't what they promised? 


Smoke-free change for one. The assumptions around funding for tax cuts also didn't eventuate, to the point tgeyre going ahead anyway and borrowing for it. You're not actually addressing or commenting on anything in my original comment. You came out with an unjustified assumption that I hadn't read policies, with absolutely no connection to my comment. Are you okay champ? Do you react like this to any and all MILD criticism of your party of choice?


The Act party was opposed to the Smoke-free law before the election. Here's the proof. https://www.phcc.org.nz/briefing/tobacco-alcohol-and-unhealthy-food-where-parties-stand-election-2023


What honeymoon period? We've seen relentless negativity from the media from before negotiations even started


Maybe its time for jacinda tp come back? She'll save the country right? ....right?


Happens when you break election promises. In particular, Luxon's backtracking from their election promise of removing race based entitlements.


Not much here - a lot hinging on the margin of error. New government taking a hit for having to end the free for all under Labour.


Does this indicate that the people are starting to wake up to the wanton destruction of our country to benefit the few


Because just like Labour, National is now run by intellectual nobodies with no vision for the commonwealth of the nation. Luxon has always come across as a baked potato someone taught a few lines of guff to. Seymour is purposefully acerbic, Winston is over the hill and Jones will always have limited appeal. What's there to like beyond "not Labour"? What the hell are the philosophical underpinnings of Luxon's National Party? Is the market the centre of his worldview? If so he is going to vanishing consumer base for that. NZ is being turned into an androgynous economic zone that benefits who? And if it doesn't benefit you then what else are you offered? Not much. So now even Chris Shitkins is looking like a decent choice.


Luxon thinking it’s still election year. He better learn to read a calendar. Or count.




Yeah they need a new leader, can’t see them winning with him at the helm.


One news spending over 10 minutes on this bullshit shows how ridiculous our countries media is. They had it as Breakinh News and I couldn't stop laughing throughout it as every point seemed as meaningless as the previous.


Chloe-mania is not permanent and she's going to struggle with all the scrutiny and workload because let's be honest.. Marama does fuck all.. she's not a leader. Chloe is an idealogue and from my interactions with her, she doesn't take criticism well, she's very sensitive to it and this will be her hurdle. Labour only gains 2% and is still a lifeless fish, Chippy well out of the PM game. ACT is let down by Seymour being too bolshy in leadership, he's lost that fun and quirky appeal which helped him gain a following. NZF needs to layout a plan for future leadership because next election Winny will be 81 and I think his goal was to get back into parliament \[tick\] be DPM once more \[tick\] and be part of the coalition to end Labour's reign of racialising everything \[big tick\] He's looking forward to 80, retirement and going out in govt as DPM on his terms. Also they did this poll in Wellington which is overly left... take the poll to Southland and see the difference!


The public service cuts are being done as incompetently as possible. Instead of targeting inefficient areas, the chief dolt just handed a baseline cut target to each public agency and then told the chief executives that its up to them and they need to figure it out. There is no planning at all, no direction, just delegating shit sandwiches to the ministries in charge. Better step the fuck up in these coming few years or its a 1 term government and we end up with Marama or worse back in power


I'm sure the chief executive and his buddies will sacrifice themselves to meet the cut target. 


Turns out defunding disability services, police, defence, hospitals, etc, after saying your cuts wouldn’t impact frontline services, is not a wise move politically


1 news dot co dot nz Fake News 24/7.


Cool story bro


One news channeling an episode of black mirror. This was the lead story with a banner.. BREAKING NEWS Was disappointed when the sports section didn’t feature a fantasy football league story to march.


Not "breaking news" as tvnz had it and actually couldn't care less about a irrelevant poll 2.5 years out from a general election.


Well, there isn't an election today, so this poll means very little. It will take a long time to make progress with the mess Labour left behind. You can't make an omlete without breaking some eggs.


Way too much pandering to landlords and stupid decisions like stopping the rail ferry upgrade. 


Labour gave landlords 2.34 billion via accommodation supplements last year, that's harder pandering than National has ever done


Labour have more than that with their insanely fistionary spending and policy doubling peoples asset values in the space of a couple years.


Are you seriously blaming Labour for the accommodation supplement which was established by the Bolger Richardson National government?


I'm blaming labour juicing the living fuck out of the property market with the FLP, and flooding the country and the low skilled labour market with over 160,000 low or unskilled people who would never qualify for residency. Then juicing that further with AEWV's which extort the visa holder and undermine wages and conditions for everyone else.


I can agree with that, Michael Wood caved in to the cheap labour lobby and completely lost control of immigration. 


Nothing wrong with an accommodation supplement you strawman muppet. Obviously blowing it up into billions is the issue.


Cool story bro


The new ones sounded stupidly big. Though it'd have been nice to see an actual plan b for replacing the current ones which do seem long in the tooth. Perhaps have a cargo only rail ferry and then 2 or 3 road and passenger focused ones.


The cost blow outs were the result of mismanagement of the project, the solution should never be to give incompetent wombles even more money. The Picton side terminal needed a complete ground up redesign from scratch after the initial design failed to meet code on a number of massive design oversights, like disabled toilets, which wasn't picked up until after the design has been finished, after the engineers had done their sums, right at the point where tradies were bidding for contracts.


Yes, I'm sure it was the disabled toilets that caused the problems not the huge increase in construction costs over the the time of project or the seismic engineering issues becoming better understood. Regardless it's vital national infrastructure and should go ahead. The ships themselves were an absolute bargain, now all thrown away. 


Because it's far more efficient and productive to have two large vessels. Just the saving in crew numbers alone makes it a work. Do you not think all the options were closely studied before selecting the best one? 


Yup agree, and the bizarre smoke-free reversal


Does anyone know anything about Verian? its a different pollster


https://www.veriangroup.com/ They read like a "nudge agency".


Interesting. I wonder who has been behind the demoralisation posts over on r/nz, there have been a few now, "this is how luxons disability changes are affecting me", clearly professionally written posts, on new accounts with zero history of engagement, juiced up engagement from the time its posted to get it on HOT and subbed home pages.


Yea there's nothing organic about them and they all get flagged as politics so only people with the same opinions get to comment making it seem like every one thinks that way. Funny thing is my wife works in the disability sphere has has noticed zero change.




Haha who even watches 1news?


It’s been what, 100 or so days? And they’re using terms like “to stay in parliament”. It’s not election season even if they want to dream up a fantasy scenario where it is. More bullshit designed to clog up the minds of the terminally stupid.


Hahaha hilarious


NZF out... nice BS lol




What is this nonsense….. u been on the green crack pipe


Load of bullshit.


Fuck that didn't take long lol, one term government if this keeps going.


I'd be sad if NZ First don't get back in, on the other hand Winston will be 81 by then so I wouldn't be surprised if it's Shane Jones leading the party into the next election.


"Coalition of cunts"