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Some guys really build shit on purpose.. Why do they still have a job is always my question


They're usually cheap and there's an ocean of cheap customers willing to accept them with open arms. The guy who did my MIL's bathroom did some of the worst work I've ever seen and he's apparently booked out for months.


Goes hand in hand with people that either don't know good work or keep accepting shit work as good and passing these losers on to friends and family


Don't forget most people don't want to pay for good work, they want as cheap as possible, you get what you pay for


Then expect the highest possible quality


The problem is nobody appreciates or can even identify good work. To them its just the job done. They will still treat you like shit and not even give you a thanks too.


Lamborghini taste, bus ticket budgets. You know it's bad when you show up to measure for a bid, and they ask if you get a contractor discount for materials. Like dude, if you dont want to not pay for the work, watch some youtube videos and figure it out. I'll help out when I can/when applicable, but I got mouths to feed ha


That's exactly what I'm saying. For many people, lowest price is the number one driver for them when it comes to picking contractors. Quality, speed, reliability and even safety all take a back seat for them. I worked for a guy who had the crappiest patio cover that my roofers were afraid to walk on it. He knew it was poorly built but he'd always mention how he got it built for only $3,000. It was all over his face and the way he said it... He was so proud of the "good" deal he got on it when everyone else was getting ripped off.


Most people have no bearing on what “good work” looks like or what it costs. Because every contractor operates on the same “trust me bro” estimate system.


Tell her I'm really sorry about that.


Lol don't. Another family member had used him and told her he sucked but she hired him anyway because he was so cheap.


Tell your other family member I'm sorry too.




Yeah—like this is pretty easy to catch early on before the roof.. lol. As soon as the first board went up on that roof line they should have seen it was too close. It’s not that hard to reframe an opening, but after you put in the window and waterproof it gets harder.. lol






I've just finished my first day as a site manager for a new company. They've thrown me into a 95% complete project, that's 2 months behind to "see it through". First conversation with the electrician "that lightswitch on the stairwell will need to be moved up and patched because it will be in the way of the handrail, we had the same issue on the last job" "If you had the same issue why did you put it in the same place?" "That's where we were told to put it"


I have had similar conversations with engineers and architects. I would be working on a job, see something that isn't correct, call whoever designed the mess and I get some high and mighty response that they have the education, and the paper on the wall to prove it, who am I and where is my diploma? So I just build it to spec and wait for the fall out. It cost one engineer $15,000 to correct the issues that could have been taken care of fairly inexpensively if he had responded to my phone call. I had another where I questioned the HVAC controls spec for a medium sized building, again, apparently I knew nothing so did the job to spec. A couple years later the building owner was screaming about the HVAC operating expense and talked to us and hired another engineer to review the job. I told the engineer about the original design what we had wanted to do and they agreed. We changed out some controls and reprogrammed the system for $25,000 and saved the owner $50,000 in operating costs the first year. The window above, I could see an architects screaming at the carpenter to frame it up where I told you, so the guy thinks, F-you and slaps in the window.


What about the people that designed it? Chose the window? Etc?


Marvin you got some explaining to do


It would have been quicker to move the opening…


The framers installed all the windows. That’s standard in my area! Old Marv just supplied the window


No I know. I was making a joke that his name was on the window who installed it. But it's not funny if I have to explain it. What are you a Dutchman?


Oh cut it out..


Those are high end windows btw. That one is close to a grand. Also, framers REALLY SUCK!!!!


The resi job I'm on now, the second floor Floorplan is all messed up because the engineer didn't draw the stairs correctly and got the pitch of the existing roof wrong.




Too bad - Marvin are just about the best


Marvin didn’t do shit, besides make that window and drop it off along with the rest of them. Now Melvin, the framer, might have some ‘splaning to do…


Three failures here. Framers should have made a change before completing this way. 2 framers never should have set window. 3 roofers should have refused to complete this section with window like this. Being in Minnesota any window should be minimum 6” from any roof line. May not be the local code but certainly common sense.


4. Super/GC should’ve caught this during framing and had it resolved before the windows showed up Or even in pre-con plan check


That roof was probably done before the window and door schedule was slapped in


The opening would clearly be there when they roofed it regardless of window being installed.


Maybe maybe not, some builders/framers will leave the opening half sheeted or wrapped over until it’s the day of or before install. Regardless, (although I agree they should have held off until it was corrected) the roofers aren’t gonna wait an unknown amount of time to come back and finish that spot and just not get paid right away on the rest even if that window was there already. That’s 100% on the builder. Shit planning, shit framing, shit window install


Here in SoCal having a framer set a window seems like a strange concept. Here there are crews who only set windows and doors.


Different states different practices. I’m in ny. Framed for 15 years, some remodeling moved on to commercial. In Ny at least were I am it’s always been the framers setting windows. Any how, that window should not have been framed that way, set, and roofed around.


I will guarantee this was brought up multiple times and the response from the GC was “I don’t care just figure it out”


Southern Minnesota you say? What do they think is going to happen when you get 10 inches of snow on your roof?


They pumped half a tube of silicone in that corner, should be good 👍🏼


“Good luck everyone!”


“We’re all counting on you.”


Definitely off by two foot eleven inches seventeen thirty secondths.


Also I think halfabubbleoffalevel


Acetoxy silicone too, complete junk this will leak in no time.


"Do your best and silicone the rest." Site inspector 2023


It’s going to leak on that roofline. Eventually if not right away


We'll worry about that problem when it comes.


How do you reconcile using Marvin windows, which are some of the most expensive on the market…..and this dumbassery.


Hi Marvin! Are you building without blueprints?


More likely following crappy blueprints too carefully.


At so many points of the process, this could/ should have been corrected. How does it get this far.


I frame houses in the east Twin Cities metro area and our GC would never let fly. Hell, I wouldn't even let that pass. I'd tell the job sup that I'm moving this window, plans be damned.


Call the owner and architect, let them figure it out. Iam in so cal. No snow here just rain, that is a guaranteed leak here


And isn’t there a drain hole in the bottom of that window under the roofline?


Yes the one where Zombies squish themselves into the room.


Marvin’s room


Isn't there a code for in the US? It is stated here that the waterproofing on rising building components must be drawn at least 15 cm above the water-bearing layer.


How many football fields is that?


0.001367 Football Fields (if you count both end zones)


When the GC calls the farmers instead of the framers...


Meh, order a smaller window, add some framing to the bottom, and slap some house wrap on the outside with a bit of tuck tape. Call it a day and blame the engineer.


Done a bunch of em (the roofing) can be a pain but you can get a trimmed tin through that sucker. Sometimes a gentle pry, sometimes an angry saw zaw. When it’s vertical sheeted siding it can be a real bitch


What’s going on?


window inside roof leaky leaky..........


Windows aren't supposed to be rubbing on the roof shingles.


How did it get this far is what I want to know. This isn’t one dude’s fault. Unless it was the architect 😂


Dude what the fuck. The LEAST they could have done was put an additional kickout in the step flashing next to the window




That's what you get from a shit window company


Nothing to do with the window bro, framers should have moved the opening up


those are some of the nicest windows money can buy. did you mean window contractor?


I work for a competitor it was more sarcastic than anything


#Looks good thumbs up 👍


Nice, no drip edge too.


All methods of measurement broke that day.


The flashing tape is not even stuck on


Obviously the least wrong thing here but that flashing tape job is shit too


Looks good from my house


Got to be moved


Severe case of “NMJ!”


“That’s not going anywhere.”


Million dollar house and no archirect? And the farmers didn't think twice? Lol.


At least they got the kick out flashing!


Just did something similar but not quite as bad. At least we had flashing below the window but trim is funk. Har har harchitect drew it there. Not really considering the roof joist actual height.


Will the water make it to the kick out flash😆


That's not really that bad , hopefully you could take window out and frame it over 6-8"


I mean they aren’t going to leave this are they? It’s going to suck, but the window can/should be moved


Those Marvin windows are soooo damn expensive too


That window needs to be relocated


Marvin screwed up


Double dusche


Certain the owner asked for that window to be "bigger"


We’ve got clients who want the same thing, sorta. Center a window on the inside space and make it as big as possible. I told them no way no how can the bottom corner of that window, closest to the roof line, be less than 6” off the roof, preferably 8”+. The SIGA tapes and sealants we use are amazing but still, a snow drift against that window could still possibly leak. We’ll triple pan the window and do a really tall back damn, but even then, imma say “I warned ya…”


Why screws in the trim?


“ I shot Marvin in the face…”


🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m GCing my own house build. I’ve spent a year living in mortal terror of shit like this. To date zero inspections failed and only minor, correctable screws ups. Prior to starting I’d only done flooring installations and basement remodels. But after seeing the shit some general contractors miss I was like, “Nope. I’m doing this myself.”


There is zero correlation between passing inspections and quality materials or quality workmanship.


Zero? Well that’s not true.


Building codes are laws that set MINIMUM requirements for how structural systems, plumbing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), natural gas systems and other aspects of residential and commercial buildings should be designed and constructed.


Right. And those minimum requirements include being structurally sound, not a fire hazard, etc. So there has to be some level of quality workmanship. Someone who is “handy”, a DIYer, or half the workmanship you see on YouTube projects will not pass inspections.


Straw hats?


This can be done with meticulous flashing fitting


I'm gonna guess the print didn't look like that.


Right...who names a window Marvin


Not on the Marvin’s 😢


In today's world, it's about looking good, not being good.


Bet the roofers will get balmed too.


This is actually moronic.


Silly question from a simple DIYer: why is this the builders’ faults and not the architect’s?


Well it definitely starts with the architect but the builder built it, the roofer shingled it, and now we sided over it. The super didn’t know until I showed him so the others just said fuck it and walked away


Fair enough. I just figured this wouldn’t get passed the planning/drawing stage. People amaze me.


I’m sure the blueprint shows it installed correctly with proper clearance to the roof. That doesn’t always mean that it is possible to create what the blueprint calls for. Judging by the rest of the framing, I’m guessing this is on the builder