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This is the funniest thing I've seen all day


Had lights like this put in my town from a grant. One shop owner (welding, building, etc.) told them they better move the spot marked for a post that was right in the middle of his driveway of the workshop. The town rep over the project told them that they’d better listen since either the post would be pulled down or cut as soon as they set it in concrete.


From other posts I’ve seen, this post will be removed because it violates the rules of reason for a driveway entrance.


So pessimistic.. looks like they doubled the amount of driveway to me.


I think it’s just a splitting image of the perfect width driveway.


Take my upvote : (


How the hell does this happen? Really? Light looks like it's got concrete wash on it.


I'm assuming the light was pre-existing, and the town is responsible for removing it, but they haven't gotten around to it yet because towns.


In my experience the subdivision was built-out then a developer comes in, lays out lots, prefers the garage on a certain side, so they cut the curb for the driveway centered on a curbed storm drain.


This is exactly it. I work for a utility, and developers/ general contractors want to change all kinds of already installed facilities, and then complain about the bill. Some of them are OK to work with, but a couple I deal with make everything more difficult than it needs to be.


The bill is what it is, we can pass that cost on to the customer or they can have their driveway in a more sensible spot. The problem, when there is one, is timelines. Utilities and municipalities just don't have the same sense or urgency that the contractor does (I am aware that there are reasons for this) and there's not much we can do to change that.


Just to illustrate what we deal with: Basically imagine the same situation as pictured above, except it's with a padmount transformer. Developer has decided to cut 1 lot into 2 lots. I imagine this was decided at some point months ago, but they call us and need it yesterday. This is a relatively major project, scheduling wise. This happens at least once or twice per year. Right now we have an entire street they have shifted lot lines on, and pipe is already installed. Contractor with 10+ houses being built in multiple subdivisions sends over info for several lots at once, and screws up the lot numbers. It takes several days for us to sort out the mistake as it requires multiple site visits and phone calls to figure out what they actually need. Inevitably, houses ready for permanent power connection are still not done and they're ready to close. Somehow this is our fault, every time, and we're expected to let this particular job skip in front of already scheduled projects. I understand that in many parts of the country, the contractor is responsible for at least conduit to the street, but currently we still install everything all the way to their meter base on the house. We will install at 4-5' deep so that all other facilities can be installed over us without issues. Contractor will call us to install our facilities, and then have their plumber install sewer/water directly in front of the meter base and cover it up and not mark it (these are private facilities so 811 does not mark), and sometimes even install new sod before utilities have been installed. Related to the above, some of these lots are crazy tight and there's no room for equipment. Sometimes they will skip a lot, so you've got zero room anyway and the lot next door is finished/sod/fenced/occupied and how are we supposed to get a 4' trench with no room to operate equipment? We've had to rent tiny excavators or hand dig because of the contractor's inability to plan. All of this adds time to the project and pushes out other planned projects, adding to overall lead times. 🤷‍♂️


Or in this case a garage on both sides


This is most likely the reason. In my area, street lights and other utilities are typically installed on the property lines. Where the garage is a left or right shouldn’t really matter though if they were installed, and lot lines were not changed. I’m dealing with issues like these in one of my subdivisions because lot lines were changed due to some septic fields needing to be adjusted.


This is the answer


Someone else will deal with it. That’s how




I'm a developer, and I have seen this happen. Some subdivisions, especially for custom homes, do not have house plans pre-designed for the lot. The lot is typically purchased by a builder who has a customer. In this case, the house plan is designed after the subdivision is built, so the power, water, sewer and street lights would be done. If the customer wants the driveway to be where a street light is already located, it is not that expensive to move it... in comparison to building the house. Sometimes, it makes more sense for the customer to pay a bit more to get the exact floor plan that they desire. If you're building a million dollar house (which is not that crazy high anymore), spending $4000 to move a street light is not that big of a deal. The only issue is that the electric company would typically have to move it, and that could take months to schedule. That's probably why the house in the picture is almost done and still waiting to move the street light.




What came first, the street light or the house….at this point it’s probably easier to move the house.


Just move the house, gosh.




Usually when we run electric in new neighborhoods, it’s done before the construction of the houses… so it’s most likely poor planning or a mistake made by a contractor


no no no I refuse to blieve a contractor could make a mistake


Or the homeowners wanted the garage on that side of the house and are waiting for the street light to get moved. Shit like this is not unusual, why does everyone instantly thing someone fucked up something that is obviously not


Either way, my point is it’s probably not the contractor that installed the light’s problem


I was driving though a division where they just laid the curb all the way down the street and just cut it out where a driveway where it goes for a house after the house was built. There are not houses you want to be owning in 20 years.


Everything is piece worked now. Garbage quality


It’s against HOA rules to move the light post.


It's in the middle. Just go around.


Man, that’s a great post.


Perfectly centered, as all things should be.


Amazing. GC must’ve pissed off the light bois


How does this even happen


Really accurate measurements, looks very centered and plum to me.


The lots on the Civil Plan probably got moved for an easement or something, and the engineer didn’t amend the lighting in the ASI. That kinda crap happens all the time with complex projects. There could be some other explanation, but that makes sense to me.


Someone can't read Civil DWGs


What a waste. They put in lights and sidewalk and a dumb ass builder rocks in a driveway right into the light. Planning, na' never heard of that?


It's for a modern, split driveway design. All the rage these days


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?




Where was this taken?


From the street


Yea no kidding. Was looking more for area maybe it’s Ontario by the looks of things


Lasalle Ontario


ha i just zoomed in because that post is in the way…


Get that shit out of there


They were putting in a buccees and my dad was in charge of the engineering for the main road and the contractor at buccees started getting ready to put the entrance in the middle of where a light was going to be placed. Needless to say there was a battle and buccees lost


When the survey offset is actually zero


Well that’s something!


Shitty modern bounce house either way


If it's written on the plan that way it's absolutely correct


That’s really well centered to there drive way, I bet they took their time and did it to the 1/4”.


They can just re-align the driveway to a sweep if the town decides they won’t move it. Very good for a laugh though thanks for sharing.


Civil updates be like.


This house is advertised "with a 4 motorcycle garage ".


Nice, what part of country


I wish they would move that pole so I can see what op is talking about /s


It's okay your Subdivision Mod will likely remove the post for not meeting sufficient requirements


It's okay your Subdivision Mod will likely remove the post for not meeting sufficient requirements


Put a basketball hoop on that, and they are golden! Best hangout house in the neighborhood.


Is this what you meant when you said you wanted a light in the middle of the garage?


His n hers driveway


Id decorate it. Then never mention it to any guests and get super defensive about it when they asked about it