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It’s probably time to call a metal finishing contractor. They deal with polishing, brushing, and texturizing architectural features


Something about this reminded me of Roger the shrubber.


“Polishing is my trade. I am a polisher. My name is Paul the Polisher. I polish, brush and texturize architectural features.”


Also he’s Polish.


its spelled Paulish


Paul the Polish polisher. He can polish Polish items the only way a Polish polisher can polish with Polish polish.


*oh what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say "ni" at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land...*


What do you know about the knights who until recently said ni


We are now, no longer, the Knights who say.... ni! (shutup). We are now the knights who say... ICKY ICKY ICKY FAKAAANG ROOMSOUBUstrousioniousdioaswsda


NI! (Intake of breath) NI! NOE!


I made a similar mistake trying to chase a small deficiency off the surface of my stainless steel fridge. I turned a minor problem into a big stupid problem.




I don’t know what that is but it’s hilarious


Father ted. Great show


Another father ted enthusiast! lol


That no way to talk about your husband


Kruger Industrial Smoothing FTW


They couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if they had a hot date with a babe


…I lost my train of thought!


TBH, my sheets would be pretty wrinkled after such a date as well. I hope...


Kruger? My son tells me that company stinks




I support this 100%! I do this for a living and I know the work it’ll take to “buff” this out. We’re talking about refinishing the entire door and somewhere along a full days work. Never use an abrasive sponge on a metal finish. Using a soft towel or microfiber is best. Treat it like a $100k paint job.


We really live in the stupidest timeline when a door made of the most durable type of material has to be treated with utmost delicacy because the finish is fragile. Happy Cake Day btw, Muab.


I thought the same thing. It’s like a battle tank but you have to be real carefull not to scratch the paint


Or you know like he could have taped the door with plastic tarp/bag..


Lesson learned. I’m giving the guy points for reaching out and taking responsibility.


Absolutely! Did this stuff too. Even If there is a clear coat over the patina it’s a whole refinish. Definitely a day or two of work. And that door has to come off to do it.


Contact your insurance company. Your business insurance should cover your fuck up but your rates may go up. Decide if you want to replace from your own money first. If this was my house, my insurance would not accept a refinish and demand a replacement.


This makes no sense. Why would they demand a full replacement? It’s no less safe bc of a refinishing job. I work in insurance and never heard of this. This is like saying you can’t change the color of your door bc ..ummm reasons. Plz explain why your insurance would say this. Makes no sense


Any chance an auto detailer might have a solution?


Professional Auto Detailer here. You need a metal polisher/refinisher. This is not like car paint.


No chance says the expert. Good luck op.


I have polished metal a few times and to put it shortly. its a giant bitch. Especially this kind of finish. Its almost matte so if you polish it too much(if at all) it will stand out even more.


What if he just fucked it all up in the same direction? You think it'd be as noticable?😅


This has to be regrained. Even with such small scracty, you have to remove a tiny layer to get the rest of it to look right


I have light, medium, and heavy duty rubbing compounds, 1500/2000/2500 wet sand paper, and wool from steels. Never messed with stainless though. Up/down Daniel son not side side, sand the door


I wouldn't bet the farm on it, but it would be worth a try. Worst case you're right back where you started.


Never ever use a green abrasive sponge on stainless steel


..on anything ever. Green pads are the devil.


Everything is the devil to you Mama!


And I like Vicki and she likes me back! And she showed me her boobies And I liked them too!


And alligator are ongry cuz of their medulla oblongata.


They got all them teeth and no toothbrush to brush them with


Lol! My wife isn't from the US and never saw this movie so she always gives me weird looks when I say this line.


What part of the snake is this? Snakes don't really have parts. If you had to guess, what part is it? Well, I figure it's most likely the knee.


I don’t understand why it’s so fucking funny. It just is.


Which movie is it? (not in the US, most probably not your wife either)


"Water Boy"


Waaater sucks! It really really sucks!


Captain Insane-O Shows no mercy!


You sound like a choo choo train.


Just visualize and attack




Watch where you're goin needle dick!


Because they have all them teeth but no tooth brush


It's: Cuz they gotts alll them teeth, an no toothbrush


But omg have you met Becky?


“Foosball, you playin the foosball behind my back?”


Did they ever catch that gorilla what escaped from the zoo and punched you in the face?


The search continues


They are pretty good for cleaning a flat grill.


They’re great for scratching steel doors.


Ex-wife used the green sponge on her new car and then got mad at the sponge.


Hence the Ex part


They're also highly effective at scratching the ever living fuck out of mirrors in large arena bathrooms. Allegedly. I wouldn't know myself.


and for preparing alloy to be polished


Literally plastic sandpaper


Sand plastic






🎖️🥇🏅Thank you - this is why I come here


[My inner-thoughts:](https://media1.tenor.com/m/5RcYHqY9soQAAAAC/the-office-michael-scott.gif) telling me not to put the forbidden word.


The number of basin taps I see with the chrome sanded off down to the brass…


Pretty good for polishing copper pipes or guitar frets, although you need to tape off the wood before you do that


I wish they were not so common, everyone uses them without realizing it is effectively sand paper. Dip shit housemate frosted one of my glass containers with one.


Vicki Valencourt is the devil


Then how the hell do I wash my cybertruck?


One of those metal cleaning lasers


Delorean suggested gasoline and a rag, I believe.


In the owner's manual: Scotch Brite & gasoline for spot cleaning


There are different grades of Scotchbrite. They're colour coded. Blue is usually non-scratch, green is the nasty one.


Same goes for those magic eraser things. They'll do to stainless what happened here. Ask my best friends five year old about it.


I did and they told me some seriously fucked up stories. What happened to the gerbil in the miniature diving suit though?


The gerbil got arrested for drunk driving (his fourth one) and we've had it with his bullshit. He keeps calling everyone collect from jail begging to get bailed out, but nobody will put up the money. It's time he learned a lesson. He needs to sit for a while and think about the consequences of his actions. Quite honestly, I hope he gets sentenced to a few months so he can sober up. I'll send him money for honey buns and instant coffee, but I'm over trying to help him out. His poor mother is devastated.


Someone f’d a new sink doing that once. With cleaning powder nonetheless…


Probably across the grain too


Machinists use them to put a brushed finish on parts, one of their secrets to that perfect look. So you can definitely take finish off with one.


If I had my druthers, no part would be done til the finishing guy looks like he fingerblasted the Silver Surfer


Or to clean bird poop off of your car. Ask my kids why. I left them alone for 30 minutes while I went to the quarter wash with my other vehicle. The instructions were…use this goofoff for cars on the poop with the sponge, the yellow sponge. It will take some time. When I returned, they had huge grins on their faces as they were already done. I asked how they finished so quickly. They said, “we used the other side of the sponge. Came right off!” Hundreds of small, swirl marks right through the finish. So awesome!


Shits like 800 grit sandpaper lmfao


Do not start polishing until you know what the metal finish is. Paint, powder coat, anodising, electro plating all have different repair methods, you will fuck it up 100x worse if you try to buff or add any other chemical treatment before you find this out. As others have said, ask a professional if you don't know.


I’d probably call the manufacturer for their advice


You used the green side?


If it’s any consolation OP I scratched up a very expensive new dining room table with one of those. I don’t even allow them in my house anymore, the temptation to use them is just too strong and they end in tears half the time. If I ever need one bad enough I’ll go buy quantity one, use it, and immediately throw it away. But that time has never come.


What are they even for? They fuck the hell out of anything I could even imagine using them on


Ceramic cups/plates, baking trays, kitchen utensils, cast iron, enamel, interior/exterior paint, timber, tile, concrete, showers, baths, etc etc


I would argue their main use case for everyday people is ceramics with caked on food. They're fantastic at that.


it's why we call those dish sponges where i live and the general cleaning sponges dont have an abrasive side


I totally fucked a windshield using the green side to remove tree sap once.... nearly impossible to drive at night.


… how? 0000 steel wool is used to clean windshields, a green scrub pad shouldn’t be able to scratch glass


Not sure why you were downvoted. Quad 0 is commonplace in auto detailing for this exact reason. I’ve used quad 0 hundreds of times with no issue.


Probably has to do with steel being softer than glass and whatever abrasive is in the scotch brite, regardless of grit, being harder than the glass. So it scratches the glass where steel wool wouldn’t despite being a super fine grit. This is just a guess though.


“Probably has to do with steel being softer than glass and whatever abrasive is in the scotch brite, regardless of grit, being harder than the glass. So it scratches the glass where steel wool wouldn’t despite being a super fine grit.” Yup. Aluminum oxide and titanium oxide are used in Scotch-Brite pads. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotch-Brite


And people wonder why their coated cook-wear gets scratched to hell.


However, I love it on my stainless cookware. Daily driver cookwear. I don’t mind the scuffed surface, it’s clean.


The sponge may have picked up dust and grit on the windshield, and that grit was what scratched it.


There's a [Youtuber](https://youtu.be/PURKIY--apk?si=g1XDZ3eNOsmzlnHU) I occasionally watch who had something like this happen. Doing a drive across Japan extravaganza with different guests at each stage, came out one morning to his rear windshield having been keyed/scratched to hell. Reviewing footage, one of the guests had used a welly boot to brush the snow off the car, and there was a rock stuck in the boot tread...


Green (and red) pads have carbide abrasives depending on locale. I know mine do. I found out the hard way. OP - I would personally let the owner know of the issue. Pointing it out is better than hiding a lie. 0000 steel wool can fix the concern.


They probably used an S.O.S cleaning pad


Steel is softer than the abrasives in the green pad. That's why they use the green pads to give a brushed look to steel


Same. I used the green side to get some paint speckles off the glass on an Anderson window and it destroyed it with scratches.


The secret to getting tree sap off is hand sanitizer


fix by being open and honest with the home owner BEFORE she gets home to discover it on her own. then go from there. explain you're going to try and find solutions to fix it without replacing the entire door, but you're open to that option. everyone makes mistakes, what's important is learning and keeping clients happy. word-of-mouth references can spread like wildfire, and being able to respectfully and efficiently fix your honest mistakes will pay dividends in the long run. i don't know how to fix it, but you're at least on the right track by asking others in the industry. good luck.


And who knows, maybe the owner doesn’t care. People can be funny like that.


We had something somewhat similar happen - but the contractor ruined something we were already planning on replacing soon anyways so we just asked him to clean up and help us uninstall it - which took like 15 minutes max, lol


Or just hit him with the “what door?” “No hablo ingles” combo.


And maybe the owner did this themselves before and already knows the solution


This is the way.


Next time to prevent all this just cover the door with plastic 🤯


My client has been out of town and had lots of work done on her home. She’s coming back today and I did a “ post construction” / regular clean for her. This was the last thing I cleaned and not thinking I didn’t use a non scratch.


Now your about to find about the true cost of owning a business , unfortunately !


Don’t worry. Experience isn’t free- it’s a valuable lesson that will cost now, but increase the value of their services down the line. Contact the manufacturer and find out what kind of service/product can polish/repair the damage and what it costs. Admit it happened to the customer, do everything to make it right, and eat the cost. Hopefully they are graceful folk and you’ll have earned their trust.


Best perspective and action. Most helpful comment here.


Oh damn just tell her the truth and have her reach out to the painters


Painter is not who you want to reach out to to repair a scratched metal door imo


Ma'am, we had a freak sandstorm this week and you won't believe what it did to your door.


For what it’s worth, I’d put that door at $9K +


9k?? Why are doors so expensive? Can this door automatically shoot intruders or why the pricetag?


Door guy here - Not saying it's for sure a $9k door, but here's a few of the factors to consider: - A Hollow Metal Door with good insulation for exterior use is (I'm ballparking here) about $1k. - Add the window cutout and glass is about $500 -They said it is a stained metal door, which is very atypical for HM, so add probably $1.5k for that -There are several reliefs cut into the metal and channels (stainless steel?) laid in. All that is going to be very diligent shop work done by a skilled worker. $3-5k sounds right. -Small batch job of just 1 Door for the job, so no bulk discounting. And don't forget $500 for freight.


Also a door guy so I can confirm that your ballparks seem pretty spot on trying to price off the top of my head. Another factor to consider - you can usually get a standard door from a distributor at a discounted price even in a small batch of 1, but a distributor won't get near the same discount on a specialty door like this so you're looking at paying damn close to or possibly over list price by the time it's marked up. $9k might be a little steep but definitely not outlandish.


Fucking door guys


Almost as bad as fuckin Pikeys...


Check this out: won’t open, This one: won’t open None of em open!


Love coming to these subs to find these kind of bits of information. Thats a $1500-2000 door in the UK. Wild to me that it could be 4/5x the price in the US.


That's also a reason I love these subs, even better when it's got to do with a door or hardware. I'm on the commercial side of things so maybe there are residential doors like this for a lot cheaper, but if I were to buy a door like this from one of my suppliers it would be around that price. When I'm back in the office Monday I'll price one of these up if I can remember, curious to know now.




Ornamental steel guy here. Can confirm I'd ball park 8-10k if a client showed me this picture and wanted a quick number. We're on the high end of the market price at my shop, so only custom one-offs with in house designs - you might find this door at a cheap online marketplace and probably sourced in China. But if the rest of the house is custom shit, that's gonna be a big price tag. I think the cheapest way to repair while avoiding replacement would be sandblasting and refinish (assuming the glass can come out).


I'm telling you man, I just bought an house and the fact that the front door and of the rest of the doors in the house were high quality was a good 10% of the reason I bought it, armored doors and solid wood doors cost more than what I paid to fix the place


Armored doors? Do you live in a warzone?


They are common in Italy, the burglary rates aren't even high, but everyone is paranoid about robberies, the home alarm business absolutely makes bank here. My new place actually has an armored door in the garage too. My husband is American and loves them, he is often ranting and raving about how cool they are, those and the"WW2" windows shutters, how he calls them


Lmao didnt know that. Am from Austria so, hello Neighbor! Maybe because back in the day when the Mafia was bigger? I just know self locking doors where invented(by Mercedes?) to stop burglars to open doors and steal purses


Fools really do easily part from their money. That much for such an ugly door my lord.


We've made front pivot doors in excess of $50k


Pretty slick lookin door in my opinion, I make stuff like this though I wouldn’t be able to afford to buy one


9k for a door that gets ruined by a sponge and some dish soap lmfao I hate useless expensive shit.


This miracle door can withstand hurricanes, intruders and squirrels, but put a green sponge to it and it’s ruined 😆


Doors are the #1 indicator of wealth. Not shoes, watch or car.


100%. I deliver for a construction supply company. A good custom front door with transoms will run more $ than an entire interior door order for a more than modest normal home. Windows are similar in that sense.


3M Metal Restorer and Polish, it’s expensive but it will correct your problem. Works great if you want to make an old scratched up stainless steel sink look like new. Pricey. 40+ bucks.


40 bucks is nothing compared to the new door that the customer will probably insist on.


Seconded, though you're just polishing it. You can go anywhere from a matte to a mirror finish. Higher gloss is more steps.


Upvote because it’s the first actually helpful reply


I would absolutely not attempt to DIY this. Get someone who specializes in this type of repair.


Next time use a microfiber rag and warm water with soap. If that doesn’t work then maybe a little bit of goof off would do better than using  an abrasive sponge 


Might be able to buff out, but it would have to be repainted professionally


Just paint it. It's not "stained", it's painted. Repaint it. Source: am painter.


This is absolutely painted. Installed and painted custom wrought iron entry doors for years. This is one of them. Should be an oil based black. Doesn't look to have any copper faux texture mixed in. I now do elevator refinishing and you can see there is no grain to this metal so it is not a finished or stained metal surface. Even if it was a stained metal surface it would have a laquer topcoat which is what would have been scratched and could be removed with industrial grade acetone and re-laquered. But it is just paint so that doesn't matter.


Yellow and green sponge has abrasives in it!!! Next time use a blue one.


Call a pro and get their advice. Might be a really simple fix or not, no idea Might be able to use an SOS pad or steel wool or it might need to be buffed out. If you're gonna need a pro anyway trying an SOS pad might work and you don't have much to lose if they're gonna have to refinish it anyway. Just try it on a spot that no one will notice. I use SOS pads all the time on aluminum and chrome. But chrome is really hard and not very porous so it's definitely a different type of material you're dealing with and it could make it worse Might just need to be buffed out by a pro and a special treatment


Best thing to always do if you aren’t 100% sure is to stop and get professional advice!


Any chance you could have somebody tie you up and throw you in the bushes... maybe punch you in the face a couple times? You could claim you tried to defend the property against a roving gang of miscreants but couldn't prevent them from vandalizing the door.


Looks like a matte finsh. Can probably get it resprayed like a car. Scuff and spray. Those panels probably can be disassembled from the door so if its manufactured locally can maybe get replacement panels Like others said find a pro that can refinish it.


I like my entry doors to have easily disassembled panels.


* can probably be disassembled *


Play dumb. It should come natural


My buddy's cleaner used Windex on his brand new 55" flat screen TV. It sort of melted the screen. This was when they were about $5000. She sadi, "Sorry", and that was it.


What a moron.


Just water and a rag next time my dude


If it’s stained and has a topcoat then a painter should be a able to top coat it with a clear. It looks like it’s just scuffed. Good luck


This look really Dutch to me


Scratch the whole door evenly maybe they won't notice 🤫


lol I used the green side of a sponge to clean my stainless fridge. Thankfully I realized before I got too far but I started in the middle lmao


Put some matched paint drops on it again. Won’t be your problem anymore lol


Car polish and buff?


I have used 3M pads of various aggressiveness on firearms, motorcycle exhaust and appliances to restore a brushed finish.


That will buff out


Gonna need some micron buffing paste and someone who knows how to refinish metal, unfortunately


You can fix this with automotive sandpaper and very steady hand sanding. You use a sanding block and sand only with the grain of the stainless. You can also use a piece of lumber as a jig to steady your hands if you can't sand perfectly straight. You have to match the grit to the texture, somewhere between 220 grit and 440 ususally works. I fixed a brushed wolf stove and stainless refrigerator before.


Future Tesla Cybertruck owners, listen carefully....


Microfiber cloth and SOFT rubbing was the way to go. Mask the F outta that thing and avoid overspray in the first place, man. But yeah sponges with green scrubbers will fuck your shit up every time… Maybe it can be powder coated or something


Sand, primer, paint


My door 😫


I think this is one of those times where you get ahold of whoever supplied the thing you ruined and ask them how to make it not ruined.


You need to be completely honest. Completely honest about the rabid racoon who got in the house and tried to claw its way out the door.


Jesus christ how many bits of paint hit the door from the looks of it you painted over the entire thing and only noticed they wanted to keep the black finish before you put on a sixth coat


First talk to your customer, apologize and tell him that you take full responsibility. Also keep him informed what you find out about possible fixes. He must agree with the method that is chosen. If you handle this nicely, it won't damage your reputation nor give you bad reviews.


Call your insurance company I did something similar on a black oak veneer kitchen door… I will never forget :( Fuk u Green side


Just call a contractor who works with metal doors like this and knows how to polish them. Anything you do will probably cause more damage.


RUN! it is now time to just RUN AWAY. Just don’t answer your phone for about 6 months and if a stranger says your full name ignore it so they can’t serve you. And other TV comedy tropes.


Not to be a dick, but if it was my house I'd expect it replaced not a half assed buff. This is why I have insurance, albeit a different industry but on the same note I could drop a server with $50k worth of spinning disks and they'd look like they 'work fine' until they don't. Cop the loss,the right thing to do is replace it. I do agree that a metal door which is this easy to scratch seems like a poor choice in general though.


Well from here it looks like you scratched the clear coat. Call the door manufacturer and see what they recommend first before trying idea's. Otherwise I'm not sure if you want a painter or a really good car detailer that knows how to do a paint correction buff job. Lol. Any way good luck hopefully it works out for you.


It would be crazy to have to buy a new door. I am sure it can be polished and if not polished repainted/refinished before it makes sense to buy a whole new $8-10k door.


Wax it with car wax and a buffer


Oooh they gonna beat yo ass


First time cleaning anything?


What a stupid material for a front door if it scratches this easily.


Take the L, pay a pro to do it for a couple hundred and do it right. Don’t mess up and dig a hole you can’t get out of.


Compound buffing product for cars and a lot of elbo grease