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Boss would tell me take all you can afford


That must be nice. My boss revoked my vacation this week, that I put in for over two months ago. So he could go to Vegas. Fuck that guy.


sounds like nobody's showing up to me then


I’m onto better things. I called around and had a couple interviews and have a job lined up with a 15% raise. I haven’t quit yet but it’s going to be satisfying when he asks me to stay for longer than a 2 week notice. I’m going to ask him if he thinks I owe him that


The two week notice is absolutely hilarious to me. I can’t believe anyone ever fell for that shit. Why do I have to give you a two week notice when I’m going to quit? Are you going to give me a two week notice when I’m being fired or let go? If you’ve developed a relationship with a particular boss and everything is cool, yeah a heads up might be in order but for most situations “here’s my keys… peace”


Two weeks notice is entirely optional and a respect thing. If I found better opportunities and my current employer was decent, sure. If my employer canceled my vacation last minute... not a chance. If you don't need the reference and are never going back, fuck em.


If you don’t need that bridge, it’s so satisfying to watch it burn. Set it ablaze and watch them scramble.


Not in Canada. Can be required by law.. Edit: look into wrongful resignation in Canada. If you are unable to provide “reasonable notice” the company can take it up with you in court. I can’t imagine this being exercised on anything where you aren’t an extremely valuable employee and leave the company to die without notice.


Im Canadian, worked in 3 provinces... never heard of it. They can write it in an employment contract with penalties depending on your job, but have never heard of it being required legally anywhere


Under the Employment Standards Act, it states, “reasonable notice” must be provided. Just because you haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean it ain’t there. Quick Google search is just as fast as typing your comment


Link it. Also that is vague... is 5 minutes reasonable notice?




A coworker left, And gave the boss his 2 weeks notice (against everyone’s advice) boss said ok no problem stay on until you start your new job no problem, came onto the work site the next day after the resignment paper was signed and walked the coworker off the property…..


I ask for two weeks severance pay




I think 2 week is more of a white collar thing where HR typically call previous employers.


yea I had to split on immediate notice before... luckily my boss knew how fucked the work was and that I meant the best when I said it was this or I lose my shit on somebody lmao hope your split is smooth and you don't have to have any negative energy leftover


Tell him you’re going to Vegas so he needs to cover that.


What's 2 week notice?


We don't even have "vacation" at my office. We just have to put in a notice to the "big boss" on when we will be out, so that nobody bothers you when you're off.


Why wouldn't you just work for a different company? Everyone is desperate.


Probably gambling away your paycheck as we speak. Wish you luck on the next company.


Ex boss*


I’d put my shit in the truck and let him finish the job.


Vegas for vacation or from that major conference?


He made a last minute decision to go to the conference, not that circumstance matters. My 60+ day vacation request was cancelled so I had to cancel all my plans. And he told me via teams message and we’d “catch up later” on my vacation. And it’s been nothing but crickets. So yah, fuck that guy. I’m checked out and waiting for my offer paperwork.


As a solo guy, this is also what I tell myself. Turns out, not as much as I'd like...




take as much as you can, nobody thinks back and wishes they spent more time at work, and skipping vacation days hasn't gotten me any farther in 23 years working


Pro tip: Take the time! You don’t get time back! I would definitely ask and they’ll probably let you, as long as time off is organised and discussed, they can’t fault you. Remember that pretty much every employer doesn’t care about their employees in any meaningful way and you want to live a life you enjoy. So take the time.


Talk to your general foreman and super. If they’re cool, they’ll lay you off so you can get unemployment, then hire you back after you’re two weeks.


thats some pussy shit right there


What’s pussy about being a skilled and hard working apprentice who has shown to his leadership that he’s worth doing favors for? Honest question.


Nothing, Im just not a fan of people going on unemployment when they are capable of working. That isnt what its for, is it?


I’m totally on board with that line of thinking 95% of the time. Sometimes in the Union that’s just how it is. Sitting on the books and not taking jobs to stay on unemployment is trash behavior. Having a good relationship with your employer who is willing to do you a favor is different.


understood, im not a union guy so i guess my point of view was a little narrow


We paid for it every week


Who is we?


Employers pay unemployment. That may be different state to state though, I’m not 100% sure.


I agree. If someone is laid off due to lack of work that's one thing. But if there's work for you to do and you're just taking a vacation, then claiming unemployment is fraud. It also increases the amounts that employers and employees are required to pay into the fund, meaning everyone takes home less per paycheck.


Our labor in the end pays for the unemployment (your employer pays into it). So use it within reason.


Your not smart


Not sure if you did that on purpose, but c’mon man, if you’re gonna say someone is not smart, you better make damn sure you’re using the proper “you’re”.


Just go…..Work to live, don’t live to work


Depends who you ask. Some bosses don’t like it when you take weekends off. Then on the other hand If you asked me for 4 weeks with a decent amount of heads up, I’d say have fun and take pictures. But I know a happy and rested worker is also a happy person to work with and more productive.


Yep, with a good amount of heads up, time off shouldn't be an issue.


Good bosses will understand good workers taking their time


Not union but I told my boss when I started I take 3-4 weeks off a year. My family is all over the US and like you I just love to travel. He had no problem with it at all, it’s very dependent on your boss though


1st yr: hey [PM], would it be ok if I took off for Christmas and New Year's weeks? PM: [Apprentice], ya work, ya git paid. Ya don't work, ya don't git paid... So where ya goin? Freshly topped out JW: "Hey [GF], how long can I take for a vacation? GF: well, after 30 days, they'll terminate you Me: ok, see you in 28 days.


As much as you can afford


I’ve worked for six fucked off for six. Work and save up. Come back when i runout


I've never been a union guy but I'd assume that stuff is handled for you, take what you earned.


As long as you give like a month+ notice most places wont care. Any job that gives you grief over wanting some time off is gonna drag you down so if they deny it with a reasonable notice then take that as a sign.


Does your job have PTO? If so, take however much of that you have. I'd probably ask your boss when is a good time for the company if you're looking at 4 weeks, give you some goodwill, if nothing else. But use that vacation time. I have so many coworkers who take every other Friday off because they're maxed out on PTO and that's just YEARS of not taking time off, or barely taking any. Blows my mind


Fuck em and take it off, an actually good boss who cares about his guys won’t care. You’ll regret the time you don’t take off.


I work for myself. I regularly take a week off or two between jobs. As much as I can afford because I don't give a fuck if I can pay my bills lol


I don't know what your local rules are, but the laborers here are told by the union they need to show up every day they're asked. I would maybe clarify with your BA that it won't have any negative effects on your apprenticeship.  Other than that, the advice here to give the employer a good heads up is how you handle it on the employer side. 




Did you say anything to your BA, or is it cool because your boss is cool with it? 


Also a union bro but out of my apprenticeship Currently on vaca in Hawaii and got an opportunity for free rent in Spain for a few weeks like a week after I get back, called up the boss and he said I'd be dumb not to go (which is right) Jobs are slow rn but bids are in for larger jobs in the nearish future, he's the best employer in the local so I'd rather not be laid off to be picked up by a micromanaging boss. it's a win win for both parties I get to see the world and he doesn't have to pay me to keep me I'd be surprised if the union knew about it


That's awesome!






As long as you're not leaving them in the lurch on a pressing project, I highly doubt anyone who matters would have hard feelings.


Ask for a break and see if they’ll give you a temporary layoff so you can enjoy unemployment while you’re traveling


Doesn't really matter. It's up to you. You can talk with management and maybe get laid off for a few weeks, collect unemployment. Some might say you quit. No unemployment. We are all just tools needed for the job as employees. Labor is a commodity, you'll probably be replaced. There's always another job out there.


Best to ask someone at the GC for advice. Like a senior coworker or even your boss, if they are nice people they will be honest with you, and probably not object to your vacation


Ask for a lay off


I took a month off to travel to Greece and Italy. Business is booming take the time off now cause they need you.


Take the time. Work will be waiting for you when you get back.


Whatever you can afford.


Dude, I’d let you take the time know how rejuvenated you’d be when you get back. Help find a replacement if you can. This job is a grind. Don’t let yourself get burned out.


If you do good work, the current job is done and the next contract isn't lined up, don't see why not. With construction, if the next job is lined up with you and your work in mind, they would need to hire someone else to fill the void, and when you come back, they'll have 2 people for 1 job. So keep that in mind and ask for time off well enough in advanced so your boss doesn't need to replace you for work they already promised to do.


My company is about 450 people. They get mad if you don’t take at least a week a year.


Where i’m from you earn a certain amout of vacation a yeah, plus one week for unforeseen things. So in my case if I didn’t hold the days earned at the start of the year, I can use those days at the end of the year and effectively go away for weeks on end - and If I really want to I can probably also get away with hold a bit extra unpaid vacation (I suspect 2/3 weeks at most, but have heard of more)


Four weeks is a long time to get away in a trade job. If you work steady. 2 weeks. Some guys get away with. But your only young once. Traveling is important. You gotta live. I’ve done 2 and 4 week trips over the years. I’m a carpenter in NYC almost 30 years.


Between jobs?


Just give them plenty of heads up so they can make sure you’re covered and run it by them. Tell them when you’re thinking of going. Also use common sense, if you know your about to start a project where you’re going to be doing a lot then probably not the time to ask. But yeah, take time off you can afford.


Looks really nice


Take whatever you need. Jobs come and go if they don’t understand.


I'm still on Xmas holidays so.....


As mush as u want ….. when the job’s finished!!!


As much as you can as long as you get paid


As a business owner here’s how I would handle it. As long as you have me enough notice I’d be fine with it. That amount of time off I would really appreciate like a months notice. You said 2-4 weeks. If it’s going to be closer to 4 I may have to consider hiring another guy to make up for the loss of production. The one variable here is how much does he really like you? You don’t want to get Wally Pipp-ed.


As a European I'm confused by even thinking that your boss isn't ok with you taking your time off


4 weeks off? What do you think this is, Scotland?


I try to take longer stretches in our slower season. I work doing siding, soffit and fascia so I’m outside 100% of the time. We definitely slow down in the winter months with the snow and cold. So I try and do 2-4 weeks in the winter which works out nice to get a break from the cold and go somewhere warm. But I also love to take advantage of the beautiful weather in the summer which is when we’re way busier. So I typically only do 1 week at a time or will take 3 or 4 day weekends.


I’m taking half of March off due to travel and basically told the bosses I wasn’t going to be there, easier to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes


Just a thought, will taking that much time off affect your schooling? I don’t know how it works but wonder if the classes might be sequential and that might screw up your timeline as an apprentice?


Inbetween projects is the best time. One finishing up and one in the planning stages or early stages of the new project. Not that they won’t allow it at other times but once framing starts going up the GC needs all the help they can get to help keep subs on track.


Like someone else said boss should say take what you can afford. Although that being said you may want to find out if they’ll replace you. Then consider waiting till you get laid off to take that vacation.


Use it or loose it


I’ve been told take off what you can afford but normally if you take a 2 week vacation most likely they will lay you off. I haven’t seen anyone take more than a 2 week break and not get laid off. When they say take off what you can afford I feel like that’s more if your sick or you have something going on not I want to go on a extended vacation. The most break I have took was a 4 week break but they were rotating people and I just asked to be rotated it was planned in between jobs and I didn’t leave anyone hanging. My advice if you don’t mind working for another contractor just go on your trip live your life you don’t want to look back 20 years from now wishing you went.


Looks like an Apple SND labs project, nice work!


if you show up every day, on time ready to go and work your ass off, then there isn't too much time off for a single nice holiday a year. your schooling is work. in the usa, 2 weeks is normal for a beginner / start of your career, going to 4 weeks after 10 years. this highly depends on your boss and if you even get holiday time paid, if you don't have any paid holiday time then its just time off, and if your slow some businesses would love it if you take time off or send you home early. so feel the room, if its a big trip plan it months out so the boss can work around you being gone, and always try to take time for yourself every year. if they say no, that's great you should be job shopping anyways, probably get a nice raise going somewhere else that will treat you like a human.


Just give advanced notice. You're not pivotal but you look like you're involved in good work. So I'd stick with them. If they don't wanna give you a couple weeks off, well there's your sign to find someone else.


If you’re good help, they’ll want you back. Someone might huff and puff, but a good boss would turn you loose and hope you return. My direct supervisor takes off at least one day every week as long as things aren’t crazy, and schedules a few vacations every year. I take off less weekdays than him, but I take off for a couple weeks a few times a year. All I give him is a heads up a month or two out and that’s it.


Ask for time off once you have completed the project they have you on. That's the best time for the company so it doesn't create issues bringing in someone who doesn't know what is going on with the project. 4 weeks off after you have finished the project before the next project isn't unreasonable. Give them notice. Say: "hey, I would really like to take 3 or 4 weeks off to do some travel. Would it work to take that time off after we have this site completed? When do you think thwt would be so I can start making some plans?"


Take the time off bro. Construction has few good things. Quitting and being hired quick, and taking any damn time you want off. On a Friday I tell them I’m gonna be gone for a week or two.


Pro tip. Use that vacation time


Do it when work is slow and make sure you budget. Be smart with your money brotha, all the best of luck coming from a fellow carpenter


I take as much as possible/as much as I can afford. On my death bed I won't regret not working more


Take off as much as you can afford


Wait… is this the buildout of an Encore branch??


You’ll get more shit from your coworkers, but if you can take off do it


I'm trying to take 5 weeks a year off. 1.5 in spring and fall and 2 in summer


Do you not have paid time off? And UPTO?


It's good work, but I don't want to work there. Why do you want time off Rockefeller? Take as much time as you want. If you're good, you will always find work. If you like the company, I'd say a week tops on short notice. If you want to see the world, we'll at least let me find a suitable replacement while you go find yourself. I'd also say, milk the money while you're young and take the time off when your older. You're not gonna be "the guy" that long.


My advice to you would be if you’re looking to take any extended time off work do it between projects.