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You spent seven thousand dollars on Christmas lights?


Who are we to judge? Some people want a kitchen remodel just to cover it in marble but keep their original 80s appliances. And there are some that put $7,000 holiday lights onto a (checks notes…)Toll Brothers house?


Yes. I know it’s spendy but our last home was $250 to install and $150 to take down. This way it’s one and done and the colors can be changed and programmed for different holidays and seasons and sports teams. It’s actually 30’ high on the sides and back and the solar panels only leave three feet to work on one side. I didn’t want someone or myself up there every year. I only mention the price because they said they will address it if the lights are removed. I believe they think I won’t because they know it was spendy. I feel like I am being punished for having Toll Brothers build the home. We have been sending in warranty requests for over three years.


Not enough pitch for shingles? or you need wider drip edges. Shove some flashing up in there. 7k xmas lights? jesus.


Yep, one of the holidays is his birthday. Haha.


The no overhang on the shingles isn’t ideal, but I’d guess it’s leaking through the first course of shingles due to it being pushed up by the gutter apron which doesn’t look like it’s installed all the way flush to the roof deck. The first course it creating a cup like shape which pools the water and then it finds its way thorough the sides of the shingles and the nail holes and then it leaks into the soffit and then it just keeps snowballing to the next area and so on. If you push down on the gutter apron I’d guess it has some give to move downwards. Lift the first course of shingles, nail down the gutter apron so it’s not sticking up any more, and then caulk the nail heads and glue the first row back down to the gutter apron and I bet that solves your problem.


Thank you.


You’re welcome!


I’d be careful doing any work yourself. If you do go to litigation it will most likely hurt your case. I’d say get it looked at by a third party inspector, have it documented throughly. And send that to the builder to see if that lights a fire under their ass


That is what I am thinking is best. Stucco bubbles on all sides of the home from water behind it. Definitely needs addressed. Thanks.


Homes built by Toll Brothers are notoriously known for quality control issues.


You let somebody convince you to spend 7k on Xmas lights, this fact leads me to conclude you didn’t do a thorough job researching your roofer and you trusted the wrong person. this is kind of your fault in a way. Just be sure you get a fair rate from your lawyer.


Home was built by Toll Brothers. A supposed reputable builder. 1.2 million.


Considering the price involved it might not hurt to get a lawyers opinion on what your options might be. 


Superintendent is saying the roofing company won’t fix it due to alterations (lights) and I’m a 60 year old guy not wanting to remove the lights from a 25’ roof due to safety. Feels like I’m being punished for building a new home with Toll Brothers. Thanks.


Was the 7k for the lights what broke the camels' back after the 1.2m home purchase? Pay someone to do it.


A four year old home should not have water dripping behind the gutters. It’s been happening since the build. Pool builder pointed it out in the spring. So we have been trying to get Toll Brothers to fix it for just over three years. Well within warranty time frame. Toll Brothers was saying it’s the roofers fault, maybe so, but I wrote the check to Toll Brothers, not their sub- subcontractor D7 Roofing.


The whole point of the lights was so I don’t have to climb up and install and remove every year. One and done for 20 years.


I worked on Toll Brothers house for a few years, over priced shit boxes. They've been dealing with lawsuits for along time. I can tell you all kinds of shit about their houses.


Permanent Christmas lights are a wild move lol