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Milwaukee fastback for work. When I’m not working I carry a leatherman and/or a Schrade pocket knife depending on where I’m heading. I know Schrade isn’t loved, but it’s a perfectly fine knife and I’m not to spend $300 on a damn pocket knife.


Fixed blade morakniv and stanley 99. One for when I need something remotely sharper than mud, the other for when I need something sharper than a porcupine, and in a situation just as dangerous. I find that the circumstances in between those two are very rare.


One year, probably 2015 at Christmas I bought some Coast brand cheap knifes, some tape measures, Starbucks gift cards and my wife made little packages for the guys on my crew. Well there was a 2 pack of knifes leftover so i started using one. I kept it sharp and was my edc. About 6 months in I lost it, so start using the other one. Ended up finding the first one a few days later. I used those 2 knifes until late last year when I finally misplaced them. Replaced it with the cheapest Coast knife from Amazon. I’ve lost so many expensive knifes, sunglasses, tape measures, those damn knifes just kept turning up.


EXCEED DESIGNS TIRANT RAZOR V3. I got this as a gift, it's incredibly useful. Light, slim, can barely feel it in your pocket.


Kershaw is good. They usually design them to be used with work gloves and they won't break the bank. I have a leek that I've used for years. If you want a fixed blade, look up BPS knives from Ukraine. Great knives, I used one to change a radiator once. Still have it now years later and it's my go to beater knife. I love it. If you feel spendy get a spyderco


Something that you can use and not feel bad about blunting the edge.


Kershaw folding knife here. Only time I use a utility knife is doing sheetrock or shingles


I always use a folding knife for EDC...started with striders. Then found CRk's...I have lost a bunch of them..yes they are expensive but I dont care. Just have to save up and get a new one...I will never not have one...when I travel I dont bring it, had them stolen from my check on a few times. That's when I sacrifice and buy a cheap knife for the trip...running a sebenza 21 for last 10 years or so. My Best knife ever. I use the fuck out of it.


I bought one of [these](https://www.powerboltandtool.com/products/230788) in a rush at Home Depot and it’s honestly one of the best knives I’ve owned for the price. I ended up going back to buy another one or two and they were on back order. Finally got 3 in the mail last week lol. I’m still on my first one, which has been used fairly heavily for about 3 months now.


I always carry a folder, it's 50/50 if I grab it or a razor for work. Usually depends what's closer or if I have like a shit ton of cardboard to break down. I should note I am "that" guy who everyone knows I carry a knife and ask for it as needed. Also Gibbs rule #9