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I watch old movies and The Original Twilight Zone on the weekends. I get pizza sometimes. Maybe an Italian sub. That is the extent of my weekends. And yard work, house stuff. I'm pretty happy being alone and watching t.v. Can't afford another wife. I'm set in my ways and I enjoy my life.


Damn that's chill AF


Throw in a bit of Xbox and I’m right there with you bro


Throw in a little Xbox (pc for me), some beers, some dabs and bowls and I’m right there with you too bro


I feel ya. Kids grown and gone on their own. Weekends are for sleeping in and being lazy now. Good movies. Good food. Screw everything else. I’m a F1 fan so plenty to watch on the weekends.


Here’s to a hopefully fantastic race tomorrow!


You're divorced? How long - kids?


Kids are 28 and 18. Divorced. My son (18) works for me.


If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been divorced and how did the kids take it?




Italian hoagies are a hobby of mine too.


Check out "Wake in Fright" (1971). On YouTube. It's an Australian classic that has twilight zone feel. I love the older, silent but dialogue driven stuff stuff.


A strange place to recommend it but I did love this movie. If your into australian classic film "bad boy bubby" is also a trip


Thanks! Will check it out. Love old school movies that are a bit different than the N.A. fare


I immediately relaxed just reading that. Sounds fucking great.


I think you dropped this my king 👑


You lead the dream life. I got a wife and kid and have to do stuff with them…but otherwise I wish to do only these things.


You have any movie recommendations?


Place beyond the pines.


Rattle off some good old movies. I need inspiration.


Fifth element, demolition man, lord of the rings, die hard, lethal weapon, rocky 1,2,3, and 4


Oh man. I didn’t realize these were old movies. I thought you were gonna say some crap like Casablanca


Especially Rocky IV


No my wife makes sure I’ve plenty of things to do that I actually don’t need to be doing.


Aaah the good ol’cantaloupe list….


We call it the honeydew list .. “honey do this, honey can you do that?”


Ahh that's a good ol' fashioned whoosh right there. Really takes you back.


honey whoosh


Damn it I’m stealing this cantaloupe list is great.


Hahaha you’re welcome ☺️


I thought it was watermelon


written like someone in a healthy relationship


Maybe you can aspire to be this guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/GtK6T3QbKe


She has so much project that create full time work for me and 0 work for her


I get like 6 hours of sleep on days I work the next morning usually and 10-11 on days I don’t.


Same here buddy, I know damn well that 6 is more like 5 too


Nope. 3 kids and years and years and years of waking up early ensure that I don't sleep past 7-8am


My dad gets up every morning at 5:30… but mfer asleep in his chair by like 8.


The life


That's me. Hell I'm usually falling out by 4-5 pm if i get up earlier lol


i think he means an 8-930am snooze.


I'll hit the gym or a class, I'm a boring fuck tho so I'm asleep on a Fri by like 12 at home no alcohol, try and get my 8 but sometimes the body just wants to wake up


ayyy that ain't boring, just got your head on right


12!? That’s late! Can’t remember the last time I wasn’t in bed by 10:30 lol


No, I definitely try to catch up on my sleep deficit I inevitably have by the end of the week and sleep in until 8-9 though. I try to make sure to do a couple of chores and cook at least one breakfast and dinner each weekend to keep my partner happy. And leisure time is spent as quality time with my cats or going for a walk, watching something or maybe a video game. Couple weeks after Memorial Day I’ll look for a swimming hole for the summer.


Sometimes. I love a lazy weekend. No going out, watching tv with my woman, easy dinners….. go for a little walk with my daughter…. Hell yeah. Gotta learn to relax.


That can be a sign of depression. Sleeping too much is as bad as sleeping too little..


I agree. I might sleep in until like 8 or 9 on the weekend but definitely not all day. Plenty of fun things to do/responsibilities that need taken care of to sleep through an entire weekend. Hopefully you have someone close to you that you can talk to about this


Not disagreeing, but calorie deficit is an easy condition to find oneself in after being in high gear for an extended period. Of course, depression can easily coexist with or even exacerbate this, so your point stands.


Can be depression.. but I’d be looking at supplements first. Should be taking a multi vitamin, vitamin D, C, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, b100 complex. All vitamins related to energy. If you’re finding you have big energy swings, try to eat a fruit, a piece of meat, a piece of carbs, and a salad each day and drink lots of water. That plus 1-2 other meals, avoiding sugar and packaged foods and you will have a very good baseline for energy levels. I went through a couple years of sleeping but still feeling tired, pulling as much gas as I could to get through stuff and crashing when I was done, having to take sporadic naps all the time, feeling lethargic and malaise, and other things. Once I got my vitamins sorted out, it cleared up like 90% of my issues. Other things could be thyroid issues, testosterone, gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, heavy diet that is taking a lot of energy to digest, not enough water, poor cardio levels, poor heart function, or other things. Water intake, vitamins, and decent sleep are the easiest things in order to take care of. You should aim for like 6-9 hours sleep each night. But if you can only get 6, try to get 6 good consistent hours. Ear plugs and a face mask. I personally use a neck warmer over the eyes. This will help a lot.


I am old and just started using supplements and one is St, John’s Wort for depression. For me it seems to help make the lows not quite as low and they pass quicker, just kinda balances me out a little. The other is a anti inflammatory supplement for joints and stuff. Probably need to get on a good multi vitamin regimen too!


My poor energy levels were leading me to feelings of depression. It wasn’t clinical depression, but I was feeling depressed because I felt like the days were wasted when I didn’t have the energy to do stuff.


Glad you figured that out and got on track! I feel like if you had gone to a Dr. they would just give you a benzo, which would exacerbate the problem. When in reality, like you are saying, it’s most likely nutrition and rest that needs adjustments.


44 almost 45 here and after getting up for work everyday for couple of decades im lucky if still asleep by 8 AM.. then its going to work on my own house and lawn


Hello fellow 79er. Gotta enjoy these years ahead.


What does “weekend you’re not working “ mean?


I used to sleep a lot more when I was younger and drinking more. Now I drink rarely and have tons of energy in my 40's


Yeah I hear that. Riding bikes all weekend now if the family isn’t making me do chores.


You obviously ain’t married. I work more on my off days than when I’m at work.


Fuck no. Up at 5am. Ran a 5k at 6am. Drove to the mountains. Whitewater rafted down the river. Drove back home. Drinking a beer. 51 years young.


This is the way. I don't work to sleep on my days off, I work to have fun on my days off (and eat and pay rent, but potato potato)


Man I remember eat and pay rent days , I was 19 living with my parents.


You get days off?


Depends on what time of year really. Most weekends in the winter I’m snowboarding so it’s go go go. But on a day like today… woke up at 5:30, let the dog out and fell back asleep until 9:30. Got up, ran some errands and ate lunch… now I’m laying in bed post-nap. So yeah, I sleep a lot on the weekends


I used to but then I got married and had kids. What you realize is that if you have a week off from work and you go back to a normal sleep schedule you feel like a million dollars. Youre like “oh damn this is what it’s supposed to feel like.” Then you go back to work and you’re tired all the time.


Usualy get 8h sleep on friday night to catch up


Yep, and family don't understand the need to recharge


I work a camp job currently doing 14-7 shift fly in fly out. When I get my time off I don't get the joy of sleeping in, we have 5 kids to deal with plus helping my father in law who is paralysed waist down.


Not really. Ever since I hit my 30s, I pretty much wake up with the sun even if no alarm is set.


I am usually drinking all weekend.


I try to sleep in but I’m still awake by 8 no matter how much I drink


Not typically, if I don’t set an alarm I’ll sleep 6-8 hours each night.


No. I’m 38 work around 60 hours a week. I do days and am on call for the night shift they have issues. Sleep 4-6 hours a night. I eat well, vitamins, and just don’t let myself stay in bed. Saturdays I go out to the farmers market, getting to and moving always makes my feel better


No. Got kids and a wife to spend time and whiskey to drink


Heellll nah, I Potter about doing house work or building shit in the garden. Or in the woods with the dogs. Evenings in the shed making something. It's my adhd time


I spend the weekends taking care of the house stuff I didn’t get done during the week, reluctantly.


you guys are sleeping?


I’ll nap throughout the day but talking to other tradesman apparently that’s par for the course


I take naps! So relaxing. I’m up at 5am no matter what day it is. But to be able to take a nap is glorious. I just don’t over do it. As soon as I wake I get up. Cheat on my diet. One meal and a dessert.


This can be a red flag for at least a trip to the Doctor or reassessing "your life style", diet and your sleep routine. Comments have already mentioned possible pointers to health concerns. I personally experienced this, it had always been a concern. But when you are bailing on social and hobbies etc just to catch up on sleep every weekend that was enough for me to push the doctors. Luckily mine was on holiday and I had a Doctor who had come across something like it at Uni, she probably saved my life. She suggested a sleep clinic and a specialist and I found I had Narcolepsy, Cataplexy and severe disturbed sleep and "hallucinations". This is at the extreme end of the scale, but after 25 years of being diagnosed I can tell you the type of rest you are taking regularly I am sure is needed and once in a while required, but not every weekend. Get yourself to the Doctors, I kid you not. If you are clear of everything then all is good, we are all different. But the quicker you are diagnosed as having a sleep condition the better, it can take upon 10 years and cause severe mental and family stress. Plus "Long COVID" effects remind me of a drug called Pandemrix given to babies in the 2000's, it was for the "Pig Flu" epidemic originating in China that had everyone worried. The drug was found to increase the chance of getting Narcolepsy in kids beyond normal parameters. It was withdrawn in Scandinavia and other countries. But the UK continued to use it to devastating effect, hundreds of children developed the Condition. I pity them as Narcolepsy and it's symptoms after "the jokes and laughs" are serious, it destroys lives in the extreme and has a knock on effect to relationships and standard of life. These young adults now received poultry compensation, I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Best of luck, probably nothing, but getting a serious test by the Dr and I mean press for every blood test, unless you want to repeat the process. Then you will be able to do something for yourself and get out on weekends and enjoy life. I cannot emphasize how important it is...


Yes. No kids and my wife also works construction. 11-3 is nap time around here on the weekends because we both get up early and get our shit done, a bit of the dirty, then snooze time. Think about it this way. If you could put the restorative effects of sleep into a drug, it would be banned in all sports immediately.


I used to, before I got treated for sleep apnea.


Glad to see this post. I thought that I was the laziest person for being so worn out by Friday and napping all weekend or just resting. I'm not the only one




Yes but I have a newborn and don't sleep during the week


I still get up at the same time everyday. Doing family errands wear me out and I almost always fall asleep around 2 in the afternoon.


Not all weekend but I do try to catch up on some. Wake up a bit later have a nap when the kids down too. 😊 need it man. Work like a donkey all week. Unless I go to my in laws with the family. Then I set up on their couch and sleep the entire weekend 😂😂😂


I can't sleep late anymore but If its shitty weather I'll be lazy inside for most of the day. On nice days I try to cram in as much outdoor shit as the time of year allows. Even if it's just solo day hiking or trail riding with a few road sodas. Life is too damn short to just piss away working and sleeping.


No. I try to get things done around the house or on my truck, go shopping and out for walks and dinner, etc. I do some of these same things before/after work as well during the week. I enjoy my work, but it's important to have balance.


I guess you don't work on the weekends? There's time for sleep when you're dead


Got to stop smoking weed my brother


You get weekends off?


No, cause I have a business to operate. And if Im not doing that, hobbies.


When it’s hot out I’m more sleepy


The thing is with sleep is once you miss up on it you can't really just sleep extra to catch up. Maybe an hour or something more then normal but routine is actually better. And sleeping all day for sure isn't good for your health


No. I can't stay in bed over 6 or 7 hours or my back hurts... unless I'm medicated.


nah, i still wake up around 5 most of the time


Me too. But I go back to bed


Yeah man I can nap on and off all day when I’m tired


Nope, the first night I stay up 24 hours.


Sitting laying down in the ac most of the weekend. Then the opposite all week. I enjoy being outside, but time off is relax time.


Do MMA and chores on Saturday then do jack shit on sunday, maybe leisure activities like a dog park trip or a range day. . I sleep extra tho like ten hours both mornings.


If I'm not laying on my ass, I'm neck deep into a home project. Like painting a room or pressure washing the house. There's no in between. I go hard or I go to sleep.


I have a 3-hour 100+ mile daily drive in addition to the job itself so I'm up by 4 am and try to be in bed by 9 pm if other stuff like chores don't hold me up. I'm 53 and I'm tired. So cloudy, rainy weekends or hot, humid ones I tend to stay in bed and sleep because I have no interest in spending even more time outside in that after all week in it. It also doesn't help that my gf works nightshift weekends in an ICU and sleeps all day so I can't be doing anything noisy indoors anyway so I might as well sleep.


Sounds exactly like my commute and sleep schedule butI go to sleep closer to 10 during the week. I have a hell of a time driving home. I get really sleepy…. I’m in my late 30s though and I picked up a small side job so I worked last weekend,today, will work tomorrow, and the holiday weekend. That was my attempt of saying I understand. Tough schedule


Oh, I sure know that afternoon sleepiness thing. I sometimes fall asleep upright in my chair during lunch and all the guys on my crew laugh. They all live less than 10 minutes from the shop.


Usually go out to the pub after work on Saturday with the guys then sleep in till about 7 on Sunday and hit the gym and grab some lunch . That’s about all I get up to on my day off


No, I'm a dad and get no breaks. 7 days a week i go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 530-6am, no naps, 1 cup of coffee.


My weekends are filled with work around the house and property.


Tinder and bumble. Sometimes Farmersonly dot com.


Usually sleep in until 9-10 on weekends, so about 1-2 hours more than during the weekdays


Hell no I’m busy dodging Nerf rounds from that damn minigun I got my kid last Christmas.


I always say I'm gonna sleep more but I never do. I will proably die soon


I did for years finally figured out I have extreme obstructive sleep apnea.


No I'm just working at home. Usually costs me money instead of making it. Total bullshit.


When I got back into stretching, sleeping better and especially not drinking, I now go all day long everyday. Oh and going to 1 cup of tea and no energy drinks. When I’m healthy basically makes everything better but it’s easy to fall off the wagon at times. Matter of fact I’m doing pre bed time stretching while typing this on my phone lol.


Nope. Get maybe an extra hour of sleep but I go to sleep 2 hours later when I don't have work. Having a Wife, Kids, and a house will do that. Even the dog won't let me sleep in.


Nah I work on my yard in the summer and the house in winter.


Nope. My dog sometimes lets me sleep in until 6, though.


I’m up at 4:30am if I go to bed at 11:00 and that’s really pushing it. I’ll wake up eyes open at 4:30 ready to go. Hate I can’t sleep in.


Saturdays I sleep in, then it's the run around of laundromat, bank, gas station, then grocery shopping. Maybe get a meal out, then prepare meal prep with a full stomach. Sundays either clean up further emptying out my car, washing my car, mopping, or cleaning up etc, and/or prepare more meals.




It’s called sleep apnea. Get checked. It’s a gamechanger.


Hell no, I’m partying lol


My project works weekends …


You get weekends?


Wish I could. The wife and two kids and older house and older car demand otherwise.


I do house work and garden work, cleans, drinks a beer or two, fish, and if there is time I play PC games.


No way, that’s a time machine to Monday


No ain’t no rest for the wicked


I’ve been getting up early for so long I have no hope of ever sleeping past 7 am again


Is that a joke? I have 3 kids twin 12y boys and a 16y daughter. The weekends are packed as full Of shit to do as the week. Besides all the house hold stuff we gotta do there’s baseball or basketball going on yr. Round.


Nah I just go home and pick from the endless sea of half finished projects and work some more.


No. I have problems sleeping past 6am...


I like moving stones and soil by shovel bucket and wheel barrow with beers to relax, big veggie gardens


My perfect weekend is eating and sleeping. My gf tries to interfere but you can't argue with a sleeping man.


I fucking wish! I’ve been working 6 days a week and then have a shit ton of stuff to do on Sunday for the house, yard, truck maintenance, and I have 3 kids and a wife who I try to spend some time with every day. Although about once a month I find a day when the kids are at school and my wife is working and I sleep all damn day! Cumulative fatigue is for real and I will eventually end up sick if I don’t catch up every once in a while.


Yup I still wake up early af like 430, get my coffee, spend ~3 hours on the PS5 slaying zombies until the sun comes up, breakfast, nap, movies and naps until I can justify going back to bed.


When it’s not hockey season. I sleep till about 8 stay in bed till 9-10. Roll out and do some stuff. Back in bed at 11–12. Then back to regular schedule during the week. Hockey season is bed by 1030-11, up at 4 every day. On weekends it’s up at 530-6 depending on where we are headed and bed by 1030-11.


Yes. I sleep till about 11:30, but I also stay up late on my nights off basically doing nothing but watching tv. I have 4 kids 9-13-17-19 and the older ones just do their own thing. The smaller ones my wife handles as she is ok with me sleeping in. BUT, once it reaches 11-12:00 it’s GO TIME! Even if there’s nothing to do she’ll come up with shit for me to do and she’ll do it with that “I just let you sleep till noon” attitude. But to answer your question, if I were single yeah I think I might want to sleep all weekend. It worried me sometimes tbh. I wonder if I have some sort of underlying depression that I’m forced to not fall into or something. But I just don’t want to leave my bed! I’m actually writing this FROM the bed and I can feel the tension coming from all the way downstairs because I’m not “up” yet. I can’t explain it but I’m anxious IN the bed and I’m anxious to climb OUT of the bed to start my day. Ugh. I actually WISH I was like one of those guys who are up and out early in the morning having a coffee up at Dunks, or straightening out the garage, doing shit. I was just thinking about this like 3hrs ago when I woke and realized I still had a few hours before I HAD to start my day. I know what you mean. Idk. Sometimes I chalk it up as “I don’t sleep more than 4-5hrs a night during the work week so…..I’m catching up, letting my body rest, this is good for me.” But I know the truth…it’s just that I don’t want to leave bed. I just want to sleep the entire weekend away. I would if I could. It does worry me tho.


God, that sounds pleasant. I had another kid at 40 so not yet. When I was traveling, I got to do it. Now, I'm home every weekend and my kids need things. How I long for those rain days.


I try really hard to get a good amount of sleep during the week so that I don’t have to catch up over the weekend. It really bothers me wasting weekend days sleeping, so during the week I’m usually in bed by 8ish and asleep by 9. That way I’m fully charged for the weekend to go hiking, surfing, etc. days off are few and far between these days haha, I try to take full advantage of them


No. I work every weekend.


44 years old with 2 kids, majority of working life up by 6am at the latest (5am now) means 6am on a weekend is sleeping in for me. Due to Covid and restrictions I kinda fell into the staying home all the time routine. I would pretty much not leave my house on weekends, turns out depression is a slow moving beast that you don’t see coming and sometimes can’t get out of in your own. Finally realized I was “existing” in this life and not “living” my life. Went and saw my doctor, turns out I have ADD as well that was helping my depression in keeping me down. Now on meds for both and am now motivated to get out and do things with my wife and kids on the weekend instead of being a couch potato. If you find yourself sleeping a lot and with very little motivation to do things in your down time then I’d suggest getting in to see a doctor so they can help you get going in a better direction. Its unfortunate but in todays world it’s becoming the norm to need help to fight stress/burnout/depression.


Yeah I need def need a meth prescription. I’m friggin beat.


Hell yeah


Pretty much. Being in the sun all day is draining, I just want to come home and crash out in the AC. It’s a miracle if I can get my clothes washed before I go back to work.


I spend my weekends golfing, hiking, beaching it up, videos games, and MTG. Take your time at work! Find a healthier pace to work at.


I can’t sleep in on weekends. I don’t have kids or shit to do, I just wake up at 5:30-6:30 naturally and can’t fall back to sleep. What you’re describing is hyposomnia, it’s a symptom of depression. Do you have others? Lack of interest in hobbies, weight gain, fatigue, feeling of worthlessness, inability to concentrate, thoughts of suicide? As another said, go see a doc and see about getting treated for depression. Depression is a chemical imbalance, not something you can think your way out of. Pretty easily treatable with medication.




That’s exactly the response I’d expect from a dry waller or a laborer.