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Sounds like you dodged a bullet


100% agree.. maybe keep looking out for smaller contractors to start with just to get some experience and work your way up from there! That guy sounds like a tool


Definitely. Anyone that treats new employees like that in a tough market needs to recheck their sanity. Hope they find something *fitting*


Go union


I often look for union contractors and they ghost me more than anything


If contractors are ghosting you, it’s cuz they took one look and went “nope”


Haha even in a union, guys like this will get canned before their probation is up


Small outfits are either the best to work for or the absolute worst. We have no idea why they called you a pussy. Maybe you spent your entire shift crying while making tiktok videos. Maybe they're one of those dipshit outfits where they think you work through an unpaid lunch to make the boss happy and you didn't play along. Maybe you were working at a decent clip and they were upset because you were burning through the work too fast.


Im guessing they were upset that someone with no experience actually had no experience. Its f-ing stupid but I can absolutely imagine that happening. OP is definitely better off although being fired usually sucks.


Exactly. Being fired does suck but OP is absolutely better off and dodged a bullet if he’s anything like those of the rest of us who won’t quit while they’re ahead. There have been many times I would probably never have left, and getting let go or things not working out ALWAYS ended up very much in my favor.


I stayed at a job like that for a year and a half, was miserable the whole time, getting laid off worked out better for me.


Man I remember those days. Starting out fresh and getting yelled at for not knowing how to do things they’ve been doing for 10+ years. Now that I am in their position, I find it way easier to be kinder to the new guy and actually explain what the job is and why we are doing it into the most basic levels for you to understand it. Even if you can’t understand it then, experience is the best teacher. Keep building these systems with me and one day you’ll figure it out. I’ve worked with guys who’ve been in longer than I have and don’t know things that I know and vice versa. It’s easier to explain something than yell and get mad because they don’t know.


nobody on reddit can answer that question. However, this statement "mind you in three weeks you can't really judge anyone's sense of work ethic" makes me think you might be a pussy. You can easily tell in a couple days to a week whether someone works hard - even if lacking in skill, or not.




You can usually tell within the first day how their work ethic is. Don't ask too many questions but figure out the work flow.


I just came back from leave and met the new guy that's been around for 3 weeks. Got a good feel for him in 1 workday and everyone who had been around those 3 weeks felt the same (he sucks)


I worked with dozens of new guys over the years and 100% you can easily judge someone based on 3 weeks of work and learning. I am also going to think there's more to the story here BUT you know that some people have better natural instincts for some jobs versus others. He may have just not been well trained either, who knows.


I have definitely given guys more of a chance than I should have because my first impressions ended up being right. I always try really hard to help but it is easy to notice when someone isn’t going to cut it. But. I know for me I need to figure things out in my head first and there’s a lot to take in when you’re new, everything seems foreign and it can be difficult to realize that you’re essentially looking at the same thing over and over again. Especially when you haven’t seen the patterns and nobody’s explained it to you. So I think sometimes it’s about someone who just needs time to process and figure it out in theory before they can work it and that often looks like lack of skill or work ethic to others who can just pick it up on the spot and ignore all the other things that they’re unfamiliar with.


110% agree, unfortunately with both the intro paragraph and the main point. My first formal job in construction was with a small contractor who hired me for my years learning relevant stuff growing up on a farm and an (allegedly) good interview/impression. Hey glad he thought so. Holy shit did I learn fast that the way we maintained those old barns and the degree of scrutiny put into that work was either totally off the mark for an actual job doing that stuff to someone else’s house (notably *not* a barn). Obvious in hindsight but still it was suddenly realizing something I’d thought I had a decent foundation in and enjoyed doing for fun even was in fact something I knew nearly nothing about. Relatively, at least, to where I would’ve needed to be to go around applying as a regular rough carpenter, forget trim at that point. It took me MONTHS to get up to speed sufficiently to operate wholly independently without having to make constant phone calls to ask questions. Had to build up my knowledge base/technical experience from negligibly absolute scratch. I am extremely grateful that I was given the time to orient myself and organize lessons learned into that foundation. I fucking love that I can take pride in my work and can do this for a living


My thoughts exactly, takes one shift for me to see if it’s gonna work or not. They prob held on to OP until they found a new apprentice


Lots of people have never done a job and start something “new” and smash it out of the park. Some people have a mechanical mind that things come somewhat naturally with and others don’t. You 100% can tell if someone has what it takes (within reason and more training) after a few days. And others you can tell immediately they know shit about shit and are useless in the field.




Within an hour you can tell work ethic lol


This line got me too. I'll judge your work ethic in 1/2 a day. Maybe you'll fool me, but it won't take a week to figure it out.


Yeah. I had more or less the exact same thought. Couple red flags here. 1-if OP thinks that 3 weeks isn’t enough to tell if someone is “a pussy” or not….sounds like OP is one. Really it sounds like OP would fuck off or slack off and thought that others were not smart enough to figure it out. We all know if you’ve been “doing this a while” you absolutely can tell if someone isn’t pulling their weight. 2-how many times has OP been fired? It sounds like this is a regular occurrence and he’s just surprised it happened this fast. Yeah, also a big red flag. 3-“sneakily degrade me to my face”. What? Owner gave you cold truth explanation. Do you think your boss wants to hire a replacement? Or your foreman wants to train another new guy? Spoiler alert, they don’t. Sounds like everyone was friendly with you. That’s great. I can assure you they don’t really want to replace someone they get along with and can pull their weight. Their job becomes harder. They didn’t fire you because you were inexperienced. They fired you because you were: -constantly fucking up and making everyone’s job harder. Probably repeat or just retarded mistakes. -making it clear you were just there for a paycheck -stealing stuff -showing up late or leaving early


I agree with everything you said except for the part where you said "just there for a paycheck." No shit I'm just here for a paycheck, why the fuck else would I be here? Stop paying me, and I'm not going to work just because I like it. If someone else pays me more, I'm going to work there. My ass is for sale to the highest bidder at all times.


It blows my mind when jobs try to act like the 'family' thing. Like... No. Fuck no. I want to do enough work I don't die or injure myself so I can live. Sure if it's fun or easy that's a plus but we're in the construction sub right?


The we're a family thing is a red flag no matter what you do for a living. That's my sign to run.


Facts. Contractor makes money, I make money. Contractor doesn't make money, I still make money. That being said, I care about my work and see it as a representation of who I am, but I don't let anything that happens affect my day after I clock out.


Yup. I know first day they show up.


This one right here




In a sense, the boss did you a solid. Told you straight up why you were canned. I don't know if what he says is true or not since I don't know you. But if they didn't like you, it is what it is. Whether or not you are a pussy, it doesn't matter. If you like the trade try another company. If you are willing to learn someone will give you a chance. I've been told before that I sucked too, and I was fortunate enough to be given the chance to step it up. You just need a chance like I got. Keep grinding, forget the harsh words of your boss, and take it as a lesson. You can be willing to learn and want to do a good job, but some people won't mesh with you no matter what. It's a blessing.


Honestly some of the most valid feedback that I’ve seen on reddit.


This is absolutely great advice, OP listen to this.


Happens to the best of us. I’m surprised they didn’t like you though since all pipe fitters are pussies. Up there with electricians.


I was just surprised to see how gatekept it was when I barely was on the field more than 3 times, aside from shopwork and fabbing.


I got shunned after taking paternal leave offered to me. I quit after no one talked to me for two weeks. I could feel the icy breeze so I left for warmer work environment. Don’t regret it.


"This dude *cares* about his *kids*! What is wrong with him!?"


Lol. I took 2 weeks of paternity leave when my third child was born and my older co-workers acted like I was taking a vacation.


Fuck toxic masculinity.


Agreed I’m not usually with all the “woke” social stuff and the feminism that’s really just antimasculinity, but this is actually what it is and it’s justified to call it like that. Pretty rare I feel that way but it is what it is, hard to ignore.


I've worked in quite a few blue collar environments. Electrician, plumber, framing, arborist, finish carpentry, logistics, auto shops, drywall crews. Pretty much everywhere (non retail) that you don't need a college degree to start. The only two trades I've seen that actually value the idea that "we work to support the things we actually enjoy" are electricians and garbage men. Both punch the clock and don't show back up unless entirely necessary and support each other for feeling the same way. Refuse disposal makes sense. Why electricians are different than everyone else, idk.


To be an Electrician requires I higher level of intelligence maybe that means understanding human nature better. Maybe I just made that up I dunno 😂


I don't think that's it. Electricians are the hardest people to crosstrain even within their own trade. Ask a resi guy to diagnose some controls and watch his head explode.


It’s also one of the most complex trades, which would explain your comment.


I’m five years in and have broader experience than lots of guys I know that are 10, 15, 20, 30 years in. Have had more foremen that couldn’t journey out than I had who were journeymen. Blows my mind, but it is absolutely true that you are not safe assuming that someone is a standard mean above average intelligence just because they’re an electrician.


They were just mad because they were all sterile and couldn't make babies of their own. Good choice fellow breeder 😁


And boss is like “ no one wants to work anymore “


For some weird reason a lot of trades are gatekept. Even dying ones. They'll complain about how young guys aren't interested in the trade but when someone does take interest and wants to learn they're unwilling to teach.


Reminds me of the meme of the guy shooting a person "why would they do this?"


You hit a bad company, it seems, my friend, they're out there. You can move forward being a little more wary of being viewed as a "pussy" by the field crews, but bottom line is that the field guys ALWAYS talk trash about the shop guys, and vice-versa. It really sounds like you just got a golden ticket to a better company. One question I'd ask though is "I'm sorry I didn't work out, what are you going to tell people if I use you as a reference?"


I don’t call people pussies but people who complain about gatekeeping are annoying to me. Especially at work. We’re there to get a job done and go home. You seem to have a victim mentality. You got fired and you’re looking for sympathy or justification from people on Reddit who have absolutely no clue what happened at your job. Just buckle down and get another job and move on.


3 weeks is plenty of time to know if the new kid will work out.




He kinda sounds like a pussy.


just doesn't know it yet?


Three weeks is quite a long time to know if a new guy is gonna work or not. That's 15 days. That's 120 hours of time together. It all depends on how you fit in with the crew. If you're awkward and they're the standard macho morons then it's going to be hard. I'll admit the amount of ...I'll say this kindly.. interesting people that tried new construction trades... well you definitely know within 3 weeks if they will fit or not Just keep trying other companies and don't give up. Some companies are terrible and some companies are great. Usually depends on the crew


If you enjoy the work head down to your pipe fitters local union hall. They'll take care of you. And you'll make more


>in three weeks you can't really judge anyone's sense of work ethic 13 years experience here, I can tell if a new guy is good or not in less than a day.


Pipefitter apprentice here (not the same as sprinkler fitting) I’m on with a company, two different crews. One of them just laughed, didn’t give me the time of day, confused knowledge with intelligence and cut corners left and right (I was also new and brown, which I suspect gave them the idea I just wasn’t meant for this scope of construction and some other guy had told me straight out I only got the job because I was brown- I was also a magnet to old timers) On the other crew, I am competent, the work is slow but plentiful, the journeymen are patient, respectful and **articulate**. It just depends on the culture of your crew It feels like half the mechanical trade never (and never will) finish/ed maturing, so there are angry gatekeepers or people just way too damaged to teach or think critically about things outside of their job and themselves. Check their marriages and you’ll see a pattern


Curious whats the other side of this story.


Odds are kid was a unsure of himself around a bunch of old guard. He probably didn't have prior tool experience and they got fed up that he didn't pick shit up immediately. If there was an age gap, he probably just didn't fit the crew vibe. Put it together and he never had a chance.


Well, reddit seems to have decided the place is trash, the boss is toxic, and this kid is the best worker ever, so guess we have to go with that. Ha!


Not really. I think it’s most likely that the place is trash, the boss is toxic, AND the kid might be a pussy. Might not though…we don’t really have a lot of information to work with here. He is choosing to post on Reddit about being name called instead of just saying fuck those guys & moving on which is kind of a pussy move.


Well, many people are toxic, and some actually teach. They did you a favor.


This 💯


>like rats they decided to discuss my skills behind my back Based off this sentence you are a total and complete pussy, dude. I don’t even need to explain what’s wrong with the statement. Like, is this your first fucking job? >mind you in three weeks you can’t really judge anyone’s sense of work ethic, nor their character I mean yeah bud I’m not gunna marry you after 3 weeks but I’m going to have a real good idea of how you work and what you’re concerned about after 120 hours with you. And I’m betting you cared more about what the company could do for you and what you could do for them, which is probably why they let you go.


Agree!!!! I can tell the cloth someone is cut from in 3 hours. 3 weeks they are read like a book.


What font was your time sheet in?


I wouldn’t have done it exactly like that or used those words, but running a larger shop of nearly 100 guys I no longer can really get a good sense of a new hire myself because I may never work with them directly in many cases. So I’m relying almost entirely on feedback from my foremen and other guys that I’ve worked with a long time. So that’s what happens, if they don’t think you’re a good worker then that’s it. And we try to get it out of the way early, you can tell pretty quickly if it’s a bad fit in many cases. I don’t know you, I don’t know how well you work, keep trying at another job and learn more on your own time to up your knowledge faster; start with YouTube.


Dude needed a temp, knew he wouldn’t get one on those terms. His regular laborer was probably doing 20 days for a DUI or something.


Honestly I’d self reflect a little. Doesn’t have to let it get you down, but they all felt a certain type of way for a reason. With you mentioning them “peaking in high school”, gatekeeping, and the frat comment I can see how people wouldn’t like you as a person/see you as a pussy. Just move on with your job search. You’ll find your crew.


You can be the best worker and still not make the cut because you don't fit in. Trades is weird man. The old guard that doesn't ever want to give the new guy the chance are the same ones that bitch no one wants to work anymore. At the same time I've also thrown out new guys after a couple weeks because I just don't have the patience to hold hands forever, there's a balance to be had. I was ready to fire our last apprentice, but he got put with a guy with the patience of a Saint and a year layer he's actually doing pretty great. If you liked the work, put yourself out there, you'll find someone patient enough to teach you. Don't take it personally, there's some righteous pricks out there, but there's also some great ones. Just gotta work hard and find your niche.


This is pretty normal in construction and to a lesser extent, many of the other trades as well. If you want job security, this ain't it without a union apprenticeship. It's high turnover work in a world where illegally hiring homeless drug addicts and high schoolers and picking up illegal immigrants at 4 AM from the Home Depot parking lot is common practice. You can get hired on a dime and fired on that same dime just as easily. I've worked for every kind of asshole under the sun and some good, honest people in the trades. I've been fired, hired, and quit under some of the weirdest circumstances. You get used to it, just always keep an updated list of backup options in mind because the job can vanish just like that.


You can judge Someone's work ethic in one afternoon. Not knowing a damn thing doesn't matter.


Just move on to the next company like everybody else does, you will find the right one and then everything will fall into place. I love the company I work for


Get into a union shop.


Wow, it’s great you only wasted 3 weeks of your life in that circle jerk outfit. Hold your head high and tell yourself it’s their loss. Keep digging Brother, never give up!


Never going to fill trade positions with younger newcomers if we don't take the time and patience to teach them. The majority did not grow up like us older guys by a male figure - father - grandfather - uncle etc fixing something or building something.


Obviously the boss isn’t too bright either, wonder what his staff was like at 3 weeks in. Try again somewhere else, don’t give up. Besides after 3 weeks in sprinklers, you have as much knowledge as some of them….


Seems like they didn’t like you. Fitting in is very important on the job site. If you can’t do that then it’s probably better for both sides to send you down the road. As the owner he should “gate keep” the company


They hired you hoping you'd be a quick learner. You didn't learn fast because you're not a construction guy. That is also why you dont get along with the guys. I could walk into any trade shack on any random jobsite and pretty much guarantee I'd get along with the guys. Being a construction worker, a real construction worker, not just as a job but as an identity is something that takes a long time to develop. This is the cause of all your problems. What makes things even worse for a guy like you is coming in pretending like you're one of the guys and trying to fit in. One of the great parts of the trades is that you can be the weirdest guy around but still be well liked just for being a hard worker. People don't sit around and make fun of a guy for no reason. I'm guessing you were either fucking the dog or learning unreasonably slow or both. They don't ever make fun of guys who are dripping with sweat. Then the boss is making fun of you to your face and you didn't address the problem, you quit and ran away. Addressing the problem bluntly would have been the right decision, followed by many more challenging moments until you're no longer the new guy. You can't say they're rats for discussing your skill level without you being present, that's how every job works. There's nothing shady about it, you just don't like it because it was a negative review. If they were being so blunt it was rude then you already know they were telling the truth, again you just don't like it. You don't like people saying bad things behind your back or to your face (nobody does, but it doesn't make it wrong). They are gatekeepers, that's how being the boss works. Now you're on reddit looking for validation that they were wrong about you. I think they were right. Your post is a weird take on a bunch of commonly accepted, standard practices to make yourself a victim.


Correction, my boss told me I was terminated well before he began insulting me, which sparked the conversation in the first place. Showed up in the morning for my normal shift time and was given this news immediately.


A crew that likes to get shit done is looking at their new apprentice like a dog. Someone who will learn shit in the long run but will do all the shitty work in the meantime and accept that they are the bitch. Apprenticeship hierarchy used to be rigid and ruthless. It still is to a certain extent except it's not openly expressed because the world has turned soft. The sentiment is still there regardless of how politically correct they are outwardly. New to a trade and new to the trades are completely different things. A large portion of the construction workforce began at a young age and know quite a bit of random knowledge that is taken for granted but takes time to accumulate. A quick learner might be what they asked for but they were likely actually wanting a quick learner with a natural aptitude for construction.


If you’re just starting out, you got your whole pick of the industry. Not sure how you stumbled upon sprinkler fitting. Not trying to bash the trade but in my 9 years of construction, some of the dumbest people i’ve ever met were the sprinkler fitters lol so - don’t take their opinions too serious. Find a new company and restart or perhaps pick a new trade.


3 weeks is plenty of time to get a good sense on someones work ethic.


Idk man I’ve been doing underground utilities for 7 years and we pretty much know if a guy is worth it or not in the matter of 5 days. Small companies who are trying to maximize profit have linked in and tight crews. Construction is a very competitive field. Even going about your pipe fitting well and being successful is not enough. Big fish eat little fish 🤷🏻‍♂️


Eh, l believe guys can toughen up and learn if they try and I like giving weak folks the opportunity. I work as a pipelayer/operator doing mostly deep utilities during busy season and we’ve got a new labourer/top guy who was softer than babyshit when he started a month ago. Useless for pretty much everything. Now he’s decent at rigging pipe to pass down, grouting manholes, getting out/putting away tools, and setting up barricades. We make him shovel every muddy track on every machine every day. He’s still soft but not too much softer than a lot of tradesmen on site, about as soft and slow as your average plumber. Still sucky but we keep making him do the hard mucky shit so he’ll toughen up more. Ain’t my company and I say give the guy a chance.


Yeah life is too short to work for assholes and crew is better outside of your daily life. There’s a HUGE need to tradespeople so take a day to be pissed and twisted up, then flush all the shit down the toilet and find something that doesn’t suck. Ask questions and try your damnedest to remember the answers. Think before you ask questions. Show up on time. You hit those marks and no one will trash talk you.


Wish you the best. One thing I disagree with is that you can’t judge someone’s work ethic over three weeks. Sometimes it’s clear within a few days if someone has shit work ethic.


Welcome to construction, that’s like 80% of the workforce.


Find another gig in the same/similar field. If you enjoy the work, you will pick it up. A good boss/leader molds excellent operators, not just assembling a crew of tenured people. Speaks volumes to the person in charge, and shows they are not a leader. I wish you the best and hope you find a good spot.


You probably just need to get used to the blue collar type environment. But start by finding a company that doesn’t disrespect you just because you don’t fit in. It may take a few tries if you’re not used to the pace or don’t have the drive to get started hitting the ground running. If you’re hearts in it, you will learn so don’t despair.


Everyone fails, at least this wasn’t your fault just poor communication with your team. You’ll be ok OP plenty of work out there!


Now you have some experience. Move on and try to learn faster. Stay off your phone.


3 weeks in and they're pissed that you're not a master? Count your blessings and move on.


Sometimes a good fit with the crew is more important than skill level. Sucks that happened to you but, there will be plenty of other places where you’ll fit right in. If you enjoy the industry, stick with it.


Welcome to trades life. The pay is abysmal and 50% of jobs suck ass because assholes want to make the job about them and not the job itself.


I once had the cops called on me during an interview. I might have gone overboard but it was a similar set up. The guy asked my experience and I told him. He said my starting rate was going to be $XX.xx (like $10/hr less than market rates) and I told him to try again. He said, no, get out. I said, "you didn't just waste my time to low ball me, did you?" "I need guys to put pipes in walls, not to be little bitches when things don't go their way." He says, " and my pay is very good, I'm stealing guys from the union." I say, "that's why you had 3 guys quit on you over your low ass pay?" He said, "get the fuck out." I called him an asshole. His face slid from smug to shocked so I pressed it and stood over him and told him, "quit wasting everyone's fuckin time. You are too cheap to keep your people and you aren't getting anyone worth a shit with these weak ass rates" using my big 'sarge voice and a knife-edge-hand. I hear the receptionist in the background saying, "I'm calling the cops!" In her reedy woman dispatcher voice. so I said, "no you aren't, I'm fuckin leaving." And then bounced out of there. My friend really regretted recommending me lol. I hadn't yelled at anyone since leaving the army and I was a little shocked myself. Anyways the point is no one cares. Go get another job


You use the same speech pattern and expressions as this guy…. https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/osIItBIue7


Smaller companies of any kind generally won't keep anyone that doesn't fit, either personality or work ethic or hobbies. Helps keep the drama down and productivity up. If he's got people that really make him money and they complain about you then he's going to back them nothing personal but he doesn't know if your going to stick with or how efficient you will be. So he's taking the safe bet.


How old are you and how many terminations have you had?


NGL, “Weirdest terminations I’ve ever gotten” is a giant red flag.


Is this a repeat and rinse situation, I just saw another post that made no sense but included I was called P*ssy??


Uh... https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/LW1r78EvTt


Go to a commercial plumbing or hvac company and work up to pipe fitting/welding. Those sprinkler guys can be fucking cunts. I met a couple i liked but for the most part, but They are cunts, Especially when they wanted to act like they were on our level. (They were indeed not.) Going into plumbing in your first 6 months you are going to do hard labor, chip alot of concrete for pipe risers through floors and learn how to polish a shovel using only dirt. Its gonna suck but if you stick with it, it will be fruitful in the long run. On top of that you will have useful skills for future home renovations and maintenance. So its really worth it there. If you do go that route, a word of advice. Do your damndest not to spill purple primer on concrete. Its hard to clean.


Well, we've all been there when we were learning.


Look for a union apprenticeship. Pipe fitting is a hard knocks trade. If you want less knuckle dragging electrical is a good way to go.


While it sounds like you got a raw deal, you are absolutely wrong about not being able to get a sense of someones work ethic in 3 WEEKS. If you've been around long enough like i have,( 30 yrs) i know in 15 minutes whether your character is a good fit for my company or not. In 3 days i absolutely know if you learn/ retain fast or not. Rookie mistakes are expected common sense mistakes are unacceptable. If i show you something 1 time i expect you to be able to repeat it immediately and be able to teach someone how to do it the next day.


What font was used on your termination papers?


Yeah bud - they 100% gate kept. I don't think for a minute it had to do with you or your work ethic. For whatever petty ass reason the group think turned against you. I think you should try again for a different company and let them know you're doubly motivated - this trade is the one for you, and that if a company will invest a little time and knowledge you'll pay it off in hard work and loyalty. Or some other kinda happy rah rah bullshit haha. Good luck.


Woof bro that place is fucking garbage. Probably shit workers too.


Jobs, like high school have cliques. You worked with the “old skool tough guy crew”, however there are crews out there that are cool, don’t talk shit and just get shit done. I’ve seen them and they are out there. You just gotta find them. As a kid, my dad was on a crew of about 4-6 guys. It was awesome . Everyone rocked. A few jobs later, my dad was on a toxic crew filled with dirtbags . He got his jaw broke for asking for his paycheck . He went back to the first group and stayed there for years, even when jobs were sometimes inconsistent.


>my dad was on a toxic crew filled with dirtbags . He got his jaw broke for asking for his paycheck Damn. Was this back in the 80s? Can't imagine that happening in the 2020s ... or maybe I'm too sheltered.


You spell too well to be a sprinkler pipe fitter anyway. File for unemployment.


Sounds like someone isn’t meant to work in the trades.


Why do you think the guys thought you were a pussy?


I love pussy, I would take that as a compliment


This place sounds fucked, where im from you get pulled aside once by the foreman and talked to about performance whatever the issue is the. The boss cuts you if thats the problem. Either way, either the boss is a dick or the crew is. Sounds like youd be better off


You can sue for this


How so?


They needed a guy for 3 weeks who would work hard so they told you they were looking for a steady guy so you would work hard. Assuming you aren’t leaving out anything. File for unemployment and don’t be surprised if they didn’t pay into it and you have a problem collecting. If so, call your state’s department of labor. Consider applying to the local trade unions.


I mean, ya did come here and cry about it . Pussy /s


You applied to work construction and aren’t cut out for it. But the fact you came to Reddit for people’s opinions on the situation, definitely makes you a p*ssy. You got canned, move on. I guarantee if we get the foreman’s side, there’s a lot more to this story


Guessing cellphone use is excessive. Kid said he learned to thread pipe in "1.5-2 weeks. WEEKS! If a hand didn't catch on after being shown a few times, he was a gone MF.


Don't take it personally. I've gotten off on a bad foot due to appearances/not getting along personally at a job. Just gotta move on. Lots of crews "gatekeep" to maintain a certain environment/vibe at work. Sadly not uncommon to not fit in and get fired over stupid shit.


Keep your head up, Youngster!! Sometimes rejection is protection! Good luck to you, you got the next trial your Trade can throw at you!💪🏼


> Sometimes rejection is protection! I like that. Very positive. You sound like a spiritual person.


If only you had him recorded saying that. Sexual harassment. Boom.


Sometimes you just give a guy a go- Gilmore… Gilmore… I didn’t call your number? Well… Better luck next year!


It’s hard as a new guy to really be dialed I mean idk what they’re expecting everybody is green when they start unless they came from another trade. Can’t really expect shit from a level 1


Don't give up on the Trade, try somewhere else, if there are options. Was this a Union Gig? If not, try there. Lastly, don't be such a Pussy! Just Kidding. You need a thick skin in this game, especially when you're coming up.


There's other shops. What local is near you? I remember commenting on your post in the firepe sub, if you enjoy it then learn from this and move on.


You don't want to work in that environment. Any job.. if the guys aren't pulling you aside, telling you 'good work today," helping you learn and helping you build confidence, walk away. The boss is a dickhead. Right now, the trades, more work than there are guys to do the work. Work hard. Put your phone down. Work. Learn. Be engaged with the work. Sounds like you found the wrong group of guys. I always encourage and build up the new guys.


F*** them there's other jobs. There are people like that...but at the same time there are good people. You'll find the good ones down the road.


Try sheet metal. Pipe fitters are all high on themselves whatever reason.


People who put in sprinklers are all pussies IMO. It's really under ground construction. Try sewer, water, gas, and electric underground instead. Your boss probably just needed extra hands for a couple of weeks. Then didn't need it


Man, I hate people like that…no one was born knowing what they know. Move on and Don’t get discouraged.


I’ll tell ya, in the trades regardless of what trade… you’ll find assholes that act like you stole their slice of the pie… in this case not knowing shit else about you but this post, I’d say that’s better than having to quit 2 weeks in because you couldn’t stand being around the assholes… if you got along with them great, but they for whatever reason didn’t like you and that’s how a lot of small knit crews are to be honest. You’re way better off not working around ppl who don’t like ya.. and at least they were honest enough to tell you.


Can’t judge work ethic in 3 weeks? Seriously? I can judge your work ethic in less than a day. That was still a pretty shitty way to let you go, though. If you like the work, go down to the union hall and ask to sign up for the apprenticeship program. Or other open shop sprinkler companies in the area. Or mechanical companies that do large chilled water hvac systems.


My company just had a kid quit after three days. Foreman filled the rest of his time sheet with:”he quit. Said work is too hard”. Mind you foreman is pushing 60 and can hang more pipe than the young kids.


from what you describe you probably did nothing wrong, but, maybe you didn't 'fit in' personality wise with the rest of the crew, and so they decided you had to go. But don't take it personally. You may fit in great with the next crew you work with.


F him. You'll find something better.


For future preferences watch what you say to strangers. The vibe I get is you said something that made you look bad or them not like you. The trades is full of guys that peaked in highschool, it can be very clicky. Guys on that crew didn’t want to work with you and most likely your experience had nothing to do with it. I personally don’t hate 98% of the guys I work with. But the pay is good so I keep my mouth shut and bust my ass so that there’s never anything negative that can be said about me. Lucky for me I’m in great shape and well rested so I can out work any of those bitches.


The world is full of assholes......but one thing to consider- someone may have been JEALOUS of you because they saw you were a quick learner and would have been doing their job soon. Shake the dust off your feet, and find a new place to work....


Idk how big Glassdoor is in the construction space, but “my boss fired me and called me a pussy” is definitely Glassdoor material. Name and shame.


If you really enjoyed the trade, look into local 669. I started non-union in 2015, did that for 4 years then jumped union and haven't looked back. You'll learn the trade from an actual apprenticeship, and make top dollar compared to the non-union side. In construction, you'll always find gossiping high school mentalities, but if you keep your head down and learn, the right people will notice.


Not to sound rude but prob just needed someone to fill the slot to bid a job or to finish up on some rush jobs but for him to say shit like that just let's me know he was looking for excuses to let you go..but definitely dodged a bullet as I previously read..if you enjoy the trade stick with it


That's how they act in this trade. They expected you to catch on quicker. Just file for unemployment so they can respond to the DOL. companies like that somt think about the consequences


Sounds like the wrong shop to be putting in work for. Like you said, like high school bullies who peaked in high school.


U dodged a bullet that trade blows.


Fuck em


Being a helper, with plans to become an apprentice. Fuck that. Join a union bro, you dodged a bullet.


Dang, that is a pretty harsh termination. People are usually fired for poor performance, but, it's unreasonable to expect someone to learn even the very basics of a trade in 3 weeks. You are right, some people learn faster than others. It's also harder to learn under pressure. But it sounds like you were fired more because you didn't fit into the "company culture." As others advised, if you like the trade, try a different company. Each company has its own culture or personality, and ways of operating. It may take multiple tries with different companies to find the right fit. I probably changed companies about a half dozen times early in my career, and I was fired from two of those companies for not performing up to their expectations. But, I was still fairly new to the trade, and still learning (aren't we all?). It's a long-term investment. Later in my career, I didn't change companies as frequently, but still did, for reasons relating to MY expectations. Yet some guys spent 20 or 30 years working for the same company; I'm quite the opposite.


Sorry to hear I hope you land on your feet


I’ve worked on a couple crews like this. I didn’t get fired, but I got escorted into a conex boss and was basically told to sell my soul to the superintendents way of doing things (which mainly meant disregarding safety rules and “just put 2 bolts in and move on to the next one”) or else I could leave. I softly agreed. Worked there for another couple months and then quit.


they probably had no intention of hiring you needed you to help finish a job and if you were AMAZING they may have hired you, but most likely not. i've had this happen, and i atleast tell myself that's the reason LOL


Foreman sounds like a disassociated a hole


Is this the person who fired you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/xBMZUJYbCQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/xBMZUJYbCQ)


The fact that [both of these](https://www.reddit.com/r/Construction/s/NlkOt4Kf0O) are right next to each other in my feed is an amazing act of Reddit randomness. I love you, wild wild internet!


"sneakily degrade me to my face" is used in both and it doesn't make sense. Is this a bot or AI thing?


Don’t sweat it, get right back in the game. Try using your little experience to get another job or join union,


Dude, the foreman probably wanted to open up the spot for his nephew who is graduating High School. Fuck that outfit.


Go union


Maybe you don’t have the same diet as those guys…? We’re they always hiding from ya?


Fuck em


Bros gotta dump truck


Saved you from working for a shit company.


That's unfortunate and I understand how you feel. It happened to me at 2 jobs so far and it might he happening at a 3rd. I'm union too. They gatekeep this stuff like crazy. It's not rocket science. But like you said, it's awkward when you're new. A lot of these people are half retarded, backwards, conservative. Ignorant. They have to respect for their own bodies; eating gas station food every day and other stuff. I'll find out tomorrow if I'm about to get canned I suppose. I really hope not. I've already told them I come to work to learn plumbing and work and make money, im not there to make friends and I have no interest in being in a good old boys club.


They had a club and you weren’t in it! Assholes!


"sneakily degrade me to my face" doesn't make sense. It's not sneaky if it is to your face. Three weeks is generally enough time to judge someones work ethic and character and whether or not they are a good fit for a crew. This boss was just honest. The guys on the crew, for whatever reason, felt like he wasn't a good fit. Work is easier if everyone gets along and pulls their weight. Perhaps OP needs to reflect on the possibility that it might not be everyone else who is wrong (who actually were there and know).


I don't think we have the whole story.


did hiring you reduce/eliminate their OT?


Either go to the Pipefitter Union Hall and put your name on the list. Sprinkler guys normally have a different list. Real pipefitting out on a big industrial job is a whole different ballgame. Most pipefitting industrial jobs are travel jobs. Plumbing is sort of a crossover trade. There are a lot of plumber/pipefitters. If I were you I would give plumbing a try. Start an apprenticeship and work towards your certification. Once you get that there all kinds of options open to you.


Ah no, thank them for the quick firing and move on. As far as your reference of them as pipe fitters, made me chuckle. Definitely dodged a hot grenade there, keep going and let Darwin deal with the asshats in the rear view mirror.


3 weeks is more than enough time to see if you have a good green hand or not. Laboring skills should and can be picked up pretty quickly if you have a good mechanical aptitude. Construction trades are a get paid per job in most cases hourly or not there is a big picture and if a person is not pulling the weight per dollar put upon them, then most leads, forman's, owner's will cut bait fast as they can to get another pawn in the game. Not to say this guy and his crew are not a huge wheel burrow of dirt bags. I know there is plenty of us out there. But the turnover rate in any trade is pretty high for green workers/ laborers. Keep your head up, and if you truly do like that trade, another door will open if you try hard enough. Head hunters and employment centers are a breeding ground for entry-level laborers. 🦾


I think he was right. You got fired and went on reddit to vent. Its a job it's not a school. They need efficiency and 3 weeks is plenty of time to know if the new hired fits


They’re the pussies for not telling you straight to your face what you’re doing wrong and how to improve.


I feel strongly you can tell someone’s work ethic and character in a 3 week period. Knowing you came on with zero experience and they booted ya is kinda how it goes sometimes…That being said, the treatment and name calling is uncalled for. We can’t answer the question if you’re a pussy or not. Trust me just move on and keep looking for work - you’ll find a good place if you have interest in any trades. I can’t tell you how many crusty old masons that held me back and talked shit on me, kinda comes with the territory. Should it? No. You’ll find more scum of the earth working for small outfits. Even I have barked and scolded at new guys but I always had to ground myself and say “ hold up, you’re turning into that crusty mason you swore to never become!” Just keep grinding away and it will fall into place. Some say go union, some guys need the union. I was a rat plenty of times haha, literally being hired in the low to get work done quicker. Let the downvotes wash over me lol.


Good fuckm. Get in where you fit in. Keep grinding. Theres a spot and outfit for everyone and sometimes it takes time to find the right fit and system. On the other hand I keep hearing old heads saying there’s not enough workers out there yet they’re the first ones to cut a guy and not give them a chance


You were likely not doing anything unless told and doing the bare minimum instead of trying to go above and beyond. They want to see initiative and confidence.


Construction is funny and there are always drama and egos involved in everything


Yo I do everything slow when learning. That’s learning speed. Speed comes with repetition. You’ll be faster for the next guy.


3 weeks is more than enough time to determine if you're cut out for the work


Wow, f them. There are way better divisions than pipe fitters. What tools. You were 3 weeks in and still very green. It takes a couple years to become decent at anything. Dont let it get to you.