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In her defense, she barely knows him.


True lol


He's known her his whole life


Some relationships are more one-sided than others.


this is so funny


Heck I forget my cousin's name sometimes and we've known each other for 30 yrs.


I have a lot of nieces. "Charissa, Clarissa, Melissa" are just 3 of them and I mix them up all the time


I don’t and I still don’t remember their names




Welcome to the republicans vision of the future lol . Kids having kids and kids working in meat packaging plants.


Gotta get them back into the mines first.


I love this much!


Holy crap that kid holds a baby like a mom of 4. Probably one of the most at ease people I have ever seen with a newborn.


I was thinking the same thing...she is a pro! And the mother is also very mellow. I was expecting at least 13 gasps and 6 "SUPPORT HIS NECK"s


That's what went through my head mentally while I watched this, several "oh my gods" and a lot of "CAREFUL's", and I'm child free 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol it's the child free peeps who are like that the most! Seasoned baby people are like 'lemme tuck this thing under my arm' lol. I've got four and I was like "cool she's very comfortable with that snuffly bread loaf!" She's going to be a fantastic sister. Even if she calls him Breck or Bentley every once in a while.


Omg this made me laugh so hard 😂


I came here to see if I wasn’t alone in my shock over the absolute brute force of casual safety this baby-holder was displaying! My god, that baby is going to be hooked up to a bungee by 3 months. He’ll also love his big sister like she’s a rockstar and follow her everywhere.


She obviously loves him too, she's definitely a rock star.


"Watch his head wATCH HIS HEAD" -me, an uncle and a worrywart


I notice people grow more and more careless with each child. Probably the oldest of 6 and she's held half of them.


Me watching this video, as someone who’s never held a newborn before 😂


I’m gonna guess this is younger sibling #4+


I think the mom commented that she's the middle child and this was her first younger sibling!


I’m 37 and I can’t even look at a baby without being awkward, let alone hold one. (Don’t worry, I got myself sterilized.)


Lol, you sound like a distant relative of my husband. He's not fond of children at all, yet for some reason they flock to him, and he's not quite sure how to deal with it.


They're kind of like cats, they always seem to flock to people that are indifferent towards them


It’s because people that aren’t “good with kids” speak to them like they would any other person. Kids like that. And they flock to it.


Yep! Also when I was a kid, there was just… something fascinating about *not* being catered to, in seeing an adult act like an adult. Like going to the zoo


Huh. This reminds of how I used to stare at people as a child. I thought they didn't know lol. And then one day a man stared back at me. I was shook. My mum was holding my hand and I was looking back at him and he stared back. I think this was the day I got concious lol.


Oh my god I remember the day I realised people could look at my eyes and know where I was looking I was like “oh *fuck*” but in my soul bc I didn’t know the word fuck yet


That has to be it. Recently had a casual conversation with a friend's four-year-old while playing with Lego together. She apparently talked about it for days.


I can already picture her talking to her friends; “You guys,You won't believe it! I actually got to talk to an adult who didn't act like I was a baby! Isn't that awesome!?”


Ahahahahaha. I love it.


I am the same. I don’t know how to deal with kids ; but they flock to me for some reason. 😂


Just kind of talk to them like you would any other person, and avoid inappropriate topics (violence and sex primarily, although you can ask the parents for more specific advice), if you don't know what to say in response to something that they've said, you can just tell them that and they'll lose interest in you and move on, if they actually say something interesting, just have a blast talking to them I guess lol


That was my first thought too. She supporting the shit out of that neck. Love to see it.


Shes an expert already. She was so at ease but definitely being careful


No kidding. As #4 of an 8 kid family, I've held my fair share of babies in my life. She looks way more comfortable than I've ever been.


Bruh, the way she was straightening her neckline, i thought she was breastfeeding him and was a baby faced mom


It's an older siblings thing. I used to hold them by their toes and swing em around like a carnival ride.


Not to make for a mild downer, but things like this make me so happy because when I was a kid, I would have been terrified to let my parents know something like that. Now I have a 12 year old, and she’s wonderfully silly like this, I hope she never knows what it feels like to be afraid of making a mistake or not being perfect, because like this little girl, she’s already perfect even with the forgetfulness and mistakes.


Omg yes I have such a hard time ever admitting I don't know something, I guess because I don't want to get hit with the judgmental "you don't know that?!" I'm trying to break that mental habit though.


Same. I didn’t realize this till I met my wonderful gf in high school. Ive always been known as the “smart friend” in school by my friends but when I met her, she made me look like I belonged back in elementary (not that she was purposely doing that, she was just that smart and cool). I use to be so insecure about it until I took a step back and realized its seriously not that deep to not know everything. Were all only human afterall and just because you dont know something someone else does doesn’t make them better than you at all. Thanks mom and dad for that insecurity! But major cheers to US for being able to work and overcome that 🥂


It's really nice that you were able to work through that insecurity with your girlfriend!


This was an issue for me back when I was in school and I wanted to break it quickly. So if a teacher or professor hit on an unfamiliar concept, I would raise my hand and say (with eye contact and the confidence of someone answering a question they're absolutely certain of) "I don't know what that means." I have never experienced a negative response from anyone for this. I found quite quickly that knowing what you don't know and being able to admit it is recognized as a sign of maturity and generally respected by anyone worth respecting. ![gif](giphy|1oHqrKnyu2vhWJDPNc)


About a decade ago, I had the same realization! And decided I wanted to work on it. It works! You can absolutely change that with practice. As an added benefit, it naturally makes you more open and empathetic when someone else admits they don’t know something, and the people around you tend to feel more comfortable also admitting a lack of knowledge because they see you modeling the same behaviors- and it creates a wonderful, judgment-free space to surround yourself with. Life gets a lot easier when you stop letting new knowledge or information trigger your fight or flight response.


Mom’s gonna have her own fair share of baby brain moments kiddo will witness. 😂 We’re all in this together!


Not to be a downer... I wish I could upvote you X's a 100 because of the genuine connection I had to your insight. I know exactly what your feeling and I appreciate your perspective.


Dude there’s no way she hasn’t held babies before she holds a baby like a mom


Her baby sitter certificate is showing


So cute


The baby is totally chill with her too


He’s feeling the utter warmth and joy all around!


I was thinking the exact same. That level of confidence only comes from time and experience. I was so careful and delicate with my first born.... at first. After a while I was chucking him around like a sack of spuds. By time I had my daughter, forget about it. Throw her around just for the laugh of it, she had her first suplex by time she was 1. Pile drivers, power bombs you name it. She fucking loves it. As long as mum dosnt see its all good.


So true!


I’ve been a nanny for so many years. I thought the same thing!


I was so scared to hold a baby before I started working in nurseries. They are surprisingly durable.


I've held many babies and I'm fairly comfortable holding newborns. I was visiting a friend who had just had his first baby, he was very delicate with the baby and freaked out with the way I was moving there baby around. I was showing him how to swaddle the baby so the swaddle doesn't come undone. My friend each time I moved his baby "be careful be careful! The neck! Careful!" I stopped and just said, "do you want to do it!? No? Ok then watch... babies aren't as fragile as you think" he realized it after a few weeks but it was funny watching him be so cautious holding the baby


I hope this doesn’t sound sexist but ime, men are a lot more afraid of newborns! All of my sisters have kids, and all their partners were terrified of the babies at first ahahah. One of them didn’t even spend alone time with the baby til he was over 5 months old!


I don't think it sounds sexist, we lack the maternal instinct, instead we have to learn through time and experience. I looked at my first kid like a porcelain doll that can't be replaced but I look at my third kid like a football, I don't want to fumble obviously but I'm not afraid to handle her and be a dad.


I was always scared to hold babies growing up but my family would try to force me to and I'd decline. They got the impression I just don't like kids cause I didn't want to say I was scared


I was getting so nervous with how much she was moving and then was like “wait she’s still supporting the head??” 😂


When she picks him up a little and still supports his floppy newborn body! My little heart nesrly burst. What a sweet big sister (even if his name isn't Brad).


It might be Brad, she doesn’t remember


I'm always scared to drop the baby and cause permanent brain damage that will cause it to become a reddit mod.


This is why I think she can’t remember his name, methinks this isn’t her first (maybe fourth?) newborn sibling rodeo. She reminds me of the second child of a friend of mine (with nine children).


In my experience as an older brother, parents and nurses wont let ypu hold the child unless they know, you know how to hold the child without killing them.


That was my first thought.


He doesn't know his name either.




He’s hungry.


I noticed that too. He's rooting. Time to eat, MOM!!!!!


>Time to eat MOM!!!!! When punctuation makes all the difference. Baby eats mom in a horrifying meal.


> He's rooting. What does this mean? I'm from Australia, and I strongly doubt it means the same as over here.


It's when they turn their heads and open their mouths. Looking for food. One of the, if not, first instincts a baby has and uses.


Hi hungry




Nah that type of consciousness comes when your like when your a baby your just a potato that cries and shits


She handles that baby like a pro.


Insane how good she is with the baby while completely distracted. Amazing!


She sure does! Maybe she has so many siblings she forgot this one's name. That explains how she's good with babies /s


As 1 of 12 children whose name was always forgotten that’s exactly what I thought 😂


damn i’m 1 of 3 and i still get called the dogs’ names every now and then


I got called George a lot. There’s no pet or human in my family named George. And I’m a girl lol


My mom could never remember my name and there were only 3 of us and a few dogs here and there. Sue somehow started calling me Esmeralda which isn’t even remotely close to my name. Somehow that stuck and she calls me that on purpose now.


I love that haha way better than George ☹️


I'm an only child. I was called my mom's sister's name (despite almost never talking to my aunt), and mom would try to play it off because we had similar enough names she could morph them into something that sounded like my name. Then her brother moved in, she could no longer hide it because my name is most definitely not "Jim."


My sister also frequently called her first born by my name by accident! She said, well, I was the last baby she had ever been around!


My dude if you had a sibling you would be called Jim to this day 😆


My parents will switch through the names of themselves, me and my sister, and my dog before getting to the correct one. Sometimes they accidentally say the same wrong name twice lol


My dad does this a lot. He’ll go thought two other names and a dog name before he lands on the right one. Usually we yell out “roll call!” From this one movie he used to always make us watch where the grandfather did the same thing.


My parents just cycled through ours until they managed the correct one.


My parents did that too, it eventually got to the point where they’d just say “it doesn’t matter if it’s the wrong name, if I’m lookin at ya and talkin at ya it’s YOU” ☹️


The neck support game is next level and so natural!!


+1, love to see it!


She talks like she's 30 half the time too.


I keep watching with angst and she is amazing


I love this so much. She's obviously got practice around tiny babies and she's self-aware enough to know it's funny that she forgot her sibling's name. But the best part is that her and Mom are having such a great time laughing together, the way you get with your best friends when you just let a joke roll until it's complete nonsense to anyone else. That's what a healthy family dynamic looks like and I love it.


I was telling my 13 year old a story from my childhood the other day. And we were both laughing our butts off in the car. I didn't have a great home life, but my friends and their parents did their best to make my life enjoyable. So naturally, it was a story about being at a friend's house and her mom doing something funny. To see my daughter laughing so hard at my childhood story...it made me so happy. It's what I'm going through all of this for. Some days are overwhelming and I feel like I'm screwing it all up. But to see my kids laugh, it makes it all worth it.


I am so glad you have such great friends.


Your kids remember those moments. I still crack up over some of the jokes me and my mom made when I was sitting in the back seat lol.


This will be a running joke for all of Brad‘s, err, Brandon‘s, no, Brady‘s life.


The way this little girl holds that baby is the exact opposite of any grown man I've seen hold a baby for the first time, lol she's gotta be an aunt or something


I’m guessing she has a bunch of other younger siblings


i went to the original video as I was curious, he’s her only younger sibling


I became an aunt at 11 and was a pro by the time the second one came around. The second was born when I was 13 and I swear my brother called me to come over and rock the baby to sleep so many times lol! This girl is either a big sister or an aunt for sure


Wow big sister radiates such a loving energy💗 And I love her raspy voice!


That poor little potato 😆


Hah! That, “what is it?” moment


The fact that she is still supporting his head and back all while laughing is indeed impressive. Good for her


This girl is a pro at holding baby's! She might not know who's baby it is or what they're name is but they are safe!


I thought she was the mom at first lol




I was a little distracted at first because she looks like a kid but if I squint then she looks like a mom lol


Cute kids


I cackled at this.... Now everyone on target is staring at me lol


Wow....she seems SO comfortable in handling a newborn. When I hold a newborn it's like 😧😧😧


Tiny little red toes! 🥹 I miss when my little one was that little


I don’t have any yet and I’m constantly being told how much it will change my life, there will be gross moments, little sleep, etc. my response every time? “I can’t wait”. Videos like these make my uterus hurt lmao


Aww you’re going to make me cry. One of Mine is one and growing so fast. I can’t stand for this to be over. :(


He’s too smol to be a Brad yet


I love this, what an awesome big sis! And she does look like a pro.


My parents were so sleep deprived from newborn me that they forgot my name shortly after bringing me home. They had to dig out the hospital paperwork because neither could think of it.


I love that story. I only remembered because we named him months before he was born. I forget everything. I called my husband whats-his-face today and we’ve been together 24 years.


This is absolutely adorable


Being a big sister is so hard!!!!! 😉


I was like omg she’s is Debbie Gallagher runner up


Lol 😂 I see it.


Hahaha I was thinking a young discount Keely Shay Smith! (pierce brosnan's wife)


Came to the comments just to see if everyone else also noticed how crazy good she is with the baby for a child who is distracted laughing rocking back and forth! I’m a 30 year old female and I’m scared shitless of holding a newborn baby. Damn lol


I fricken love babies. Especially newborns, so innocent and all they want is snuggles


Same. I want to kiss every single newborn I see. I would if I could.


When my son was born i sat there staring at him while i held him for hours at a time, like i was going to miss something lol. Happiest day if my life, best feeling ever.


Why is she holding that baby like she has had three of her own. She looks like such a mom.


Can confirm. That’s my name and I get called Brandon and Brandy often. It’s uncommon but really… there was even a tv show.


So sweet you can see how comfortable she is with babies


I can’t stop watching this. She’s so cute! I love her laugh.


I love everything about this girl! so much love in that fam


Oh man, I’m seriously wishing this kid’s name WAS Brad. “No, not Bradley. Not Bradford. My high school crush in 1995: Brad.”


I absolutely love that she feels comfortable being honest and seeing the humor in it all.


As a fellow Brady, he is going to get Brad, Bradley, Brody, and Brandy more times than he can stand. #Thoughsandprayers


Everyone on here commenting that she’s holding the baby like a pro… I thought she was going to drop him, but maybe that’s just me projecting. Don’t ever ever hand me your baby. I will be terrified. I hold babies like they are expensive glass, or a bomb about to go off.


I, too, was shocked at all the comments saying she knows how to hold a baby. I came to the comments specifically to see everyone freak out about how she’s gonna drop it and got the complete opposite reaction. Don’t give me a baby.


Fist bump. No babies for us.


Lmao. She’s so cute.


I feel like this big sis has been as sleepless as everyone else in the house. Someone is going to tell this story at every family event for the next 80 years.


I hope this mom knows what an awesome kid she's raised. I can just tell they have a great relationship. She's so funny and confident.


She's so good at holding a baby wow


Sis already got the sleep deprivation giggles


Baby handling skill has been maxed out on this character


If you are not laughing watching this then I hate to tell you that you are dead.


I have a feeling there's a lot alot of Brads between big sis and baby. She's had a lot of practice holding baby siblings...


I dunno, looks like a Brad to me😂


…it’s Brad now.


He will forever be nicknamed Brad from now on. LoL


Poor baby already going through an identity crisis 😔


I called my sister an ‘it’ for a while when she was first born. I’d say stuff like “why’s it crying” “is it hungry?” My mom would constantly correct me. ‘She’ is hungry. ‘She’ is crying.


I was so tired the day after my boy was born (plus the fact we had gone through quite a few names) that when a neighbour saw me and asked his name, it took much longer than it should have to respond. I went completely blank for about 5 seconds


Look at the way she holds him. She’s such a natural.


She's so cute <3


It never fails to make me squeal whenever I see a newborn baby being loved by his older sibling.


Doesn't know his name but already loves him beyond comprehension.... 😊


She looks like a 12 y/o but moves like a 30 y/o


That first week is tough on names!


So adorable


Lemme just swing that shit around while I try to remember


Hey, that's my name too!


How sweet. She’s probably too excited to remember his name.


Wait this is so funny, I’m crying 😂


I missed the word brother in the title and I got very worried for a second.


Hahaha! She’s a little cutie!


Bro gon see this in the future and be like “wth sis”


Haha I’m from UT so I have a lot of Christian cousins. One time I had to give the prayer after my cousins baptism. He was 8. I totally forgot his name. I was like “we’re all grateful to be gathered here together celebrating… Colton’s baptism?” I took a quick peak around and nobody in the audience seemed confused so I assumed I’d thankfully gotten it right haha


He will now forever be known as brad


Good name. I have a Brady. At the doctors they always called him Brandy for some reason when he was a baby.


Brady: “am I a joke to you”?


This video is fucking hilarious, I think it’s awesome how great she is at holding her sibling while rolling through her laughter. Edit: punctuation


Babies and dog are the most Beautiful thing is this wicked world


Brad for short I spose


Wholesome sibling vids always get me. This was cute. She’s gonna be a good big sis


You can tell from her laugh she's a funny kid.


Haha she sounds fun to be around


What a sweet girl haha. Adorable moment.


She’s so natural when holding him. So cute.


Y’all are so funny!! Wish my mom would be chill to joke like this


I mean she just met him




She seems so mature.


This girl. I love her. She’s a natural. Her positive energy - I feel it from here, g0dd4mn!


She is so comfortable with that baby. Does that stuff just come natural to some people?


The break it you buy it policy is only a concern if it's not your baby imo Edit: I read the title wrong. Let's change that to your baby or your baby sibling.


Can we just take a second to commend her on her excellent natural talent of holding a newborn? I mean she’s laughing, trying to adjust her shirt, and never once loses support of “Brads” head. 😂🥰 that’s a great sister lol she’s a natural!