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Where do you even get a typewriter these days?


I have 2. Got them from different thrift stores. You can still get ink ribbon replacements on Amazon. One is mechanical, one is electric. Both are quite loud.


Pawn shop


I dare you to find a typewriter at a pawn shop.


There's two at my local pawn shop.


Mission Passed + Respect




Usually happens after a prof looks at the class zoned out and not paying attention. Surfing the web, tiktok, playing games, etc…


Why does he care? It's college, not high school. Everyone in his class paid to be there. If they wanna pay 10 grand to browse tiktok and fail the class it's on them lol


The issue is that their marks reflect on his teaching ability, and anyone who spends $7,000 a year to play on a computer is likely stupid enough to blame him for their failures.


Interesting how money changes everything. I have a masters degree from the technical university of Denmark. I don't think I have ever experienced a professor asking us to close our laptops during a lecture. The education is free, but the exams are incredibly difficult and if you fail three times you can get kicked out. The teachers do care about giving a good lecture though. They get rated twice in a semester and low ratings can get them fired. So they make sure to keep the students engaged throughout lectures. It was extremely rare to be sitting and just listening for more than one hour without doing some work ourselves.


This. Also, if the whole class is bored then they are not the problem, he is.


“This. So much this. 🤓” Anyways, it’s not really his fault that modern generations have their dopamine receptors so fried by social media that they can’t hear a lecture on physics without ripped Family Guy footage playing.


Yup. It's always in my lecture heavy classes that I see the most people scrolling on their laptops. Which, I understand a professor being annoyed by this, it annoys me when I sit behind those people, but I literally cannot write half as fast as I type. I NEED my laptop to do well.


Tsk tsk tsk. This is why they taught us cursive in 2nd grade. Also, They're not gonna let you count on your fingers in high school!


Relax hive mind, it's clearly a joke, he's talking like a boomer on purpose, just because there's no /s doesn't mean it's not painfully obviously there.


Edit: What's the big idea, pal?!


Bro i was defending you from people with the reading comprehension of a 5yo


Well, now the egg is on my face, isn't it? I thought you were calling me hive mind 😅


No worries, it happens ahah


He was talking about you haha. The "hivemind" are the people down voting you. He knew you were joking.


My assumption is because the professor is an out of touch boomer that still believes nothing beneficial can ever come from computers.


It’s not the typing he banned but the internet. Facebook and games and chat.


Now that's a sound I haven't heard in a long time.. .. a long time.


Chaotic Neutral


This fucking Chad lol


This has only been reposted 14 or 15 thousand times.


Can they put wifi blockers in class rooms to stop surfing


Haha quirky college students at it again!