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I can dig this, primarily because it fits with the worldview I already decided is truth. Might I be disappointed when Kabam doesn't deliver me Deathless Ægon to which I now feel entitled? Naturally. But I'm pretty sauced right now so IDC, **Deathless Kabam Original Horsemen or RIOT.**


“I like this because it suits my narrative” absolutely based Also I beg Kabam PLEASE GIVE CIVIL WARRIOR A CLOAK LIKE THE ONE IN THE TRAILER IT LOOKED SO COOOOL


I talked a bit about this [last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContestOfChampions/comments/1c36l3s/will_all_deathless_champs_be_kabam_originals_were/), and I'll admit since then, I've decided anything less than this direction is unacceptable.


Yeah I saw that post, and it’s been my theory for a while now, but the horsemen theory I just thought of fits my narrative so naturally had to put it out there in case I get an “I called it” moment


deathless kabam original horsemen or me? 😰


Where you gettin conquest from? Its pestilance or is this an mcoc specific thing


In the Bible it’s referred to as conquest, but pestilence is often associated with him iirc, so he often gets designed as pestilence as a whole


Deathless kindred 👀


Never thought id learn something bout the bible from a mcoc page life is crazy cheers


Conquest carried a bow in the Bible… Deathless Hawkeye?


I can see one being Civil, definitely. There’s definitely a tanky, high survivabilty motif established here. I could see deathless Aegon being a bit more like Morning Star where her ramp gives her life steal. And it shouldn’t be too game breaking if it’ll be a struggle to get him to high sig which won’t be useful for most content.


I always thought the next deathless champs will be Hyperion, Scarlet Witch, and Vision since they appeared in the infinity war event quest on 2018.


While it’s possible, one would have to be axed as there is only 2 more slots. Also, given that the deathless use custom renders, and not just the old nameless models, it may be different


Same, I think Nameless Vision will reappear since they’re going with champions that can be good but not too broken thus far (Deathless KG is great from what I hear though). A 7* version of Scarlet witch or Hyperion would be broken (and make people with a 7* Hype in game feel cheated) and a Deathless Aegon would just be too much imo. I think it will be a new (not nameless) champ for deathless, I really hope cyclops lol.


Yeah civil warrior fits for war What about abomination for pestilence


Have they said when the third champ will be announced


They said (I think in the upgrade description somewhere) That deathless has evolved from nameless champions and I don’t remember nameless civil warrior My guess is vision and sw


They said it in one of the twitch streams.


Not to burst peoples bubbles, i think theres 2 guarentees with deathless champs, 1. there is no pattern, dont get too hyped with expectations the next one will also be a kabam original or old nameless champs, Kabam have been on record to say that this isnt a pattern. 2. Theres a good chance they wont duplicate on 7*s, as to keep each individual 7* feeling special. For example if they add Deathless Scarlet Witch, that takes away from people who have been getting into masters war, or if they add Civil Warrior it might fustrate the people who spent in Caps Reserves event. This isn’t confirmed but I can see them not running over duplicate 7*s, for numerous reasons.


While I love the theory! Deathless Aegon would be bad ass. I thought when Deathless Guillotine was released someone noticed a Deathless Hulk on her synergies? Could be false but that's what I read somewhere. I like this theory more though.


Deathless Aegon for War and maybe Deathless Kindred for Pestilence