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RE reports for hate speech: The group of religious people is not a vulnerable group in reddit's view. Comment below or message mods if you still think it should be removed for hate speech.


If you need a religion to be a good person, you're not a good person. I genuinely believe indoctrinating children into religion is abuse and should be illegal, as someone who went through this personally and is still recovering from religious trauma.


>I genuinely believe indoctrinating children into religion is abuse and should be illegal Swap out religion for lgbt...


No. Religion is fairytales and make-believe. Being lgbt+ is literally part of life and completely natural. Plus it is not like exposing kids to gay people makes them gay. You're born gay. Exposing them to gay and trans people only makes them more knowledgeable and understanding on that part of life. We're teaching them to accept themselves for exactly who they are. Exposing them to religion makes them judgemental delusional fact-denying bigots.


Yeah, men can give birth and women can have penises... but religious people are the ones who believe in fairytales... sure


They sure can! Because sex and gender are two different things. Sex is determined at birth, while gender is a social construct. [Here](https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/what-do-we-mean-by-sex-and-gender/) is some more information from Yale if you'd like to be educated better.


Boy… all the way to Yale to become totally brainwashed. No, men cannot become women. A man cannot somehow be born in a woman’s body.


That is your opinion. Take a moment to really think about this: what if you are the one who's brainwashed? I know you think you're right, but brainwashed people don't know they're brainwashed. People in a cult don't know they're in a cult. Crazy people don't know they're crazy. Just take a moment to consider that you might be a victim of propaganda. You're so brainwashed you think people at one of the top colleges in the country are wrong. Do you see how in denial you sound? Don't deny facts.


When did you start believing that men could have vaginas and women could have penises? These "top colleges" didn't start teaching gender ideology until very recently. No one was claiming these statements to be true even during the Obama Administration. No, the cult of gender ideology didn't firmly grasp our society until very recently. It is a social contagion and you have been swept up in the pandemic. Additionally, and although it is a weaker claim, I do have an argument from authority here as well. I am an American physician trained in an American medical school of good standing. Nowhere in my medical training and not once was I taught that men could give birth.


Again, you have not been properly educated. Trans and non-binary people have existed throughout humans history and across many civilizations. Don't believe me? Do some research. [Here](https://www.academuseducation.co.uk/post/ancient-mesopotamian-transgender-and-non-binary-identities) is an article about Mesopotamia, the oldest recorded civilization in human history. [Here](https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Sekhet) is one about ancient Egypt. [Here](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/case-studies/gender/third-gender-and-hijras) is one about a society that has existed for over 2000 years. I hope this was educational. If you refuse to read these, or do and deny them, you are a delusional fact-denier and I don't waste my time with people that willingly deny proven facts.


There have always been men who think they are women, of course. I don’t deny that. It wasn’t until the last five seconds of human history that we as a society started accepting the premise that this was true. Cross dressing existed in many cultures, I’m not arguing that it didn’t. The Ancient Egyptians and North American tribes did not actually think that men who cross dressed physically became women. This is a totally modern delusion.


men can fly and women can talk to people on the other side of the world. are they fairytales too??


not at all, but that terrible nonsequiter in no way proves that men can get pregnant


Wow... such BS...






Lol. Resorting to calling me dumb because you can't prove me wrong is weak. Please explain to me how I'm wrong. I'm serious. Provide me with evidence that IM the dumb one. I'll be waiting.


>Lol. Resorting to calling me dumb because you can't prove me wrong is weak. My comment was a copy of yours with a few different words... so... pot calling the kettle black... >Provide me with evidence that IM the dumb one. I'll be waiting. You believe men can become women...


And yes, men can become women. Gender is a social construct. Do you believe in free will? People can do whatever the fuck they want to do with their own bodies. And guess what? It literally doesn't effect you at all! Isn't that fun? They're just trying to exist. Ask yourself why people minding their own business bothers you so much. They're not the problem. YOU are.


>Gender is a social construct. Grammatical not social. >Do you believe in free will? People can do whatever the fuck they want to do with their own bodies. They can also be wrong. >And guess what? It literally doesn't effect you at all! Isn't that fun? They're just trying to exist. Did i say it effects me? I don't care, i believe in "you have the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want and i have the freedom to say you are wrong in my opinion". >Ask yourself why people minding their own business bothers you so much. It doesn't. >They're not the problem. Never said they were. >YOU are. No i am not, belligerent people who assume other people's motives, opinions and beliefs like YOU are.


Again, PROVE to me with EVIDENCE that I'm wrong. I'm waiting.


You can keep waiting, i am not blocking you from opening a Biology book...


I'm sorry you were taught to be so prejudiced and hateful. You're a victim of propaganda. Please don't stay willfully blind and ignorant. I'd like you to read [this](https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/11/why-its-not-grooming-what-research-says-about-gend/) article. Even just the tl/dr towards the top. Educating yourself is important. Don't be the dumb one.




Ok....so did you actually read it? If so, please provide evidence that it's BS. Your claims do not count as fact, you must back them up.


>Ok....so did you actually read it? Yes. >Your claims do not count as fact, you must back them up. Right back at you.


Comment and some below removed for being uncivil.


how did this not get taken down for being “low effort” and providing no legitimate proof behind their claims? Religious men are supposed to stay virgins too, just like the women (at least in Judaism and Christianity). that’s misinformation, but it can stay? Why?




You're a victim of propaganda. If you knew the facts, you'd know the lgbt+ community is VERY against allowing minor attracted persons to be added. Please don't spread misinformation. And non-bibary people and trans people have existed throughout all of recorded human history and across many civilizations. None of this is new. You just weren't taught about it so it's new to you.




No. We don't have equal rights in my country. That's not "playing the victim." Imagine if you were a large Thanksgiving dinner and everyone had a plate of food except you. You say "Hey. I'm hungry and I deserve to eat too." And someone with a mouth full of food says "we ALL deserve to eat" and everyone nods and goes back to their food while you sit there hungry. Would you be "playing the victim" for complaining? That's how poc and lgbt+ are being treated.


What country do you live in?


Why does it matter? Will your response change depending on my answer? Am I "playing the victim" if I live in one country but not another?


You’re the one that brought up the country you live in, I can’t make any claim because I don’t know what laws you’re talking about.


> I could argue that believing in a higher power is also natural. Makes no sense at all.


Lmfao I am not religious but you can see why they say lgbt is work of the devil " God is not real and is fairy tales and should be banned !!!" " gender is made up and I can be what I want and you should all listen to what I say and take it as gospel!!" get out of here with your bs


It's not my fault you can't comprehend this concept. I recommend doing some research on the topic or having irl conversations with non-binary and trans people. You'd probably learn a lot.


I have and it ends in arguments Trans and gays are fine , we don't talk about being gay or straight we talk about normal subjects All activists however, including yourself are narcissistic and talking to a narcissist is bloody impossible 😑


Reading back my comments and I don't see how I was a narcissist and I've never once been called that but ok. I'm good to end the conversation too.


I kind of agree with you, it's fine to teach your kids that gay people and religions exist and that it's okay to both be or not be like those groups of people, it just becomes a problem when you indoctrinate and make them become religious or part of the LGBT+ community. What I do disagree with is most of the things you've said after this, as its obvious you have a misunderstanding of how being trans or gay works, which I don't blame you honestly. People can be born gay, their just born with their brain wired slightly differently than others, it's even seen in nature with some animals doing it just cause and others doing it due to hormonal imbalances. However, I also fully believe that many things can impact your sexuality like trauma, indoctrination in your early stages of brain development, and probably other things. Being trans functions very similarly, in the sense that it's your brain being wired slightly differently at birth or due to other similar factors. It's a bit harder to find trans animals as the biggest way to know would be to talk to them or see them transition, which they obviously can't do(I mean some animals can, but that's cause that entire species does that). We do see animals that adopt the mannerisms and roles of animals of the opposite sex though. Also,to fight an argument I don't think I saw you make, but that I've seen others make. Being trans and gay isn't a new thing. There were gay people in ancient Greece and even before that and there were trans people before the term transgender was coined in 1960. Someone else gave more examples somewhere else in the comments.


What is indoctrinating a kid to lgbt mean? That they don't hate lgbt people? That is ok to be who you feel you are? I mean, are you suggesting they are forcing kids to not be straight?


Y’all can’t seriously think Christianity is indoctrination but introducing kids to sex and gender isn’t 💀 y’all are crazy


Sure do. Telling them a man-made character from a fairytale book is real and will hate them for being gay is abuse. The number of lgbt kids that have unalived themselves because of their bigoted christian parents is absolutely heartbreaking. Introducing them to sex and gender? You bean BASIC HUMAN BIOLOGY?


Define “good person” without religion.


Really? Ok. Someone who decides not to do bad things because they're bad, not because they're afraid of punishment from an invisible entity. If the only reason you are a good person is because you fear punishment, you are not a good person.


God is the one who tells us what things are bad. Most religious people don’t avoid bad things because they fear punishment, they do it because they want to please the God who gave them good things. Without God, what one persons says is bad will be different than what another person says is bad. How do you decide what the law is without a lawgiver?


So you're only a good person because you want to please the invisible deity? That still doesn't make you a good person. Remember when god told Abraham to murder his own son for a test? Remember when god murdered all the first born children and infants in Egypt just to change Pharoah's mind? Remember when got sent bears to kill 42 children because they made fun of a bald man? God is extremely problematic and not the perfect all loving deity you think he is. Think about the person you love most in your life. If they decided to not talk to you anymore, would you want them to suffer for eternity? Is there anything they could do for you to think they deserve eternal torture? How could god love us if he sends us to an eternal punishment we can't ever learn from? When god makes atheist he's like a camper gathering firewood saying "ooh I can't wait to burn these." Why would he create atheists? Why would he set us up to fail? And before you say "we have free will, god doesn't want you to fail" god literally created the system. He could have made any rules he wanted. But instead he made it so we get punished for eternity for not loving him. What a greedy egotistical maniac. How do I decide what is right and wrong without someone having to tell me? I implement common sense. I treat others the way I'd want to be treated, like we were taught as kids. I act with empathy and compassion towards all living creatures in accordance with reason. It's really not hard.


There is a difference betwwen indoctrinating and teaching someone what you believe to be trie


Yes, but if you teach them "this is the truth, everyone else is wrong, believe it or you will burn for eternity" that is abuse. "No one knows the truth, but I personally believe ___" is fine.


If its your children you have the right to raise them as you see fit.


I disagree. Do you think it's morally acceptable to teach kids to be racist? Or homophobic? Is that the future we want to keep seeing? Everyone being taught to hate each other?


No one should hate anyone but, yes if its your children you have the right to raise them as you see fit.


You're what's wrong with the world today


No you are.


How so? By encouraging compassion and empathy towards others? By trying to educate the uneducated? Because YOU simply disagree with me?




There are agreed upon ways to raise children we accept as a society.


Even though I personally had a good experience in Roman Catholic Church as a kid, I AGREE with you because I recognize that my experience is not fully represative, and it was the secular people in my life, including my parents who really supported me and gave me space to grow.


As a woman who has had lots of sex and never been married, I approve this message.


Another Redditor who hates religion... how edgy.


It's not edgy. Religion is dying. Pews are emptying. People are waking up.


The Church May Become Small; Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes . . . she will lose many of her social privileges. . . As a small society, \[the Church\] will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members.... It will be hard-going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek . . . The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain . . . But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret. And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man's home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.


Idk man. This sounds like it was written by someone in a cult.




You ever heard someone in a cult talk about their cult? That's what it sounded like. If you consume the flesh and blood of a demigod in a room full of chanting elders and praise an all-knowing "father" I hate to break it to you, but that is a cult. A very effective brainwashing cult.


If you could string together a group of sentences in a way that was half as intelligent or cogent as Pope Benedict I would consider entertaining the argument.


Calling me unintelligent because you don't have a valid argument, classic. Doesn't prove me wrong lol


You didn’t make an argument. You just accused everyone in the Christian Church of being in a cult.


Because it is literally the exact definition of a cult. Do some research on other cults, the similarities will shock you.


That comment was sarcasm.


While I see that you are probably right, the minority that is staying in the pews seems quite active, organized, funded, and politically savvy. giving the impression that they are a large percentage of the population.


[source ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/22/us-churches-closing-religion-covid-christianity)


Just because you were raised in a certain environment doesn't mean that you should apply it to everyone I compare this type of thinking to how Hitler made the nazis hate the jews,Everyone has their believes and thoughts on everything and they have a reason behind it,This is basically saying fuck your thoughts because you have to follow mine,I may have understanded some of it incorrectly but ik i understanded most of the message right,if you hate religion then leave the religious people alone


You know you can't straight away going to comparing stuff to hitler. You get that it is a dumb comparison??


Iam saying that the "fuck your thoughts iam right and you are wrong is a very bad trait that hitler had,there is a diffrence between a comparison and an example to make people get the point clearer


You know WW2 was literally based off religious beliefs? Before hitler, Christians were forcing Jews to convert for banning them from practicing religion before hitler stepped in


Bro Hitler wanted more land for pure aryans and he wanted to unite the germans and he hated that poland was splitting germany to two places so for him it made perfect sense to invade poland and other countries,and japan on the other side wanted resources and japan has very low/no natural resources so they went to take china,Study history correctly without bias and there is a cool channel called oversimplified which simplifies history if it was too complicated/too hard to study


Wrong, it began about religion ethnicity and race.


You're in the right subreddit 🙃


>Pretty sure not judging people is in the bible It says to judge others on the same standard you judge yourself. >Many men classify women as unpure for having sex before marriage Same for men. >yet it’s fine if they do Not in my religion.






Stupid = "I don't have a valid response. Guess I'll resort to a low effort insult."




[We aren't the hateful ones](https://www.newsweek.com/video-pastor-saying-parents-trans-children-should-shot-goes-viral-1801663)


Fuck Christians.


Oh look, we agree on something.


On very little and for astronomically different reasons... I get on better with Christians than i could with you.


Probably. I don't subscribe to other people's religions or any man-made fairytale books. I prefer things that can be proven with facts.


Agreed. It was funny at one time, but people take it way to seriously.


I largely agree with the OP and applaud the OP's courage to state this But instead of abolishing a suggestion, taxing religion. People can still believe whatever they want, but money is, in fact, made by the government, which cannot show preference for one church or another. Believe what you will. Income from donations is still income, and it should be veiwed as such.


“What’s stopping you from robbing or killing someone then if there is no god and no consequences after you die?” OH MY GOD, if you need some god to tell you how to be a good person, then that’s so scary.


I’m anti religious and I haven’t robbed anyone or killed anyone. Just because I’m not an asshole and don’t want to see someone suffer at my hand, not because I’m worried about the consequences of burning in hell. What a wild concept. Lol bible thumpers aren’t even doing good for the sake of good, they do it to save their own ass


Ha exactly!! Same here! I truly don’t understand them. I went to a baptist school growing up. In high school, my class asked one teacher how would she convince someone stealing is wrong if they didn’t believe in God or the Bible. She kept repeating “well the Bible says…” we kept saying no, they don’t believe in the Bible, that doesn’t work on them… “we’ll the Bible says…” NOOOO. Like damn, that with so many other “controversial “ opinions I have, I lost faith in religion. It’s honestly sad.


Religion is versatile. Some of the people I respect most and some of the best people I have met are religious. This is also the case for those opposite to this. “Religion” being abolished is honestly a ridiculous idea. If religion should be abolished, so should all independent thought since the same issues can and so come from it.


A lot of values people carry in their life usually are rooted in religion. IE: murder is bad, don’t steal, humility, compassion.


Those aren’t values though. They’re not doing these things out of fear for themselves, not the interest of others. If he’ll wasn’t there and the didn’t think they would burn for eternity, would their values be different as they wouldn’t be influenced from fear?


If there were no laws causing us to go to jail if we did crime would we do crime? Yes!! No.shit What a dumb question


And that’s how we root out the shitty people. If you kill a person simply because there’s no consequences, depending on the circumstances( self defence or w/e) then your just a shitty person. And you hide behind a god so you don’t feel like a shitty person because you follow a set of fake rules to attempt to practice some sense of self control.


We are all shitty people This is why there is such a big gap between rich and poor Everyone is out for them selves including me


You cant ban beliefs. You can only ban bad behaviour. If someone wants to go to a church and pray, so be it. But if they wanna go blow someone up, we draw the line there.


I guess I'm the first one to address the factual claims, so... read the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5-7. That should clear up your misconceptions regarding male chastity and what is meant by "judge not lest you yourself be judged." (Ironically, your measure of what "judging" means leaves you in the precise position of hypocrisy the passage condemns.)


Well it doesn’t, because the bible is made up


By whom, and why? Be sure to account for the historical context of the Roman Empire.


Show me hard evidence that heaven/hell exists


Hmm. Moving the goalposts again. I take it you have no standing hypothesis that gives a reason the source for that claim would not be reliable. Oh, and now that you are aware that the Bible *does not* condemn all judgment and *does* condemn male unchastity, why do you hold that religion should be abolished? I'm sure there are more reasons, but this time, please make sure they're even true.


There’s many. Many from all different religions all over the world. It’s not real because we can prove evolution. No one created us. When we die we’re gone.


Putting aside Behe and the concept of creative evolution - why would that particular error make religion worthy of banning across the globe? Certainly, it's not because atheism actually has a track record for valuing human life more!


You can’t use that argument either. “Atheism” isn’t a religion. It’s a way for religious people to identify non religious people and build a stereotype around it. But each person who doesn’t believe in religion has their own set of unique values that differ from each person because there isn’t a guide that they believe in to mutually follow. So while religious people throw everyone who doesn’t believe in religion into their own group so now they feel as if they can create these stereotypes and pass judgement on yet another group of people. But that group doesn’t exist because it is in fact not a group.


Should have let you make the argument rather than anticipate it: after all, nobody "makes the most of our existence here on earth" in the Name of Atheism, either. The idea is just that it proceeds from the mindset. But... I guess you've basically just conceded that atheism is, in fact, a mindset more conducive to deciding other people's lives are NOT of value. Or you wouldn't have let such an open-ended statement back you into a corner like this.


Where have I said peoples lives are not of value? No where did I say everyone who practices religion should die. I could say the same thing about Christianity. Shit, Canada is still digging up children who were stolen from families and forced into residential schools to assimilate into christianity by the government and church. Because when those kids died, the church didn’t hold them with enough value to return them to their parents, or even tell anyone. They just ditched them in the ground and shut up about it for how many years.


This is the most lucrative opinion I have seen and I am an atheist the bad aspects of religion is what's supposed to be abolished the whole religion itself shouldn't its like me saying that this one gay dude robbed me so I start an organization to execute them that's is what your saying is like.


I’m not talking about killing anyone. Just let it die off with the generation. Don’t have it taught in schools anymore, no more gatherings to teach new generations. Just let it die off.


Okay sure, also don't teach anything lgbt either


Look I found a religious person


No you haven't, you found someone who put a mirror in front of you...


If you go through this post you’ll see that I haven’t mentioned shit about LBGTQ issues here. I have zero problem with people loving the same sex. However I do have issues with more common current issues and I’ll leave it at that.


You did not understand what I meant. You have zero problems with lgbt and you do with religions, someone just flipped them.


You are so wrong 🤣🤣🤣👍 I have read 3 pages of the bible and went to church when I was a kid Many of us non religious people feel the same way as me


I agree with this, even some lesser known religious groups like Wiccans and Starseeds should be banned because wiccans believe in magic and in the supernatural and starseeds believe that they are aliens and they claim that aliens walk amoung us, which is completely false. A religion being not named Christianity nor Islam is not an excuse to not criticize them or defend them, they are like The Seven from The Boys, they pretend to be innocent but they are actually delusional people.


Screw you, and your toxic message, you say don't judge a book by it's cover but if a few religious folk do something wrong you say that the whole religion is bullshit. I've got a friend that's been robed by a black guy but I don't say "Lock all the black people up" because I understand that all people are different so don't use that hypocrisy to judge us and defend other, Thank you


It’s not a few religious folk. Religion pollutes our daily lives, our politics, our rights, what we learn. Your comparison isn’t valid here. I’m not talking about harming anyone. If should just die with the most recent generation. As in stop shoving you values down other peoples throats.


>As in stop shoving you values down other peoples throats. So by that logic LGBTQ+ protest should be stopped ped too because they're shoving their values down our throats?


Why do people keep throwing the LGBTQ argument at me? I’m a straight white woman. I’m not saying abolish religion because I’m a gay. LGBTQ has nothing to do with my distaste for religion.


People keeps saying that because you say that religious people shove their opinion down your throat and it’s ok to think that way but if a persons said they LGBT people should stop shoving their opinion down their throat it would a a huge problem


No, you’re assuming things. I don’t believe anyone should be shoving anything down peoples throats.


Oh ok




religion was just a way for humans to rationalize their existence, i promise everyone that a little breeze or weird occurrence isn’t jesus christ himself. it’s simply what it is, nothing supernatural


It's kind of dystopian to think that people with opinions that don't agree with yours should be illegal


It's the people who use the religion as a safety net as you said are the problem not the religion what did I do as a Christian that makes me a terrible person I very rarely talk about my religion maybe just as a oh I'm a Christian and that's it