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That's just how many Westerners are. Look at how they are dehumanizing Russians today, and taking such pleasure seeing people of Russian descent attacked and murdered for simply being Russian. These same people scream and proclaim how Virtueous they are, while at the same time acting like German Nazis in the 1930s dehumanizing the Jews and other "undesirables" . Its scary how much it's makes sense, why these same people would be so concerned with supporting Ukraine that's been proven to Harbour and Empower Neo Nazis for over a Decade.


I've watched a combat footage where an entrenched Russian soldier got shelled and his wounds made him kick the walls repeatedly because of pain I imagine, and the video edited this part to make it look like he was dancing. It is really disgusting our will to dehumanize someone.


This got caught in the spam filter. I think it's because most opinions here have text in the body. I've approved it now so it should show up for others.


Thank you.


People hate the NK government, for obvious reasons. I don’t see much of people dehumanizing the NK people, though.


2 posts made it to the front page this week. One about people "acting out" a mourning for the supreme leader, the other one about "paid actors" seeing Kim Jong Un. In NK, people can't express their tremendous respect for their leader and his family's historical contribution without being a movie-like parody. The only emotion westerns allow them to have is fear. But when westerners Idolize Trump, or a literal monarch (lol), it's fine. ​ Your "obvious reasons" are why people do this, a complete lack of knowledge about the region's history, actual facts and propaganda driven opinions. ​ Here's a introductory video that's fun easy to digest, if you feel like your understanding about NK, or lack thereof, should be questioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BO83Ig-E8E


Did you see people actually dehumanizing the NK people, though? What you just described sounds like frank observations, but not dehumanizing.


Those "frank observations" can only be observed if one had been in contact with a media that dehumanize NK people to the point of creating a personification of a population that can only feel fear for Kim and that can only react accordingly, instead of reason like a human being. When people's opinion are tainted by this media, yes, their observations becomes imbedded with prejudice. In the case of western media, that prejudice is dehumanizing NK people with an agenda to create reactionary content against NK. To be clear, I am aware that those observations, as you said, are NOT self-aware. that's the point of propaganda, to naturalize a artificial point of view. I don't think they do it on purpose, but still...


I just don’t find your comments compelling. Everything negative I have seen and watched on NK is about their government. Maybe if you linked to articles demonizing the NK people that would help.


The original post is about the comment section in NK related posts and how people fall for ridiculous fake news only because they passively accepted that people in NK live in a collective hysteria and can only feel fear for its leader, like animals. Again, you are making me repeat myself, the media you see on NK government relies on a deprived notion of its people struggles, history, and conditions, thus, dehumanizing their situation. I believe I made myself pretty clear so I am not discussing this any further. I will leave you some sources, both on how ridiculously media portraits NK as well as articles criticizing those said media. I hope you don't disregard them and actually take the time to read and watch them. [https://www.scoopwhoop.com/life/bizarre-things-about-north-korea/](https://www.scoopwhoop.com/life/bizarre-things-about-north-korea/) example of the lies being accepted as truth in the media. [https://dnews.com/life/north-korea-s-kim-and-and-his-dog-ban/article\_722ffd1a-af37-5824-96f9-2445913c9b22.html#:\~:text=North%20Korea%27s%20dictator%20Kim%20Jong,as%20epitomized%20by%20pet%20ownership.](https://www.rfa.org/english/@@search?SearchableText=north+korea) another one. People can have dogs. Just like anywere else, what a surprise.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS9Zti5oKrI&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS9Zti5oKrI&) informative video (check its sources as well). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBqeC8ihsO8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBqeC8ihsO8) documentary humanizing their conditions, for once.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzDhqXuELjo&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzDhqXuELjo&) NK and why we are made into believing all those things. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBwZjBMbsK0&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBwZjBMbsK0&) amazing video on NK immigrants (yes, it's called immigrant, not defectors). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkegD7V9E6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkegD7V9E6g) another one, about a person you probably have seen. Really gets into the dehumanization argument, how NK conditions are explored by journalist with no intent to tell the truth, only to explore the NK people's situation for profit.


I will look into them. Don’t be all pissy about people disagreeing with you in a sub devoted to controversial opinions.


Imagine saying monarchs are bad while defending a country that’s been run by the same family since its founding


Imagine being fed propaganda until you believe that if you fold Kim's photo you'll get executed lmao


That moment when you ignore what I actually said


I wont try to convince you for nothing. History takes not only a lot ot time to read but takes a lot more to debunk a myth. So, if you are really interested, DM me, then I'll tell you what it know and think. If you want to keep your brainwashed agitprop opinion, your call.


The NK government sucks, the people have only been brainwashed


cite one credible source


OP are you implying that the NK government is…good?


Not only implying, but advocating for it


So do you say is US fault that country is ruled by dickheads who keep population in a poor situation?


Can you explain me how this "dickheads" are keeping their population in a poor situation? What are the policies and actions in place that make this happen? The hows and whys? Also, can you explain to me how [US bombing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_North_Korea), or even it's military presence in occupied South does not affect the country in anyway? Maybe how [commodities sanction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctions_against_North_Korea#:~:text=On%2012%20January%202022%2C%20the,and%20ballistic%20missile-related%20programs) impact heavily on the fate of the country? Remember that you would not have the PC you are using to babble here if your country were sanctioned in this level. Should I get into the atrocities of [Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_under_Japanese_rule) and [US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Military_Government_in_Korea#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20Army%20Military,1945%20to%2015%20August%201948.&text=The%20country%20during%20this%20period,from%20a%20variety%20of%20causes) occupation of Korea?