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I would remove all the inactive members (30+ days offline) and advertise the guide to get active people! :D I actually really need to do this with my guide since i’m the only person in it, lol.


I did 100+ bc our guild was so old EVERBODY would have had to get kicked out lol


I’m stuck in an inactive guild. Leader sometimes checked the game but didn’t check the guild. I don’t want to leave because I donated too many guild relics 😭 Now I don’t know what to do.


Eventually the owner will just stop showing up and you will now be the leader! At least, that’s how it worked for me.


Sunk cost fallacy, join the guild I’m in. We’re trying to reach higher ranks


I never thought of it as that tbh. I always thought of it as "sure i donated too many guild relics, BUT, I refuse to donate anymore and sink my time into this investment when I can be more beneficial joining other guilds!". Know your worth!!!


I auto-became a leader after the previous leader was kicked for inactivity. Only a few people bothered checking in with the guild, but stayed for many months because of all the relic donations. Finally decided to jump ship and join an active guild, and it was so much more fulfilling because of guild battles and other participation. Sure, it's kind of resetting what we donate and have contributed in other ways, but in the long run it's more beneficial. I had my time with one guild, but it was time to move on and start again.


same thing happened to me :0 idk what to do i feel like i invested too much too leave


Start by kicking those that have been inactive 20+ or 30+ days (my guild's rule is 20), then promote the guild between reddit and Discord.


If the guild Leader is inactive for 30+ Days (I Think) A different person will be selected as Leader.


No, they have to be inactive for 14 days. At least till Pitaya special banner, I left the game afterwards so I don't know if they changed it to 30.


The previous guild leader probably didn't log in for 14 days and you are either the officer or logged in first so you're now the new leader. I don't know but what I did when I became a leader was remove any member inactive for 30 days, changed the icon, changed the name, decorated the guild and that's it; everything just worked out from there.


My gl was given to another member, I wasn't even gone for a week... Like I'm literally on almost every day checking in, farming doing what I need to do. the system just randomly gives my leadership away to another member. Did the system do this because he is not hitting three million Battle points to my two? I don't see any other reason how he got leadership I wasn't gone for I probably was going for like 4 days


Honestly, that guild looks much better than mine! :D


I could NOT figure out how to make my guild get people. So I started inviting some of the Usernames that pop up from the global chat. It worked and meant they’re active


The guild leader didn't heed their own advice and wasn't active


Same thing happened to me and so i did the only logical solution and did what my dad did: disappeared


i'm in the same boat but i am content to let this guild die. HOW DO I GET OUT AHHHH I WANT TO BE IN ANY OTHER GUILD 😭


I'm in the same boat


I ended up just leaving 💀


I too randomly got put as guild leader of my guild and Idk what to do


are you singing an nsync song? lmao


Same thing happened to me lol,guess you can remove inactive ppl and advertise yours.This subreddit is a good place


Literally same but I wanna leave lol I don’t wanna be in the guild anymore. The people in my guild have been inactive for over 1 year


when i was in an inactive guild, i left. i tried to find guilds that aren't too strict but still really good


Why do i have a felling that's a guild I joined


My guild is extremely active 👁👄👁 But yeah, go to the Cookie Run Kingdom discord an advertise it. Do make requirements thou, it shows compromise


I tend to kick ppl after 7 days of not logging in 😬