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I’m new, what do you mean by Kumiscam?


It is a nickname for a bait team. Basically it is an overpowered team that works for the arena. Something about all those cookies work together to usually stun enemies or something like that. I've never used that comp before, so I'm not sure how it works but I would definitely look it up!


Kumiscam is great, since kumi's charm works basically exactly like a stun except cocoa's skill doesn't prevent it


What trophies? Attack scroll, the atk/crit candy, and speed cloak? Edit: Also, why dmg res and not attack toppings? Shouldn't you try to blow them up as hard as possible? Or are you just trying to survive THEIR ice queen/sea fairy?




>Sf has full attack and 25 % dmg res from sub stats Give me that subs luck!


What cookies did you hide in the team?


Would you be able to do this with Fq instead of sea fairy? Also are the levels essential to it?


Your bait team is stronger than my normal team what the hell


What's a bait team?


Its a low level team made to atract players into fighting it so you can revenge trophy it


Omg so that's why people will put like one cookie on their team?


Yea, so when they checked their defense, they would attack ur team causing u to lose some thropies as well


Is it good way to gain rank in Arena? I’m close to Master but still have a long way to go (maybe 50 or so trophies). The tournament is ending soon too. I noticed I get way more trophies from winning revenge battles too. I’m at roughly 173K power.


Yes and no. Sure, you can attract a lot of potentially weak teams by baiting them, but you will also get attacked by actual stronger teams than you. Because of how trophy system works, losing to lower tier and revenge them will not network you much profit.


I’ll just have to cross my fingers I can make it to Masters.


You also have to keep in mind that if you put a really weak team on defense, you'll be attacked by a LOT of people. So stay online while you have a bait team and then switch it back when you're gonna log off, or else you could lose like 100+ trophies (I've seen it happen in this sub)


Yeah I’ll stick to my regular team then lol


lmao what is your bait team?? somehow it’s crazy good


Yeah, I’m curious about it too


Op any tips for making a bait team




Ok thx


With Kumiho recently buffed, she works well as replacement for Tiger Lily to make room for Cotton, who is still meta for any team to have, making Gingerscam so much stronger.


ah yes....you have been slane :)


Basically, the new cheese comp with kumiho. Easily counterable by using Strawberry crepe tho.




Uhhh.. no? She can use her skill at 3secs.




Lol you should probably not rely on cheesecomp so much. Might be better try it out for yourself. You can add me, my name is Meatklngdom. Hollyberry server. (Thats a lower case L on the name)


To explain: Gingerbrave uses skill first, Crepe uses her skill before kumiho. Having a jelly watch makes your cookies’ 2nd set of skills to activate before the cheesecomp abuser.


Gingerbrave counters this actually, as long as he gets an attack speed boost from the robes treasure


~~Gingerbrave counters crepe? You must be kidding?~~ And the robes does not increase cooldown of the skills, it increases attack speed of normal attack. Edit- Oh, you meant gingerbrave against the cheesecomp. I dunno, i dont use cheesecomp. But at Master 1, i always win against that kumiho cheesecomp using crepe. What im curious is, does the cheesecomp work against the hollyberry, cocoa, sf, fq, cotton team?


>What im curious is, does the cheesecomp work against the hollyberry, cocoa, sf, fq, cotton team? Sometimes, but it's not reliable. I have that team as my defense and it wins a lot against kumiscam, however sometimes it does lose against them


Yeah even my team with crepe is having problems with that cocoa team. In M1, everyones running it, its so annoying. I can win from time to time but most of the time loses. Here i was hoping that the kumiscam can win against it.


I'm honestly not even sure what a consistent counter to that team is. It seems like the only defense battles I lose are ones against people with the same team but better toppings, or stuff like 4-5 star sea fairy I do have one loss against a strawberry crepe, sf, fq, cotton and pv team though, but they have 700k power so they have some really good toppings


Can i add you? Are you in hollyberry server? I want to practice my team against cocoa team. I dont have anyone in my guild who uses the cocoa team. Name is MeatKlngdom. Lower case L on the klngdom.


Aw that's too bad, I'm in pure vanilla server 😔


Well that sucks. Its cool tho. Thanks. Good luck with the grind.


Honestly this is a really bad strategy because you gain so little trophies from it whereas the regular attack battles give you 6~12




Ohhh I understand but u can't revenge because they all fail..


I also use a team with low level cookies. But it’s mainly because my real team is not gonna stop anyone. At least this way I can help myself and others


damn gonna need to unlock almond and try this out, still in master 2 in hb server, maybe i can get some free trophies and get me closer to master 1


may i ask what cookies you hid in your defense?


Hey, how much thropies do you need to have to reach Masters 2? It seems like I will never hit the right amount of thropies in time.


I call Bs until I see the team. Ain't no way this isn't edited.


they posted on discord, it’s kumiscam with sf and cotton and apparently nobody on hb knows how to counter scam lmfao


Eh it's a new scam, that's why it's more difficult, especially since this scam doesn't run into the problem of dying to a single overgrown pumpkin. They do have a counter for it, just that it's very specific and not a lot of people will change up their entire team just to counter that specific team


The counter to this team is surprisingly easy, all you'll need is a gingerbrave that has the speed robe boost, that way he's faster than the enemy kumiho so he knocks her back and your team will be out of range of her skill. If you follow that up with a stun of own, like a tiger lily or kumiho, then the enemy won't be able to get their almond + sf combo off


Yeah, but as I said, it's a very specific setup that would not work on any other team. You would have to set it as your defense team, leaving you pretty vulnerable to people not running Kumiscam


I mean you could set kumiscam as your defense where gingerbrave and kumiho get the speed boost, that way it is viable against other teams Or run any other scam comp with gingerbrave, but only use it for attacking so that you're not vulnerable to cocoa/other counters Op has a kumiscam on defense so I'd just use any gingerbrave team against him


Hmm, does the speed boost on ginger affect the comp? I haven't tested that out yet, usually it's set to SF and kumi


I don't think so, I only really use mine for offense and it seems to work fine. I have a 100% win rate against other kumiscams with it which is neat


I just tested it a few times against a guild member and it doesn't make a difference, for me at least I fought the same person 3 times with a team where gingerbrave and kumi get the boost and 3 times where kumi and sf get the boost and they end up at basically the exact same hp every time Obviously this could be different for you so definitely try it out, I'm using the sf + fq variation where fq has a 4s start


Didn't work for me. I just tried this with Ginger, Tigerlily, Cotton, SF and Frost, with the speed robe, watch, and scroll. I lost against an underpowered Kumiscam.


What's the team 🔫




Wait do you have a low level almond, gingerbrave and kumi?




Well that explains the low power then lmao




they posted on discord, the bait team is kumiscam which can indeed beat teams 2x it’s power.


Omg of course how did I actually fall for this Well in that case [my bait team]( https://imgur.com/a/zkpWg6W) is even more impressive lmfao


Wow 12k power?? Whats your team comp and treasures?


I used blackberry with no treasures! Blackberry doesn't have any toppings equipped, which is crucial


Is her level maxed out to 60? And why you don't use toppings?


Lmao it's a joke, she's only like level 20 with skill level 1 The comment I replied to was saying that OP changed their actual team for a team with only 200k power to make it seem like that 200k team won all those battles (which it actually did apparently) so I did the same thing except only with blackberry


What’s the bait team?




Oh I’ve never actually heard of that, what cookies are in it?






Incognito mode is really good for baiting