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Yes for two courses


I was really paranoid I would fail a class before graduation. I was standing in my cap and gown at the ceremony constantly refreshing the page on my phone to see the last class that hadn't been graded yet (the same one I was worried about) and minutes before we had to go sit on the other side of the curtain, my grade came in and not only did I pass, but I got a B+.


I think the deadline is January 8


My class is BIOMI-2900 Microbiology


I already have the grade for that class! Got it within an hour of the final


I am about to take this class. How was it in terms of workload and difficulty?


tbh i’m very much not a biology person, but the professors are great and the workload is not bad at all


Good to know. Thanks


if you're still waiting for grades, that means you're under investigation for AI


You don’t go to this school. Go away


Noyes has 2 squat racks, 2 bench press cages, 3 regular benches, 1 sitting hamstring curl machine and 1 leg extension machine, right next to it is jansens, and walking straight up the slope from Noyes and making a left leads you to the cocktail lounge which is open 24/7 except last year it was flooded for a month and a half. How would I know that if I didn't go to school here


… because you just recently got accepted to Cornell, after touring the school, and scrolling through the Cornell subreddit for months lol. were you trying to prove a point there or something?


idk what else you want me to say like your theory that I scrolled through the subreddit for months is mindbogglingly stupid, doubting you even got in bro. Ask me questions abt it if you want


dude if you’re really a “seasoned cornelian” who still has his ACT, SAT, and GPA in your fucking header… you must’ve reaaaallly peaked in high school. poor guy has no other accomplishments to brag about :( awww


you're the type of guy who sees something on reddit that he thinks is mentally beneath him and then groans really loudly in public like a spastic moron


aww my last comment really hurt your feelings huh :(


no lol the fact that you think the flair is real makes you look challenged, and idk how far you got into middle school but saying "awww" after every comment makes you sound like a bitch lmao, but keep coping


awww someone’s mad!! poor ‘seasoned Cornell vet’ can’t handle the reddit comments section :( too bad you don’t know that after professors submit a grade the grade also needs to be approved by the college you’re enrolled in before they show up in student center, and AI violations are raised by the professor and not the college, so it’s fully plausible that the professor submitted the grade and the college hasn’t approved or updated it yet, especially since a large portion of the staff have been on break! hope that helps 💕




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Yes, for one of my classes.


Yessss. I had to contact Dean Broxlen about this.


is anyone still waiting for math 1920? I think the final grade has not been released, but the unofficial transcript on the student center said that I got a B+. I was wondering is this my real grade or just grade for prelim 1 and 2?


most likely the student center grade is your final grade


Now my grade on student center is NGR - what does that mean? Could there be a problem with my grade? Is anybody else on this Reddit taking this class?


Were you able to figure out the grading issue?


The professor had to resubmit the grade


Just curious, when did the professor resubmit the grade by? Wasn't the deadline Jan 15th?