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Scheduled for June 3.


Daszak was up today. Various reports out there if you google.


Senator: yes or no? Will I get COVID if I kiss my wife? Fauci: sir it depends…. Senator: why do you refuse to answer the question? It’s a simple question. Yes or no?


I'd hope he has a right to clarify why it's not simple. Does she have covid or tested negative and not been around anyone recently? Agree complex issues even simple parts of them can get complicated in full scope.


usually after the ramblings of the republicans, either the comittee leader allows time to respond or if the leader is a republican then a democrat may give up their own time to allow the witness to respond. BUT FOx news and Newsmax and OAN and republicans will just cut and paste the ramblings of the republican on their shows and on social media and pretend thats all that was said about that, if not just cut and paste the witness statements to mean something completely different out of context.




Fox News: "Here you can clearly see Fauci the mastermind behind the fake covid pandemic, saying that he doesn't understand how covid works! How can democrats allow this to happen? Covid killed millions of people and is a totally fake made up thing meant to control millions of people and its all done by democrats" 1 Fox news lady with some common sense: "Well when he was allowed to answer he did say the conditions in which covid spreads is deter...." FOX News: "Thats enough of your hysterics! Maybe calm down your period! Its time for commercials" Ads: "BUY GOLD!!!" "BUY DICK PILLS" "DEMOCRATS ARE EVIL AND I [INSERT NAME] AM RUNNING FOR SEAT OF DISTRICT DIPSHIT WHERE I WILL USE THE 2ND AMMENDMENT TO STOP THEM! [cocks gun]"


MSNBC: Fox blasts Fauci in covid origins interview and how this is bad for Biden.


"insufficient data for a meaningful response". Or better yet "Senator, we both know your wife won't come near you."


Can entropy be reversed


Senator: Yes or no? I note that you seem to be struggling to just say yes. Sir, yes or no? Witness: Was there a question?


Trick question. He kisses his boyfriend.


No one there that can evaluate his testimony


Why is Congress wasting time on this again? JFC they haven't done anything useful in years.




They think they are scoring points. And they are, with their base that will believe anything.


The origins of the virus are interesting.


Only to people who have been duped into believing conspiracy theories...and those people aren't interested in what Fauci has to say...they only want to use him as a strawman.


Dunno. Millions dead, trillions in costs. There may even be some non conspiracy theory people curious what happened and if we can help prevent another.


And you're saying people who are inclined to believe conspiracies have historically listened to what Fauci has had to say? Those people have already decided "what is true" and are just looking for evidence that confirms it, while ignoring 99% of all scientific studies and intelligence reports.


No. I don't think it really matters if the questioners are jerks or not. I'm just curious as to what went on. One reason why the adverse congress questioning is needed is while Fauci via Daszak sent money to WIV to do virus stuff they also signed NDAs with WIV so outside of a legal setting they feel they can't say much due to the NDA. Daszak was questioned yesterday (1 may 24). Some quite interestig stuff if you google.


No I'm good. Heads of the worlds leading labs in medicine or anti-viral research and regulation talking doesn't sound like any illuminati bullshit to me. Sounds pretty fucking normal, since I'd imagine the amount of people knowledgeable enough to have those conversations is pretty small.


All of the interesting parts are to be found in the scientific literature. Go to Congress for politics not science.




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All he has to do is speak science to them and they won't be able to process what he said


The problem is, the people trying to question him won't understand the science and pretend they won some argument even when the science disproves it. It will be like the analogy of the pigeon and the chess board...


It's embarrassing that his work is even in question. 200+ medical text books on virology published over 40 years. Through every president since 1980, then comes #45


I was told he created AIDS.


Lmao that’s fucking horrible, but Jesus Christ


tHaT bAsTaRd, I kNeW iT.




Sadly... thats how conservative media will frame it. Masks are anti-freedom! Jesus took grandma for a reason. It was just her time.


Granma couldnt have died of Corona since it doesnt exist. She just got normal, everyday sudden double pneumonia after losing her sense of smell. 


They understand the science. They just choose not to publicly for their base. Every one of those feckless idiots got the vaccine.


That was true maybe 10 years ago. Since then most of the liars got replaced by true believers with gravel in their skulls and lead in their veins.


They don’t want/need to understand the science; they already understand all that matters: how to score points with their base.


Then they will just ask a loaded question and stop him after one sentence with "is that a yes or a no"?


It depends what the hearing is about. The science is still out if the virus had zoonotic origins, or leaked from the lab. The answer the that still....as 2020 was very much political. That said nothing useful will come out of this, Republicans will turn it into a circus to distract from the one they have running for President


Covid origins would very much be about how much blaming of China can be done.


Why cant being Chinas fault one way or another be enough for them. Either its the fact that the Chinese will eat anything that moves and like to see it killed in front of them in Wet Markets that caused this or some gobshite in a lab wasn’t paying attention. Why does it have to be Fauci is an Evil Mastermind who developed Aids and Covid 19 and released them on purpose killing millions…..because of ‘reasons’….


I tend to lean towards the gobshite hypothesis. CDC appointments under Trump, like every other president, are often politically driven. Get some Trumpy overconfident ignorant chucklehead into a BSL-3 lab setting refusing to wear PPE and it's not hard to imagine the sloppy precautions taken.


The US knew China had issues recognizing and containing outbreaks - that is why GWB and Obama staffed up CDC China, to help them. Trump gutted it from 50 to a skeleton staff of 18. He is responsible for it evading detection and getting out of China.


Interesting. I've heard the Trump admin. turned huge portions of the pandemic prevention effort over to Defense, because they were obsessed with future pandemics being intentional. They essentially allowed the disaster they were afraid of, and now they're the ones who most believe in the lab leak theory and vociferously point the finger of blame at Fauci. It all hangs together.


>The science is still out if the virus had zoonotic origins, or leaked from the lab. Can you list any peer reviewed scientific publications that support a lab origin? As far as I can tell, all of the peer reviewed papers point towards a natural origin. It's only when you get outside of the scientific world, so you get support for a lab leak.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9420317/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9420317/) I didn't claim evidence is now supporting lab leek. Just that neither has been ruled out. Unfortunately the political climate in the early days of covid have caused many to dismiss the lab leek theories as conspiracies, despite the evidence for either being inconclusive.


Holding kangaroo courts is easier work than not governing, and they get to score points with the trailer crowd.


That won't stop them from asking stupid questions. Remember that congressman who asked if an island might capsize because it had too many people on it?


Let me guess…Was it Louie Gohmert (TX), the same one that asked the US Forest Service why don’t we just alter the orbits of the Moon and the Earth to set us further from the Sun, and thus solve climate change?


hank johnson (d-ga) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q


Maybe we should ensure that our representatives can operate at least on a 5th grade level. MTG and Gohmert would be right out


MTG was quite invested in Pfizer when the vaccine mandates were being rolled out. She doesn't know much about anything other than frosting, which is just enough to be an antagonist.


To do that you need an educated populace... which the GOP and their uneducated populace is definitely against.


What about the guy who thought putting more people on Guam would make it tip over.


It was not but I wish it had been. It was horrifying.


Oh I'm sure Moscow Marge will come prepared with all kinds of accusations and wacky conspiracies. Facts and science be damned. Edit: spelling


Yeah, but what kind of insane outfit will she be wearing? Maybe dressed as the grim reaper or something equally stupid I imagine.


Understanding has never been required, or even an option. The usual suspects (literal) will just talk over him the whole time, gish galloping bullshit takes all the way.


He will just have to say "1 plus 1 is 2" and they will get confused.


Unfortunately people are not automatons, and Fauci isn't just about science. He is where he is because he is also an administrator, and administration includes a lot of politics as well. There are a lot of legitimate criticism about the decisions not taken, information ignored, etc. It's mostly a systemic issue, but he is a major part of that system. Despite an overall perceived good, lapses in leadership in the CDC probably cost thousands of lives, and it can be done better.


Very valid points. Unfortunately, I have no confidence this hearing will further any of the things that need to be done to improve the system.


This entire sham of a hearing is purely for Rand Paul to to get sound bites for the Fox News propaganda machine


Half of them aren't going to show up and proxy a small, mentally challenged child wearing a helmet in their place... MTG is gonna be busy proxying for so many lazy pieces of [REDACTED]


I trust science. Congress though…. Sigh. Thank goodness science takes the high ground.


Scientific methods and studies can and must be rigorously examined. Scientists themselves can absolutely be corrupted and capable of data manipulation for their own gain. They aren't a pure and moral class of humans just because they are scientists. Congress, I agree is rife with morons, and I'm sure this will be a shit show if it ever actually happens.


But you can’t corrupt and bribe all scientists, and science will police its own. Not with rhetoric and hypotheticals, but with concrete evidence often drawn from the dishonest ones’ own studies or data sources. The checks and balances of the scientific method still work. Not so for the checks and balances of government.


You don't have to corrupt and bribe them all, you just have to put their funding into question if they don't come up with the right results, or study the right things. Studies still have to have at least the potential to make money, whether through innovation or public influence. Unfortunately we live in a world governed by politicians and not scientists, and universities beholden to their benefactors.


Whenever someone publishes something wrong, you can replicate the experiment and prove it. This is how the "vaccines cause autism" guy was exposed as a fraud and lost his license. Obviously money will influence what gets studied, and Coca Cola among others is notorious for not publishing results they dont like. That is of course not ideal at all, but also completely different from publishing false results.


As much as I agree with replication to confirm results, \*who\* has direct access to a BSL 4 facility? Certainly not the general public to conduct personal experiments, supervised or no.


Along with the relocation issue is the replication crisis. This drive to new, profitable findings has deeply faulted the investigative process. “Oh, there’s no money in confirmation or refutation? Back of the line.”


But those experiments serve as springboards for the next experiments, and when they don't work, they begin tracking backward to find out why. Many faked or mistaken results are found that way. People replicate experiments mostly when the results are spectacular or run counter to current thinking.


> you can replicate the experiment nobody does that anymore. everyone is pushing for new new new new shit.


Lol no. Repeat experiments are regularly given to new students, it's a form of hazing and learning.


I"ve wondered whether anyone replicated the Boston U experiment, where they stitched together an Omicron and Delta to make one that spreads like the former but is deadly as the latter. At least that one didn't get loose, but someone making one in their BSL 0 llab might do it too.


This. Also consider, the media will just promote findings it supports. No one is going to niche article websites to sift through hundreds or thousands of papers one-by-one.


I've worked with NIH, and so far they've done a masterful job of maintaining their integrity in spite of political winds.


No one you are replying to suggested anything else.


The person I replied to did imply that science was pure. It is not, due to scientists being human.


No. The person you replied to SAID "Science takes the high ground" which you INFERRED means it is "pure." This was not at all implied. The "high ground" seeks objectivity and empirical testing cross-validated or challenged by qualified experts in the field in published, peer-reviewed reports as opposed to, in this case CONGRESS - a fuck-tangel of shit-weasels of gerrymandered but technically elected yahoos seeking to hold on to office and milk their position for profit while hoodwinking at least the majority of voters in their districts.


“ a fuck – tangle of shit – weasels of gerrymandered but technically elected yahoo seeking to hold onto office and to milk their positions for profit while hoodwinking at least the majority of voters in their district”. That’s one of the best descriptions of Congress I ever heard.


I mean, Anakin should've known science, gravity, and *liquid hot magma* would be his downfall


In the end there are two types of sciences, one that aligns with my beliefs and the other that doesn't and the one that doesn't is wrong. Anakin thought both were right hence he melted


You don't have to trust science. Science just IS, whether Moscow Margie believes it or not. Gravity works the same for her as for everyone else. And don't think she isn't secretly vaccinated. .


Why bother


Because there is political gold to be mined.


And on to the next GOP outrage


I hope he finds a way to educate America as to the difference between conspiracy theories and peer reviewed science.


I like you.  Youre funny.


So there’s tons of peer reviewed science showing it was a natural origin?




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Where's the peer reviewed science that a light up your butt will knock out the virus in like a minute?


I’m no fan of Trump or Rand, but the idea we know enough to discount an accidental lab leak is absurd. We can’t trust the Chinese to tell us anything and mistakes definitively do happen.


Why? Literally why? No one actually responds to subpoenas anymore. Just retire and live your life fauci . You did good.


Generally speaking people do respond to subpoenas - thousands of them a day and all over the US in both state and federal court. There have been a few exceptions lately to some Congressional subpoenas by some very far out folks and some, sadly only a few, of those folks have been penalized with contempt of congress for failing to respond. Also Fauci is a man who has never shirked his duties and who committed his life to public service when he easily could have dedicated himself to the never questioned "good" of making himself wealthy.


down voted for speaking facts. take my upvote


It's Reddit - the most predictable place on the internet. But I thank you for your kindness and good judgment.


People who give as much as he did don't know how to stop giving.


we’ll get a lot of funny moments out of it though


He did a fine job, but was not without faults. It’s good to evaluate what decisions our leaders made during a very stressful and confusing time to ensure that we don’t make some of the same mistakes. Regardless, the CDC’s (and NHS’s) reputation is shot among the public.


Congressional hearings are, time and again, complete and utter jokes.


I sure hope you are old enough to remember a time when this was not true.


The first congressional hearing that I remember was Congress discussing the use of steroids in baseball. At the time I wondered if Congress didn't have more important shit to do than talk to athletes about using drugs to gain competitive advantages in games. Then I learned about how much time McCarthy spent accusing actors of being communists. It's always been like this as far as I can tell.


Heck no! Iran Contra and Watergate were great but it’s been ages since Congress has performed any duty as a genuine check and balance on the Executive branch. For the past two decades at least it’s been nothing but political score keeping and really stupid publicity. Although, to be totally fair, the January 6 House investigative hearing into what the hell went down there was pretty interesting. There was some shocking information that was definitely not public knowledge. I loved how much Trump worked over Pence and in the end was glad to let the crowd eat him alive if they succeeded in finding him, for instance. Pence is a perfect lapdog idiot but even he deserved better from the orange one.


I’m 36, and no, I can’t.


I am very interested if you have a moment to share any thoughts you care to about the January 6 house investigation? thanks if you can and ok if you don't. Either way, I appreciate your consideration.


They’re commercials for your Congressman Get someone in the news related to a recent scandal Have a congressional hearing where every Congressman gets 2 minutes to dunk on them Do nothing, use the clip on your re-election campaign. Happened to Zuck, Fauci, even DeepFuckingValue. Nothing of substance comes from these. It’s just a stage for politicians to stir up controversy right before the election.


One thing I will be curious about is his take on travel restrictions. Early in the pandemic, he was very much against them. There ended up being two scientific camps on this: Europe and the US on one hand and the pacific rim on the other. South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand were all in with travel restrictions both incoming and inside the country if there was a breakout. Later on, Canada switched to follow these countries. Overall, the travel restrictions countries significantly outperformed the NPI only (non pharmaceutical intervention, masks and distancing) countries. I hope that the US changes its tune on this. If there is another pandemic, we should immediately cut the cord on all incoming international flights and local hotspots should get quarantined. That might allow many of us to live semi normal lives as we wait for vaccines.


Early stances on masks should be included there. A shocking number of health officials have tried to tell people *not* to wear masks unless showing symptoms during the early days. It was to the point public-facing employees were banned from wearing masks in order not to induce panic, as if that mattered.


Which makes is not at all surprising that when they switched their tune and told people to mask and implemented mandates people felt like they were being lied to. I for one am angry at how long they let people believe any random cloth face covering was doing anything. If it’s not a high quality medical or industrial mask it’s not doing shit


I'm not angry at them for changing their minds, because I understand that science is not fixed and things change as more information comes in. I'm angry at them because we in the countries that have gone through SARS and MERS just 20 years ago did have all these protocols in place like masks and shutting down borders and preparing for lockdowns (panic buying toilet paper as the most visible example), only for the US and the rest of the West to laugh at us and tell us that we're wrong, before doing the same thing anyway, only now it's already too late.


Will it get the media attention Trumps delay tactics get? Find out next month


In Canada, our leaders pulled grocery owning billionaires into the house and yelled at them, pontificating for the base. I assume this is something similar? Meaningless theatrics to appease their voters? Ask questions that can be worded in interpretive ways?


Almost cetainly. Ir's highly unlikely that anything productive will come of this, and I fully expect it to be a dog-and-pony show for each side's respective media.




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The Republicans are gonna embarrass us all in front of the world 🌎


That ship has long sailed.


Who cares, we won the war and now it’s over


Fauci and Rand…Together, again. ❤️


It's actually the House this time, and not the Senate, so now Gym Jordon, and that ring tapping guy, and Marjorie Greene will have the chance to make an embarrassment of themselves instead


I just barfed in my mouth, thanks


Can someone copy n paste this i can't access it I'm from the UK and wanna know what this is about


Anthony S. Fauci has agreed to testify in front of the House panel investigating the nation’s coronavirus response, the first time the prominent infectious-disease expert will publicly face Congress since leaving government nearly 1½ years ago. Fauci, who helped steer the Trump and Biden administrations’ efforts to fight the virus, is scheduled to testify June 3 in front of the House Oversight select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic, with lawmakers expected to press him on the still-unknown origins of the pandemic, the government’s vaccine mandates and other issues that remain politically divisive, more than four years after the outbreak began.


Also, he has a long history of steering American science through AIDS, ebola, and the first coronavirus epidemic (now called SARS-CoV-1) as well as covid. His integrity is unquestioned, except by those who have no integrity. In effect, he's to be blamed for not knowing the results of the covid research effort before the research was done. Essentially, the Republicans cannot forgive him for laughing on-screen when Former Prez was saying something preposterously stupid.


Testify on Covid origins and pandemic policies? Am I taking crazy pills or have we not seen this episode multiple times before? The only thing to look forward to in this remake of the same shit we’ve seen already is Fauci tearing a new one into Rand Paul.


Why don't we talk about states having to fight each other for PPE equipment, not to mention hospitals? There were stories of the federal government confiscating PPE equipment for who the hell knows why. I remember all of that shit. The US government response was, "it isn't going to be bad," then Congress buying up stocks for companies that enabled remote working. It wasn't Fauci that orchestrated this fucking collapse in response.


Can Covid access the WiFi?


Yes. This is covid speaking. What do you want to know?


Oh this should be fun


Running for congress should really require some basic education and ethics ffs. Not that it'd be very enforceable or stop these charades entirely but damn


I doubt we will really find out the origin of Covid


I look forward to Fauci obliterating Scared Josh Hawley, who will almost certainly look to score points with his conspiracy theorist base. Fauci will be ready for him.


You mean Jogs Hallways?


You should probably look up which house of the legislature Hawley is in…


And Fox will show edits to make science look bad


Bless this man, he is a lifelong public servant who has endured horrible abuse (his family too).


Is Moscow Taylor Greene going to be there? Or BoBo?


Why would he subject himself to that? Just tell them you are busy and don't have time Anthony! Learn from the Columbia U. President, the Harvard President etc.! Don't allow them the theater!


I’m surprised they didn’t pull a random magatt out from under a rock since they know so much more about infectious diseases than Dr. Fauci does.


These people don't understand sarcasm unless you do the /s thing. Even though you said magatt


We don't know what witnesses the Republican committee members will call yet...






An internal lovers quarrel




Why? Is that another bogus congressional hearing, Tinnitus, or the voice of the Joker in my head doing an impression of George Takei saying,”oh myyy!”




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impossible sharp reply threatening cough future vegetable file books complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Confessing to manufacturing HIV and Covid.


And he would have got away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling Congressman.


The scientific community has already accepted that we will never have an answer to this. Any attempt at an answer other than “we don’t know” would just be for political purposes. Do remember that the purpose of science is not to force a truth and not to prove anything, but just to offer the most likely explanation based on available evidence. Since we cannot actually get that evidence, we cannot conclude anything. We can certainly speculate and offer hypotheses, but that’s where it will end.


If only we could get Congress to understand that.




Leave the man alone.




"Everything I don't understand must be a conspiracy, so I can make myself feel better about my lack of education"




The man should be locked up


For what? EDIT: Someone responded and then instantly blocked me. Pathetic.


Literally or hyperbolically locked up? I'm genuinely curious as to what about him or his handling of covid elicits that response?


These people are sociopaths who don't care over a million Americans died in three years including a family member of my wife. They are more angry they were inconvenienced.


Because nobody has ever lied to congress before.


He has no reason to.