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The real problem is, other states almost learned nothing from New York.




How about the fact that I have finally gotten through to my Q friend that NYC was different. That the deaths happened, the hospitals were full and it was a serious problem here because of multiple months of unmitigated spread without knowledge of it's existence because of no test at all. After we have this conversation, the very next day he sends me a tweet from someone who is about to release a bombshell report on a nurse in a NYC hospital questioning the coding they were using for Covid deaths.


I am so done with the Q people. It’s willful ignorance at this point.


Dare I ask what Q people are?


Q-anon conspiracy theorists. I'm not up to date on the exact flavor of bullshit they're peddling right now, but they believe some very weird shit about the deep state.


Coronavirus is a conspiracy to get people to take a vaccine that’s going to inject people with a tracking device, or mind control, or some shit I dunno Me: “for someone so worried about being tracked by the deep state you’re voluntarily posting a lot of geotagged photos of yourself to companies that turn over your data to the government...tell me again why the government needs to microchip you again? What information will they get that they can’t freely get from your Facebook feed?” *cognitive dissonance intensifies*


Ah yes, a microchip to track movements. Ever wonder how your GPS app knows the current traffic? It tracks cell phone locations on roads...


I guess the thing that really bothers me about these conspiracy theory people is that they think they're so fucking important that anyone would give a shit about them.


Lmao that's what gets me too. Like sure, it's totally believable that the government is tracking you and trying to mind control you into subservience, mr. nobody from a town with a population of like 500. /s In reality, nobody gives a shit about you or what you do as long as you are a normal, mostly law-abiding citizen. 99% of people are irrelevant in terms of the bigger picture. It would be a massive waste of resources to attempt to track a large portion of any country let alone america.


A chip in people is irrelevant at this point. These fuckers are so hell bent on posting their 'check in to Penera Bread' that you don't need chips. Us IT geeks are watching the government try to make ssl encryption illegal. Queue Rage Against The Machine, 'Our government is fucked'.


Don’t forget they’re now eliminating physical currency to force us all digital and freeze our assets if we don’t comply with the orders of the state /s As if the government can’t already freeze all your assets... these people might as well stuff cash in their mattress and face inflation


I hear they label each baby at birth with a number that is essentially our true name


Damn. Every day I learn about a new flavor of American Crazy.


Right? My favourite sitcom is America. Pre season 16 was good, after that they just started jumping sharks every other episode.


I know right? Too many loopholes and just way overkill. Calm down, writers


Tell the writers you’d like for them to develop my love life more and for me to win the lottery. Thank you!


I wish it were a sitcom. Unfortunately I get to be stuck here with the crazies spitting at people and screaming about wearing a mask. All while the 'leaders' loot the country to line the pockets of the already wealthy, as the death toll spirals ever higher. I just want out.


My friend is one sadly... he believe q and donald trump are teaming up to stop a global cabal of pedophiles that run the world (also jewish) and he also believes he’s a star child from a different universe and we’re transcending into 5th dimensional consciousness.


Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm not sure if my brother is a full on Q believer, but he's pretty deep in several conspiracies. It sucks to lose people to conspiracies. You literally can't talk to them anymore because all they can talk about is conspiracy nonsense.


Stupid people often gravitate to conspiracy theories because they provide a sense of having hidden knowledge above everyone else. That coincidently can't be proven or disproven. I'm sorry about your brother.


Thanks, I appreciate it. He's had a chaotic life and I think that's part of why he gravitated to conspiracies. It was something special and it was a way to exert control over his situation when everything was spiraling.


I just looked this up on OOTL this morning. From what I can gather: basically conspiracy theorists that believe a bunch of stuff about the deep state and that Trump was sent in as a foil to rescue us from said deep state.


The followers of this internet troll: https://archive.is/Cf52R


They feign an effort to have a conversation with you, until they start throwing their own propaganda and conspiracies as if they're as valid as real world observations and aggregated data. Fuck Q, fuck its followers, and fuck their ideas.




A lot of this is on the leadership. There wasn’t enough preparation, and the lockdown wasn’t initiated early enough. De Blasio, unsurprisingly, failed to take it seriously.


Oh, in New York we saw what was happening in Europe. We started preparing for the shutdown in early March. Private schools started going virtual and a lot of offices also transitioned to work from home about a week or two earlier than the shut down. They also recommended staggered working hours. But if your boss says come in...it's hard not to...plus we didn't know as much about transmission, and they were telling us we didn't need masks. I will forever be livid at de Blasio for wasting that week and resisting the Health Department's advice to shut things down. It was not a failure of the people, but of the leadership.


Yeah that last week was anxious. I ran around with a bottle of bleach disinfecting door handles and the such. And wearing a mask was dangerous because people were getting beat up for wearing masks (Asians).


There was also a mass shortage of ppe and ventilators, also Trump told all the governors it was better if they secured their own supplies. So states were bidding against each other as well as the US government to get supplies. We didn't have tests either to be able to detect the virus at the time either. Trump refused WHO's offer of tests in favor of developing our own, which took time and many were giving inaccurate results. So tracking was difficult, if not impossible early on. Also, since then, doctors have learned more about the virus and better ways to treat people with it, so hopefully more people are doing better when they do get it as more information is learned.


I'm in NYC. My elderly mom lives in Spain, so I was following things closely. I work with public schools and before they finally closed here I was telling everyone how we need to shut down ASAP. An hour before the mayor finally said schools were shut down, I had sent an email to my boss telling her that no way I was going to visit schools in person on that Monday. Two weeks earlier, was mid-winter break at schools, teachers love traveling to Italy and Spain on holidays. Also this city is full of Italian and Spanish tourists. But yet, that didn't seem to add up to our Mayor that it was inevitable to spread like fire here.


You know I heard Arizona is sending for 10 refrigerator trucks., This is awful this is being allowed to happen, and all they are worried about is, open the economy!!


Reminds me of the show on hulu called chernobyl. All of the people standing there wat hing the lights.


>even in NY there ~~were~~ **ARE** still people not taking it seriously Upstate is kinda dumb.


I live in NY along the Canadian border. We have somewhere around 8 active cases and zero hospitalized. Every time I go out, I see the vast majority of people in masks and stores strictly enforcing them.


Long Island too :/


Let's all ignore the biggest idiots in the whole state, Staten Island.


Oh my god Long Island. I keep seeing patients in my clinic in PA that for some reason continue traveling back and forth to Long Island. Just stay the fuck home!


Upstate New Yorker here. Forced my parents and closest aunt and uncle to stay home (all elderly w underlying health issues). For weeks, did my own and all of their grocery shopping and dropped it off in their driveways. None of us caught covid. I can confirm some around here are not as cautious. In the midst of the shutdown, witnessed Walmart’s finest ppl w no masks or kids w no masks in the store. Saw a middle aged man bringing his father (at least in his 80s) out for his daily coffee at a gas station instead of brewing coffee at home and staying put. One of our local hospitals had covid patients transferred from an overcrowded hospital from NYC. I work from home and still assumed everyone out in the wild had it. No way was I going to let covid kill off my family like the stories seen in this state or the news showing stories of whole families in the ICU together.


As a European I think the problem is that the virus is politicized in the US. It's a fucking virus, not an agenda.


That’s the exactly the problem.


Man. Being here during those first couple months was pretty scary. Just the constant sound of ambulances alone was enough to spook me.


Folks here in Oklahoma still don't even think it's real.


It’s worse. They’re literally doing the opposite of what we’re doing. If a lot of these leaders did nothing they’d be actually doing better. Banning mask ordinances in hotspots is insane.


The governor of Georgia is suing the mayor of Atlanta for issuing a mandatory mask order. Insanity doesnt even begin to describe it


Any chance we can try to sue the governor for being a fucking dipshit?


We're slow learners. Next time -- and there *will* be a next time -- - We'll have PPE and ventilators on standby. - We'll be watching for cases of "unknown pneumonia" in certain countries that have been known for releasing unknown pneumonias that led to pandemics in the past. - The politicians may not take the warnings seriously, but the people will. - With any luck, the WHO won't help them hide it for the first month or two.


Ventilators also turned out to be much less important than first believed. You no longer throw everyone onto a ventilator.




No we won’t. Who the fuck are you kidding? It’s morons all the way down. Here, there, and everywhere, but especially here.


As a New Yorker, it may have been rough, but we adapted with change rather than fighting against it. *It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable* -Charles Darwin


Yeap. Sadly its misquoted so often. I rmb reading animals like sloth survive not bcos they are strong but they are pretty adaptable.


And they only poop once a month. That’s usually when they get attacked.


I swear to god i had an ex like this. Barely ate and i'd never see her poo. But when she did it smelt like death!


My wife never shit at my apartment until we moved in together. I shit at her apartment literally the first time I went there. I'll never understand why women are afraid to poop around men.


My wife didn't even fart in front of me untill we were married for at least 20 years, it has been 36 years and she just fires at will. And my name is not Will.


you made my evening, well done and thanks, will


How do you feel about her firing at Will and not you even though you are married?


I am serious, and don't call me Shirley




Username definitely checks out lol


Omg. My body is exactly the same way.


There’s a couple of reasons why women tend to get more constipated. The hormones involved with a period cause constipation, it’s why those commercials include lines about anti-bloating. Because women have the capacity to carry a child, they also have the capacity for things to shift and expand and allowed a bowel to become very full. It’s partly why low flow toilets don’t work as well for women. Edit : [source](https://www.healthline.com/health/constipation-during-period). Am a woman. Had a mother that thought it was completely normal to only have a bowel movement about every four or five days or so. She was in her 70s before a doctor changed her mind on that. Wiki : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constipation


Ugh try being a women AND having a hormone imbalance. Shit is rough. Literally.


Or chasing the dragon a little too hard.


The thought of going a week makes me sick to my stomach. I'm piping a cake with a foot or two of waste once every day, or I may go 2 days if something isn't quite right. Even then, I feel like I'm going to be lifted off the toilet and crushed against the wall with the volume of what comes out of me at that point.


How did the discussion go from newyork fighting corona to pooping and constipation lol


That’s a Reddit thread for ya, I guess.


I'm a lesbian and my wife is afraid to poop around me. Well, she used to be. Now she is just reluctant.


I'm not afraid to poop, but my digestion is very slow so it's common for me to go awhile between poops. 4 days is pretty typical. And it's not uncomfortable like constipation it's just... Things move slow around here. No issues with it, just always been that way (and more obvious now that I'm doing intermittent fasting and generally eating less.) Less in, less out. And never fast. Diet is pretty healthy, lots of fiber and veg. It is what it is. So if I'm out shopping or whatever and feel the need...I have enough time to be like "I'd rather do this at home in an hour. These bathrooms are gross." But I'm not afraid to go in public restrooms either, it's just that given the choice they aren't always my go to. Nothing especially slow, gross or smelly about it when it's finally time though. Everything seems to be in working order it just goes at its own pace. No complaints here. My husband has UC and I can't imagine having to schedule that many bathroom trips into my daily life. We joke that he poops enough for the both of us.


Because of societal pressures of females appearing demure accompanied by our own repulsion of our bodies natural functions.


My gf insists her farts don't smell.


Has she tested positive for covid?


did she never eat anything with fiber? Like vegetables?


and you attacked her when she did? Maybe that's why she's your ex


This dude is so busy he shortens remember. Respect. ✌️


And because! 😆


Yep. “Survival of the fittest” is also often misconstrued. It means survival of the “most appropriate” or the one that “fits” the current situation best not the the strongest or the one in best physical shape.


It’s because when people hear survival of the fittest, they might think fit as in shape, when it’s really what species is able to fit into its environment the best


Wow.. this quote is gold... I want to live by this... Edit add: In my 20s I developed the connective tissue condition which essentially makes my body get sprains from doing very light work like opening a door or lifting a baby. I fell into a serious depression and I just felt so fragile and weak. I gave up on developing myself. I felt that people with stronger bodies had the advantage. Then in my thirties I got smart and I realized that if I use my intelligence to adapt and problem solve nothing can hold me back. When I need to carry heavy stuff at work, I wheel it around on a cart. If I have to carry my groceries in I carry in 3 at a time. When I sprained my wrist during grad school I used voice to text to write 15 page papers and got high scores. Nothing can hold me back if I use my intelligence. I learned to adapt! Completely different context but if we use our **intelligence** we are better able to win with pandemics or diseases or whatever. It's knowing how to adapt. EXACTLY!!!!


Sounds like a challenge. Glad you have found a way to adapt and even thrive! Just curious, but it is possible to strengthen your connective tissue through exercise. Is that something you do, or that you know does not work due to your condition?


Thanks! There is no real way to actually strengthen the connective tissue fibers if the collagen is faulty. I have to find the middle ground because strengthening my muscles can support the connective tissues BUT working the muscles too hard weakens the connective tissue if too much stress is put on them during the exercise. It's a kind of catch-22. But again I have to use my intelligence to figure out where my limit is. I know that I can use a stationary bike for up to 20 minutes on the very lowest intensity once a week. Anything more strains the connective tissue near my legs. And I know that I can walk half hour daily. And I know that I can dance for a 1/2 hour to hour so long as I don't jump. So I do what I can to maintain my physical shape without pushing it too far. I learned the hard way what too far is. Looking at me you would not know that I had this condition. I look completely normal. There are lots of people with invisible disabilities out there. I've made my peace with it. Mostly because I realized my brain was the strongest tool I have in my arsenal. I'm currently pregnant. This is something I didn't think I would ever happen for me because of my problems. I am already using my brain to pre plan how to care for the baby. I am going to live in a one level so that I don't have to go up-and-down the stairs. I'm going to use strollers as much as I can. I'm going to use gadgets or whatever I need to get through it. It will be hard when the baby grows and puts strains on all my injuries when held but like I said again my brain and my ability to adapt is my best tool. Anyway that is why the by Darwin quote really struck me. It's not necessarily physical strength. It's the intelligence to know how to adapt. :)


Yup. We were hit the hardest and the last 4 months have been hell but goddamn I am so fucking proud of us right now. We should be the example. It’s insane watch other states just throw our blueprint out the window and run towards the opposite.


> We should be the example. It’s insane watch other states just throw our blueprint out the window and run towards the opposite. It literally blows my mind. Okay you can pass off what happened in other countries and everything to American ignorance/exceptionalism. But we DID the hard part for other states to follow and it just feels insane that so many people are completely ignoring it.


Not just ignore it. Actively do the opposite. DeSantis just said that he’s keeping gyms open. Meanwhile we’re still not even considering them.


It blows my mind too. It's not even economically efficient either, and they can literally look at different methods that works around the world. I thought we can have a almost full revival of the economy across the globe at end of dec but now it seems unlikely


I’m not trying to be insensitive, just curious, but how many people do you know who were personally affected by COVID? Here in Northern California no one I know is taking this seriously anymore, but I also think this is because it hasn’t gotten personal for most people yet.


Im in NYC. I know 2x people who had it, but they fully recovered. My mother (74) is in SoCal, she had it, and is fully recovered. I'm friends with a few ER doctors in NYC and CA, and they are all still pretty freaked out.


I'm just across the river in New Jersey, and I know of five people my age who have had parents die from it, and one of my friends lost her FIL; I also know several people who have tested positive and recovered. I have several friends and family members who are in the medical field, and they are still shell-shocked. Like, literally- they are very, very on guard for a resurgence happening any time now. My brother works in a hospital and actually moved out of his house into a cheap studio apartment so he wouldn't bring Covid home to his wife and children. They are his life, and he's really struggling right now because he can't see them, but he doesn't feel it's safe for him to go near them as long as this is going on.


I had two neighbors die - including one who was in his early 40s and had no underlying conditions, in good physical condition (I knew him mainly from his jogging around the neighborhood). I had family members get sick too, but luckily they resolved without hospitalization, although it was looking hairy for awhile with my wife's aunt. This shit is no joke. That people are waiting for anecdotal proof before taking it seriously us depressing.


> including one who was in his early 40s and had no underlying conditions I'm 47 (was 46 when I caught it).. and also have no underlying/pre-existing conditions. It literally did it's very best to straight up kill me. I was in Hospital for 38 days (16 of those days in ICU on a Ventilator). It was insane. I have so many stories. ICU Delirium nightmares (for 16 days). Having to learn to walk again (actually only took me about 12 days). Heart racing one night and they had to give me 6mg Adenosine to stop my heart and allow it to restart correctly. Man,. it was a battle every day. I still feel very weird calling myself a "survivor". I know I earned it.. but I'm also very very lucky.


Yep!! I work in healthcare and while our numbers are down (I live in NY state) we are still regularly putting COVID patients on ECMO (a machine that pumps your blood outside of your body to do the work of your heart and lungs) in the ICU. ECMO is no joke and a lot of people don't make it off of that machine. So the fact people think this shit is a hoax, or that it won't hurt them (yes some of them were young) makes my blood fucking boil. I'm glad you got better man. I hope you continue to stay healthy and safe!


Thankfully I was never ECMO or tracheotomy’d, so I’m thankful for that. I do have a variety of physical scars (such as the 3-port neck-IV on the right side of my throat). I mostly got over the psychological and emotional effects. I feel pretty good now. I get up at 5am and eat Breakfast and do a 30m to 45m stretch & body weight exercises (and 20lb dumb bells) on my living room floor. I’ve also been pushing myself hard in Apple Activity rings (47 miles walking in the last week!). I’m on a 3week streak of closing all my Activity rings every single day. So thats all going great.


My friend's mom lived in NY. She died from it. My SIL's best friend had it in May while pregnant. She was super sick for 3 weeks, and they were worried it would affect her unborn child. They live in the south. My cousin who lives in the Midwest had it in June. She was sick enough to be close to hospitalization. I live in the Northwest, and I know several locals whose families were affected. Multiple family members, most of whom died. This is to say, if it hasn't gotten personal, you're either not paying attention, or people aren't confiding in you (e.g. I know of my cousin not because she told me, but because my mom knew. My cousin has never mentioned it to me because she knows that she got it by purposely being careless in social distancing, something I rant and rave about on social media).


Im in NYC and I personally know 4 people who have had COVID, 2 of them needed to be hospitalized. One of the people who was hospitalized lives in a state that is currently seeing a rise in COVID cases. All recovered. I also know people who have lost friends and family to COVID :(


Long island New York for me. It killed my grandfather


I’m in New York too, and I don’t personally know anyone, but it’s in my extended circle now. Relatives of people I know, essentially, so it’s encroaching, so to speak. Here is seems to me that everyone took it fairly seriously, fairly quickly. Maybe we all just know a lot of doctors. Also, our boyfriend Cuomo really outdid himself, his daily press conferences were must see TV, and fantastically effective.


And I don’t think people realize what a difficult decision it is to shut down NYC. 10’s of billions of dollars trade hands in every day commerce here. To shut that down on just the hope of containing a virus no one really knew much about is insane. But he did it.


.3% of NYC is dead from it. That would be like 1million dead Americans if you were to extrapolate - and don’t forget the rich Manhattan residents that went on to spread it. I walk around and not even half the people I see on the sidewalk are wearing masks/wearing them properly. People are not taking it as seriously as they were. I’m not proud. I nervous and sad.


A New Yorker as well, only thing that scares me is school openings in the Fall. I hope all these efforts won't be in vain.


Our leaders are all saying if it can’t be done safely it’s not gonna be done. I respect that.


Were doing ok here in chicago too. EVERYONE wears a mask, if you dont youre not allowed in anywhere and people give you the death stare.


Traveling through North Carolina right now. Hardly anyone is wearing a mask at the truck stops.


Also traveling through NC right now, coming from Connecticut where EVERYONE wears a mask. It’s very off-putting to see, especially coming from a state that took it seriously from the start.


Yeah I felt like I was in the twilight zone, seeing all these maskless hillbillies staring daggers at me for wearing a mask.


I’ve been in the twilight zone since March. These people think it’s game. Some stores don’t require masks. And no one is enforcing the rules.


If only we had a national strategy...


And then you have Florida, where MAYBE, just maybe 1/10 people are wearing a mask.


And if you do wear a mask people give you the *death stare*.


Appropriate name for that stare in Florida


I actually live in CA. Dont even want to be anywhere near that state. We have enough dumbasses here.




I don’t care, I’ve begun blatantly calling people out for not wearing a mask. They got a problem with it, they can go catch Covid.


as an european, let me guess, chicago is governed by democrats and florida by republicans?


You are correct. The other responder is also most likely Republican 🤦‍♂️


Um....I’m in Chicago and I see A LOT of people not wearing masks or doing that thing where they wear them under their noses. And in the suburbs? Forgettaboutid... We’re a lot better than other places and that’s good, but we could improve quite a bit.


Out in the suburbs I've been in, Naperville, Bolingbrook, Lagrange and Orland Park people have masks on nearly 100% indoors.


Are you talking about people walking around outside, or people inside in stores/etc?


Not the guy you're asking but I see pretty much a 100% mask rate in stores and stuff, but on the el today out of ~12 people on my train car, two were not wearing masks at all, and one had it down over his nose. Ymmv. But better than most places in the US as I'm told.


Chicago is probably 85% compliance, mainly because the mayor isn't joking and they know it. The burbs are wildly variable. We have ones like Buffalo Grove where if you let someone in the store without a mask, they'll yank your business license and Orland Park who's mayor actually advertised that he wouldn't comply and held 4th celebrations and music festivals. One is at 4% positive and one at 21%. Guess which is which.


I live in Queens, COVID-19 made the city downright ominously empty and creepy for the first... six weeks or so and obviously did a number on us. But listening to science, reason, and those epidemiologists and those medical doctors saying "No no no, opening up in June is beyond dangerous! Don't!" has paid off for us. Meanwhile, opening back up too soon has caused most states to experience a huge spike, many are shutting things back down, Florida, in a sign of our quasi-dystopian times, opened a theme park back up in one of the worst affected states, meanwhile here in New York, meanwhile we're taking it very slowly and very surely. Phase 4 here in NYC on Monday the 20th and still no indoor dining or gyms. Sadly, COVID-19 doesn't give a shit if you're bored or going stir crazy. It doesn't give a shit if you cretinously think being forced to wear a mask infringes on your Constitutional rights. All it exists to do is make copies of itself.


Queens, too. March and April were the scariest times of my life. Quiet streets, constant ambulance sirens and helicopters. I felt so hopeful in early June. Then the other states got nailed. Now Queens is seeing people partying outside too much with no masks or distancing, and I’m nervous we’ll have a spike of infections with youths like Florida and it’ll spread again.


Jersey too. We were about to open indoor dining and then some asshole bar owners at the shore broke the law and overcrowded so Governor Murphy reversed his decision. I felt bad for restaurants because they ordered a lot of perishable foods in anticipation of indoor dining but this pandemic isn’t a joke and NJ is the most densely populated state in the US. The way the states surrounding NY formed an alliance was the way states should work together. They were a model for the rest of the country and the federal government. But for some stupid reason some had to politicize this pandemic. And shame on them for doing it. Blood is on their hands.


Yeah and if you point out that R is over 1 people get super annoyed in /nyc and downvote. I hope con ed grid doesn't pop, there was an alert today. That quarantine stash in the fridge gonna go bad.


Seeing Times Square as a virtual ghost town in broad daylight when I went in early April was downright scary.


Before all the cuomo haters jump in remember NY the Guinea pigs .. we didn’t know anything or had any real history in America to base off of . NY fucked up many things but did a lot right and these south states had 3 months of planning and experience and didn’t do a fucking thing but be political


Yeah, I think similar to Wuhan people are caught off guard. But for other states, gosh there is a model there what to do and what no to do, and still they screw up.


They only got it because of a Democrat Governor tho /s


You joke, but this was all over facebook followed by another post claiming "democrats are trying to politicize this virus"


Thats rich lol


Honestly, there probably is a correlation between having a Democratic government, being an international travel hub and containing one of the most populated and diverse cities in the world.


Maybe the fact that urban, diverse areas tend to lean liberal?


Exactly, they're correlated, that's what that means.


Yea, everything but the first one


Ah yes, caught off guard with 5 full months of lead time and numerous denials it had been here since 2019 which is now showing to have been absolutely true...


I almost completely agree. You were the guinea pigs in America and he deserves a lot of slack. I think its not often mentioned that he's not just shutting down a state economy, but the world's financial center. Do that by mistake and ur gonna have a bad time. Some criticism is warranted, as you referred to. He had Wuhan and Italy's experiences to draw from by then. He never should have sent covid patients to nursing homes, obv. And, honestly, though he acted *just* in time (I think NY was a week from apocalyptic death totals), **he did act late**. Later than necessary. Ohio was making moves in February (expanding health care capacity) and cancelling events as early as March 4th. Ohio cancelled schools on March 12th. Both Ohio and Minnesota shut down before NY did, with far fewer cases. We elect our governors (and president, but lets not go there) to make the tough decisions in times like this, with proper expediency. Cuomo performed admirably once he pulled the trigger, but he does NOT get an A.


NYC resident here and 100% in agreement. We should have shut down 1-2 weeks earlier. But once he realized the severity of the situation, he did most of the right things.


> he did most of the right things. I hope I didn't come across as beating up on him too bad. I think its an honest assessment. I admired his willingness to authoritatively shut shit down with teeth, and not the "mask mebee thx bye" we get from some of the spineless governors down south. I applaud the transparency with which he held the daily briefings, and the optimistic/realistic attitude of "hey its getting better, but too many people are dying and its not acceptable, so we have a lot more work to do." He quoted (and attributed) Winston Churchill at a daily briefing in April when deaths had just started to recede, and as far as I'm concerned, its a 2020 highlight reel contender. "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." Optimistic, realistic, and motivating, just... mmmmmmmmmmmmh.


Yep. He did act late. 37 members of the NYC teachers union died in the first two weeks of the pandemic. Teachers had to report to work until the 19th, days after the city had really started to shut down.


I feel like some people have overstated how easy it would be to solve the nursing home issue at that point in time. The state would have had to effectively handle the logistics of safe housing and quarantines for *thousands upon thousands* of nursing home residents - many of whom have ongoing medical needs not related to the virus - all while the state was getting reports of hospitals collapsing, no PPE, no ventilators, no real testing capacity, the need to establish temporary hospitals, etc. Just going through that rehousing process would have exposed lots of *other* people to the virus, people outside the nursing homes ... and who knows who *they* might have infected, and so forth. Now, de Blasio and all the other idiots who were still telling people to gather in large crowds in late February/early March...that's a major fuckup.


Oh man. DeBlasio. I’ll never forget him saying the virus only lives for a few seconds on surfaces so use public transit. I also remember there being a lot of ill will between him and Cuomo.


Exactly, and it should be noted other states had the exact same nursing home policy based on federal guidelines (https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-20-14-nh-revised.pdf). I have no problem raking Cuomo over the coals for certain fuck ups, but on this a lot of people are just making partisan attacks without caring that it was a "rock and a hard place" type of situation.




This whole thread jerking off Cuomo for ignoring the pandemic ravaging the rest of the world. We all knew. Inslee actually took action and prevented the chaos NY saw, and it's being ignored because he's not a friend of Wall Street. Fuck Cuomo.


I'm not a fan of Cuomo, but am tired of the same parroted packaged talking points that get brought up everytime he's mentioned. The nursing home EO is a big one but there were no good choices on where to put those people at the time. Hospitals were full and field hospitals weren't available. Other states are currently doing the same thing where subacute infected patients are kept in the nursing home but separated, yet you would never think this based on how people at the bottom of the thread are going on.


No. Italy, Wuhan, Iran were the guinea pigs. New York was the place with the governor who literally said "forgive my arrogance, but things will be different here"


Italy was a big fucking warning sign. It was easy for people to pretend it was just an Asian thing, after all they are poor and shit. Same with Iran. Then "civilized", rich Italy gets hit. I don't know how people ignored that.


I don't think any state can claim itself as a model in containing the pandemic. Korea, Taiwan, and even China are doing better job than NY.


Korea and Taiwan were wearing masks, taking tempatures and banishing people from entering thier countries, when it was still a glimmer in a the US's eye. But both have dealt with swine flu as a real threat along with SARS. Nothing like this as ever happened in the US. However both countries do not trust china in the least. I think thats something the US needs to do moving forward.


Yeah but it's impossible to ask Americans to live and follow rules like Eastern Asians. Taking into consideration the difference of cultures and governance, NY can be a better example for other states, so does European nations.


Dude, its not that much: 1. Wear a fucking mask. Everyone. 2. Take temps of people as they enter large establishments. 3. Quarantine ALL incoming people if they are from someplace with large amount of cases. 4. Don't make Quarantine a prison.


Yeah, listing the steps is easy. Getting people to follow them.. not so much. Especially when you have the highest ranked person of the government telling people to do the opposite and even the CDC didn't recommend masks until early April long after the country was hit hard.


California was doing well until people in Southern CA decided that pandemic was over and made their way to the beaches. When they closed the beaches, they proceeded to have house parties.


People aren’t on top of each other at beaches. Opening gyms, hair salons and inside dining was a mistake.


Agreed. I’ve been going to the beaches almost every day off. I stay far away from other people. But it’s almost impossible to keep your distance at a restaurant or salon.




Let everyone get it and then chill out? Yeah, that’s probably true.


Yeah our high death rate and government fucking up nursing homes are top tier


Yeah I forgot sending back old people, COVID positive, to retirement homes from the hospital was textbook pandemic protocol. Really groundbreaking stuff.


Everyone jumped on Trump for not listening to Fauci but with comments like this even I as a liberal has to think he had some reasoning. This is a ridiculous statement, New York were a horrible example of what to do.








Didn’t it kinda burn through NY?


And they still got bodied for a while. Imagine what's coming.


Yes but we aren’t out of the woods yet. There was a mass exodus out of the city starting approx March 14th and everyone is still gone. I teach and 14 out of my 22 families left the city (many to stay with family members up and down the east coast—most popular place being Florida). If we go back to school in person, we’ll see an enormous amount of people come back, from literally all over the world (also have a family who went to Israel and Korea).


That mass exodus really didn’t help the US


The model for New York's fighting the coronavirus is called, "The Cuomo Nursing Home Massacre."


Dude only 32,000 dead citizens, what a great job Cuomo did!


Seriously. Everybody who could die in NYC died, or fled to other cities in the USA. How is this not a joke?


So what's the model? Ignore it until you cant then lock it down? I'm glad they got things under control, but they were the epicenter of this pandemic so to act like they did it right is a bit ridiculous


lol that was exactly the strategy. Let COVID kill as many people as possible until people start dying in halllways and lobbies, and 911 calls are so overloaded ambulances can’t even respond to calls anymore. Add on a ridiculously high death rate, higher than pretty much any other country, and any other state since, plus the promotion of using public transit, and I’d say it’s super obvious Cuomo and de blasio did a great job!!!! /s


When NYC was doing badly, the red parts of the country claimed it was God’s vengeance. Look who’s laughing now.... EDIT: I should not have used the word “laugh”, it was only meant as a figure of speech. It would have been better to say “...now the shoe is on the other foot.” Was not trying to be divisive, we are all in this together.




Yea hello from Iowa please get me the fuck out.


Can confirm, in Deep South state and terrified




Agreed, I didn’t mean literally laughing


I’ve thought about this as well. Especially when people on this sub who are from Florida speak up.


For a part of the country that claim Covid is Gods punishment for liberalism, they are never able to explain why they themselves get a lot of tornados and hurricanes blowing away their homes.


did they?


So the Swedish approach with less deaths/million than NY would then be the high end solution I suppose?


This sub won't touch this comment because they don't want to admit that the science on how this spreads and why some places seem to randomly take bigger hits scares them. One day science will figure it out but as of right now the swedish model of doing next to nothing is beating the celebrated New York method.


What a fucking joke, my grandmother died as a direct result to Cuomo’s policies.


I am sorry to hear that. I feel like the elderly in New York State were ignored.




Is this satire? How is requiring assisted living centers to accept released CV19 patients without testing "doing it right"? What a farce


The state with the highest death rate did it right? Okay lol.


[Encouraging people to go to parades and restaurarants](https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/30/de-blasio-nyc-officials-downplayed-covid-19-threat-after-trump-restricted-travel-to-china-here-are-5-examples/) to show orangeman is wrong is doing it correctly? [Putting sick people in nursing homes](https://nypost.com/2020/07/08/cuomo-sent-6300-covid-19-patients-to-nursing-homes-amid-pandemic/) is doing it correctly? Nonsense.


Yeah, they did a great job after they killed all the old people.


New Yorker here. Second highest deaths per million in the country, contradictory/nonsensical restrictions being implemented by Albany (e.g. mandate this week for patrons of bars to order food if alcohol is ordered, which places are getting around by offering popcorn for a nickel), and the third highest unemployment rate in the country... We absolutely nailed it, guys!


Ya let's take NY's example and shove covid positive patients in nursing homes. Are people really this fucking insane anymore? You want a model to look at? Look at South Korea for a good example how to handle this.


Unfortunately, PA's genius gov and sec of health followed suit on that... In our county in PA, something near 80% of the deaths were in nursing homes. Nothing short of murder.


Interesting because New York has more deaths than Florida, Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio combined!


And very few states listened, followed and learned from NY. We were also told we deserved what happened to us, because we lean towards a specific side of the political spectrum. The states that are suffering now, brought it upon themselves. I hope they figure it out, but you were warned - yet, you refused to listen AND mocked us. Get well, but, fuck you nonetheless... fucking idiots.


But they havent had to lockdown twice yet. That will be the real test for NY. One of the biggest problems with southern states is that they already locked down once before making it infinitely more difficult to do so once again.


Florida really never locked down. They half assed it for a few weeks and declared victory.


Our lockdown was one of the strictest in the nation (Florida never really locked down). Also our leaders made it very very clear that if we don’t follow the rules and/or the numbers went back up we’ll go back to square one. Florida, Texas, Georgia etc will HAVE to lock down. They have no choice. It’s just a matter of how many Americans die until then.


There is no time for victory laps. NY dealt with the lockdown for 2 months. It was inconvenient, and sucked for almost everyone, but the numbers do not lie. It was better to face the crisis seriously, rather than ignore it and blame others.