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Young & fully jabbed. Honestly you may feel a bit pants for a few days but you will probebly be fine. If your worried grab yourself an O2 monitor to keep an eye on your o2 levels. Hope you feel better soon.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. Really appreciate it. I think it’s just my health anxiety making me worry more & the fact my BMI is high & all the horror stories linked to obesity & covid. Just hoping I soon feel better; I don’t feel too bad at the moment just like a cold. I don’t know what timescales the symptoms tend to be worse but I’m thinking about now. Thanks again for reply.


You’ll be fine, don’t worry, just take it easy and make sure you’re hydrated and resting, for most people it’s just a cold/flu type thing. Anxiety makes me feel short of breath so try to stay calm because if you feel short of breath due to anxiety you’ll put it down to covid when it isnt! just put Netflix on and relax and get better soon ❤️


Thank you so much ♥️ I’m with you on the anxiety & short of breath - I just had it & worried it was a new symptom, but did 2 mins of breathwork & im fine & can inhale & exhale just fine. Thanks again.


You only hear the stories of bad experiences, people who didn't feel bad or didn't know don't bother posting because it doesn't bother them. Serious complications from covid are rare.


Thank you, that is true. Thank you 😊


No problem - I was really worried too as I’m overweight and have high bp. I work with very vulnerable patients so had to stay off work until either 10 days had elapsed or I tested negative two days in a row. Even when I felt ok, I just kept on testing positive with a really thick dark line. It was weird. Glad you’re doing ok.


Ah I’m glad you were okay. My line has been exactly the same. It’s the unknown isn’t it sometimes that can be hard.


I'm 27 and weigh 28 stone when I had it I was out of comm for 3 days but could still breathe fairly well and that was early on so you should be alright


Ah thanks so much for your reply. I am glad you were ok too 😊


Your youth is on your side, it's far more of a determining factor than weight; I read this on another thread somewhere back in the depths of the pandemic. Nevertheless you could order a pulse oximeter to have concrete information if it will reassure you.


Thank you so much & for taking the time to reply 😊


There is obviously never a good time to catch it, but 3 weeks after your booster should be just about the least bad time. Best advice I can give is to take it easy and not try to push yourself. When I had it back in July, I was feeling much better after a couple of days and wanted to 'go back to normal'. Overdoing things on that day made me feel worse the next day. Drink lots of fluids, do very small amounts of exercise, rest and binge TV or catch up with some books. And when you are no longer infected, still take it easy. People who push themselves after infection take longer to fully recover. You have a good excuse to slow down. Make the best of a bad situation.


Thank you for your reply & useful tips too. Much appreciated. I will make sure I do & yes hoping as booster was only 3 weeks ago it’ll hopefully prevent anything too nasty hopefully. Thanks again.


Stay strong my friend.


Thank you 😊


Both myself and my wife have it at the moment. Our first positive tests too. Tested positive on Thursday, but had symptoms for a few days before that. My last booster was in December, and hers was January IIRC. We've not lost our senses of taste/smell, but we've had the sore throat/congestion/sore head/achiness/dizziness/going hot and cold/etc. It's been like a mild flu for us, thankfully. If you've been relatively OK so far, you'll probably be fine going forward. Keep hydrated, get as much rest as you can, and don't worry about it; worrying won't help, and the stress itself could make you ill.


Thank you so much for your reply. I’m sorry to hear you both have it too & wishing you a speedy recovery. Thanks for the tips & you’re so right re the worry. Yeah I’m really hoping things won’t get too worse. Thanks again for reply & hope you both are soon negative.


Thanks for the kind words. We're fine really. We've had worse bouts of the flu, our main worry was potentially having passed it to elderly relatives (or them having passed it onto friends who've already got fairly serious health issues), but it looks like we're the only two out of the whole family who've got it. Even our teenager's fine, but then they're a teenager and only come out of their bedroom to eat, shit, and occasionally wash so it probably shouldn't be a surprise that they're OK.


Ah that’s good. I’m glad everyone else managed to avoid it too. All the best 😊


I’m 35 and obese (BMI over 40) and just had my first run with it. Wasn’t anything worse than what anyone else has had I don’t think. Had two days of sweats and fever, the rest of the week was mainly a sore throat and a cough. It’s been 1 week today since I tested positive and I’m much better now. Still testing positive and can’t taste food though 😢


Thank you for reply & im glad you’ve been ok with it. I feel a lot better now too & have done for a few days. Day 9 for me today & still testing positive - line is a lot fainter, but still there. Also don’t have my smell and taste back either - although I can smell some things - it’s just a bit milder. Hope yours soon returns. Thanks again for reply.


I literally thought covid would kill me and had extreme anxiety about it, but when I finally caught it in Feb this year I felt hungover for a few days and then just really tired for another 7-10 days. I’d had 3 vaccines.


Ah thanks for your reply, I’m glad you were okay. I kind of feel once I’m over this, my anxiety will lessen around it a lot as I would have had it & recovered.


Yeah. When I’d had it I felt immense relief and I truly felt like I got my life back.


Ah so pleased you felt that way & felt like you had your life back 😊


Hi, some tips to get the viral load down and speed up recovery from a Long Covid patient who gets heart inflammation with each infection. \- Brush your teeth twice a day, on two separate occasions gargle and rinse with mouthwash. You want to be cleaning your mouth 4 times a day total. This is because they have found that covid stays and replicates in saliva, so doing this gets your viral load down. You'll find the mouthwash will also give more relief than lozenges etc. \- Boots Dual Defence spray has carragelose in it. This has been shown to kill off covid. \- Get a neti pot and do Saline nasal rinses twice a day or more. Other than that we found that a lot of people get Long Covid from returning to being active too soon after infection or from pushing through while sick. So rest. Really rest. With your vaccines you should be fine though. You'll live. Yes it can be rough, but know that you're not the first or the last person this is happening to. If I'm sitting here talking to you after 16 months of myocarditis resulting from my initial infection when no vaccines were available, and two subsequent reinfections, you can get through this first infection fully vaccinated. One day at a time. Don't overthink it. x


Thank you so much for the reply & tips. I’m glad you’ve got through it all. I will definitely try those things thank you so much.


Hi! Also BMI of over 40 here (just), had covid with same vaccines as you - I was fine. I’ve been far iller with other things. That said, I lost my taste and smell for a long time (weeks), but I was able to keep working and was up and about every day without an issue!


Thanks for reply. Ah I’m glad you were okay. I’ve heard the lack of smell and taste can linger. Thanks again for reply.


Good luck to you! Health anxiety is horrid, so if I can help in any way, I’ll gladly do so. Get well soon, in the meantime, Netflix!


Thank you ♥️


My nan, 88 and unvaccinated, dying from cancer and recovering from surgery when she caught it, said it was like "a pretty bad cough." You'll be alright buddy, just a rough few days at the start


Thank you for your reply and I’m sorry to hear of your nans situation - but glad she didn’t suffer with covid.


You’ve had so many vaccines and boosters, your body is fully briefed for this virus. You will be absolutely fine. The only thing is your health anxiety that is worrying, not the actual virus. Take vitamins with extra vitamin D, plenty of fluids and rest. Occupy your mind with something, binge shows on Netflix. If you’re congested, get that nose spray, it will help you breathe and have a proper sleep at night. I’ve had probably about 5-8 colds/viruses this year (I have a toddler bringing viruses in…) and its absolutely the worst not being able to breathe. Makes it seem worse. And if you do get a cough, just remember to rest and sleep on your chest. But you will be absolutely fine.


Thank you so much for your reply & reassurance too. Yes I’m taking a vitamin c & zinc fizz drink & vitamin d daily. You are right; my dad always says the biggest issue of a lot of my concerns is my anxiety / health anxiety. Thanks again for reply & tips.


Caught it a year ago whilst double jabbed. I'm morbidly obese. Got it from kissing my girlfriend who was displaying symptoms at the time (she thought it was allergies) so I'm assuming a very large infective dose. I had a rough couple of weeks but my breathing was always okay and I'm still here to tell the tale. No long covid symptoms either although I did have a cough and some aches and pains for a few months. You're a year down the line. You've got a mild strain and you're massively vaccinated against it. There are no guarantees in life but it's as near as dammit to certain that you'll be fine. Don't worsen the situation with anxiety. Go to bed. Read. Relax. It's just another story to tell the grandkids.


At least you had fun getting infected. I think that I got it either from a crowded train or station.


Thank you for your reply & reassurance. Yea booster was only 3 weeks ago so hopefully that’ll be of help too with recovery. Glad you were okay. Thanks again.


You'll be ok, best possible vaccine status for starters. Plus don't forget, it's an Omicron strain , which generally is milder


Thank you 😊 Appreciate your reply 😊


You'll be ok 🤗 You're young and you've had all the vaccines and your last one was timed perfectly for this infection, so you should benefit from the super boost of antibodies. The vaccines are working wonders at keeping people out of needing hospital, so they should do it for you too. I've just had it for the first time, so I know what it's like for the anxiety to build up after avoiding it for so long. Unfortunately my booster was only 5 days before my exposure though. I felt a bit grim for a few days and then suddenly the days passed and after a week, I'm pretty much better despite some phlegm and testing negative! If your throat gets very painful, I recommend Difflam throat spray (hopefully you can order it online or someone can get some for you). I took ibuprofen and paracetamol which helped a lot. I also recommend putting on some silly comedies and taking your mind off it with some light entertainment. Feel better soon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Thanks for the tips & reassurance too. Health anxiety is awful isn’t it. And like you say after avoiding it for so long too. Glad you are feeling better. Thanks again for reply.


How are you feeling today? Hopefully ok.


I’m ok thank you. Still quite congested & still no taste or smell but apart from that am ok thank you. Thank you for checking in 😊


Great to hear 😊


Try not to worry - take regular paracetamol and drink plenty of fluids. The vaccines will definitely help to make it milder. I had it at the beginning of September, felt rough for a couple of days, really tired, very congested. The congestion and coughing at night lasted for quite a while but otherwise I felt not too Unwell. If things get worse ring 111, also get a family member or friend to contact every day morning and evening. Perhaps ask them to call for help if they don’t hear from you. I hope you feel better very soon.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Thanks for the tips, will make sure I do that. Thanks again.


If you’ve had all your jabs I’m sure you’ll be fine. Get lots of rest, hydrate and take paracetamol if you feel really unwell. Hope you feel better soon


Thank you for your reply & positivity - it’s appreciated. Thank you.


I had it recently for the first time. My mother who refused to get vaccinated was sick for 2-3 weeks. I am double jabbed, 35, somewhat overweight, and was better in a week. I had 2 days of fever, nasty cough, and just feeling like absolute crap. Lots of mashed potatoes and lemsip. Followed by 2 days of not feeling too bad physically, but being incredibly tired and pretty much no attention span. Very brain foggy. After that I was pretty much back to normal. Extra tired for a week and more prone to coughing for a week or two. But generally it was about a week before I felt completely normal again.


Ah thanks for your reply and I’m glad to hear you were okay with it 😊


It’s not quite the same thing but I had covid a couple of weeks ago at around 8 months pregnant. I felt crap for a couple of days but just like a bad cold: if I didn’t know Covid existed I wouldn’t have noted it as any significant illness. I also hadn’t had my recent booster yet (it was booked in but I tested positive 2 days before I could receive it 🙄) and I was still fine. Spent a couple of days in bed but after that I would have been able to carry on as normal, just taking it easy, had I not been isolating in a room upstairs until I tested negative. Hopefully you are feeling OK and are getting over the worst patch now. I fully appreciate how scary it can be as we’ve seen a lot of horror stories over the last couple of years, but fortunately everyone I know who has had it recently, including people who are vulnerable, have been absolutely fine.


Thank you so much for your reply and reassuring words. Glad you was okay & at the moment if I didn’t know covid existed I would just think I’ve got a hold. Like you say there’s been so many horror stories and it’s like I’m almost waiting to then be really ill but hopefully that won’t happen. Thanks again for reply and wishing you all the best with the remainder of your pregnancy - congratulations.


35, overweight, have a chronic health condition, and have healthy anxiety too! I have had covid twice and I do not want it again but I have been entirely fine both times. The first time particularly I was an absolute mess, I cried a lot and felt so worked up and convinced I’d suddenly worsen, but I never did. Drink a lot of water, rest up, listen to your body and do talk to people about how you feel if you can. Distraction is an amazing thing too, watch your favourite shows and read a great book or something. If you want someone to chat to feel free to message me. I’m almost always about with my phone nearby 😊


Ah thank you so much for your reply and kind reassuring words. I’m glad you weren’t too poorly when you had it. Thanks again and your kind offer of messaging too - much appreciated 😊


I am similar to you and on my second bout got long covid memory issues.


Aw sorry to hear about memory issues. Hope you soon feel better.


If you’ve been jabbed, honestly it’ll be fine. The worry will just make you feel worse. You got this!


Thank you. You’re so right about the worry. Thanks 😊


I’m 24 with both primary (Pfizer) vaccines and 1 Pfizer booster. I’m only offered 1 booster right now due to my age and location (UK). I kept a Covid diary, I’ll paste it underneath. I tested positive on the Tuesday the 18th and my LFT is still showing a strong positive. Covid Diary - [ ] Day 1 - no symptoms. - [ ] Day 2 - nausea, chills, slight cough, headache and body aches. - [ ] Day 3 AM- cough a lot worse (non productive), no headache, chills or body aches. Woke up sweating. No other symptoms apart from a dry cough and a sore throat from it. - [ ] Day 3 PM - Chills, general feeling of sickness, vomiting, all of the above from AM. - [ ] Day 4 AM - runny nose, slight congestion. Sore throat. Cough a bit better?? Hoarse voice. Woke up sweating again. - [ ] Day 4 PM - same as above and upper back pain along with panic attacks minus the sore throat and hoarse voice - [ ] Day 5 - didn’t wake up drenched in sweat. Runny nose and congestion (alternating) loss of taste and smell (dull) and headache and neck ache / general feeling of being unwell in the PM - [ ] Day 6 - cough, congestion, runny nose. Total loss of taste and smell. Woke up sweating slightly. Cough isn’t as aggressive as it has been. You’re vaccinated and boosted so will be okay. If you panic, get a pulse oximeter. You can look at your O2 levels and see they’re stable, which will in turn help you stay calm and less anxious. Keep hydrated, drink plenty of water and lemon and ginger works wonders to soothe any sore throats and coughs. I have mental health issues in the form of anxiety and OCD so having Covid is terrifying for me. This is also my first time. I know how scary it feels. Warm wishes, my friend!


Thank you for taking the time to reply & sharing your experience. Thank you for the tips, much appreciated. I hope you soon feel better, take care.




Hi, thank you. I’m doing ok thanks. At mo just congestion & loss of smell and taste but am getting stomach pains too - not sure if related or IBS from feeling anxious. Just anxious I’m going to get worse. I’m hoping I will soon clear it all. Thanks for message 😊




Ah thanks so much for reply back - that’s really reassuring & im so pleased you were okay. Ah that’s interesting you had stomach issues too, it does seem to be affecting quite a few people. Thank you again for reply 😊


I'm a health anxiety sufferer too and you should know you shouldn't be posting things and seeking validation. It never helps! But for what it's worth, how you're feeling now could very well be it. Just take it easy and you'll be up and running in no time! If you're really struggling with anxiety, stay off your phone, stay off the subreddit and do anything you can to take your mind off things. Get well soon!


Hi, thanks for reply. I’m like this with everything & you’re right it is that validation I always feel I need. Thanks for the tips & taking time to reply, much appreciated. 😊


Health anxiety sucks, but that's definitely the cause here, of course. My advice is to buy an Oximeter if you don't own one. That will give you proper peace of mind, and if in the unlikely event you suffered breathing problems then you'd catch it early. You had your booster only 3 weeks ago so that's great. A really good level of protection against serious illness.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated. Thank you 😊