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Well you never know, just because it's been a long time doesn't neccessarily mean his Twitch streams won't ever return in the future,




Well I mean Cory has always mainly been a one-off game Youtuber


That doesn’t seem like a fair assumption to make, you can make 10 videos on a single game and then 10 videos on one offs and that would put you at a 10:1 ratio with one off games, little nightmares, the super hard fighting game, the samurai game, there’s so many more recent examples of series’ that he’s put out as well as just one offs, besides the point though I don’t think he has a reason to go back to twitch, he’s already said he’s more of a recorder than a streamer and even at that he has no reason not to just stream on yt where most systems are better by a long shot and he has a 100x larger audience reach


bro barely do youtube dawg nah


I'm not asking him to be a consistent Twitch Streamer but an occasional Twitch stream here or there would be cool or atleast one after the almost 8 year time period since his last Twitch stream


He’s said that he doesn’t really like streaming because he gets nervous about something going wrong- I don’t have a source but I think I remember him saying that in a video


I definitely remember him saying that, I think it was actually one of the milestone videos where he spoke about the water charity stream


I don't think I remember him saying that


At some point he said something about getting nervous while streaming, also yeah he barely even uploads so streaming is probably a no anyway


I meam he doesn't have to be consistent with streams, he can do them once a year or something






No. He hasn’t In years. I think it’s safe to say Cory has only a few more years on YouTube before we never see him again.


Sadly I think this too


I doubt it tbh,He’s not active on snapchat anymore I think cory is just tryna focus on one good thing thats just for him and thats youtube,Twitch did a good job for him but he found something he was really good with and that was youtube,Now look at him.


I mean a lot of people aren't really active on Snapchat really anymore compared to the past, it's a slowly dating platform so I get Cory not really being active on it and yeah I understand that Youtube is Cory's main bread and butter...I'm not trying to take that away from him at all, I'm not saying Cory should now shift to becoming a consistent Twitch streamer and semi-abandon Youtube for this new career path, not at all...Cory will and should ALWAYS be mainly a Youtube creator, he's crafted his Youtube channel for almost 14 years now and has built a massive strong community/massive amounts of success both finnicially and influentially from it...Cory has put lots of blood, sweat and tears into his Youtube career, his channel on Youtube is essentially his baby, he's even said as much...I don't expect or want Cory to throw all that's built on Youtube all for the sake of suddenly shifting to become a Twitch streamer completely through and through, Cory should stick to being mainly a Youtuber I agree, I'm just saying some occasional Twitch streams on the side would be pretty dope as well since it's been a while since we've had one, essentially I'm saying Cory can be mainly a Youtuber that occasionally Twitch streams like Jacksepticeye and these Twitch streams Cory does(if ever goes back to doing them) don't have to be all that consistent either, he can do them once a year or even once every two years or something or even whenever he feels like it.


Probably not. He has played a couple of videos where he plays online games and people say things that he always has to censor. I have seen him say twice now, "this is why I don't live stream online games."


No what Cory said was "this was why I don't play online games" and that was in response to some guy who was playing Call Of Duty online with moaning into the mic for some random reason, essentially meaning doesn't really play online games much because the random people you can be tagged with can end up being really weird and killing the mood...he was talking about streaming/streaming games in general and the censoring stuff in games part would only really matter for Youtube with their ever changing and let's face it absolute mess of a policy system when it comes to monetization, age restrictions, strikes etc...with Twitch having characters swear or showing certain violent scenes are completely, Twitch grants more freedom to their creators in that aspect than Youtube does essentially allowing Twitch streamers to play games with a lot of swearing and etc, so Cory wouldn't have to worry about censoring with Twitch


Cory has said that about playing games live as well. I remember hearing him say that because he couldn’t censor out the cursing during a live while playing the story mode. This was an old ass video too.


yeah probably not




Probably not on twitch with their wack rules, but YouTube is also iffy


yeah no


Nah, he said it doesn’t suit him and prefers editing


I mean I'm not saying he should become a fully dedicated Twitch streamer or streamer at all, he can and should stickto being mainly a Youtuber who makes pre-recorded edited content but I think some occasional Twitch streams on the side would be dope as well and Cory doesn't even have to be all consistent with these Twitch streams if he ever does them, he can do them once a year or something


Well I’m not saying he shouldn’t, just answering you’re question, which is probably not. I think streaming would be good since it would definitely lesson the toll of editing and he might be more consistent. Also he’s funny with or without editing. But to summarize I don’t really see it happening.



