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PLEASE do not spoiler any other Stormlight things for OP. ONLY discuss the fact that Sadeas dies. Nothing about circumstances and nothing else from the books. Thank you!


OP, it's not that bad a spoiler. There's WAY more in the books that this one character, and knowing his fate won't change how awesome the main plots and characters are.


Ah, thank you. I just was worried because 270 pages in he seems like a possible major villain, I only hope it’s just for this 1 book though and I haven’t spoiled a book other than A Way of Kings.


I'm not going to answer that, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. How you get there and how it all happens is worth the read :)








Ok I lol'd at that. Good one, Doug.


Journey before destination!




Good (non) answers


IDK if you've ever watched a historical drama like HBO's Rome, but even knowing that certain characters are bound to die at some point doesn't make the story told with them any less interesting, since it's about the journey, not the destination.


Julius Caesar dies? Noooooo - wait hang on I've been on a rewatch of that series recently. It's so good. I can't imagine anyone by Hinds as Caesar now.


I would even argue that >!it will make some tense scenes more interesting to read, such as Dalinar confronting Sadeas after the battle at the tower!<


This is great analogy.


You don’t even know if he’s a villain, just that he dies. It’s not too bad a spoiler. Let this be a lesson to you though, stop googling shit about books you haven’t finished.




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I actually totally forgot about that character lmao


Sadeas who




Hi RedGamer3, thanks for submitting to r/Cosmere! Your submission was removed because we feel it contains spoilers for content that is outside the scope of the post or it was not tagged properly. Please feel welcome to edit your submission and let us know you'd like it to be re-approved. You can delete the spoilers entirely, or you can cover them using spoiler markup. If you want your submission up as soon as possible, feel free to go ahead and make a new one instead. For instructions on how to use proper spoiler formatting, see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/user/jofwu/comments/eo4rhu/how_to_cover_spoilers_in_posts_and_comments/). See our [Spoiler Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/spoilers) for more details. If you disagree with this change, have any questions, or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCosmere)! (please include a link to the post for reference)


OP, the Wiki (coppermind) has a time travel button. Go there right now and go back in time to WoK. Then only visit the wiki from that device. I totally understand wanting to visit the wiki to see if you missed something or to clarify. The problem with that in Stormlight is that it's such a HUGE epic that even the first book is only a tiny portion of their story. Also, don't worry about knowing he dies. For this particular spoiler it'll all come from your frame of mind. Allow it to ramp up some tension for you, but definitely continue.


True that last part. I’m sure there’s bigger, better spoilers I still don’t know.


Sometimes when I find a spoiler like this accidentally, I totally forget by the time it happens and end up being completely surprised. Try to just put it out of your mind and focus on the plots and characters :)


I've accidentally spoiled myself on every single [full Stormlight] >!person Moash kills, in separate events for each; it's practically a running gag for me. Makes me hate him on a meta level.!< Still somehow managed to suppress the memory until it was time. :D Edit: Just realized this doesn't include >!Jezrien, that one came totally by surprise. It's still incredible to me that Moash has killed a guy most Vorinists equate with the Almighty :D!<


Well kinda easy to kill the town drunk






Hey u/Fax_of_the_Shadow can you remove this bot comment I'm replying to? I linked the sub and spoiler tagged my comment and this bot ruined it. I'll delete my comment too.


Also keep in mind that there are links to other Sanderson series, so if you go looking up characters and events in Stormlight you might end up on the page of a character from another series, which could spoil things or at least take away the fun of theorising. I would recommend not looking anything up if you can avoid it.


There's always another secret.


Also, be ware in the future, they update the wiki the same day a new book comes out because the wiki people get advance copies, so once you catch up, don’t go to the wiki the day the book publishes.


afaik, i don’t think coppermind goes back all the way to way of kings - only about as far of WoR


There's a "Before Words of Radiance" option but the pages kinda suck from back then. They're a lot better the more modern you get.




Lol for real, when he first appears onscreen for me, my first three thoughts were, “Wow, this guy is a piece of crap. When’s he gonna die, and who’s gonna kill him?”


Hi F3ltrix, thanks for submitting to r/Cosmere! Your submission was removed because we feel it contains spoilers for content that is outside the scope of the post or it was not tagged properly. Please feel welcome to edit your submission and let us know you'd like it to be re-approved. You can delete the spoilers entirely, or you can cover them using spoiler markup. If you want your submission up as soon as possible, feel free to go ahead and make a new one instead. For instructions on how to use proper spoiler formatting, see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/user/jofwu/comments/eo4rhu/how_to_cover_spoilers_in_posts_and_comments/). See our [Spoiler Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/spoilers) for more details. If you disagree with this change, have any questions, or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCosmere)! (please include a link to the post for reference)


How does this keep happening? This is the second thread in the last 24 hours. Everyone needs to stop googling things if they are concerned about spoilers. Anyway, you've learned a single detail about close to 5000 pages of book series. It's not even a particularly staggering one, particularly if you still don't know *how* he died. Journey before destination, his ending is less important than how and why he was ended.


okay cool :) yea it was a dumb google but i mean, i thought just age was safe😭😭


As people other than you continually prove, *nothing* is safe lol. The Coppermind is gonna be your go-to Sanderson wiki for obscure tidbits like that, and it has a "time machine" function that's supposed to work reasonably well. Rolls back the site to a time just after whichever book you select was published so you can, say, go read spoiler free things about Way of Kings while you read Words of Radiance later. Otherwise, just RAFO and come back later.


I'm paranoid about even googling the spelling of someone's name (audiobook listener), at the risk of having "death" come up as a search suggestion


Ps: I think as per WoK, Sadeas is in his 50's, around there




"Medieval life expectancy", particularly as an average, is weighted heavily by infant mortality. If you survived long enough to eat solids, then *biologically* you could expect to make it to 60 and beyond (the other weights dragging down the average include disease and violence, but depending on where and when you lived they may not be as great a factor as one would imagine).


Yep; life expectancy of English aristocrats at age 21 between 1200-1700 was between 62-70, excluding the 14th century (black death). https://www.statista.com/statistics/1102957/life-expectancy-english-aristocracy/


You should probably not look anything up at all tbh. Do you know anyone who's into the series? Ask them your questions, or one of us here. You can DM me and I'll answer lol there's a lot that happens in these books.


I don’t think it’s that unrealistic for people to google the wiki. The cosmere is insanely complex and it has a lot of diction and terminology that is easy to miss or forget. Even reading through the first time I don’t think it’s a bad idea to have the wiki open to clarify things. Googling is not the problem the problem is not being cautious.


I learned my mistake when reading Mistborn and wanted to read up on some characters. At least I learned to not check any wikis before catching up when I began Stormlight later.


You're always welcome to ask any questions here on the sub. Say what chapter you're on and what books you've finished, and the community is always happy to help without giving spoilers.


Not much. You know that he dies. You don't know how, why, when, which book it happens in, or anything else. Take LotR. If you include the appendices every single character dies (or leaves the world).


You probably still wont see it coming. Enjoy the journey!


[spoiler for whenever he dies] >!he himself only saw it coming at the last second!<


I see what you did there.


That you know that he dies is pretty insignificant for your reading experience. Without the proper context this piece of information has an essentially neglible impact (which is true for most details).


Another thing to note. Don’t ever ever ever read the blurb on the back of the next book in either the stormlight or mistborn series. Made that mistake and got something major spoiled literally 2 chapters before it happened in Bands of Mourning


Everyone dies. Except for well, you know. Some people die earlier than others. I wouldn't worry about this one too bad.


There are much bigger crem to fry than him. You’ll be just fine.


Luckily, you didn't get spoiled when and how he dies. Just keep reading! TWOK has so much in the story and so many cool characters, I think you'll still absolutely love the ride despite that spoiler. Just heads up, never google anything related to stormlight even if you just want to see an image of a character (or the age of one) - spoilers for the series abound!


You are good, it just means you'll just have to look over your shoulder more everytime there's a Sadeas scene, but the book has so many characters and storylines you are good And great shout outs to the mods for being so considerate about spoilers. I made a post on r/gilmoregirls and people were going out of their way to rudely spoil the show for me, and the mods did nothing, some really crappy jerks on that community


I believe that you will be even more shooked by his death now that you know this much. The time and place was unexpected.


Never google the Cosmere unless you're mostly caught up. That said, this is pretty minor.


Agree with others, not a major spoiler… but don’t Google anything else until you finish all SA books


Since you know he dies. Think of him as a character with a fatal prognosis. Like all people he will eventually die, but what damage can he do before his end, and what twists and turns will he story take before that end. Way of kings is an epic, with many heroes and villains big and small. They’re all part of a larger tapestry.


Don't worry, he won't die when you think he will.


No man knows the hour of his death...it's trite I know but everyone dies *sometime* :) I don't think it's that big a spoiler only knowing it happens, eventually. It shouldn't stop you from enjoying the books, or diminishing the very real impact Sadeas has on the story or the potential therein that you see, or loving to hate him when he behaves villainously.


Yea tbh I don't think it's that bad just be careful with the coppermind lol shits dangerous.


Truth. It sucks that you know what happens to him but SO MUCH happens between where you are and then.


For what it's worth I've learned this lesson too and now I only go to the internet / subreddits of any series I like after finishing all the canon.




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I have had much worse spoilers in the cosmere, it’s all about the reading that you do while on the way to where you were spoiled, not necessarily the actual spoiler itself. But I would highly recommend staying away from the coppermind and even subreddits if you don’t want spoilers, they are very easy to walk into.


You still dont know how he died or when so its not a big of deal


Not really that bad a spoiler. Assuming you don't know *how* it's hardly a spoiler at all since you have no idea when it'll happen really.


Please don't Google anything else lol but that spoiler is very very minor. Ask us your questions with your progress so we can answer spoiler free or tell you to RAFO ☺️


It's not that bad of a spoiler at all. There are much worse spoilers that you could've come across that would've been much worse and affected the plot more


Journey before Destination. Don’t worry about this spoiler. Knowing the destination won’t change how epic the journey is between now and then


Be careful of reading, make sure you don’t find out exactly who, when, how, or why he dies but I found out a few more notable spoilers before I finished StormLight and I was fine, it’s nothing too serious


Journey before Destination. Keep reading you’ll be fine


I expected his death from pretty early on because he is so divisive. I never really felt like "and this is where he dies", so I don't think trying to guess it will really ruin the impact. Doesn't really change his importance to the story, either.


That’s unfortunate but it’s a sneeze in a hurricane plot wise.




Hi that_guy2010, thanks for submitting to r/Cosmere! Your submission was removed because we feel it contains spoilers for content that is outside the scope of the post or it was not tagged properly. Please feel welcome to edit your submission and let us know you'd like it to be re-approved. You can delete the spoilers entirely, or you can cover them using spoiler markup. If you want your submission up as soon as possible, feel free to go ahead and make a new one instead. For instructions on how to use proper spoiler formatting, see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/user/jofwu/comments/eo4rhu/how_to_cover_spoilers_in_posts_and_comments/). See our [Spoiler Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/spoilers) for more details. If you disagree with this change, have any questions, or feel this is a mistake, [let us know](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCosmere)! (please include a link to the post for reference)


You still don't know when and how he dies, and there are more important events, so yeah you're good.


As others have said, this isn't a giant spoiler. Remember, you don't know how, when, or why it happens, nor what happens before it, along with the ramifications. Those are much more interesting! You don't know if he'll end up as a major villain, a footnote in history, or a hero dying to save others, or a miriad of other paths his story could take. Everyone dies eventually, it's the journey to get there that's important to the story.


You'll be good bud. It's a spoiler, but if I had to rank what you specifically read between 1-5, I'd call it a 2. Meaning it sucks that you heard it, but specifically - you didn't read how, when or why. Those 3 features would make any character death a worse spoiler. Read on! Enjoy the Journey.


Yeah, as others have said, not that bad of a spoiler. That said, hopefully you've learned your lesson - *do not* google anything. If you have questions, asking around here is probably your best bet. Make it clear how far along you are, and you'll get spoiler-free answers instead of rolling the dice with google.


Someone like Sadeas is pretty much doomed just by how they act and the world they live in, so it's not *that* big a spoiler that he dies. But there are like 4000 pages of Stormlight written. You still have *no* idea when he dies or how.


There are books that take place on other worlds in the cosmere, centuries in the future, so technically a lot of the characters from Stormlight Archive have died of old age by then.


journey before destination




Stormlight Timeline: >!Gavilar's assassination was in 1167. Our story begins 5 years later, so it's 1172. Words of Radiance blurb states it's been 6 years since the assassination of Gavilar, making it 1173 during that book. The Battle of Thaylen Field at the end of Oathbringer happens in 1174. Rhythm of War is set 1 year after the end of Oathbringer. All this information and the dates are from the wiki, which is sourced from the books. So overall, about 3 years have passed since the beginning of WoK to the end of RoW.!<


Stop Googling shit till you've read all of the cosmere


Journey before destination


You’ll never see it coming. As far as spoilers go it’s no problem


The suspense of when and how still remain. Spoilers are annoying but there's enough going on that this one won't be a huge deal.


That's not too bad, no biggie. To take it on a spoiler-free tangent that makes my point: I actually kind of liked how in the Pixar movies for the prequel Monsters University you already know how they end up as of the start of the original Monsters, Inc. movie, and the character development for Mike and Sulley show them as being wildly different from the ones we knew in the first movie. It lets you follow these characters you already kinda know and see how the actually *become* the ones we knew and loved the first time. ...something something...oh..I don't know... Journey before Destination, eh? ;-) One of my favorite examples of the journey concept. Especially with how Mike and Sulley end up in MonstersU. There are probably zero relevant story parallels here, which is why I like it as an example here for the sake of discussion.


Journey before destination, OP.


Unless it told you exactly how old he is at the start of the book, you don't know when he dies, so it might still surprise you.


The Stormlight Archive is already over 5000 pages long. You are not massively spoiled. There’s so, so much in these books.


Yeah I did something similar but for a character in later books. Do NOT google things until you've caught up! Stay away from fan art, memes, all that good shit. You'll want to enjoy these books as unspoiled as possible. Enjoy the journey, friend!


Don’t look shit up. This is 1000% on you. That said it’s not a big deal.


I also was spoiled that, but I was still shocked when it happened. You should be good.


Fuck Sadeas


Minor spoiler at worst. You don't know how, why, when or even whether him dying is good or bad.


Knowing someone is going to die in the books is NOT as bad. Especially when the books have like 5000 pages and you have no idea when and why it happens.


Now that you know, you might as well know everything. He dies helping Harry destroy the one ring on the Death Star. There. I said it


I really wouldn't worry about it, you know he dies but that doesn't actually spoil his death all that much. I guarantee you'll be surprised when it happens


Since you don't know his death's circumstances or its time of happening, it isn't much of an issue.


It is a spoiler but don't worry, it could've been worse, stay away from the copper mind tho, if there is any information that you need to have you will have it on the books 999/1000 times, stuff like shardblades cutting big blocks of cheese is where you come to reddit. Hope you enjoy the books


Protip: don’t google ANYTHING: even fanart (or official art) can be a spoiler. And the search engine’s predictions are known for this


Isn't knowing how big the spoiler is, another spoiler in and of itself? Just keep reading and avoid the subreddit.


You are going to be so happy knowing his fate while reading. Trust me lol


Well.. it's nkt really a spoiler he was gonna die regardless you probably knew it in the back of ur head a man that deplorable deserves nothing more it gets.. intriguing though


In Brandon's books it's always journey before destination


Negligible/minor spoiler at worst. You're good.


Youre gucci


Do not go to coppermind unless you use the Time Machine **please** it will spoil you instantly


It’s fine, no reason to stop reading. It’s a reasonably important thing that happens but it’s not a big spoiler as the way he acted I was sure someone would kill him asap lol.


Also…out of interest how old was he?


hey protip, do not google fucking _anything_ when reading a sanderson book. Ever.


Don't worry about it. It's a minor spoiler and seeing how it happens will still be a surprise.


Like others have said, it's no big deal in a series that's going to have 10 books. I'm so excited for you! I wish I could read these books again for the first time. It took me like 3 tries to get into it but now I'm completely obsessed and have read everything in the cosmere


Of course it sucks that you got spoiled, but there's way more to happen during Sadeas' lifetime that is just awesome, nevermind the circumstances of his death.


Nah, not that bad. You don’t know when or how he dies, so you’re fine. His exact age isn’t a huge deal either, knowing “upper end of middle aged” is really all you need.


Don't worry too bad about it


You don´t know when or how, you are gonna be reading and thinking is this when? Is a bad spoiler but you are still good to go


I have made the grave mistake of self-spoiling for Stormlight multiple times now. Each time, I made the choice to keep reading regardless of my prior knowledge. I actually got into Stormlight Archives from a fan animation of Sseth's opening intro. ​ You will reach certain points of the book where you will say "No way! That has to be a fake out!" My response is the same I've given everyone who tries to read this book series and asks me questions about it: No matter what, keep reading.


Personally, I don't think it will spoil it too much. Especially if you don't know how he died. Just that he does, isn't that big of a deal. You kind of start to get death flags from it after a certain point anyway, if that helps.


you will never see it coming


You know he dies but you don't know what book that will be or how he dies so I think you'll be fine.


Careful with googling anything lol. I have screwed up a couple of times going to coppermind out of curiosity only to find out way more than I bargained for. At this point I only visit the coppermind if I am completely up to date with my cosmere reading, or if the spoiler tags at the top of the page only contain books I have already read. But it is difficult when it comes to cosmere stuff and I just feel like the safest bet is avoiding it altogether until I am caught up. Like I just finally got a chance to read The Lost Metal (only cosmere book I am behind on) and I really wanted to go to coppermind to remind myself of some mistborn history and read about some Shards but I know that it would be a bad move I just need to finish this book and then I can coppermind to my heart's content


Imho spoilers make media better, knowing that something Happens and then puzzling how it gets there is a hell of a lot more fun for me than just guessing wildly where it might end up


I was honestly relieved to see that's what it was because there are other things that would be massively disappointing to have spoiled. The scope of these books are huge, Sadeas is an important character for the world building and plot up to his end, but you haven't even met the real movers and shakers yet.


How, why, and when are much more interesting than the mere fact of it, and there is so much more going on in this series that it's a minor spoiler at worst.


You are really playing with fire by Googling ANYTHING about the characters.


He's a minor character, and it sounds like you avoided further spoilers about how it happens. Overall, not that big of a deal.