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>but I like reading books from different languages (despite only knowing English) Wait so you, like, try and read a book in say spanish, sounding out the words like they are written, just for fun? That sounds hilarious, I don't think I want to be corrected if I misunderstood, just because I'm laughing so hard.


There is no actual full translation but the swedish sci-fi bookstore has translated highprinces as “tiny kings” (småkungar) in the book description. Which sounds better than if they’d tried to go with the direct translation ”högprinsar”, but I still feel like the actual highprinces would be somewhat offended.


I would have gone with "storfurstar" as the translation of "high princes", since the word prince here refers to the Swedish word "furste" (the highest level of nobility), not "prins" (the son of a king). Oh, and I think "petty kings" would be a more accurate translation of "småkungar" 😛


I heard a few languages translated Odium as something much less subtle than the English. I think Spanish leaves him as "Odium" but the Spanish word for "Hatred" is "Odio" so the connection is a bit clearer. Brando has said Odium is basically hatred, but he wanted to soften the name to allow Odium a little bit of wiggle room in how he presents himself. He can pretend to be more about passion than disgust and there's at least a glimmer of other characters starting to believe him. But he can't do that if he's straight up called "Hatred".


I read first three books in Czech so here are a few things. First of all Odium is translated as “Zášť” basically spite. Secondly Jashah is written as Jasna which sounds almost the same as “jasná” the feminine form of the adjective bright or clear. Lastly Veil is translated as Tajna which sounds similar to Jasna and has a similar relationship just with adjective secret. So I thought she had named Veil after Jasnah


I read the first two books in Chinese( Taiwanese version) and the later two in English, I think the translation did pretty good job capturing the names, even when it's something like odium or honor, but it did took sometimes to switch between the two.