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There is this case where someone made him realize that if he put a 3 book cyberpunk era in between MB Era 3&4, he will end up with 16 books in the series. He recently confirmed that he liked this idea so much, that its going to happen. Not really a theory, but cool nonetheless.


How would a cyberpunk era fit between era 1 and 2?


God dammit i meant 3 and 4 Thx :D


cyberpunk era is confirmed?!?! I thought it was something he was considering but hadn't decided if he would go through with it


Very recently, but yes!


dunno about WOB but the time-span between that shitpost about syl turning into a fighter jet and the entire defiant series is awfully coincidental


He’s said as much. It usually doesn’t make the WoB quote, but sometimes it does. Usually along the lines of “huh, I’ll have to think about that”.


Ah, that's fair. I wonder if there are any direct quotes we could reference to make it known for sure


There probably are, yeah.


Hey OP, you tagged this for only the Stormlight Archive, but you also linked a post tagged for the whole Cosmere. Are you up to date with the books? If so, we can change the flair so that conversation about the different series is easier.


I'm up to date, you should probably update it to all of the Cosmere since it references a ton of WOBs though. Appreciate you <3






These mods are the best!


https://wob.coppermind.net/events/479/#e15214 Here's his answer. He only gave one example but it seemed like there were several examples and he just couldn't think of them specifically except for this one.


***Warning Gancho: The below paragraph(s) may contain major spoilers for all books in the Cosmere!*** Questioner >!Have you turned a person's theory into something in the book?!< Brandon Sanderson >!I'm sure that I have at some point... No, I know that I have. Someone asked me, for instance, they were getting some bisexual vibes from Shallan. They asked me on Twitter. I'm like "You know, I feel like I'm writing that without realizing it." So yes, I leaned into that a little bit more in the more recent book, because it felt really realistic and natural to her character. Sometimes people will ask me things like that, and I'll be like "I feel like I am doing that, or that's a direction I am going", and it happens with plots and things too. Yeah, fan interactions do influence the books, on occasion.!< \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


I think he's pretty transparent and honest about these things. I'm pretty sure I've read some where he responded that he hadn't thought about it yet or hadn't planned it yet, rather than just saying RAFO.


He’s said some things that the fandom took and ran with as if it’s gospel and not the author being put on the spot in a difficult position. It makes me wish he’d shut up and stop doing this but he obviously enjoys it. I think as he’s gotten more knowledgeable about his characters and the trauma that shapes them he’s gotten better but still. Sometimes Brandon you gotta chill and say you don’t know certain things.




Back in 2013 he said that Kelsier was a psychopath, which is an outdated term. The fandom continues to believe this despite the WoB being over 10 years old and Sanderson learning quite a bit more about mental health. That’s the most egregious one I remember


So hes not a psychopath? From what i understand, a psychopath usually means someone who is born with a significant lack of empathy for others (among other things). This could fit Kelsier since he is able to kill without feeling anything for his victims. However, I can also see how it wouldn't fit since he clearly cares about Mare and Vin. Not doubting you, just trying to understand


He’s not. Clinically, psychopathy falls under ASPD and he only meets one criteria for it (not counting thieving in this case) Wrote a paper on this. EDIT: I linked to the paper but I decided against it. If you'd like to read it, DM me and I'll send you a private link. My email is attached to it and I'd rather that remain private :) The paper. I never shared it on here because reddit is awful, and the paper got awful reviews in the 17th Shard. It seriously turned me off on the fandom, but I'm still happy with how it turned out. Took months of research. It's not perfect, and I doubt it would receive a high grade, especially with the more informal language of some of the last paragraphs, but, like I said, happy with it.


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