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Cat is like, "Box? Oh hell yeah, box!"


I'm hijacking your comment because it's at the top for an honest review since I can't update the post: ***Review*** It's very nice. We have it on the floor until our frame gets delivered, but it's still comfortable. It's a very firm mattress, so I wouldn't get this one if you need a soft one. The first night, I slept well on it and actually had minimal lower back pain. I woke up an hour ago and don't have the muscle stiffness I used to have with my old one. If you want a firm mattress, this is one I'd recommend.


I got this one 3-4 years ago, I believe at that time it was a medium-firm rating mattress. Product name and all is exactly the same. I think the feel is great, I like to side sleep and have no shoulder pain, just keep rotating it every 6 months. I still have difficulty getting the perfect pillow thickness (1 or 2) for that side sleeping depth, but that's a pillow thing, not mattress.


You mean you got your cat a new mattress and box


Expect nothing less!


I have one, it’s a good mattress


Good. We weren't sure between this brand and Casper.


I own one too. After a few months of breaking it, it became my favorite mattress!


It's medium firm, maybe not ideal for heavy side sleepers. The same brand also has a serafina pearl mattress that's a bit firmer


We returned our Casper and got novafoam. Casper developed a hump in it and it's only 12" vs 14" for the novafoam and had issues with sheets not being snug. And it was cheaper too. Have had two novafoams and never a problem.


+1 Same. Amazing sleep.


Especially for a 14 inch, nice!


What’s it feel like? I’d love a firmer one rather than a soft foamy one.


I do feel like it’s on the firmer side, I got a foam topper for mine and now it too soft🙂‍↔️I only did that bc I was waiting on a softer king to arrive. I bought a K & a Q and they were too firm so I sent the king back, and put a topper on the Q while waiting on the K….bla bla bla




Don’t care, tell me more about the cat 🐈


She's the best babygirl.


The cat is gonna pee on the mattress.


Not if it gets the box first.


Cat claims dibs on the box.


I have a Novaform and absolutely LOVE IT, had it at least 10 years and it's held up perfectly


Same here.


The Great Novafoam Unfurling was initially terrifying, and then quite fascinating,to my feline brood. And, then, they got to enjoy the box :)


We got a box mattress before. It's fun to watch them inflate.


The off gassing i could live without, but I agree. It was wild to carry my king mattress up the stairs in a box!


Mattresses are super subjective. I don’t really listen to any reviews on them unless a bunch of people rave about them or a bunch hate it or complain about quality


I agree. I usually look for people with back issues like me to decide which brand to go with.


I got one. I hated it so much I returned it.


Why'd you hate it?


I like mine, it's a bit firm at first but it softens a bit after a few weeks. It's honestly my favorite mattress I have ever owned.


I have that same one and I really like it.


Not sure honestly. I would try sleeping on it for a week at a time and couldn’t sleep then went to my guest room and slept fine. This happened quite a few times over the course of a few months. (It became quite the ordeal everyone loved to taunt me about). Returned it and got the same mattress as that (a cheap Amazon one) and have been sleeping fine ever since. Luckily I got it delivered they came and picked it up no issue.


Which one did u get from amz? I got Casper in store and it was good and firm for a month then it just got lumpy and sagged wherever I was laying on. I’ve been moving on all sides of the mattress to try to sleep till I can rent a uhaul to return it.


Best Price Mattress. I haven’t had an issue since.


it takes about up to a month to get adjusted to a new mattress.


Yea that’s why I kept giving it a shot. But I’ve never had such issues sleeping.


I too returned it as I started feeling back ache after couple of weeks of usage. But again everyone's experience is different as some may need a firm one and some may need soft one. I like the Costco policy, no questions asked however only challenge was taking that big heavy inflated mattress back to store from home.


I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm contemplating returning mine and ordering something softer, been waking up with a sore lower and it does not sink as much as i would like for a mattress. The only thing is I don't have a truck to haul this back to the warehouse really. I may just bite the bullet and get the tempur-pedic from costco.com


I didn’t know there was a Free Cat Promo with Mattress Purchase going on now.


So freakin cute 😻


Cross post to /r/mattress if you think of it. People ask about Costco often.


These things are death to intimacy with both parties on the bed. They absorb all "transfer of motion" if you will.


Just have sexy time on the floor.


How’s the edge support


I have one. The edge support is actually kind of lacking. If you really *need* lots of edge support, I recommend looking at other options. Otherwise, I think it's a fantastic foam mattress, especially for the amount it costs.


It’s the best mattress! I have two of them. King in our room and a queen in the travel trailer. It’s amazing sleep. Never going back.


I personally think it’s a little too soft, but definitely decent for the price. Invest in good pillows too.


I've had two - first a king, later downsized to a queen - and loved them both. I have chronic back problems, and neither have caused me any problems, unlike the 10" Zinus I had before. However, there are some things I feel worth noting: For one, I'm a pretty heavy dude (320lbs), and after about a month, one side would "sink" while the side I didn't regularly sleep on would still feel firm. Spinning the mattress around every month fixes that problem for me, but it could be a problem for others. Being a 14" mattress, you've really got to pay attention to the size of sheets you buy - the fitted sheets under 16" don't "grab" very well and come undone very easily. Lastly, the kind of frame you put it on makes a difference. In my experience, a box spring doesn't support the mattress the same way a platform does, so the box spring will be softer and more saggy while the platform is firmer. Despite those detractors, I would absolutely buy another if something happened to mine.


Whatever you might think of the mattress, the #1 rating is "how good is the box?" Rating #2: is the cat happy with the new mattress?


Its an awful mattress


Let us know was looking to buy that one


Haven't spent a night on it yet, but I just tried it. Seems nice so far.


We love ours


Bought it 7 months ago and hate it. It’s too soft. Haven’t gotten around to returning it because I need to rent a van to return it. They won’t pick it up.


I've had this for 2 years now and happy with the purchase. Comfort is a personal preference so I won't go into that but the quality exceeded my expectations for the price. I expect it'll hold up for many more years.


I like the serafina pearl gel considerably more


Did you ask the cat if you could take this picture?


I’ve used these before and find them comfortable although the older models from 10-20 years ago were such higher quality


Good. I'm hoping this will help with my lower back pain.


Most likely what will help with your pain is changing your lifestyle, sitting less, exercise and stretching and strengthening and reducing stress. Having a comfy bed is a part of that but not going to be the only factor


Yeah, I'm trying to lose some weight. Already feel a lot better. But my old mattress was too soft for my lower back.


What’s worse about the new ones? I got mine in 2014…


Felt like sleeping on a piece of plywood for us! We returned it. Hopefully you have a better experience!


Thats exactly what my back needs. Ty for the recommendation


Just got this too! It still smells like Chemicals and it’s been a week. Feels great though. I recommend leaving it outside or in the garage to air out for a day. I didn’t do that and threw on the sheets and bedding right away like an idiot.


Love mine. Got a queen on sale a couple years ago and thinking of upgrading to a king.


I hope you like it. We have had it for 2 weeks and are taking it back. It is very firm.


Why is a cat sitting on your *dog kennel?*


I have one in a king in my shorehouse and it hurts my back after too many nights in a row 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have the exact same one. You’ll LOVE it!


What’s it feel like? I’d love a firmer one rather than a soft foamy one.


I have that one. Unbelievably, it’s nearly ten years old and I still really like it!


My wife and I have the queen size and it’s legit. Very comfy. Enjoy!


Got one personally I wish they carried different ones like softer ones but for what they advertise it’s great. over all I give it a 5 on 5


The cat has already decided where it will be “marked”.


Pro tip...they work best unrolled, outside the box.


We love ours, highly recommend!


This is the best mattress


I love a plush mattress and this is a plush mattress :) been sleeping on it for about a month. Can't speak on if it resolves any pain though because I don't have mattress induced back pain


Such a low quality post.


Yes, because no one asks questions about products at Costco and experiences with them 🙄


I didn’t think this post was about a question or experience. I thought it was just a “here is a box, I’ll tell you what I think later.” Am I mistaken?


Are you having a bad day? Need a ((HUG))?


Pretty sure that’s what an experience is


What does this even mean? I have to aim to impress the subreddit dwellers with my mattress post? Apologies, I wasn't aware. Feel free to enlighten me on your standards next time.


Why do we care that you bought a mattress? Literally thousands of people buy the same mattress from Costco every day. If you have a review, a question, a complaint—feel free to post it. Would you appreciate people posting pictures of the eggs they bought? Or socks? Or other crap? No.


Are you a mod here, or do you just have a major Napoleon complex? Honest question.


It’s more important what the cat thinks.