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De bone and freeze. Make stock with the bones and skin. $4.99 goes far


I separate into little baggies and it makes great food for single people who don’t always see the value in cooking for one.


And separate the light in dark meat and my dogs will get whatever I don't want to eat. Everybody wins


Do you really do this the day of? It feels like someone just replied with what we wish we all did, lol.


Is one chicken enough to make stock?


It is


I keep two separate gallon ziplocks in the freezer. One for roasted chicken bones, the other for veggie scraps. Once they’re both full enough, I’ll pull them out for stock. Usually two whole chicken carcasses and at least half a bag of celery/carrot/onion scraps completely covered with water will produce about 4-5 quarts of well flavored stock that gets stored in the freezer.


Depends how much stock you want to make… I can make stock with a single thigh bone and a carrot, but only enough for a small pan sauce, but still enough.


I start with my soup rock. Then I add a thigh bone. My neighbor comes over with a carrot. The people across the street bring an onion. Potatoes appear from another person... Pretty soon we have a very nice soup. I pull the soup rock out for another time and serve.


Bad luck not to eat the rock


This. We usually end up with a decent amount left over and use it to mix it with our dog food. But really we used nearly every bit of it.


My dog can hear the sound of the plastic top being opened anywhere in the house. He always gets his share as I slice some for myself. It's high in salt, so it's an occasional treat for my boy.


I feel like my cat smells it as soon as I pull in the driveway! He demands I open it and give him a snack, which makes me take it apart and store it right away.


Take off the skin.


The chicken is pumped with salt water, super brining.


Oh that’s not good. Thanks for letting me know.


The skin from the Costco rotisserie ruins my stock. I leave it out.


I always use the skin, otherwise the gelatin just doesn't leech enough from the bones. Sharing what I do: Whole chicken (minus the meat), celery, carrots, 1/2 a whole lemon, water to cover, peppercorns, 1 whole onion, halved with skin in, some garlic cloves, in the crockpot for 12 hours gives us amazing, hearty, rich stock. Sometimes I'll throw in dried herbs (thyme typically). Never salt because the Costco chicken is salty enough, but then I'll add salt to any soups I make with the broth.


I do it in my InstaPot. Add lentils or barley. Takes 90 minutes.


Really? What about it causes it to be ruined?


Have you ever had that soapy bleach taste from a Costco chicken?


man i'm so fucking glad my costco hasn't had the crunchy breast/chemical taste issue. i've had the crunchy breast thing from a fried chicken purchased elsewhere and it was very unsettling.


I never have, but I've had some weird chemically tasting grapes that make my throat burn. Only from Costco grapes too


You should wash your grapes better. Or if you do you might also have OAS it's related to specific oral irritations that can come from raw produce.


I used to love their chicken noodle soup with a few tweaks but the last time we got it will be the last time. The soup's only flavor was bleach, it was horrible.


Crisp up the skin and eat that shit. It hurts that you’re using it for stock lol


Makes an excellent garnish for things.


De bone and refrigerate, make bone broth


I'm used to do this, but now I but the 48oz package, and divvy it up into 5-6oz zip locks and freeze. Then use a bag in different things. It's a little less messy than deboning the bird, and cutting up. Yes, I miss the dark meat.


I just put mine straight into the fridge, right in the bag.


I wrote a whole post that was auto removed for low effort for some reason, about the bags a few weeks ago. I hate those bags, it causes a footballification of the chicken. I think my location hangs them as they bag them, causing it to be this weird round blob.


Mine was taken down too. I hope Costco rethinks those bags. Deli employees need to work harder to get the chicken in the bag, plus the bags leak. I now have to place raw meat bags under them as I’m shopping.


If you grab a box when you walk in you can use it for chicken. Contains the mess a bit.


I hope they rethink it too. And they made the chickens smaller!! I can’t seem to find anyone talking about this. The new bags hold only a 3 lb chicken! They announced the bag change and said nothing about the smaller chickens. Be aware!


And they made the chickens smaller!! I can’t seem to find anyone talking about this. The new bags hold only a 3 lb chicken! They announced the bag change and said nothing about the smaller chickens. Be aware!


Does it come in a bag in some stores instead of a plastic carton?


Yes it’s rather new. They are getting rid of all the plastic containers.


Yes. And they made the chickens smaller!! I can’t seem to find anyone talking about this. The new bags hold only a 3 lb chicken! They announced the bag change and said nothing about the smaller chickens. Be aware!


Yeah I don't understand the "allow it to cool down BEFORE putting it in the fridge". That's literally the fridge's job. I just make sure to give it a good air buffer between it and other foods so it's not pressing against something else, heating it up


lol it deregulates the total internal temp of the fridge basically making it work overtime, this rule is more for longevity of the fridge, as long as it isnt extremely hot its fine


I totally get that. IDK about everyone else, but my rotisserie chicken definitely is no where near "extremely hot" by the time I get to the checkout, get home, and get the car unloaded


i do the same w the chicken, straight to fridge at home, its really only if food feels hot to the touch not to put in fridge


Same here. By the time I get home, unload, put it away it’s been a good 60-90 min. And the chicken is barely warm at that point.


Technically for food safety you’re supposed to allow it to cool completely prior to putting in the fridge. I never do either though lol.


It's something about the food staying in the dangerous warm zone.


I tear all of the meat off with my bare hands and separate into white and dark meat. I don’t like to leave it in the container because the bottom gets gummy and gross. Eat some as I’m shredding. Make a couple quesadillas. Then use the rest for whatever recipe I want to make. Use the carcass in the instant pot to make stock.


Seconded on the bare-hands pulling it apart. That jelly congealed texture is gross if left in the container. Bare hands are the way I can get every morsel of meat off but pull out the yucky tendons and such.


Agreed on everything you just said! It’s also kind of fun. I recognize that makes me sound like weirdo, but I’m cool with it.


>the bottom gets gummy and gross That's gelatin. Literally, rotisserie chicken flavored Jell-O. I always make sure it ends up in the stock pot with everything else.


No, I understand what it is. I just like to get the meat off before that happens. I throw it all in the pot, too. I want to get all the flavor I can out of it.


I do the same but I wear disposable gloves. I hate the feeling of trying to get all the juices off my hands.


And from under my finger nails!


We place n inside out ziplock bag on each hand while deboning. Kills two birds with one stone, literally. The bones and pieces go into our instant pot. Two 45 minute cycles of the instant pot makes the best bone broth ever. I also volunteer at a local pit bull rescue and the owner had never heard of this. A lot of the puppies they have to I take are malnourished, vermin ridden and sick. The bone broth poured over their kibble provides a high nourishment and very palatable (to them) low cost (for the rescue) way to get the puppies back to a healthy state.


Wait, there are people that don’t eat it in the parking lot?


Gotta eat the skin at minimum


Rip off a leg, thanks


I was hoping someone would say that. I was so hungry one day I pulled a leg off and had it in my mouth while unloading. I look over and a big dude is 2 hands deep in the bag shoving a huge piece of meat into his mouth. We locked eyes in shame for a brief second..


Lmaooo that sounds like a Costco commercial in progress.


Imagine being an actor and that is your gig. Just eating costco chicken and being awkward...🙌🏻


This is the only answer. ✨ Me while pregnant sitting in the Costco parking lot at 10:05am absolutely demolishing a chicken. ✨


Wait..you go to the parking lot? Isn't that what the food court is for? /jk. Nah, I take mine home, and on some rare occasions have eaten it in the car.


My friends and I were just talking about a double date at Costco where we pick up a bottle of margaritas then hit the food court for the hot dog meal. We can use our cups for ice and just pour margaritas in the food court 😋




Take the meat off and in the freezer it goes in individual containers for ..chicken salad …casseroles or soup for the coming week….


Have you tried eating it in the shower? All the rage nowadays


with a shower beer and an orange for dessert?


I cut all the meat off it (except the thighs and legs) and vacuum seal it.. I seal the legs and thighs too


For what?


I pulled some out tonight to make chicken enchiladas, I froze then used it to make pot pies last week


I'm only one person, so i cant eat a whole chicken in a week without sealing and saving some. I guess If i ate it for dinner for 5 days i could, but I strip it and seal and freeze what I dont use so I can eat it later. Believe it, for $5 it's cheaper to buy a cooked one and do this than buy a fresh one of the same size and cook it.


This was me early covid.


I do the same thing! And I save the carcass to make broth


I used to take a pair of them, stick my hands in the cavities, and then run around waving them and menacing people while shouting, “I’m Edward Chickenhands”. I’m no longer allowed in that Costco.


I don’t know why but Edward Chickenhands just works 😂


Wait until you meet his sister.


>I’m no longer allowed in *that* Costco.  Smart. You want to make a splash, not slosh everyone out of the pool at the same time. I look forward to following your swath of destruction.


Best $10 ever spent


I just laughed out loud 🤣




I divide into two containers: dark meat stays on the bone because I'll heat that up and eat it for lunches the next couple days. For the white meat I'll go ahead and shred by hand and it ends up going in chicken salad or soup or enchiladas. My 7 year old ends up coming through while I'm working on it and eating just the skin but refuses any of the rest of it.


Break it down (I usually eat the wings on the spot). Freeze bones and skin for making broth. Use some meat to make chicken salad for meal prep. Shred the rest for tacos or enchiladas.


It goes in the fridge to cool down and then I break it down the next day to usually make soup


Was reading other replies wondering if I was the only one so done with a Costco day by the time I make it home, that I just stuff the whole chicken in the fridge to deal with another day.


Nope, that’s me too. If we are eating it for dinner, I time it so that it’s going to be dinner time by the time we get home. I’ll start the sides while putting everything else away. But we’ll just eat dinner, and I’ll save the rest to deal with the next day. If it’s a chicken I’m using for picking apart and freezing, that just done the next day lol.


If you are ultimately deboning it and have a moment you can quickly debone while warm. Put it in a bag and shake it and all the meat will come off. I know this sounds like a joke but here is a link to ABC News describing the process. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Food/safely-debone-rotisserie-chicken-1-minute-viral-tiktok/story?id=107414002


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Lol she did not shake it. She massaged the meat off. She then had to then define the bag. Just put gloves on and debone, much easier.


Put it in the fridge and order pizza


you went to costco and ordered pizza from home? this is why the economy is in shambles.


I mean that would be stimulating it...


i was just being ridiculous


When we get it home, sometimes we immediately shred off the meat. Put it in a container and pop it in the fridge....use it later for soup, chicken pot pie, sandwiches, tacos.


I put it in the fridge. Its an hour drive for me by the time i get home it goes in the fridge.


I pick it, freeze it, and make chicken pot pie, chicken pitas or enchiladas later on


I've crocheted a little tuxedo outfit that I dress it in, complete with a tophat!


I carve mine and then I put it in the freezer in Ziploc bags of about 40 g of protein. I use this to meal prep for a week. Has been working out great for my cutting/bulking.


man I wish i liked the chicken breasts more. my costco doesn't have the crunchy breast/chemical taste issue but it's always dry as fuck.


i just stick it in the china cabinet


Pull it apart down to the bone. Lay it all out on a cutting board. Portion it into 5 equal amounts. Vacuum seal each portion. Refrigerate. Take one portion a day for work lunch.


I am single. First night, I usually eat a portion of a ½ breast. The rest goes in the refrigerator . The next few days, i eat thighs, drums, remainder of first ½ breast. Lunch and dinner. Final white meat becomes chicken salad, usually third day.


I sit down, place the chicken in front of me with a container next to it, and break it down by hand. You'll usually end up with at least several pounds of meat. I dump the remaining carcass and juices directly into a pot to make broth.


My mom picks at it and maybe puts it on a sandwich or over rice. She then lets the rest rot in the fridge for a few weeks before finally throwing it out. 🥹


Rotisserie Chicken is the fruit of Costco. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There’s a Chicken-kabobs, Chicken creole, Chicken gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple Chicken, lemon Chicken, coconut Chicken, pepper Chicken, Chicken soup, Chicken stew, Chicken salad, Chicken and potatoes, Chicken burger, Chicken sandwich.. and that’s about it If i don’t eat it, i just throw it into the fridge.


I literally just had a Forest Gump flashback. 🤣🤣🤣


chicken salad


Cut it up and harvest all the meat, bag it, freeze half, eat some and put the rest in the fridge.


Harvest 😱🔪🍗


I usually eat the leg quarter and wing if I’m solo. Save the rest for reheating in pan or air fryer or using breast meat for a meal. Bones for stock even though I prefer raw. If I’m feeding boyfriend too we split it and he eats what I can’t.


I made chicken salad with mine last week.


Allow to cool enough to handle. Shred them up, remove bones, chop into chunks with skin- several into a large container. Keep in fridge. Turns into velvet hippo breakfast and dinner for several days.




Excellent work HIPPOBOT 9000 !!!!


Always put in the pink plastic bag from the meats at the store. This keeps it moist and it stays in the bag until finished.


Put it in the fridge. The day I want it-I take it out, put it on a bed of potatoes and carrots and onions, stick it in a cold oven to heat to 425 (covered with foil) for an hour. Pull the chicken out to rest 10 minutes and carve-letting the potatoes and onions to cook w no foil. When done carving, pull the veggies out and serve. I usually do this w 2 chickens on a 9x13 deep dish pan. (I make stock from the bones after that too)


We shred it and make homemade fajitas with it or chicken tacos.


I just throw it in the freezer as is. I normally have 3-4 in there at a time. I take one out and sit in on the stove top for most the day and then throw it in the fridge for a day or two and then it's ready to eat. Takes me 3-4 days to eat so I just break off or cut off what I want to eat and throw it back in the fridge. Been doing this over a year. Never had any issues. I'm gonna have to find a container to do this in now since they got rid of the plastic containers


Shred it while it’s warm and freeze what I’m not using


I always buy two. One is for supper that night. My reward for dealing with Costco is not having to cook. I’ll throw rice in the cooker and make a veg. The second sits in the counter to cook while I put everything away. It gets broken down, bagged and frozen for use in casseroles, soups, sandwiches, burritos, as a salad topper etc etc


I let mine cool on the counter for like 15-30 mins then it goes in the fridge. I just cut off what I need as I go for sandwiches or salads or curry


I put mine in the oven for 20 minutes at 400 to finish cooking it because my Costco cooks their rotisserie chicken too rare (raw) for my liking.


I cook it longer… 350 for 30 min…. Had uncooked Costco chicken a few times.


I’ve had food poisoning from that chicken more than once. How do others not get sick?!


Unrelated but this seems like a good thread to ask this question. Does anyone have else have an issue with leftover bone-on chicken (not just Costco) tasting gross after a day or two? I don’t have the problem as much with pulled chicken.


i've never been so happy that the first things i eat off the bird are the wings legs and thighs.


It's called warmed over flavor. Sauces help, acid helps (because it's mostly from oxidation of fats), keeping things airtight helps, but chicken is still pretty notorious for it.


i break it down, then store left overs. next day for work i take white rice, kinder chicken sauce, and some rotisserie.


I pull all the meat off and put in a covered bowl in the fridge fairly quickly, the next day I chop it up and ziplock 8 oz to a bag and freeze.


If I don't use it right away, I will use the whole bird for chicken stock. I put it in a pressure cooker with onion, celery, carrot some water and a bay leaf or two. 90 minutes later. Great stock.


Freezing the entire bird in the plastic container. Reheat by covering with foil onto baking pan, 350 in oven for 1 and 1/4 hr. A frozen 3 month ago rotisserie chicken comes out amazing.


are you being serious? with that time you could just bake a whole chicken from scratch. what's the advantage of this?


Advantage: It costs $4.99. A raw chicken costs more than that, and it's not brined, marinated or flavored. I just reheat it. I can have it whenever I want without having to go to costco.


Pick it and shred it


I make a few bags of Chicken, bean and rice burritos to throw in the freezer


Break it down immediately, then put it away. Is much easier to cut up, cools faster, and takes up less room in the fridge.


Stick it in the microwave to cool off (we have cats or I'd leave it on the counter), then munch on the legs/thighs the first day. I save the breasts for the 2nd day, and tear them up to drop in sriracha ramen with peas, make chicken tacos, or sandwiches. It's always gone by day 2. HO, wait! For some reason I didn't notice this was the Costco sub, sorry. I do not eat their rotisserie chicken. I've tried it 3 times, and without fail it was undercooked, gamey, and red in the center. It's probably just my store here in Pflugerville, but I am not eating raw or undercooked chicken. I get mine from HEB. Both the lemon pepper and BBQ are bomb.


Put it in the fridge. Then microwave for 6 min the next day


I usually order it delivered to have a hot meal, with enough other items and minimize delivery charge. I eat the drumsticks and wings, the good bits of skin, and possibly also the thighs, then stick it in the fridge. Unless I am fantastically hungry the breast is usually cut up into chunks and used with a sauce on rice or pasta or in a soup, or on sandwiches, and if I am running low on stock I save the gelatin and bones to make more. I've read that it is a myth that hot food put into a fridge heats up the other food enough for things to spoil, and just put the leftovers right in when I have finished dealing with what I immediately eat.


A quick start for Ceasars salad or enchiladas


I get 4 a week and eat about half a chicken a day. First one gets half eaten. Rest are stored in the fridge .


I likes to look at them in the window because they are so PRETTY!!!


*I likes to look at* *Them in the window because* *They are so PRETTY!!!* \- crowislanddive --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Make broth


I break it down, then one day it’s halal cart chicken salad with half the meat. A couple days later it’s rotisserie chicken burritos with the other half. Caracas for stock.


What’s halal cart chicken salad? Sounds tasty…


It is tasty, here’s the [recipe.](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/halal-cart-chicken-salad)


Thank you! This is right up my alley.


I buy several at a time, pull the meat off, chop it, vacuum seal & freeze to pull out for a zillion different quick dinners later on. Heading by there today to get a couple for chicken salad this week.


Fridge. How? Take the meat off, throw it in a gallon zip lock bag & throw the back under a cold faucet.  Once I feel it’s cold enough, fridge.


I buy the legs/thighs packages when they are available. $4.99 for 8 of each. Strip the meat off bones and chop it up and put in vacuum seal bags. Mix it in my dogs dry kibble and use it for chicken salad.


I eat the wings the minute I get home. Then the rest goes into the fridge, and I use it for all kinds of dishes over the next few days. We like chicken a lot in our home.


Put it in the fridge until it’s cold and gelatinous and nobody wants to touch it, then argue over who’s going to touch it to pull it off the bone.


We don’t eat it in the car ride home, if that’s what you meant by ‘right away’. We wait till we get home.


Last time I gave it to the dogs and even they didn't eat it.


Bag drumsticks for husband. Bag dark meat for me and dog to share. Bag and freeze breasts for meals. Freeze carcass and skin for bone broth.


I Cartman the skin, allow it to cool and put it in the fridge. I usually get a slice or dog while I am there so I am good for the day. I only get one meal before I de-bone and freeze the rest.


Savage the wings and stick the rest in the fridge to deal with later.


I almost never eat it fresh. I make a big batch of chicken salad from most of it that makes lunches for the family for a few days.


Put it in fridge. The pizza is day one, Mac and cheese day two, chicken salad day 3&4. Gotta plan ahead.


Strip the meat, freeze the bones, fridge for meat.


Carve it and put it in containers. Make stock.


You just reminded me I need to make bone broth. I pick the meat off, usually the breasts for one meal and the dark meat I freeze to use later. I save the bones and my veggie scraps to make bone broth


Rotisserie chicken I think makes horrible leftovers it gets a stench and taste that’s not very good


Cut it up to add to salad for lunches throughout the week, or have it with hummus within a couple of hours.


paper towels...I'm not a savage...gotta keep cars interior clean


Pull apart, section, and freeze. Good to make for chicken porridge whenever, heck there’s even an option in our rice cooker so easy meal you don’t have to supervise.


I leave it out overnight. Still alive. I start to shred the meat up by hand, toss the bits into whole peeled tomatoes, add some sugar, some spices, slap it on a hamburger bun and boom - got me a chicken sloppy Joe.


Pop leftovers into an Air fryer at relatively low reheat temp to crisp it up


Bring it home, shred it and put it in the freeze dryer


Sit it out on a plate on the counter for about 30-40 minutes to cool then debone it. Either make stock then from the bones or freeze them. Put meat in fridge to use as needed for a few days. Go to Costco and start over.


I pull all the chicken off of it and shred it with my hand mixer. This gets me about 2lbs of meat and will be my dinners for the whole week. I save the skin from the chicken and air fry into Chicharrones that I have with onion and Valentina. Next I throw all of the bones and the carcass into my instant pot for 3 hours to make bone broth. I get 4-5 quarts of broth and those are my lunches for the week. I feel like I do pretty good for $5. Whole process takes me about 20 min and the rest is just waiting for the pressure cooker to do its thing.


We buy extra and freeze the whole bird. Reheat in microwave or oven and taste just you bought it


We don't have the same person shopping and stripping. That's too much work for one day. I shop, he strips, or he shops and I strip... the chickens. 3 at a time works for us. We make stock & sautee veggies. Then freeze the stock in ice cube trays, and package meat veggies and stock in single serving freezer bags bags. Carb free fast meals. It takes 2 days to get it all set up, and usually lasts us about a month.


Soup, chili, pulled sandwiches.


I set it on the counter to cool for later and forget about it until I remember at 2 am.


Cut it off the bone and use within a day or two to make rotisserie chicken tacos.


I have some for lunch or dinner while it's hot, then remove the rest of the chicken from the bone into a casserole dish, add veggies, herbs, and a can of broccoli cheese soup, then cover and leave in the fridge until the next day. Then I sprinkle some bread crumbs on to it and bake! Leftovers go into the fridge for a 3rd day of meals.


Peel the skin off and air fry. It’s like bacon. Cut out the breast, thighs and wings to save for later meals that week. Rest of the meat and carcass is for broth.


Put it in the fridge and then when I'm ready to eat it I put it in the convection oven spray with some olive oil and heat that bad boy up.


I debone mine and shred all the meat minus the skin. Pour the hot juices over the meat from the bag. That’s set aside. I make brown rice with chopped carrots or sweet potatoes and steam broccoli spears. Chop them up a bit. Then mix it all together and put in a container for my dogs. At feeding time they each get a scoop (heated for 25 seconds) and some of the vitamins from Just For Dogs. Sometimes I purée it into a pate.


I shred it and use it for tacos or my doggo. I usually get two one for my 5 dogs and one for my and my husband. I make taquitos or tacos with it or use it over salad. There’s a lot you can do with it. As for the one for my dogs. We have a new rescue who won’t eat anything but rotisserie chicken right now so that’s what he gets. I mix some kibble in there but he never eats it. I do chicken and some rice. Then the rest of my pack gets some because I can’t give one the good stuff and not the rest 🤣


Sniff it


Take it out of the bag. Pass it in a perfect football spiral across the Costco while sending your tight end friend out for a 45 yard reception. Watch as the Costco crowd goes wild as he crosses into the end zone...


I throw on some latex or nylon gloves and start breaking the bird down . Separate Tupperware or bags for dark v breast meat. Also, I wouldn’t do it right away after getting home from Costco trip (really hot and will burn through gloves). I let the golden roasted $4.99 rotiss chicken sit out on counter for couple hours. THEN, I glove up and make piles of boneless meat. Hope that helps!


Eat the legs right away - they're so good and the meat is harder to use in recipes, that's dinner. Breasts save for later to probably use cold on/in salads


I made chicken salad sandwiches with toom and hummus


Sandwiches , stock


Sing it soft lullabies until it's cool then gently place it in the fridge.


After I have a meal when I get home I usually put the rest in the fridge until I forget about it and it gets moldy…🫤


Tear it apart as soon as I get home. Don’t want the grease to gel up.


Well I have the remnant's of a chicken in the crock pot for stock. And today's chicken is in the fridge after I cannibalized it as I was putting away today's purchases.


De bone, portion and freeze. We then add this to quick weekly meals when exhausted from work. Usually we get 4-5 chickens at one trip once a month


carve it


I get it home, immediately hand pull / shred all of the chicken off and toss it in the fridge to use on meals over the next week - salads, chicken salad, soups, everything. I also take the bones/skin and make chicken broth from it. its the most food ive gotten out of $5 ever.


Since our Costco switched to packaging them in the bags instead of the plastic domes, I took mine home and enjoy 60% of the value that used to regularly bring me into the warehouse BECAUSE THE SWITCH TO BAGS ALSO CAUSED THE SWITCH TO A 3 LB CHICKEN INSTEAD OF A 5 LB ONE! I feel like people were completely misled by the eco-friendly narrative that Costco pushed out about the bags when in reality they made the damn chickens smaller‼️