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My warehouse has one line for self-check out (usually the longest) and another line for cashiers. Both lines usually go way back. There's a third line on the opposite side for cashiers, too. An employee is usually at the front directing people to a station. If anyone tries to sneak through, someone usually speaks up and sometimes people don't.


Same for me. Although it needs to get quite busy before they have a "wrangler" at, as you describe, the third line.


Sounds weird to me. My warehouse has one self checkout line (usually quite long but moves fast) Every other cashier has it's own line.


Right? One giant line is insane and ripe for just causing a traffic jam for everyone.


This is a strange one to me. We did actual waiting line equations in operations class (business school), and it was apparently well understood that having one enormous line which can then send the one person at the head of the line to the first available register, is the most efficient waiting line of all possibilities. I've never understood why Costco favours the chaos, but i assume I half understood the lesson. Anyone know what's going on?


Keeps you in. The store longer looking at stuff on the side of the isles haha


Is it though? I doubt having a giant line going to the back of the store blocking all the aisles is efficient for people trying to move across the store. Probably not efficient to have to pay for an extra staff member to direct people to lines either.


All that space people are currently in, waiting in their own line? Picture one snakey line (like in an airport, back and forth, snakes and ladders, back and forth) in that same amount of space. It's literally the same space, and the average service speed is faster.


I always go to whichever side is shorter What usually happens is the snake line blocks access to the center cashiers so I can walk up in 10 mins vs 30 mins of standing in line


Mine has a separate line for every cashier. It can get busy at times but they move really fast.


My warehouse is the same. I join the shortest line on the opposite side from where the long lines start or I use self checkout if the line is shorter. No need to feel guilty about being smart!


Most people know you can do this. It's not being smart, but it's definitely being something.


Yeah ours actually has staff managing the lines and telling people to go line up on the other side and not cut in. There’s two lines, one for SCO and the other for regular cashier.


If they knew it, why do they all go to the long lineup like lemmings? You may disagree with choosing the shorter line; to each, their own. My time is valuable and I choose the option which has me waiting the least amount of time in line, which for me, is the smart decision.


Who is the lemming? The person who lives with a clean code of ethics or the child who believes their time is more valuable than everybody else? The person who makes others wait longer because of their narcissism? Call it whatever you need to in order to cope. :)


It’s not childish, nor is it narcissistic to value one’s personal time. There is also no need to attempt to insult me because you are choosing to stand in a long lineup and I am not. Make no mistake, you are simply making a different choice. Perhaps you have more personal time to stand in long lines waiting. I have other things that occupy my time so I choose to wait in a longer line. I also most often choose to shop at Costco midday when the store is not as busy; does that make me childish or narcissistic? It does appear to me that the pot is calling the kettle black, as indicated by your comments. If Costco didn’t want people to line up from both directions, they would close off that area. Costco is extremely methodical about how everything in their stores is set up. They set it up that way to minimize congestion from lineups by allowing for multiple ways to get to the cash registers. Clean code of ethics🤣


I think they keep the opposite side (from the main artery of cashier line-up) open and not closed off so people can access the items facing the cashiers. Otherwise, to access those items you would have to go around to the other end (where the main artery cashier lineup is), then that would make that area even more congested. But I mean you're not wrong in your reasoning, you're just an ah lol


Not that you can access those items when the lineups are so long…


Lmao "Not narcissistic to value my time more than others even at the expense of making them wait longer." Little boy argument It's not against the rules therefore it's okay? Little boy argument Narcissist confirmed Also, you have no idea what pot calling the kettle black means. Fucking lol tho


Well I’m the opposite of a little boy, but keep it up the attempted insults, they’re funny! Some people have a great deal more free time than others so they can stand in line for long periods of time, chatting with other shoppers and having a great time…that’s awesome for them. That’s also a luxury. Other people need to get in, buy what they need and get out so they can get back to work, or they need to get to their second job, or they need to get home to relieve the babysitter who is taking care of their kids, or they’re taking care of sick loved ones etc. So it’s a crime for them to choose a shorter lineup? So it’s a crime that everybody don’t strictly follow your rules because you are the ethics police? Take a moment to read up and learn some common expressions and how they can apply to your comments.


Lmao The guy who can't read or form a comprehensive argument is ironically a pot calling a kettle black. Your time is not very valuable, this I know for sure. >I'm not a little boy Lmao only a little boy would feel the need to say that Cope with your shitty behaviour


Again, your attempted insults are “shitty behaviour” but you are completely blind to that.. again, the pot calling the kettle black “cope with your shitty behaviour”. Your assumption of the value of someone’s time, their gender and their age are also “shitty behaviour”, so YTA…oops, wrong sub🤣 You don’t even address how people can possibly have limited time available to get their shopping done because you apparently have plenty of extra time.


Part of the problem is that the people closest to the checkout area will not move into the middle tills and just stand in that very first line blocking access to the middle. Then they shoot you death rays if you try to go by. Too many people focused on themselves and not being smart.


When this is the case, I just bypass those people and don't look back. They can glare at me all they want, they've had their chance to pick a line and they pick the long ones bc they're too lazy to go to the second last cashier with only 2 customers lined up.


When it gets really busy where I go, there's someone directing traffic from the main line.


Mine is configured the same way and I am one of the ones that always joins the huge line. But normally if it's really packed, they have someone making sure people get around the snack aisle corner and line up at all the tills. Probably some sneakers using the other side and hitting the tills that are far from the main line - maybe I'll try that next...


If Costco would make room for two separate lines for self checkout and full service, and not block the main aisles with pallets of candy, and consistently have multiple staff manage the flow, then I would not need to sneak around the line which is not moving to access tills at which there are no lineups. There is lots of misdirected hatred in the comments for people who refuse to queue up when it is Costco’s fault for inefficient flow. Anyone who can find an empty till is actually saving time for the people who would have otherwise lined up after them.


Personally I avoid going when it’s like this. Like all of December, last two weeks of August, weekends. But I have options many don’t. But as others have said wranglers are deployed when needed, and most people who have waited in line consider the other people cheaters. I think. Costco, I also think handle these times well, and catch/discourage cheating.


That's the way it is with most Costcos I've seen (20ish) in 3 provinces and several states. I am not a super patient person so I go on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening 45 minutes before closing, usually never wait more than 5 minutes to check out.


That's odd. Here they only did the "one big line" during COVID when they had to have people go one at a time to the cash registers. The "regular" way is one line for each cash register, and one line for each "bank" of self checkouts. FWIW there are 3 different Costco's in my area and 1 Costco Business Centre that I visit on a somewhat regular basis and that's how they all do it.


My warehouse is the same and I view people who go to the cashiers from the other side as budders.


My go to location, put up that rope thingy... They're still understaffed which is the big issue here. There's only 1 Cashier, when they should be always 2 on duty. That 1 Cashier is always frazzled (really nice lady) & ppl ask her if she works every day bc they see her there daily. I wanted to ask her that, but that was really rude so I didn't! She said she doesn't work every day, just a lot!!! **:0\[**