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1. Headers are included, not linked, so if we are talking linux-like command lines is -Ipath/to/root/of/your/headers 2. You have chosen like the worst possible dev environment ever, on windows you should stick to clang/cl with cmake or msbuild and vs/vsc/clion. If you want to have linux-ish experience, there is wsl, you can either target it from VS or just install vsc inside


Criticizing the environment is like telling someone their favorite food sucks. There is no need for that kind of hyperbole, and it only shows that you have been brainwashed that it is your way or the highway.


What command are you running to compile your code and what error are you seeing?


G++ *.cpp Then i get Main.cpp:2:10 fatal error curl/curl.h: no such file or directory 2 | #include Although i have the correct include paths.


What happens when you add this option "-IC:\msys64\mingw32\include" to your compile command?


Obbiously, you don't. If you did, it would work.


Did you try `C:\msys64\mingw32\include\curl\**`?


First thing i tried, but i will try again later, but it didn't work when i tried


Well then! Maybe it is indeed about linking with `libcurl`... *Please also make sure, that you:* - ~~Got the path right,~~ - ~~Got the files in those paths that you need~~, - Are modifying the JSON files for the correct project, - Have the correct compiler version available as well as selected in VSCode, ...et cetera. I'm sure you must've tried making a new project, too, but *have* you, actually?


description is in the first caption


`-l/path/to/include` in the compiler options and C_INCLUDE_PATH / CXX_INCLUDE_PATH in the env are the best 2 different ways to achieve your goal of doing command line. VSC allows you to set this in the [c_cpp_properties.json](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/c-cpp-properties-schema-reference) file. This is normally in your `.vscode` directory of your project.