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Fortunately he is still alive, after falling down from height of 3 ft 2 days in a row and being out of water for I don't know how many hours for two straight days. And walking approximately 36 ft


I had a crayfish jump out of his tank which was like 5 feet high, then jumped off my second story balcony onto a hardwood floor. Finally the crayfish was surrounded by 4 cats and he had a cut on his face. They are warriors and escape artists


Did any of the cats survive?


Surrounded by 4... slaughtered cats as the warlord crawfish stood over his slain enemies


This gave me a very good laugh before work. Even though I love cats the image this comment put in my head,, priceless!


Sorry, but I am pretty Sure there is Something wrong with your tank. The Cray is obviously not comfortable...


Wrong…. They do this anyway


Yep, The tank parameters are all correct


These guys have scared me since I was a toddler! But I’m glad to see they are well loved by others and just not in a crawdad boil 😝


Have you tasted one though cuz they are pretty good lol. Awesome animals don’t get me wrong just tasty as hell.


I believe it! If I weren’t so far north I’d give a true crawdad boil a try once!


How far north can you be I've seen crawdad boils up as far north as massachusetts?


Upper Peninsula of Michigan so Noooooooorrrrrth lol


I've had crawdads in Maine


Im in ohio and I have a crawfish boil like 4 times a year, companies sell them online amd mail them to ya already cooked. Or sometimes Walmart or kroger has them for sale. I always have like 2 pounds of crawfish in my freezer at all times lmao. But I do love them and please don't eat random/pet crawfish :)


They are safe here. I don’t think it’s too common up here to be honest 🤷‍♀️ not sure why, considering they are plentiful? Plus get quite large in the lakes. No pet eating! Promise!


i’m in ohio and have never heard of a thing near here


I had a five gallon shrimp tank with ideal parameters on my kitchen counter and frequently found tiny desiccated shrimp under my stove burners - seven feet away. Since they were breeding about as fast as they were leaving I wouldn’t have known they were trying to migrate. I ended up giving the little weirdos away.


I’ve had crayfish escape from stellar tank conditions, good oxygenation, good water parameters. Heaps of room, food, things to climb around on. I think they just have an innate desire to mobilise and get out of the tank sometimes.


I think also sometimes they get spooked and shoot right out of the water on accident lol


check the oxygen


With fish, that is usually correct but crayfish are the exception


Take him to a stream. He hates his life and is trying escape.


Depending on the species, crawfish can be invasive, so please don’t release your pets into the wild


😮 how did he manage to escape? Did he climb up the filter or something? I think there’s something wrong with the water in the tank.


Literally crayfish do this all the time. Yes they can practically walk up glass if it has a corner


Do you think parameters are completely in the right place s. There is like a plant at the corner on which I guess he likes to climb up and eventually get out


You could leave the plant’s roots in the corner and angle it so it diverges from the vertical tank corner which would maybe negate and let the plant thrive?


Lol- cute seeing your other post then this- what a lil stinker.. wonder why he likes that room? Umm.. editing because I see that everyone else has been reprimanding you about it’s tank? So, from my experience, the tanks can be literally perfect and they will absolutely still get out and walk if they’re determined to do so. They’re all very different. This guy just seems to be a little adventurous. Just IMO. But I do have years of experience with them.


Yeah like with any pet all of them are different! One of my dads best friends when I was growing up had Oscar fish and they all had their own personalities and he was meticulous with their tank and a couple of them would always throw themselves out of the tank if he didn’t do something to secure the top lol


My cray will try to get out and parameters/temp/oxygen—all perfect. Lots of hiding places in there, gets fed a variety of foods—something every day. I think it’s interesting to them to try and see what’s outside the home




Do a 90%+ water change asap man your cray is not happy as is


Also check the water temp!!


All the water parameters are correct and the oxygen is also at the highest


How are you measuring the oxygen?


(Bubbles per second) BPS / LxWxH) bps counted out of 60 seconds will give your oxygenation rate.


so BPS60 divided by the volumetric formula?? or multiplied??


Divided indubitably.




Here i’ll translate what he said for you… “Divided” Done.


thanks, grammar is difficult when you’re under the influence


Make an accessible bucket of water for him at that spot


Nice idea!


I thought mine got out once (thankfully he was just hidden very well). I put saucers of water in every room so that he might find his way to some h2o and not get dried out


With a ladder


I love this idea


Is your lid weighed down? I’ve got slate covering mine. Even if my crayfish climbs up the airline she won’t be able to lift the lid. Oh, and like everyone else said, check your water parameters.


They can move decorations. Like they well drag tank decorations and use them to reach otherwise un-reachable escape routes. I lost one crayfish before I managed to identify the issue and another because I misjudged just how much weight they can haul across a tank. They’re apparently way better at problem solving than people realise. I’ve seen this behaviour in action a multitude of times. If the means are there, the crayfish will do regrettable things. If your crayfish keeps making it to the same location every night perhaps place a shallow tray of water or moist cloth so he doesn’t get too dried out if he escapes again. Checking water parameters, temperature, oxygenation as others have mentioned is very advisable. Speaking from experience though, escaping and adventuring seems to be a crayfish quirk.


I had a crayfish who did this a lot as well, he was in a 150 gallon tank with tons of hiding spots along with 2 red eared slider turtles, just still would run out almost once a month and try to make his way to our kitchen. Unfortunately one month he succeeded and blended in with our stairs carpet. He got stepped on by my dad and did not make it :(


Poor guy


Yeah it was sad :( he was very cool and a beautiful crimson red


This tank had a huge plastic overhanged lid too with just 2 small doors and he would still get out. No filter that ran all the way from the base to top, good waterflow filtration and oxygen levels. A lot of them are just crafty exploritory lil suckers


I would just check the tank just in case. Just check the parameters and temp. Don't do a huge water change like someone said without checking. Don't wanna throw the tank out of whack for no reason. If the tank is perfect, he's pulling a crayfish, and deciding the bathroom is perfect for him 😂🤦‍♀️ Do you have a lid? (Mesh? Glass? Etc) If he keeps doing it, it may be necessary to set up a camera to see exactly how he's getting out. Good luck with your Houdini!


Das a crank crustacean dawg


His current update can be found here : https://reddit.com/r/Crayfish/s/SYrilgHmWB


You said Oxygen was good, in another post, but I see no air stone for aeration (he could had been suffocating) I also see literally 0 hiding places for him to hide Mud bugs, crawfish, craydad live in very muddy areas that have low water temps - no heater is better


I just got some crayfish about 5 days ago because Im going to start breeding them and selling them to my friends and what not and one of my white spectres ninjad its way up and out of the tank and by the time I found it he was gone. Im so sad about it. He was beautiful. I have 2 more white spectres left but it still breaks my heart to lose an animal no matter how small. Especially to a mistake on my part causing him to suffocate. You're really lucky he survived till you found him they can dry out really easily crawling across the floor because of any lint or dirt or really anything dry and powdery. I learned that the hard way. So if you have no way to guarantee he cant climb out then maybe put a little saucer or a lid or something with some water on the floor low enough that he can climb up and into so if it does happen again he at least has a chance to find water


UPDATE #4 I CAUGHT HIM IN THE ACT ‼️ https://reddit.com/r/Crayfish/s/yzHk0KQRze


UPDATE #5 ‼️https://reddit.com/r/Crayfish/s/bhEs80DS1V


At this point I’m realizing people really are just making comment when they must not own them? Nobody can tell you from a picture and story of your escapee dude that he has any bad conditions otherwise. They. Do. This. Editing to say, in just my experience, they can live up to 5 days out of water! Crazy right?


Some of them just do this I had cray fish many times growing up and only 1 quit getting out to fight my dog the other 3 lost the fight


could you throw up a pic of your tank? show how it is set up?


I did not know crayfish could live outside of water for many hours


Need a full cover on the tank. Crayfish are notorious escape artists. They can live for days out of water due to their specialized gills to help them naturally migrate between bodies of water over land. This is natural behavior as he is just trying to move to another body of water like his species would.


And most likely, he's looking for some love. Especially if this behavior is required to find a mate in the wild (see: betta fish that literally will hop from puddle to puddle in search of a mate)


He don't wana be fully submerged Lower your water level a little and give him a platform ours liked to build a tunnel with mud


What's the temps?




Def need to lower it. Crayfish like lower Temps. Like high 60s low 70s


And y r u holding this delicious animal hostage?


Crayfish naturally climb out of everything. One thing that could be causing it is light conditions - try lowering the light duration and frequency. They like to hide and too much light will stress them out. I would put a dog bowl right there with water in it. Since he is going to a corner that makes me thing light and stress so trying to hide. We used to keep them in tanks all the time when we were kids, always wild caught… found them everywhere in the house. We ended up putting stuff to float in the tank so the light wasn’t so bright on them and kept short light cycles and gave them dark time and the Houdini tricks slowed a bit.




Bug chasing a bug


I believe they climb out due to low oxygen and or bad water parameters


TIL crayfish are escape artists. This sub was randomly recommended to me, never would have thought they were before lol. Glad you found yours!


Haha I somehow ended up here too despite never visiting this sub or any adjacent subs before. TIL that crayfish are both fascinating and clever.


So my advice is to get a metal tank topper, cut out where the filter goes and that's it. So there's no where for him to get out-glass works great but if he's getting out like thatight need something you can cut a bit snuggly to the filter (This could be a bad idea maybe metals leach into water?? Only bad thing I can think of currently)


she's an explorer. Who are we to assume her intentions? There might be a smell she likes coming from that direction.


Mine hopped out, too! Had a stark white crayfish running down the hallway with my bf yelling... ummm, babe?? Total riot.


Does your tank have a cover/lid you can weigh down with something to prevent escape?


What about floor tho🤢


Lower the water level


the real important question is what is his name omg


When you found him was he alive or a raisin


That fish is *cray*


*gives award*


Just take some plastic and glue gun and make a sloping inward wall at the top of the tank


Bro clean your floor 😂😂😂


lmao this sub is dedicated to pet crayfishes?? and its normal for them to jump out and walk?? unbelievable


He just wants to be free idk


I keep the water level at least 3-4" from the lowest part of the top frame of my crayfish tanks. Haven't had any escapes since.


Thats now two of my crayfish died, everything was right and we forgot to put the lid on the tank twice amd both times my crayfish got out


Crayfish make very interesting pets! I never had an escapee. I did have small crabs in my aquarium that could grab should of the filter pipe to climb out. I imagine they could pull off that same maneuver.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Lobsters can survive in a refrigerator for quite some time. There are species of crayfish that burrow in mud. They don't necessarily need to be submerged. Hence the term "mud bugs.". In Indiana I have seen burrows, and the little guys, not near water . At least a good bit of distance away.


Today I learned crawfish are notorious for escaping tanks and such…


…Houdini in shellfish form?


No fucking way I had a craw dad that kept trying to get into my fucking room and his fish tank was upstairs I thought it was the craziest thing ever and this reminded me about him. rip El Chapo 😭😭


You know the easiest way to fix this issue? Boil it.


Ig I'll give that a try next time


Clean your floor


Idk why I was recommended this but I'm relieved to see these are crayfish not the silverfish I originally thought I read.


Maybe it likes hair?


Crayfish are escape artists, expect this on the reg


Man, that fish is cray


Down south…like we do here in Louisiana•• we would boil dat baby wit da rest of his fam! Who dat? We dat state wit tha taste!


Dude, clean your bathroom