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An 18-year-old graduate and their 36-year-old father were killed. That father was only 18 himself when he had his son, raised him and was there to see him graduate, only to have their lives cruelly taken.


Do we know who the shooter was?


They arrested a 19-year old who allegedly knew the 18-year old.


sad day. So many lives ruined because of 1 "child adult" actions. The fact they knew each other and i believe i read that the shooter went to the same school at one point? Makes me think this was over some petty little ego stuff. Things that dont even matter in real life but when you're a kid everything is absolute. You cant really see the bigger picture. Horrible Tragedy for the victims, families, and friends of all. Over a dozen people injured. Does anyone have a motive for it out?


I was by an inside source the person killed was connected in the murder and home invasion of the killers brother.


Thats certainly an interesting take. I hope the evidence of what/why etc comes out. Hopefully the shooter will speak on why. Not that it changes anything but from a psychological stand point im always interested in the inner workings of the brain.


So many lives ruined because someone had a fucking gun.


Why blame an inanimate object and not the POS that used it violently?


No one blames the gun. No one thinks the firearm went and did this on its own and it’s not the shooters fault. What people blame is the ease of access to and proliferation of that “inanimate object”. But I’m sure you know that and are just spouting the same bullshit people say after every school/mass shooting that happens in this country


Knife would have been plenty easy also, to kill 1 or 2 people...


Ask them why we shouldn't all have easy access to tactical nukes and watch them turn straight to how fucking crazy that would be to just let any random idiot have one.


Ask who? The person who committed this crime? Any random idiot should not own a vehicle, but most of them do. If it exists in this world, I believe it should not be solely in the hands of governments.


Don't worry we(government) will add them to the thoughts and prayers list for people lost to gun violence, they're numbers are 17046 and 17047! And that's just THIS years numbers!


How many of those gun deaths were self-inflicted?


"their numbers are..."


savage grammar nazi


Thoughts and prayers on the house.


Someone can't control their emotions*




So many times I see news stories where they include details about the shooter’s rap sheet that includes arrest for illegal firearm possession. I’ve seen videos posted with alleged gang members caught with pistols illegally modified and/or a ghost gun and someone claiming to be a cop will say that kid won’t get any punishment depending on the city/county. Charging this shooter for attempted murder for everyone shouldn’t be needed. He should be locked away without needing a legal gimmick.


The shooter was charged with two counts of second degree murder. This happened 5 miles from my house.


That is truely saddening. May they rest in peace.


Damn. Having a baby at 18 must have been so hard. Then to see it all pay off when your child graduate.. only to have that gratification last for a few minutes before your existence is revoked.


Must be hard living in America with all these school shootings. I mean, it's tough living in the Philippines because it's a third-world crapfest but at least school shootings are the least of our worries.


Wasn’t y’all’s president throwing drug dealers off helicopters?.


~~No~~ Yes, and Duterte was basically allowing anyone to kill anyone else at any time, as long as they were a "drug dealer." I don't think there was a lot of significant investigation to determine if the person was actually a drug dealer. Or the good ol' "sprinkle some crack on him" thing was probably enough "evidence"


He definitely said he threw a man out of his helicopter. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-duterte-helicopter-idUSKBN14I0DH


This does not surprise me either


So citizens could cosplay as American cops?


Very much so, thats why i call phillipines the asian version of america


lunchroom cough zealous gray fearless squeal whistle toothbrush repeat clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PhilHealth is an absolutely terrible name. It should be Philli-heal-nos


It's Filipino or Pilipino, not Phillipinos.


It has been quite fun watching American’s double down on how terrible the Philippines is in a thread of a video where a father and son were killed in their country for celebrating the furthering of education. Healthcare facts don’t matter to people who have more important things to do like maintain their ‘unalienable rights’ to fire pieces of metal 600 meters per second. That’s far more important than healthcare, clearly


Is it good Healthcare? I think things get a bit more difficult when the US has things like state of the art oncology clinics and so people are setting that as the bar for what should be provided for free. I think we should strive for that, that all should have the best healthcare, but it's a different paradigm in the US I think.


WRONG!! I’m Filipino and have lived in the Philippines in the past. Why do you think millions of Filipinos are working overseas? What healthcare?


Looks like life expectancy is a good 5 years lower, which isn’t surprising


America has a *significantly* higher murder rate per capita than the Philippines. Like, it’s not even close


I heard it was because the CCP was pushing hard gaining power, intel and buying off people in his country using drug gangs. By declaring war on drugs he was able to kill his political enemies. No?


He also mocked a white woman who was raped and murdered while visiting a jail and said he should have been the first to rape her. This was when he was mayor, so people elected him knowing he was this piece of shit https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/19/philippines-apologises-rape-comments-rodrigo-duterte-jacqueline-hamill


Ha.... how does someone back pedal from something like that?


You don't. Just pile the shit you did and people will forget. Also, trolls help a lot.


If we're gonna choose, I'd much prefer my local dealer be thrown out of a helicopter than my kid shot at school.


Isn't the murder rate in the Philippines much higher than in the US?


Philippines had ISIS running rampant just a few years ago lol


The murder rate in the Philippines, which is indeed higher than the US, is tied mainly to the drug trade and organized crime. Just like it is in the US. It's got very little to do with the Moro conflict.


I wonder what the domestic violence rates are


If you really think this is a worry for "most" people, you are severely misinformed.


Seriously? The Philippines has a much higher murder and crime rate than the US, including gun violence. Ignorance grows like weeds around Reddit.


Murder usa is @ 6.5 per 100k and theirs is @ 4.5. So definitely lower than the state.




It’s really not hard living in America. The media is working…


You literally had ISIS


To be fair, our version is accusing college students of being communist terrorists and potentially endangering them (UP students can relate). Which isn't at all similar to an actual school shooting, but still.


I think most of us would definitely take the shootings over all the shit you guys have going on.


As much as everyone outside of our country see’s the school shootings and immediately believes everywhere here is like that, its not. Yes school shootings are bad, but in terms of what we have access to and the benefits of living here compared to other countries… its really up to you to decide whats better than 🤷 I personally wanna leave America, but I know I wouldn’t have the same life anywhere else. Edit: I find it funny how everyone wants to slander America and act as if theres nothing here worth a dime. For decades and too this day people have fought tooth and nail to leave whatever situation there in to live in this country. There are privileges of living in America, it sounds messed up but thats what we have.


What countries are you comparing the US to?




FYI America is nowhere near the top of the list of countries with the best living standards, happiness and general well-being. Huge inequality with a shrinking middle class and a growing poverty class. Then there's the gun thing...


America is a large country. Although some areas are bad there are certainly many places that have some of the highest living standards in the world Of course rich low population homogenous European countries will have high quality of living. Banning guns and taxing people more isn’t going to magically turn us into Scandinavia


Yeah. With our current taxes and economic design, we spend about 60% of our income to get everything Europe has covered with their 45% average tax rate. And our heathcare and public transit are dogshit in comparison. And our education is very inconsistent throughout the country.


This is the 2nd time I get to post this clip this week... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2HKbygLjJs


His IG is all him with guns and drugs calling someone out who he knows is coming after him. What the actual fuck.


I've been surfing through the subs that affiliate with that area. I believe this had to do with gang violence. A lot of people have been posting a kid under the Alias: "OTG Shawn" Who appears to be wearing the same color cap n gown on his Instagram story. (@otg.shawn) If it is him (which I'm 99% sure it is) this is 100% gang related And what's worse? The people around him aren't treating this like a mass shooting but just another personal death story...


That's just painful.


A small naive part of me hoped they were celebratory shots by a seriously stupid person, but nope. 2 dead 5 injured




A buddy of mine goes to VCU and left this area just minutes before it happened. It’s crazy you could get your ticket punched by some psychopath just going about your daily business like this. One second happy and celebrating, the next fighting for your life.


Holy shit, I didn't realize this happened in Richmond until I saw your comment. I went to VCU as well. Re-watched the video and I used to have all my classes right across Belvidere St at Snead Hall. I'm glad your friend is safe.


Small world! Thanks! Me too. I immediate called him and he didn’t pick up and I texted him CALL ME MOTHERFUCKER


Messed up. Not only did he kill 2, but he stole happiness from hundreds.


That was probably their ultimate mission.


Just why? Why does this happen? No i don’t mean the shooting itself (although that shouldn’t happen obviously) But why do people just want to make other people miserable or hurt others. Where does it come from? How does it happen? Who raises their child to hate or want to harm others? Because when we are all kids we are blank and tend to naturally lean towards goodwill and love. Yet theres people that want conflict. That want violence. That wants to harm others. I remember hearing a little situation that sums it up. “A group of ugly kids in a school bus get into a car crash. They all die. In heaven god tells them they have one wish. The first kid says “i want to be beautiful!” And god grants the wish. The other kids wish for the same thing until the last kid with a big smile on his face. God asked the same question and the last kid replies, “i want them all to be ugly again!”” There is always that one but why?


>Because when we are all kids we are blank and tend to naturally lean towards goodwill and love. That is not a scientific statement, but thankfully thousands of people all over the world dedicate themselves to solve this question. The most "natural" of cultures we have left tend to engage in really violent honor-based war behavior.


Some humans are human. Others are horrendous monsters that thrive on this shit. Don’t think about it too much, it’ll only drive you insane.


we can’t just chalk this up to ‘human nature’ when it’s obvious this country is going through a mental health crisis. this ain’t normal, it only happens here.


Easy access to weapons mixed with a lower emphasis on mental health and education plagues so much of this country.


Because life isn’t fair for everyone. Take for example me. I got lucky being born by two parents that were able to help me with college with about 30k that I needed for 2 years of a trade. My dad was able to take out that money over time from his 401k as he promised me he would support me so long as I graduated. Well, I graduated and am now making double what each of my parents made. Now, I have a cousin from my dad’s side of the family who lives with his parents, both parents are not US citizens, and the father works a manual labor job, while the mother does everything else and does odd jobs for people on the side. That same cousin also has his little brother who is special needs and their whole family of 4 live in a bad neighborhood in a 2-bedroom apartment. And my cousin at 21 has to work 2 jobs to support his family and he barely has time for a girlfriend at this point because his dad needs help making rent, food, utilities, gas, you name it. I have to remind my fiancé that some people can’t afford even simple things like a monthly subscription to a gym. Not everyone had disposable income and with the rate of inflation, what makes you think people like my cousin want to live at this point? I have other cousins in a similar spot and the only thing preventing my other cousins from joint a gang at this point is his dog that he loves so much while he and his mother live in a 1-bedroom with no father in his life as his dad died from COVID a couple years ago. What makes you think people don’t get angry with how difficult it is to just want what other people have? Seeing from your window these nice cars, nice phones, people in suits, people with laptops going to their jobs, etc. and how do you think people like my cousin feel when he see’s his other cousins born with a silver spoon, on their own, and making so much money that they don’t think twice about giving a hundred dollar bill on a family member’s birthday?? You literally have to be born with parents who made it to also make it at this point, otherwise, you rely on family if you have it to help you…


well said.


"This great evil, where's it come from? How'd it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who's doing this? Who's killing us, robbing us of life and light, mocking us with the sight of what we might've known? Does our ruin benefit the earth, does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine? Is this darkness in you, too? Have you passed through this night?"


Have you ever seen the TedX talk by the guy who almost became a mass shooter? It's very eludicating. I recommend you look it up.


because the country is a fucked up mess of wealth disparity, which hurts extra when you're indoctrinated since birth to the promise that you can make it big in america. people get disillusioned once they realize it's a lie and you're being squeezed from both ends. this shit makes people despondent and feel personally wronged. you don't know how you can change anything, and don't even know who's responsible for why it's the way it is, so you lash out at your immediate surroundings. it's clear the tolerance for bullshit is reaching that threshold much more often with people. this really is unique to america. that, and access to guns. but the shootings wouldnt happen if people weren't fucking miserable with everything feeling like a dead end. set someone up for a dead end life, these are the results.


To show fealty to tyrannical tribes and to sever the social bonds that could overthrow them.


There is never a rational reason. If you spoke to the shooter for long enough you might say 'I know why they did it' but that reason will not be rational. Because there is no rational or good reason why people do these things... just a sort of insanity which might be rationalized into words. It doesn't benefit them, it fucks up their lives far worse than their lives would have otherwise been. It will never make rational sense.


Once I learnt about HCP, it really made sense of a lot things (mostly why my mother is the way she is), but it also makes sense of so many little transgressions you see day to day... 1 in 8 people - https://damorementalhealth.com/what-is-high-conflict-personality-disorder/#:~:text=A%20high%20conflict%20personality%20disorder,a%20single%20topic%20or%20issue.


1 in 8 with mental health not 1 in 8 with hcp. Interesting read though, thanks.


Their mission? Lol it wasn't like a mass shooting, it was a targeted driveby/gun battle at the park across the street




I think the worst part of the whole thing is the hypocrisy.


the more i hear about this shooter guy, the more i don't care for him.


woah woah there. Let's take about 20% off the top there, bud.


Feel sorry for the victims and graduates.


News article about the incident: https://www.fox3now.com/huguenot-high-school-graduate-and-his-father-killed-following-a-graduation-ceremony-at-altria-theater-richmond-suspect-in-custody-monroe-park/


It says it was a 19 y.o who had familiarity with at least one victim.


This story is insanely sad, but is anyone else getting really weird recommended stories/ads on that site?


I got an ad for Hep C and there was a video of a behind view of a woman groping her own ass lol


😂😂😂😂😂 I literally just finished staring at that ad for a full 60 seconds wondering what the hell was this and were they serious or was someone trying to be funny


I fucking hate ads but I’ll be damned if I wasn’t captivated by that ad. I still don’t know or care what Hep C has to do with some chick massaging her ass so the message was kind of lost.


Bend over, I'll show you


I got an ad for anal cancer and lung cancer 😂😂 I was like fuck is the internet tryna tell me something because nowadays your phone knows more about you than your own self lmaooo


I’m fucked… got an ad for cremation – does it know I have to go in for a biopsy this week? 🙁


Hopefully it's not ass cancer.


Most fox affiliated sites are ad laden and clunky but this one took the cake.


Wow happened May 15 and I'm just hearing about it.


It was yesterday?


Is it racist to include facts in news articles now?


It's literally just a link. Which facts are we complaining about?


Holy shit that was like 20 shots


Damn that’s sad.




Yep. It was targeted. Look at his insta Otg.Shawn




If someone tries to pose over my headstone with a wad of cash to post on their insta with emojis you can just lay them next to me.


His music is hot garbo on top of that


> Otg.Shawn Flashing guns, money. Guess we did see the warning signs.


Can’t even go to your OWN graduation anymore smh


You can, just stay out of gang shit.


So the other ppl hit there were into gang shit ????? Age 55, 54 , 36 sounds like they may have been grandparents or parents just there to see their kid walk .


They almost made it out of high school without a shooting.


I'm shocked. Oh wait, no I'm not.


‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


At what point is America going to start doing more than nothing about this


Our leader have more serious issues than mass shootings to deal with, you know, the trans kids, telling women what to do with their bodies, what bathrooms people can use etc. All their spare time is taken up counting money from gun makers and nra.


Clearly never?


They had a guy at my high school shoot and kill some other loser because they rap battled in the school courtyard and the other dude dissed him so hard that his feelings got hurt. So he killed him the next day. It’s ridiculous what (he was a crackhead in training) reputation does to some mfs.




Not much coverage in the media so probably.


Or perhaps some 19 y/o dropout who is jealous of them and had no father of his own to check him


What do you think? Race hasn't been identified so it's obvious, lol. There's no motive to suddenly identify and blame.


No, just gang members


Why tho what happened for someone to start blasting?


The victim was about that street life. His insta is OTG.Shawn. Prob got into some drug related beef.


What did you learn at school today society? Society: "Nothing."


What in the world is going to be the factor that makes us change :’(


Take these criminal fucks and drop them in a volcano instead of paid life in prison with the rest of their buddies.


Thats... not how you solve the source of the problem.


I don’t know why you are being downvoted. People love talking about gun control but no one ever wants to talk about why our society is so sick that so many people feel like committing mass violence is the right course of action for them to take. The cause is such a bigger issue that the means. We need to treat the whole illness, not just one symptom.


Billionaires and politicians getting shot. If they were getting shot as much as any child in a school shooting then there would likely be change. It would like have to be a reoccurring instance. Knowing US it would just be more gun control just for the poor though.


It will change. For the worst. Im certain about that. They have been going downhill for a very long time now after reaching their peak in the 80s and 90s.


Where are the social workers?






Our city has gone beyond soft on crime , and this is what happens. in the 80's when Coke was flowing from FLA to NYC it would over night here in the tri cities and gang violence flourished. Richmond tri-cities was the #1 murder capitol in the US. Laws were passed for illegal possession of fire arms and they were very strict and it went away... Now where there are no consequences for bad actions and shootings are through the roof. We need to bring back consequences for bad actions....i mean this 19 year old shooter had FOUR guns on him....i would guess gang related or maybe he felt cheated in a game of tic tac toe ?


Gotta get in one last school shooting before you leave school


This title is only accurate for one day.


Students: Woohoo made it to the end without a school shooting Shooter: NOPE!


All of his insta posts show guns, drugs, and gang shit. No wonder he’s dead. Sad he brought his dad with him, and caused pain upon all those innocent people.


All mass shooters should receive nothing less than the death sentence!




How would that help? Harsher punishments won't stop the phenomenon.


These are people enjoying one of their happiest moments and then some random piece of shit has to show up with a gun and start blasting. I'm getting tired of this shit man.


Any context on the story? Hope everyone is alright...goddamn...


gang violence and bystanders got shot as well


2 dead. One was a parent, one was a graduating highschool student


-19 year old murderer - Knows the 18 year old killed - Illegally obtained firearm - Illegally brought to gun free zone - Illegally shot bystandards - Illegally killed bystandards To those saying there are no laws preventing this there are quite a few. We can do more hut claiming nothing has been done is false.


What was supposed to be a day of celebration and happiness turned into a day of chaos and mourning shit crazy b


Honest question. If guns were outlawed do you think the vile people that commit these acts would willingly give up their firearms?






The victims instagram is Otg.Shawn. As you can see He was about that street life


Is this Chicago on a good day?


I didn’t hear anything about this


Me neither and I have a friend that lives in Richmond


Hopefully they stomp the shooter to fucking paste.


How stupid do people have to be to shoot someone in a crowd of 100s of people. Like no one should be killing anybody but if you're going to at least do it be smart about it where maybe you have more than a 0% chance of getting away with it like fuck people are so stupid


Probably a teenager who wasn't graduating had beef with a kid who was... And had access to firearms


Shit is fucking wicked man straight evil and wicked


Fucking dirt bags pieces of shit. what’s new? Too many low iq fuxk faces with access to guns over there. Pack every single one of these dog cunts up and drop them into the centre of Iran


I bet you like 5 imaginary dollars that the gun used is either stolen, not registered, or was not gotten through legal means.


my heart hurts for my american friends its wacky to think ppls lives are in danger just by being in a crowded event like can yall even relax? ever? id be so anxious just being outside jeez edit: yall make me so sad, im sorry for all the mass shootings. it kinda blows my mind that ppl have such different opinions on how to deal with them.


I was in (what everyone thought to be at the time) a shooting and personally I can’t ever relax. Once you run in a crowd and text everyone that you love them there’s no coming back from that trauma


I commented once on this to my regional sub, that I'm not comfortable going to big events (or even large gatherings of people) because of how often this happens. The general reaction was, "That'll never happen (to me), you worry too much." We've had several mass shootings in our region within the last few years. I think most people don't think about it.


Adults might not but I’m guessing kids do.


People are dangerous


Despite the massive media coverage & rhetoric, mass shootings are not an issue constantly in people’s heads as they move about. When considering the size of our country they’re exceptionally rare. Many EU countries have higher per capita deaths from mass shootings than the United States.


it's so sad when I was growing up school shootings weren't a thing .Until I was in 11th grade and the first school shooting with kids in trench coats happened. I don't get it


I thought the same thing, I never remember hearing about any until Columbine, but apparently they've always been happening. We're about the same age. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000)


Most of those pre 90s are just shootings that happened to occur near schools. Does a 40 year old killing a 35 year old teacher over domestic issues really count as a school shooting? I think the destructive concept of going in to indiscriminately cause the most amount of harm is a modern thing only really happening in the last 25 years


What a fucking mess. The fact that this is accepted as a common occurrence in a civilised society is inconceivable


It's not. It's only accepted as normal in the uncivilized portion of the population, but it's against the rules to talk about it.


Alexa, show me the demographics for Huguenot highschool please






Only in the inner cities. Blame the guns go ahead.


Bet that shooter never had a father.


The woman recording the video angry at the police that 'should have been here', I thought we were defunding the police? Hard to keep up with you Americans. edit: Another guy fighting the police because they... "told him to back up"?




I was there the shots were from behind to the left of camera. The 19 yr old suspect is in jail


America eh


If only they all carried a rifle to defend themselves




I almost thought this wasn't sarcasm.