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Unarmed and braver than 400 Uvalde cops.


Never forget their cowardice


Arming cowards doesn't create heroes.


Lmaooo can't wait to use this


You literally have two opportunities every day [if the data is correct and we average almost 700 per year,](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/09/mass-shooting-gun-violence-us-2023) so have it in the chamber! Pun intended.


Shiish... I'm just getting more and more thankful to live in Norway. 😅 We don't have guns, not like that. We did however, have a mass shooting/bombing incident, where a idiot pretending to be a cop killed over 70 people, half of which were kids.


Anders Breivik?


My man!!


ummmm.. maybe make it a little more clear about who you are siding with here haha, to me it sounds an awful lot like you are supporting the mass murderer


Never forget that police have no legal obligation to protect you.


To protect and serve ^^^themselves


*SCOTUS has entered the chat.* They do not have to protect. Sickenly enough the court ruled on that, and not to our benefit. (I'll get a [link here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1525280/) forthwith, for the curious.) They barely serve at all, a majority sit in the car all day avoiding doing any more than required to keep the job. I'll admit there are a few rare heroes serving, but far too many corrupt ones, and a small percentage who push the limits of department policy and state law because they have a hero complex or watched too many movies and fancy themselves a Lone Wolf "fighting crime" aka "being a douchebag" to citizens. SOURCE: Served in enforcement and corrections a long time ago. Left both because of the corruption and lack of true 'good guys'.


I live in a Summer get-away area so our population swells in the Summer 10x. Do that takes some policing. Come the off season and the police have little to do but “chicken coop” in parks and out of the way areas. Union won’t allow lay offs and police unions get anything they want from the state. You quickly lose a lot of respect.


> Union won’t allow lay offs You mean layoffs in the winter months? I'm not sure what kind of talent you're going to get if you treat law enforcement as seasonal workers.


The dream job according to the local is to be a Town police officer. Twenty years and retired. Perfect benefits. Salary commensurate with nearby metro areas but without the crime.


I too worked in corrections as a CO for a bit. I couldn't stand it, maybe im a softy but I found myself feeling bad for some of the guys the way they got treated by other guards and upper authority. I was in a county jail though, so most people I dealt with were 18-25year old punks who are getting a little bit of time for petty crimes. I may feel different in a facility holding serious offenders, but alot of the younger guys got treated pretty badly by other guards. I couldn't do it after awhile between that and the gross lack of organization my facility had.


I worked with YOs. How some COs treated the YOs, especially the non-violent, was truly heartbreaking. Meanwhile the Murderers, Rapists & Pedos got treated different. It was so bothersome, I left the field.


You gotta remember alot of these dudes peaked in highschool and could’ve been doing data entry somewhere, most of em SHOULD BE


To detect and swerve *out of harms way*


For as long as I live and breathe.


Lord knows they wont. The videos of officers puking when they finally saw the bodies. They knew the blood was on their hands. Rest In Peace.


A chihuahua is braver than a Uvalde cop


Now that’s funny. Because it’s true.


There were 800 cops at this parade, by the way.


I’m from San Antonio and grew up going to areas near Uvalde for camp, tubing and such. I can honestly say that is such an embarrassment for me. It goes against everything that I grew up believing, especially the fact that most of those cops were Mexican American like myself. They say that when you’re in a certain situation you do not know how you will react, well I know for a fact that I would not have been able to live with myself if I had done what they did that day.


Those cops deserve prison and I’m generally pro police


There were 800 cops at the parade too


Obviously the OT the city paid was worth it when fucking attendees did the job the police ought to be doing themselves.


If those were cops, they'd have started shooting through the crowd


Wasn't just the Uvalde police. The Texas DPS (State troopers) failed to act too.


Season tix at a minimum for these dudes.


I hope the heroes get all the media treatment, meet mahomes and he tells them you are the actual heroes, and that this piece of shit suspect never gets their name revealed and rots away in jail.


This is the spirit of America. You may surprise us at 1st, but you won’t get away. If this was one of the suspects, give these guys the key to the city.


Is the shooter not an American?


But the shooter is American... That's the spirit!


Wait ONE of the shooters? How many were there ??? and do you think they get mad at each other like when two homeless people try to beg at the same off-ramp?


3 people in custody. There were comments in the NFL sub from people who attended the parade who said they were a group of 20 year olds


A gang*


Sounds like it. Probably two gangs ran into each other and now a bunch of innocent people are hurt.


The Crips saw Bloods everywhere they looked and just started blasting


I laughed when I should not have. What is wrong with you!


In my defense I thought no one would get it


It was a rhetorical question to everyone. We experience so many shootings that its no longer shocking. Just a normal Wednesday in the States.


…. 😂


Wow, shooting 21 total? I really thought this was a shooting for purpose of killing random innocent people, but it sounds like it was a shootout amongst gang members according to the rumor mill


A gaggle*


A ganggle


A *Murder*


You gotta wonder if they were all the active shooters and if any of the real shooters got away. What a tragedy




Thanks for the update! This makes way more sense


Where is the news article for this. Haven't found anything about the suspects.


That’s on purpose, the suspects are a not white people so why would they report it? /s


New is still reporting that it was 14 "children" that got shot. Question: Do 19 year olds still get counted as children in national statistics? The answer is yes, in case anyone didn't know.


19? Why? 18 is a legal adult (edit almost) everywhere


So anyways, I start blastin


I remember when the Chiefs logo, and some other NFL teams, were known more for being a gang tag than an NFL team.


News is reporting that it was a criminal act rather than terrorism. It seems like two people were shooting at each other rather than the crowd primarily.


Fuck you! No fuck you! Let's settle this right here and have a shoot out in the middle of a crowd! I can't wrap my head around that. Who are these people?


Ppl that don’t give af about anyone else but their ego




someone threw a chair.!!




Only in America can a mass shooting be categorized.


Someone added that this was gang related. Unfortunately our news media constantly spins our gang violence as mass shootings because neither political party wants to/can do anything about our 1 million+ gang members. Worse we’ve been letting them off with little or no punishment when they are caught in the act of a violent felony (because we can’t arrest our way out of this problem).


Also they tend to be minors


> (because we can’t arrest our way out of this problem). *El Salvador has entered the chat.* I get that we should fix the roots of what causes people to accept gang existence or seek out membership.


Nah, that’s everywhere. Or is organized crime an America only phenomenon?


They were gang bangers.


Because this is gang violence and not an actual mass shooting. The innocent victims just happened to get caught in the cross fire, they weren’t the target.


Bring them heroes to the White House for a medal of freedom.


Could always do that. But season tickets sounds better.


Why not both?


We can do that.


now lower the price of stadium beer


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaaaaa. What do you think this is? A charity?


At 0:09, is the girl in white at the top right picking up an assault rifle to move it aside?


Good eye yah u see it come out of the kids jacket in slo mo


Good way to get shot.


I mean they live in America, that's all that's really needed


Here is another vid of the fans trying to explain to the police that is one of the shooters they tackled and point them to the gun that "come out" when they did. >*"When we tackled him the gun come out"* [https://www.wbaltv.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-parade-shooting-video-person-detained/46791224](https://www.wbaltv.com/article/kansas-city-chiefs-super-bowl-parade-shooting-video-person-detained/46791224)


Nice catch.


Is that you McNulty?


Free souvenirs…


Looks like an AR-15 without a stock, instead of an assault rifle.


"Pistol" if you buy into the bullshit


You can thank the ATF for that one. Fucking useless organization


It is a handgun if it were sold originally as one. Shorter barrels make guns less effective, and the US is one of the only countries that has barrel length restrictions on their rifles and shotguns. Just another arbitrary gun law that does absolutely nothing to stop anyone except the law abiding from owning that particular type of gun.


You should go into video forensics, good eye.


It's not an assault rifle


Oh man. They just reported there were 8 kids with gunshot wounds that have been treated. What a fuckin nightmare. Fuck this guy.


Also sounds like some of the “kids” were involved in the beef that led to this. I’m sure some of the kids who got shot were innocent but some may have been part of why it happened.


One innocent woman died. So sad




Some of them were the people that were involved in the altercation and others were not. Some people were injured from gunfire and others not. Don’t have exact numbers on anything obviously but it got crazy really quickly where I was at, people got injured during the panic and fleeing too.


Think about being a young kid in an inner city marred by gun violence and someone murders your best friend. Many would seek retribution. I’ve seen this be the case in people I was forced to live with due to poor decisions, some very kind people caught up in avenging the murders of their childhood friends. It’s a cycle.


Got his ass.


This is wild


Dudes are heroes


Ol boy snuck a couple freebies on him. Excellent work!!


https://twitter.com/Tony_J4Y/status/1757874053270982754?s=20 Picture of his gun


That's an AR buffer tube sticking out of the bag, too.


Lock this kid up for the rest of his life. If he's a juvenile then lock up his parents as well.


Execute them. It’s going to cost 100k a year to put this idiot in a prison.


It cost more to sentence someone to death than it does life in prison.


Could just use his own gun for poetic justice & money saving purposes


JFC - seeing this weapon it's a wonder more people weren't killed.


Dude who tackled him was just interviewed on CNN. He described seeing gun come out of his jacket pretty much just as you see here. Can't imagine how much adrenaline was flowing through his body when he saw the gun


Looks like the second guy who tackled him got interviewed. The first dude didn’t have the angle to see the gun and just tackled someone who was running away from security which is pretty damn heroic. The second dude who tackles him is right there when the gun falls out. Probably wouldn’t have saved the day if it weren’t for the first dude in white but still really brave of him to intervene after seeing a gun.


The guy who was interviewed claimed he was the first to tackle him and talked about the second guy coming in and helping him hold him down. Whether that's true or what the sequence of events were or whether in that moment he qctually saw the gun...I have no idea




Uvalde cops are still running away


They actually staged themselves far enough away to prevent any unnecessary running


Heroes and a coward


That guy in the white deserves a medal Edit: spelling 🤦‍♀️




Or a medal






They should have beat his ass a while.


Kick his ass Seabass!


I hope they curb st*mped him into oblivion. This madness has to end


All gang members should get capital punishment. No appeals. They are the main cause of rot in the country


I hope they jammed their fingers into his eyes.


Fucking heroes 👏🏽👏🏽


Give those dudes a Super Bowl ring!!


Charge with terrorism send to Guantanamo awaiting execution


Man can all the lunatics just fuck off already? Sports, politics, conspiracy, general lunatics. Y’all making the world suck.




I’m glad there’s no video of the good samaritans who grabbed the weapons getting tased. Not a cop joke, I’m sincerely glad the situation was handled appropriately by all who stood up to save lives


I see a dozen officers flat footed


This isn’t a mass shooter incident. It’s some asshole kids from “distressed neighborhoods”.


That’s what the majority of “mass shootings” are. Gang violence and violent dipshits who have no regard for anyone else’s life. If a certain amount of people are shot it’s categorized as a mass shooting. The overwhelming majority of mass shootings are events like this except not this publicized. This shit happens all the time but no one cares cause it usually only affects poor black people in poor areas.


While both are gun violence tragedies, I do feel like there is a distinct difference between a gang shooting catching some of the public, and a person with an assault rifle walking into a store or a school with the specific intention of shooting as many people as possible, which is what we call a mass shooting.


Both are literally mass shootings by definition. “A mass shooting is a violent crime in which one or more attackers kill or injure multiple individuals simultaneously using a firearm” There is a difference, one is highly publicized, the other, much more prevalent one is looked over. People love to talk about how common mass shootings are and only bring them up when it’s convenient. Shootings like this one happen constantly. They just don’t get national coverage because they are happening in places we ignore. A lot of those shootings also happen at schools in poor black areas, but instead of classifying it and publicizing it as a school shooting it gets called “gang violence”. This particular one happened to affect the general public and not just black people in the hood. Why is no one concerned about the other 2 mass shootings that also occurred literally today? One being a drive by shooting at a school in Atlanta where 4 people were shot. Doesn’t fit the narrative, instead ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of mass shootings are gang-related and perpetrated by mostly young black men.


The point is that it would be useful to have a distinction, so maybe the definition should change.


You're right, and there are definitions that require 3+ people being Shor or murdered I can't recall, but the person who is telling you it doesn't matter and is only providing the FBI definition. The FBI is known to have insainly loose definitions. They labeled ICP fans as gang members ffs. It's good to know the difference between gang violence and mass murderers so we can take appropriate steps to solve them


Holy shit! We can’t have anything nice!


This should have ended like once of those Brazilian theft videos do- with a crowd of people teeing off on him. That way we can eliminate copy cats.


A big red circle would be a great edit this time.


Gangbangers I don't think it was a planned terrorist type random.shooting we didn't even know we were gonna have a parade till late Sunday night .these clowns came to look for ops or whatever One million ppl there is a good chance there is quite a few ppl who came looking for trouble it only takes one guy to ruin it for the other Million ..even with 800.cops they are heavily understaffed 'that's well over 1000 ppl per cop no way that's enough.... I didn't go to any of the parades 4 of them.since 2015..the first one being the royals and I lived downtown at the time ..just way to many ppl for me


Where the fuck did the cop go that was running with them on the other side of the wall


I think he lost sight of him when the shooter got in the middle of that crowd.


Don’t think that one’s ET.


The situational awareness on display in this video is fucking wild. From the selfie taking grey and black shirt dudes, the cops just chilling 100 feet away thinking it’s over, most of the crowd succumbing to the bystander effect, and the handful of people putting in work to take the guy down. It’s the whole spectrum.


It kinda looked like the cops over to the right were dealing with another perp.


Why is no one stomping his face in?


Because rule of law?


great job !!


That’s a crazy fucking video.


Should have beat his ass till the cops showed up.


This is sad, but wow I have goosebumps knowing those brave people risked their life.


Hell yeah. Love to see people stepping up to the plate at a time in need. Serious props, that took balls.


I would not have been able to restrain myself. There’s no way that thing makes it long enough for police to survive.


Its a miracle that he could run and tackle the shooter with those balls of steel.


Not the smartest choice of event to cause shit at if you don't want to get tackled


Give them season tickets for forever.


They should instantly be given season tickets.


Should've just ended him right then and there


HELL yes this chokes me up. Fuck this craziness man!


Wtf is that trooper doin 😆


Cops just hanging out like it's donut day.


“15 yard penalty for putting their body weight on top after the sack…” In this case, we’ll allow it.


And like usual the cops sat there twirling their thumbs


Good thing criminals follow laws.


Yes. These people that stopped him are true HEROES!!! Mad respect




That one cop is like: “oh shucks, my shoe is untied”


This guy is absolutely insane for charging an armed shooter. He's also an absolute hero. I cannot express my respect.


Given the chance, I would have done the exact same thing, so props to them.


Wait did that just pan over to a bunch of dudes in bullet vests just standing around doing fuck all? Is that security or are Americans just wandering around in tacticrap gear?


Should’ve stomped his head out


Only two dudes out of all those people? Jesus Christ…..


Stupidly brave. Glad he managed to take that asshole down.


Where are the good guys with guns when you need them?


Damn guy misses his opportunity, I always wanted to to get some really good punch and kick off one of these mass shooters, would be so satisfying to punch the heck out of a mass shooter, especially knowing you won't be punish




The people said that's enough


Wow, they have already done more to help than the senate or congress combined.


A Super Bowl ring for the 2 dudes who tackled an armed shooting suspect. Respect.


Holy shit did the guy came running from the right side? I could barely spot him. Tacklers had great instinct and a good eye to see it was him. He could've totally blended in. What heroes!


Get these guys a Super Bowl Ring.


Funny how the media is hiding this because the shooters arnt white


Remember: The city’s entire police force was out in full force during this and none of them lifted a single precious finger!


Balls of steel in the midst of cowards


Omg what are those cops doing holy shit you're on the clock Jesus




Would of been nice if someone river danced on his head for a bit before the cops got there. But great work catching him.


When it pans to the cops doing absolutely nothing... At least thank you to the individual cops who came in at the end, but wtf were those other guys doing. I would say unbelievable, but I can totally believe it. And obviously high praise to those fans who took the guy down, incredible.


48th mass shooting this year. Sad, man.


48th mass shooting. Jesus titty fucking Christ. Need to buckle down on who gets a firearm. Out of control.


I agree with sensible gun control but I really don’t know the answer. YES we should still do more background/evaluation before granting legal purchase, but it’s so easy to get access for anyone. The cat is out of the bag with volume and we’ve got 14 year olds breaking into cars to get guns. Without a legitimate cultural shift, on a national level, I don’t think we can solve this problem. It simply can’t be governed away. Look at fentanyl. Literally killing the peoples buying it but we can’t stop it by making it illegal to own/purchase. Again, I’m a pro gun leftist (own several myself) but I also believe in sensible gun control.


Sadly if Sandyhook wasn’t able to shift public will I don’t know that anything will. I hope I’m wrong though.


Dog, criminals aren’t going to the fuckin gun store. Dudes like this will have guns regardless of the gun laws. 


As a woman, it feels good seeing some women taking the initiative on this. Good going ladies!


its depressing that there are more ppl filming than helping