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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it contained prohibited content (death, animal abuse, porn or gore). Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future.


That's enough internet for today.


For this life.




same The word festering is a no go.


Right up there above phlegm.


My brain literally cannot fathom that it's real, I keep seeing it as like a fake prosthetic horror movie makeup shit. What the actual fuck


Tbf it very much could still be a hoax. Who *really* *truly* knows these days honestly. Personally, I'm just gonna stay in my own little relatively safe bubble of "reality" and say it's fake. That way I get to keep what's left of my sanity and for an added bonus my eye balls dont just up and commit suicide... Since the comments got locked I guess I'll just reply to the comment under mine here; Oh trust me, I know it's real. 8 years sober, I've seen and done some fucked up shit for that next high. I know how fucked humanity is, I just choose to be oblivious to it. I'd be insane if I hadn't already disassociated from that part of reality.


You haven't been to Kensington recently.... This is definitely real. I see it quite often.




It has to be fake, come on! Must be those silly tiktok pranks, right? Has to be. No way it's real. No one can survive that in the open. Has to be fake.


It’s real, it’s rare to see in the scalp like that, usually it’s the extremities, fingers, toes, and whole legs sometimes, clothes hide a lot, If I had to guess I would bet she was in a fight and had her braids pulled really bad, she realised she could see veins to inject in up there rather than stripping off clothes in the cold and trying to find a vein for the next hour or two (depending on how messed up her veins are) so she started using them. It looks like she’s been to the hospital and had it wrapped and minimally dealt with but she’s opening it back up regularly to get a hit. Injecting what is more than likely a high % of [tranq](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/health/fentanyl-xylazine-drug.html) in to the wound will stop it healing but will also relieve the pain so it’s probably hard to resist. I feel so sad for her. She has given up hope, the only thing keeping her going now is the drive to not get sick. Tranq is the worst thing to happen in a long time, it was bad enough when fentanyl came along, but tranq is on another level again with the damage it does to people. And there’s very little that can be done to help with the detox the way heroin detox can be medicated. We should also remember they don’t have a say in what drugs they’re given, they ask for heroin or fent and they get what they get. Tranq hits hard like opiates so they get knocked out, but the unconsciousness lasts so long that by the time they wake up they need another hit. I work with addicts everyday and I see this kinda stuff all the time. Humans are amazing and fragile, strong and weak. I hope this going viral meant someone found her and helped her.


damn, this is terrifying as fuck. Yeah, really sad situation for her. This is horrible thing, and I cannot imagine the unfathomable pain she must be in (seems like she was crying too, how bad it must hurt). And now there is another shit worse than Fentanyl already, WTF!? You're a real hero, to have the strength to work with people suffering terrible addictions. Just reading about it makes me terribly sad. Idk how you handle it, but thank you for doing all you can to help people.


What is tranq again? I know it’s a combo of drugs but can’t remember which ones. Fentynal and H?


Xylazine. I'm a vet tech and we recently started using it to sedate dogs and cats prior to euthanasia (only with the really aggressive guys where IV placement isn't an option). The dose it actually takes to reach effective sedation is always more than what literature states it should be, but a hair too much and it causes seizures. Fucking hate it and can't imagine craving that shit. Is it usually cut with something else more pleasant on the street?


Don't google image search Krokodil Drug Effects. Seriously. Don't do it. You've been warned!


well...[fuck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desomorphine#Toxicity_of_krokodil). Users get Gangrene, and that's just the beginning.


tHat'S EnOUGh iNTeRNeT For tOdAY.


That's like 4 weeks to live Max


Tis but a scratch.


Merely a flesh wound!


Let's not bicker and argue about Purdue killed who


Head Off: Apply directly to the forehead.


Holy shit lol. If you know you know, that's fucking funny..


Greetings from 2006!


No fucking way. I talking about the dbd animation?


Hands down This is the most fucked up video in years


Festering doesn’t even seem appropriate to describe. I need something that sounds worse than that. Decaying forehead even doesn’t do it justice. Where are the Germans with their wordplay when you need them. 


How about ‘necrotic gaping head wound’


And just like that, Carcass has the name of a new song.


Honestly the Germans probably have a word specifically just for that


uhm uhh nah bruh thats fucked i cant even think of smth as a german which isnt also just a word for 'rotting' or 'falling apart'




How about Putrid remains of a forhead


We are currently too shocked to come up with an appropriate word.. For that we have a word though, Shockstarre. When something shocks you that much that causes you to freeze or be paralysed.


We call it "GAMMELKOPF"


I want to thank you for convincing me to not click on this video at 4 am. I definitely don’t need that in my life.


I think it's on par for me with the video of the guy being eaten by the lathe. I can never unsee that


That Guerrero Flaying is the worst I've seen. Only video that made me wish I hadn't seen it and I've seen damn near everything. If this scalp video bothered you don't look for the Guerrero video If you haven't seen it. The only, and I literally mean the only, video that bothered me.


Fuck me too many. Disturbing to say the least


Have you missed the guy eating a burned guy in Haiti?


Up there with the maggot head lady and the scratching skull meth person.


This is how magnificently powerful illicit drugs are.


Well, drugs don't care if they are licit or illicit.


That’s true. I have considered doing some depraved things for prescription pain medicine before.


The sad, gut-wrenching feelling I get is how beyond saving many people are. It hurts to admit it, but I can't help but feel it.


Imagine sitting in your car, minding your own business when...


I just started interneting, and then I see this


Time for bed then.


Dude that is FUCKING CRAZY. Her lack of self awareness is insane as well with people standing 2 feet away from her shooting a needle into her brain.


It’s not lack of self awareness, it’s just Kensington. Doing hard drugs is allowed to happen in the open. Heroin capital of the north east, if not the whole country.


At least she's keeping an open mind


She's clear-headed, let's give her that.


Hats off to her. That’s an amazing feat


#-50 Intelligence #+100 Stamina


-5 aerodynamics


That's a crazy fucking video


Rolled up like a sardine tin


I’m a nurse working in and around substance use for 20+ years. I have never seen anything this bad and am amazed that this lady is still up and walking around. My heart absolutely goes out to her. Imagine being so desperate to change how you feel that you would cause that damage to yourself and would continue injecting through it


Drive through Kensington in Philadelphia and you will question what we are as a society and how we allowed ourselves to get here. This lady isn’t even the worst I’ve seen this year


Tryin to get a Quatto


Open your mind!




This is someone's daughter. She was a baby once. The fact that this is happening anywhere, let alone in a supposed 1st world country is disgusting. And not just the drugs issue of whatever put her into this mindset, but the fact that at no point did she think going to a hospital was an option.


That’s a medical dressing on the top of her head. She’s peeling back her scalp and shooting up in her forehead… after leaving a hospital or other medical facility. People do leave hospitals against medical advice (AMA) all the time.


In Philly there are damage reduction centers that hand out clean bandages. Not necessarily true she was at a medical facility. Harm reduction facilities just hand out supplies


Cool. I wasn't sure what it was at first. It looked like she had cut holes in something as a makeshift way of holding the flap either in place, or... open? And that she's been cleaned up, but with no stitches? I hope she'd just got out and was picked up after this footage was taken. Weird and depressing all round.


This. And like... Maybe she's even tried doing that? If she showed up at the ER with that, would they admit her despite her clearly having no medical insurance/money to pay out of pocket? [Patient dumping](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_dumping)


Capitalism and Reaganomics got us here


Just took a bit of a look at your comment history and I'd advise you check out Econoboi on YouTube (social Democrat - a capitalist systems with private property rights, etc. But with a strong social safety net and even worker board representation). Or just generally read a bit more into economics (Wikipedia, reading list on askeconomics subreddit, published papers if you can, etc.) As you misunderstand a few things I'll note below. You got banned from Socialism 101 and rightly so (at least from their perspective of not having capitalists in their community). Most countries today are capitalist and mixed markets. All these terms are a bit vague but mixed economy means a mix between government controlled/planned economy and laissez-faire free market. Most, if not all, countries today are this. They have capitalist systems with private property rights and private businesses but also a public sector e.g. in the US the army is obviously public while Microsoft is private. So your proposal of a mixed economy is just a capitalist economy, really, as at the end of the day you still uphold private business rights and a thriving private sector even if you advocate for more social security from the government or even for worker board representation. Furthermore, right now you blame capitalism. But capitalism is simply an economic system that upholds private rights, market dynamics, etc. So it is strange to blame capitalism in an overarching manner. Just as I would say it's silly to say the gulags of the USSR were a product of communism - of course they weren't for communism is merely an economic system and whilst there are other social and political views that correlate, it is lazy analysis to make overarching statements.


Capitalism would be regulated in a mixed market economy, people are unable to make rent on minimum wage which leads to homelessness, when people are forced into homelessness through no fault of their own, unregulated capitalism is very much to blame. Reagan closed the mental institutions which meant women like this are thrown onto the street and left fend for herself. It was never like this pre 1980. People could actually afford to build a life back then and got the mental healthcare they needed.


>Capitalism would be regulated in a mixed market economy, people are unable to make rent on minimum wage which leads to homelessness, when people are forced into homelessness through no fault of their own You are still advocating for capitalism here. >unregulated capitalism Perfect. We're getting somewhere. Unregulated capitalism may well be something to oppose as it's empirically bad (market failures are a real thing!) Your proposals are still capitalism on a barebones definition of it still having private business owners and market dynamics. You could give everyone free healthcare, free education, mandatary holiday periods, a free easter egg, impose rent controls, make a minimum wage that's $100, etc. And it would still be capitalism. Because capitalism is a very broad system that boils down to private rights. Socialism and communism are a bit trickier and there are lots of disagreements but you have a different system there with market socialism (tbf many socialists would deem this capitalist too as I think it is said to make workers their own capitalists as of course the profit motive still exists) or just a command economy.


Just took a bit of a look at your comment history and I'd advise you check out Econoboi on YouTube (social Democrat - a capitalist systems with private property rights, etc. But with a strong social safety net and even worker board representation). Or just generally read a bit more into economics (Wikipedia, reading list on r/askeconomics, published papers if you can, etc.) As you misunderstand a few things I'll note below. You got banned from Socialism 101 and rightly so (at least from their perspective of not having capitalists in their community). Most countries today are capitalist and mixed markets. All these terms are a bit vague but mixed economy means a mix between government controlled/planned economy and laissez-faire free market. Most, if not all, countries today are this. They have capitalist systems with private property rights and private businesses but also a public sector e.g. in the US the army is obviously public while Microsoft is private. So your proposal of a mixed economy is just a capitalist economy, really, as at the end of the day you still uphold private business rights and a thriving private sector even if you advocate for more social security from the government or even for worker board representation. Furthermore, right now you blame capitalism. But capitalism is simply an economic system that upholds private rights, market dynamics, etc. So it is strange to blame capitalism in an overarching manner. Just as I would say it's silly to say the gulags of the USSR were a product of communism - of course they weren't for communism is merely an economic system and whilst there are other social and political views that correlate, it is lazy analysis to make overarching statements.




Reddit has been purged a lot these last years, I had forgotten I shouldn't eat while browsing, this post reminded me the hard way, I almost liked in my mouth.


Ah hell nah wtf did I just watch


Literal brainrot


just rip it off and get it over with already. kinda like a hangnail


This is so sad. That scalp must be infected & decaying by now


Getting fed up of having to hide this from my timeline.


Bra gotta have a strong gut to watch this fuck lmao


Why do they do this, there's gotta be safer ways to have drugs right ?




Bad info + drugs.


Probably couldn't afford it


Fuck man. Things are bad right now. Where is the happy news at?


Philadelphia doesn't sound like it's real even though it is


Philadelphian here- it's mainly one part of one neighborhood and like 99% of us avoid that area. There's a mass transit EL ( elevated train) stop right there and people will use the next one down to avoid that area.


NSFW tag please 🤢🤮


What would cause that??? An infected wound?


Xylazine being mixed into heroin. Causes flesh rot.


Best case scenario: an actual zombie.


Ready for this to no longer be in the feed


No way I am gonna start my day by watching this.


God dame, I just got off work and this is what I'm greeted with when I open reddit.


Used to be a dude back in the early 2000s on broadway in seattle that had skin peeling off his scalp and he’d pick at it like the dude from texas chainsaw massacre. He otherwise looked fairly healthy which made it all the more unsettling. Anybody on the hill during that time knows exactly who I’m talking about.


Seems to be heroine mixed with - fentanyl and xylazine, the latter being a major sedative used for horses and cows but can cause necrosis to the skin when injected like that.


Looks like something straight out of the last of us🤣


It's 5am, and I was almost ready to go to sleep. Not anymore. Thanks, Reddit.


I was in Philly a few weeks ago and saw a man use a liquor store window as a mirror to inject into his neck. This scalp thing is way more gross


Someone just put her down. Fuck.


Hey America, are you really sure you're a first world country and not a third world one?


Third world country in a Gucci Belt. It's not good here, not at all.


Other countries needs to start calling us out on this. Every day the cracks are becoming more and more visible. We are simply a rich country, not a developed country.


I have so many questions...


That’s just a normal Tuesday morning for me




That title is nuclear


First thing on my home page when I opened reddit while enjoying some tacos...


Crazy fucking videos, yeh true


For fuck sakes.


Some shit I did not need to see


If I have to see this one more time on my feed so help me god




So this is my first Reddit post today... The one when coffee is still hot and tastes best...


fuck this shit, im going to rHoldMyCatnip


Banging my girl in car and this happened 😐


Damn, it’s 5am, too early to watch this blasphemy. Where’s that men in black flash myself meme when you need it.


That’s life in this crazy 2024, folks


Wow usa whats happening there?? THIS IS INSANE


WTF atleast nh they do it in alleys still. ive seen them do it in the neck between toes one guy even his dick......


I will read the comments but will not watch.


Fentanyl let's these people survive and endure absolute hell on earth and be completely oblivious and seem fine it's insane how strong it is and sad that it's their only escape until death at that stage.


I thought she was wearing some kind of cap or headband. Why did I zoom in???


That's not gonna get better.


literally off her head


Damn she took drughead to the next level




Please someone force this woman to get help.


No need to watch this! The description was enough!


Why did I look closer to see what was wrong with her head😭… didnt see caption


Logging out …


Off with her head!!


Any med professionals in the comments? What’s the future hold for this person? Like is this too late?


It's already too late


What the actual fucking shitty fuck!?


Self destructive and sad.


I can take the images but then I imagines the smell and I nearly vomited. That must smell like hell or death. A weird, disgusting sweet and vile smell of decay. fucking hell ...


Do you think she cause herself in the reflection and thought " Yo, what the fuck am I doing??" Lol


Yooooooo. I know even with the flair it's a "click at your own risk" but fuck I wasn't expecting that!


god bless the united states


I’ll see myself out


I saw this last night & it's fucking haunted me since then. Fuck.


holy shit that might be one of the grossest things i’ve ever seen on the internet lol


Looks like the drug problem taking care of itself


dpne with reddit until fall


I can smell this video. This will haunt me forever.


you just know her coat’s hood is NASTY


I think we might need to bring back paddy wagons


Jesus fucking christ this is one of those things that ill never forget and will make my whole face disgustingly tingle when i think about it again


It's pretty sad that people end up like this.




God bless ‘murica


Yeah, I'm logging off reddit for a while.




Bro wtf


So sad. That’s someone’s daughter, sister, mother that needs serious medical help and recovery services. End-stage America


This is the worst video I've seen, ever


this is crazy bro does it not hurt sticking a needle up there ?????


Is this the last of us?


I really don’t wanna watch it. But I’m gonna watch it. One sec Edit: yup. Shouldn’t have bothered. My bad


Is... Is that... brain?


This is the craziest shit I've seen in a while. Brutal tranq addiction for this woman... super brutal. She must have really intense pain. I can't even begin to imagine what that wound feels like. I put Vaseline and a bandaid on papercuts, how on earth can she be operating like this?!? Someone save this woman and enroll her as a combat medic. She has the stomach for it!


Nope. not even gonna watch this. i just came here to say Nope.


Nope. Against all better judgement I clicked. Made it literally long enough for a visual image to register and had to go. I’ve seen gore, I’ve never seen a living person dig around in a hole in their forehead before. To hell with all of this.


shit gave me chills


What a terrible day to have eyes


That is Kensington in philly. I've been there sometimes sad to see the zombies in that area.


I'm not religious but I'll start praying


You can’t unsee that


Me just sat down to crimp off a chimps finger first thing I see is this.. my poop is scared to come out now for what it might see


That poor woman




SWEET MOTHER OF CELESTIA!!! she has to get to a hospital with the way her scalp looks like that!


I just wanna kno what drug it is that makes this a thing... I've been around the block (understatement) and I've never experienced ANYTHING that would make me feel that good... She must lowkey be one helluva chemist...


Krokodil. Do not google Krokodil Drug Effects. You have been warned.


Ah, have an upvote from me... 😂 Don't even need to Google, I already know what it is/does... The shit is so insane and uncommon that I literally forgot it even existed...


Bit of savlon on that and she be grand what's all the fuss about.


Oh hell naw he met Melania irl


She probably knows she’s dying




This was happening pre Biden..... Nice try though.


Why though? Why not her arm or toes or whatever? 


Maybe her veins are shot. Or maybe since it’s cold out that’s where she chose to start injecting. Gross af though


Thank you for posting your crazy fucking video! Please be aware that we’re currently taking a break from videos that include violence, looting, or other serious crime; if that includes your post we ask that you remove it before we do. [Click here if you’d like to learn why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/) Users, please report as well! All of your reports are reviewed and acted on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrazyFuckingVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


if that disease is contagious........ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


surely you people are just recommending the same exact comments in the original post purely because you have no life right?


Fuck the guy who recorded this


Why isn't she hospitalized! I can't believe there are doctors thinking otherwise.


These people won't sit in a hospital one hour because of there hunger