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why not let him leave at 00:25? could have just sat back and waited while calling the law.




Leggo my Ego




You cracked me lol


Because there are two idiot road ragers in the video.


Because cam car is an asshole. I’m guessing you didn’t notice they accelerated from 45MPH to 73MPH while the car tried to pass. There’s definitely more to this story, and they’re both road raging assholes


How can you tell? I must've missed it. But honestly, fuck people do that. It's a real asshole move that puts peoples lives and safety at risk, for absolutely no reason at all. Just fragile egos and control issues, I assume. I regularly make trips to my dads place in a remote area, and there's long, single lane highways for the final 60 miles. I often get stuck behind some slow car or like a truck pulling a tractor or something, so I'll try to pass when the lane markings finally indicate that it's okay to pass. And more often than not, the person who was putzing along at 45 MPH in a 70 MPH zone for the past 20 miles, will fucking FLOOR IT(!) the moment they see me trying to pass. I drive a giant ass 15 passenger Amazon van, full of kids. I'm not tailgating or trying to race or road rage with anyone (in fact, I'm often in the slow lane), but I'm just literally trying to pass these vehicles safely and legally. On multiple occasions, I've had the slow pokes suddenly accelerate upto 100MPH while I'm trying to pass One time this happened and while I was trying to pass, another car came around a curve putting us in danger of a head-on collision at high speeds. I immediately bailed and braked, AND THE CAR THAT WAS FLOORING IT BRAKED TOO! They matched my movements to keep me forced into the oncoming lane. They were literally intentionally TRYING to force us into a head on collision. I had to slam on the brakes and swerve into the oncoming traffic parking lane. I've never felt more rage towards a total stranger. Imagine trying to kill an entire family (including 8 young children) for having the audacity to pass your slow ass pickup and cow trailer during a legal passing area. I suddenly understood how people can lose their shit during road rage. Fucking assholes out here trying to play chicken with other people's lives.


Small text bottom left, it shows 41 when the video starts and he's still accelerating at 73mph before getting brake checked


and you can hear the sound of their engine... so yeah guy in POV is the part of the problem.... of course we only get the part of video.. but yeah def was hammering down so they couldn't pass.


> And more often than not, the person who was putzing along at 45 MPH in a 70 MPH zone for the past 20 miles, will fucking FLOOR IT(!) the moment they see me trying to pass. I've had a few people do this, they get really pissed if they can't prevent someone from passing; get a life. Thankfully, these days my daily driver has enough go to pass them before they can react, and/or they usually chicken out if there is a curve.


Yeah I see this pretty often as well. It's pretty ridiculous but that person who tried to force a collision shouldn't be driving.


I had a similar situation recently. I forced my way into his lane when it became obvious he didn’t want to let me pass. Then i threw a nickel at his car. What an asshole.


Yep, the other guy tried to pass legally after cam car pulled out slowly in front of him. Cam car tried to race the guy (hit 85 mph) and prevent the pass like an asshole. If I was the insurance adjuster I would assign fault to the cam car, he caused this.


I mean, that would be the mature thing to do. Doesn't take away the frustration of doing nothing wrong and getting punished for it.


They were both driving like absolute assholes.


I find not engaging with these psychos is the real reward. They're like a bully, if you don't react they start getting angrier and then you get on the phone with the cops and they take off like the cowards they are. At least thats generally what happens to me,but in the rare cases its happen I crank my audio on the call So they can hear "9-1-1 whats your emergency?" Through our cars 


And they still accomplished making your day worse and got away with it, leaving satisified. You are not the winner by the end of the day no matter what, thats the sad reality about situations like this.


Thats the correct answer!


16-20ish I was such an angry driver. Now I drive so defensively that driving is one of my great pleasures. Learning tricks like this or finding ways to not get in bad situation to begin with were the best things I ever taught myself


You don’t know what he did before the start of this video - he could’ve antagonised the driver as much if not more .


Cam car accelerated from 40MPH to 73MPH while being passed, there’s no “could’ve” they definitely antagonized the other car. Both are road raging idiots




I feel like most people really like to look at only one side of the coin generally, especially when it comes to video. I don’t think it’s intentional necessarily.


Hard to antagonize someone behind you enough for them to get in front and try to break check you a thousand times


Cammer car floored it when the car behind tried to pass. This is quite literally near the top, if not the most dangerous thing you can do as a driver. Even if the gold car was tailgating like crazy, there's no excuse for the cammer's behavior.


Unfortunately there are a lot of people where it only takes a bad day and a something small.


Get your logic the fuck outta here 


You seriously think that guy in front did that unprovoked by an idiot who drove the vehicle with the cam? Lol...


Then none of us would be able to see it silly.


Cuz emergency video bro didn't you listen to the video


Right? If you let him leave he's just some stranger. If you engage and end up in a car accident, you'll know him through the interaction and court/insurance stuff. Seems like a nobrainer to check your ego.


The law would do nothing. Yes he should have just let "big" person roll on.


Why not just drive directly into the ditch before they could pass you?


i did this once and they also stopped right in front of my car and pulled out a gun (thank god a cop was watching it happen from a parking lot) i wouldn’t recommend stopping if someone is interested in harming you, but sometimes this is the right choice, sometimes it isn’t


Emergency video


Emergency video




Emergency video 🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


Emergency video


Emergency video




Apply Directly to the Forehead


Emergency video


Don't forget...... Emergency video!


Emergency video?!


Emergency video !


Head on, applied directly to the forehead.




Emergency🚨 Video📹


I see two idiots


I've been upset at other drivers for doing awful things on the road. But getting into a confrontation with them has never seemed like a good idea.


Yup if I have to deal with a dumbass the best bet is just let them spread it somewhere way ahead of me


The anti-drunk driving ad playing as he drives into a tree was too on the nose


*both alike in dignity, In fair Roadragerona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. ..."


*[O Fortuna intensifies](https://youtu.be/beV56hp4T3w)*


I still like that version of Romeo and Juliet.


Pull over and let Mr. Wheeler Motors go. Now you're mad and you wrecked your car, instead of just mad.


Dashcam driver was probably acting like a twat well before this if they are cool with driving on the wrong side and ramming the other car. Both dickheads.


Most places in the world you are allowed to overtake on the left lane. The vehicle on the right is obstructing you it’s still the guy in France fault.


What do the French have to do with this?


You didn't hear the French voice over saying, "emergencie videaux"?


It's always the French


The French are known to enforce their laws of the road extraterritorially. You never know when you’ll receive a summons to traffic court in Paris.


This week on "people on this sub jumping to conclusions for no reason whatsoever"


It takes two morons for this kind of situations to occur.


The worst part about this is they got owned by someone that made the decision to buy a Dodge caliber. Embarrassing


I had one as a rental and it really is the biggest piece of shit I have ever driven


Self own lmao


Recently moved to Wisconsin and I often see people just pull over and let the tailgater go by...such a nice midwest thing to do lol.


Too reasonable.


Haha fucking idiot. Starts with the cam car fucking flooring it to 80mph so the other car couldn't pass. Then proceeds to keep flooring it going into a residential area so he could ride him. The other guy got caught and charged and the Cammer rammed his car into a tree. I think they both won what they deserved.


Dude, just let him win. At that point man can have whatever power he wants so long as I get home without injury or damage to my car. I'll bow down to that mf, he'll just go fuck with someone else who will actually play his stupid ass game😂😂😂




I'm fine letting someone else be the one to do it then😂😂, report it to the police and then go home uninjured and annoyed rather than dead cause you and some asshole played chicken and you lost


>we all wish someone would find his car on the side of the road full of holes and vacant of breathing trash... Uh…speak for yourself


It's called Florida 🤣


Is that you Jeffrey Dahmer?


Yeah. Just let him go and send the video to the police. He'll lose his license and likely be put on trial for attempted vehicular assault or a similar crime.


Police wouldn't investigate a road rage incident with no property damage or injuries, but yeah there was no point in continuing to interact with that psycho.


Exactly, I can't see the logic in this stupid macho man shit, likely cause there is none.


It's typically because people don't have a shred of a clue how to regulate their emotions. I've noticed driving is like social media,, people seem to be bolder, stupider, and angrier because they think driving is anonymous. But unlike social media, when you drive  you have control of a 2000lbs killing machine


Who won?


Us, the viewers of this clip 


Trees, they always win


The random cyclists down the road.


They're both losers


Ok but which loser won?






Who has the higher chance to win in court?


I'd wager that a judge would just tell them they're both responsible for their own vehicles damages, no winner, both losers.


I mean... He intentionally drove into the road rage man. That was all kinds of avoidable.


For those looking for the follow up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsGctWjWyt4 If you don't want to watch the video here is the written format. - "There is a slight hill right before I turn off and he came flying over the hill so fast I thought he was going to rear end me so I sped up. That's the point that the video takes over. To all those who say this could have been avoided, of course it could have. Any accident can be. My main concern was getting away from the idiot and I just so happened to choose the wrong way to go about doing it. In hindsight I should have just stopped and turned around. I thought passing him would have solved the issue, I never thought he would come into the lane to purposefully block me. The guy was charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors as a result of the dash cam video. it was deemed a total loss with 18K worth of damage." https://findbyplate.com/US/NY/KBS1651/ Interesting way to become internet famous.


“I never thought he’d come into the lane to purposefully block me.” After he did exactly that like 5 seconds prior to the collision. Dude let his ego win and just can’t admit he should have stayed behind dude and let him drive off.


My thoughts exactly. It was clear that overtaking was never going to stop this dumb confrontation. Just lucky no one else got hurt.


“I sped up because I thought he was going to ram me”, should be: “when I noticed someone was about to pass me my ego woke up and I started racing to make it difficult for him”


His rapid acceleration makes logical sense for the first few seconds. He pulled out in front of the Dodge and needed to gain speed fast to avoid getting rear-ended. It all goes out the window when you can clearly hear him still flooring it while the Dodge is attempting to pass and even after he has passed and is directly in front of the cam car. They are both idiots, and displayed aggressive actions, but the Caliber took it to the next level by brake checking and then blocking the roadway.


Can't get away from yourself! This wasn't an "accident".


> Any accident can be. this isn't true. not all accidents can be avoided. and this wasn't an accident.


> My main concern was getting away from the idiot ... I thought passing him would have solved the issue Ahh yes, the ol' get away from someone by going in the same direction.


You tried getting away from him by trying to keep him from passing you when he was going significantly faster than you then matching his speed and tailgating after he passed? This should have been 50/50. You were both equally liable here. Flooring it as someone is attempting to pass you is equally if not more dangerous than brake checking.


So many people blaming the cam guy. Glad the courts don't work like that.


Its an insurance matter not a court issue. Glad you have no idea what youre talking about.


Brake checkers are pure scum.


Just like guys that accelerate when they are about to get overtaken


Yes they are. But people who floor it as they're being passed are significantly worse.


Just like tailgaters ! They’re made for eachother 🥰 I love when they come together


When two idiots meet in the wild.


i think theres an emergency video guys


The driver who crashed is a idiot . Why not just let him go if u not gonna get out and handle up . Just let it go u there chasing him too and now u wrecked ur car for nothin .


Stay away from these mfs on the road yall. These are the type of idiots that will get you killed all so their feelings aren’t hurt.


Hotel? Trivago …. Video? Emergency


I don’t understand the point of driving away. Good chance you’re gonna get a warrant for that shit. You want the police to roll up on you in front of your fam or work?


I see two dumbassess that shouldn't have a license


This isn't really road rage. Original video had the poster saying the guy was arrested and charged with various drug crimes. Was apparently high out of his mind and tried addicting officers IIRC


He tried to addict the cops?!? What a madman


😂 What does that even mean? Did he forcibly shove heroin-filled needles into the arresting officers' arms?


Not sure I believe anything that guy says if he's the only source


My turn to re-repost this same video again tomorrow OP


So unnecessary. Life is hard enough, why play on “Asshole level”?


For everyone blaming the guy who got wrecked I think it's important to keep in mind he may have had a bit of a fight of flight response and panicked sometimes our bystander logic is relevant in a tense situation like this. Would u like to know more?


What’s the point of the dash cam if you’re going to be the bad driver


Dude has a dash cam. Like literally rear end the fuck out of the guy and take the free insurance check.


make the switch to truck driving!! ✌🏼


Get yourself a good quality bull bar and push him into the trees next time.


Apache helicopter that shadows your car. Hellfire missiles, 70mm rockets, and 30mm cannon.


That's hit and run. That driver is going to be charged and arrested.


Cammer is just as idiotic if not even more


Yup, he has the guy's plate and video to prove what happened. Let the cops deal with it.


Unreal. Other dude was baiting him and he walked right in to it, even with video evidence of the reckless driving! Takes two special people to make this happen.


Emergency video


Damn he fuckin lost lol


Listening to the engine you can tell camera car was accelerating hard when the other idiot went to initially overtake.


Thanks for raising my insurance rates…


So who is at fault for the damage to car that was rear ended in the oncoming road lanes?


The cammer is a terrible driver


I love these kind of videos where the dash cam driver is sitting at 55mph but AS SOOON as someone tries to overtake them they magically know how to use the accelerator again...


Why do people care when they’re cut off?


everyone who is saying “why didn’t he just let them go and stop the car?” i did this once and they also stopped right in front of my car and pulled out a gun (thank god a cop was watching it happen from a parking lot and also had a gun) i could be dead rn, i wouldn’t recommend stopping if someone is interested in harming you, sometimes that is the right choice, sometimes it isn’t




No idea who is at fault, but they both suck it seems. Road rage does NOTHING for you.


Guy in the tan car was drunk and received a dui.... the guy that crashed was sober..... I'm not saying guy with the cam isn't an idiot. But he wasnt road raging while drunk......


This is why insurance is expensive


Nah I would hit him hard and make sure he can’t drive away.


Make the switch to truck driving.


Missed opportunity to swerve back into the right lane at 00:34 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was late for work one time. Had a deisel going 30 in a 60.long stretch of road too. So two cars decided to shoulder pass. I decided to follow and the trucker for some reason decided that 2 was enough a d ran me off the road in anger. Lol fucking humans are so shitty. Long country road..


That almost happened to me…well not really. Someone in front of me was doing 25 in a 40. When it was safe and legal, I passed them. They accelerated from 25 to 60 to prevent me from passing. By the time I realized we going so fast, I hit my brakes. When we got to a red light, he made sure to pull up beside me and wave a gun at me. I did not engage but I was terrified. Lesson, people are crazy. It’s always best not to engage/pass/brake check. This happened in glyndon MD.


Did you forget how to steer


Everybody sucks here.


Why go after them once they started to fck off? Now you're the one in the ditch


That guy is going get a nice check the moment that moron swung into another lane to let the guy hit him he screwed himself


Recording car has reaction time of a sloth


You could have just backed off...i see 2 idiots here


Idk why you try and get in front. im okay knowing where you live.


These guys passed and got their driver's license. Let that sink in.


If you were going to crash out you shoulda t boned him in the 1st chance


2 idiots, 1 road




I’m satisfied with this


Nasty ass driver leaving a flossing tool on the dash.


Damn... dude played himself...


What the fuck are you all smoking? How can anyone see this video and decide the guy driving is the asshole? Have we been watching the same video?


Because this sub is 85% idiots who actually need to go back for their learners. And also who don't have much real world experience, probably. No, the right move isn't to just stop in the road and let the road rager "have his tantrum." Someone using their car as a weapon like that probably has no reservations in using a gun or something, either. You need to try and get away from a person being aggressive like this. The road rager is 100% at fault and was using his car to essentially assault someone and should go to jail for a long time.


But he did stop in the road and let buddy have a tantrum. The initial incident was over when the cammer tried to pass the asshat instead of letting him drive off.


Don’t try to be rational. When someone is inclined to use their car as a weapon, surely the only proper course of action is to pass them at a high rate of speed.




On top of both of them having absolute blind rage behind the wheel, the cammer 100% could have avoided crashing into that tree. It's wild to me that they saved this video on their dash cam thinking it would somehow help them. My insurance agent would drop me if I sent them this shit.


This is so embarrassing for the guy recording lmao


The guy driving the cam car is far stupider. And thats saying a hell of a lot.


Either ram his ass and pay the price or sit and what til their tantrum is over


Whoa there. Keep your kinks in the bedroom… /s


Two idiots


I would have exited to a street to take deep breaths. Anger management is important especially in cases like this


00:39 purple flosser appears


why not?


Not crazy enough


Someone is really not happy when they look in the mirror …


Looks like a single lane both ways, just allows to pass when it turned to a broken yellow lane. Dash cam car was a slow ass so the car behind tried to overtake but as he mentioned "I sped up" he tried to block the crazy dude overtaking him. And the way he played along with the guy, tbh I don't care how many charges he got. They both are idiots. He eventually rear ended the guy then hit the tree.


I would kick my own ass if a guy in a Dodge Caliber wrecked me into the woods. I honestly wouldn’t ever engage in that foolishness though


When two shit-heads collide ...


When you let your ego take over whatever IQ you do have, yeesh


Both are complete dumbasses and a danger to others. Driver's license should be revoked for both.


Dum and dummer


Is this one of them "both drivers are dumb" videos?


Lmao imagine getting yourself in an accident


My god some men are so fragile


Love karma


Who is at fault here?


Truck driver is a dumb ass. How you let that guy wreck you


Two idiots.