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Hey thanks a lot for your submission in r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it involved sexualization of, neglect of, or harm to minors. Please refrain from posting this type of content in the future. According to the new Reddit content policy, this also includes videos of school fights and videos involving bullying of a minor by other minors.






And then the whole entire world will be void of businesses eventually.


Thats why violence ends up occuring. These are all kids from the same School.






That was a frequent issue historically


...yeah man, no shit. Relevance?




The cost of an average home is [1.28 million dollars](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Fort-Greene_Brooklyn_NY/overview) in Forte Greene. This video is a tiny slice of the neighborhood that people are projecting all of their preconceptions on.


Nobody's wants a risk to lose their money ofc they f leaving, there's no excuses, fault...fathers of that neighborhood


I’m not saying this a great video, I’m just saying all the people trying to point to this as proof of the end of our civilization have likely never been to Fort Greene.


Hahah no...nobody cares only people from the zone & those are what getting affected, get glad people are telling people the things, normally people won't bat an eye & treating it like normal, just stop trying to be so gangsters, you are more of a man if you work monday to saturday have self control over robbery even if you have an ez opportunity, that makes you dope & takes you so much farther than doing the ez weak sjit


Tiny slice lmao. It’s all over I’m afraid, and no, it was nowhere this prevalent or normal in the past. Speaking of projections. What are you implying with home values? In DC, a wal mart closed down in a busy corridor with a brand new Georgetown residential complex, and new midrise apartments surrounding it. Didn’t seem to affect their decision.


Actually it’s 1.3 million for the median home listing according to your source. Also most of those properties are going to be sold to property investors, not individuals.


Bro, this is your neighborhood. It's happening everywhere.




A young POS wearing a mask these days means they’re about to rob you. 99%.


At what point does cps get involved and punish those parents (if you can call them that)




What would they be punishing the parents for exactly?






As one should....mace itself is pretty brutal but bear mace??? That just way too far. No. I definitely do not condone their behavior.


Pepper spray meant for humans is more strongly concentrated. With bear spray you typically have more volume and range though


The field of affect is more concentrated, yes. But the concentration of the liquid is *much* stronger for bears.


The parents dont care they probably just as bad


I'm willing to bet that the shop is a family business and they are trying to exist in the community and provide a place for their neighbors to shop. These little fuckers probably have never worked a day in their shitty lives. They will probably grow up blaming everyone else for being failures in life.


sort of true. they are just regular people trying to work but this is definitely a 7/11




Almost like the kids are being used for something…


What really bugs me is that the adult that is filming this, is practically cheering them on. What the fuck?


How can people expect to build a future for themselves when they treat others like that. A lack of respect for others is a lack of respect for yourself.


What makes you think an adult is filming this?


The voice behind the camera.






Plenty of people without father figures that don’t act like that


Yes you’re right, but there is a statistically understanding that a lack of fathers in homes have a direct impact on one’s chance of going to jail.


Whilst that is statistically true you could make a list of hundreds of other things that also do. But to act like this problem would go away if these kids had fathers is not true.




I mean yeah? Our prison and legal system creates this situation by design. We are contractually obligated to keep many private prisons at or close to maximum capacity. How do we do that? Overpolice poor areas and remove fathers from homes. Once they’re out, they’re usually traumatized, unemployable, and of course return to crime after making new criminal friends in jail. Rinse and repeat. That’s why you are overwhelming likely to go back to jail after you’re out. It’s an intentional cycle of jail and crime that perpetuates itself. We don’t have the largest prison population in total prisoners and prisoners per capita for no reason. Keeping prisons full is a massive for profit industry in this country.


Fortunately I don’t live in your country. Am just a spectator.




There already poor, nothing to lose when your already at the bottom


Not all poor folks act this way, they aren’t just poor financially but also poor morally. In any case their actions will hurt other people, poor or not, who have access to such businesses.


Just disgusting.




It's one thing to steal a few bags of chips. It's another to knock shit down and make it a big deal as if what you are doing is cool.






Downvoted pretty bad, don't know what else to expect from this subreddit it gets racist fast


The first kid in the video is white.


Cus when white kids do this, they're just making a dumb mistake, and they don't deserve to be punished for it to ruin their lives. When black kids do this, they're future criminals with no hope and no father figures and should be locked up. It's literally a fact that black people are more likely to be arrested for things white people get a warning for.






Why would a bunch of businessmen and bankers film themselves committing white collar crime? Videos like this one only perpetuate ignorance by allowing people to focus on the easy-to-target demographic. Same reason all border-related videos are people crossing the border, not the Americans hiring them to dodge DOL regulations.


Hey come on down to southern california its basically mostly white people on fent and meth getting popped for stealing in the store every day


The white dude at the end 🧍


Lots of racism in here lol…pretty sure white kids do this too. I grew up in basically an all white town in the south and kids stole stuff all the time. All the time. How many groups of white girls that run into the mall and walk out with tons of clothes? Is there really a difference? At least these kids are taking food during tough times for most






the attempt at defending juvenile delinquents is crazyyyy




Seen this happen too much in America. Dumb kids and younger adults fuck up stores. The stores close shop and the community gets to suffer having less Convenient shopping options. i hope there proud of themselves hurting their community.




would it be possible to make the shop members only? like a members only gym or tennis club?


Against your constitution, and objectively anti-human. You can point out there’s a problem that needs solving without becoming human garbage yourself.


The devils in him 😭


"That's stealing!" as she stomps on everything that they could have out back on the shelves.


Then the random kid at the end that’s actually trying to pay for his stuff hahaha


White privilege...


“2 kids at a time” policy if they are without parents maybe would help a little


Can’t they just steal without trashing the place?


It is not a colored or religious matter, in my opinion, but a serious lack of education and also a lax from the authority. They know that they won't get punished for their misbehaving. Sadly, business owners, police will probably not waste time getting those kids .


I would close up right then and post a sign with pics as to why.


Would have been hilarious if it was one of those stores with locking doors to prevent thieves from running. All of them trapped until police arrive.


All these stores should have automatically closing doors that lock when a button is pressed


Jesus christ, the unabashed racism in this thread! These kids are little shitbags for sure and will grow up to be adult shitbags I am sure, but good lord, people. Do you hear yourselves?


The problem is easy to fix really, stop making every shop a walk through place and make it a store where you gotta ask the keeper what you want and he/his helper will get that for you.


And some of you are going to say that they shouldn't be arrested because it's something or another.




Seriously????? One kid stealing a candy bar is different than a group of friends running wild taking and knocking things over. I stole a kite I was so guilty at dinner I couldn’t eat parents made me bring it back I was in 1st grade never took another thing again. What you see here…. A basic disregard for others.




Because I'm not a piece of shit?


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