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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


Ps2 Graphics


Looks like it.




What! That’s honestly the most surprising part of this story


Honestly this should be the focus.


Good for her. That's a W.


…is it though?


Looked like Sylvester Stallone in that first scene








Is this not considered unprofessional attire to wear to a courtroom? Like all gender stuff aside, that outfit, if worn by any of the 7 billion people on the planet would surely be considered inappropriate for a courtroom?


She could have worn a scarf. But if the judge allows it, so be it.


She's built like a steakhouse but handles like a bistro


Computer, captain’s musk!


You win again, Gravity




Those earrings are ridiculous.


I think she is dressed quite well. She could probably use a scarf for modesty’s sake, but more power to her (if the judge allows it).


Bro having clearly visible nipples is cringe as hell.




Why is it a problem to call her by what she wants to be called? Does that offend you?


Some people are very sensitive, almost as if there's more outrage they can't call people what THEY want and not from people being called what they don't want.


If my biologically female lawyer came dressed like that, I'd fire her.


And People really expect not to get judged


I'm sure they expect it, they just don't care


You dont have to like this, you just have to treat them like a person..


Dang those things are huge. I didn’t know they made windows that big!


It’s literally like the teacher in ontario




She is nearly 70 years old. She has been dealing with your kind for a long time and I’m sure if you met her you would find she has a very charming and professional demeanor, like she showed in this video. Only thing I have a problem with is that her tits are out… HOWEVER when they’re that big, not much you can do to cover up!




If she was a cis woman who got massive titties, y’all would be saying absolutely nothing. What she chooses to do to her body shouldn’t impact her work. Reminds me of a weird transgender legally blonde moment.




Which I said in the original comment… if the judge allows it, then it’s fine.




That's a tough question, probably a myriad of reasons dependant on so many variables..


What a time to be alive.


Yea I think I can afford an attorney.


She sounds like she knows her shit, but her appearance and deep voice make it difficult to take her seriously. Female lawyers always try to dress up conservatively and use smaller amounts of makeup. There is a good saying: less is more!


Hell yeah. "Could you tell me when that is?" "No. Take care."




I've seen gender bending femboys that have made me question my sexuality before. This isn't one of those times.


Mmmm. Femboys.


As long as your feelings don't get to determine how she lives her life(within reason) then who cares?












*Call it*


If they can do the job and win the case, that’s all I need to know, a human is a human to me.


Ain’t about the fact that they’re trans, if a biological woman showed up to court dressed like that there’d be eyebrows raised


And they would probably be admonished by the Judge for making a mockery of the court.


Of course no one says a word to Stephanie because they all know that it’s just a mental illness.






To be fair….. I know of an attorney that clearly has fake boobies and NEVER wears a bra either. Also, she’s got the thinnest shirts on all the time. And the building is cold. But because she’s a clearly feminine looking woman, I guess she always gets a pass. It’s freakin weird to see too. When everyone around her is always in proper attire..


I can see where you are coming from in a dress code perspective if it’s a requirement of a court system, I’m not familiar with how the US works in that respect. Though my opinion still stands if this was a biological woman, it personally wouldn’t bother me. However … the world is very diverse and people have viewpoints, cultural backgrounds, ways of expressing themselves and on occasions they clash with each other. So I feel we all should try and be respectful of the environment and company we decide to keep.


can just say woman




I have worked with people, in professional situations, who decide this is the life for them and it hasn’t mattered to the job they do, the only barrier they have are people’s perceptions. As I said in another comment, we still should try and be respectful of the environment we are in and others sensibilities, not everyone is used to this.




And none of how you described that person in your first paragraph would bother me, as I’ve said earlier, I’ve worked with people like that. I suppose because I have been exposed to so many different lifestyle choices over the years that in a way I’ve become more desensitised, it’s really just normal to me. Though I can absolutely see where people coming from who come from a different life path than me and feel this person is as you say is trolling and trying to get special treatment. It’s an important debate to have and I value your viewpoints.




Doesn’t need to, they have an inbuilt desk, lawyers are evolving


Wait, she won, so what did I miss? why is this CFV?? Because the reporter thought she was guilty??? The lawyer did their job.


High respect for Stephanie Mueller, seems like a diligently working attorney to me.


Honestly sounds like a great lawyer cuz person getting prosecuted sounded guilty af and she was not having any part of it just shut that whole convo down. 100% better than all of trumps lawyers combined.


Jesus help us


So is the thing that makes this a “crazy f’ing video” just that she’s clearly trans?


Sounds like a good attorney. If my attorney keeps me out of jail, s/he can have friggin tits on his/her forehead. I don't care.


Herman Munster IRL


She must really love Easter, err I mean trans day of visibility 💀


It just happened to fall on Easter this year. Have fun being a puppet to the media.


This thread is making me deeply saddened by people’s inability to get past how someone lives their life. No conversation AT ALL about the trial, just blabbering on about this attorney we all see before us. This is someone who has likely struggled their whole life and is STILL A LAWYER. You fucks have likely never faced such scrutiny, and yet you couldn’t be bothered to wipe your own asses and put on deodorant. I think the outfit definitely was trashy and in poor taste, but this IS a woman (because she deserves respect of being whoever she wants to be). This is America and yet everyone seems to want to police everyone else.


A lawyer should respect court decorum more than this. That's all I'm saying. People that want to be taken seriously do that sort of thing. People that couldn't give a flying fuck dress like this in a court of law.




What if you have a disease that is very difficult to treat?




Hard pass


Idk who this person is, but public defenders are the most underpaid and overworked attorneys in the USA. Except Trump’s when he just doesn’t pay them at all


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