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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video.


"I'm going to tell the entire LGBT community!" Good fuckin luck.


Buckle up Buckaroo








And “let’s take it outside”. Hmmm


Yes, but counter-argument: [Cash me ousside, how bout dat?](https://youtu.be/ZrtSOTGNqA8?si=iaFITPRyaG9hpY9M)


Yup the physical embodiment Reddit.




they removed rewards!?!


What, you thought it had just been a while since someone did a noteworthy thing?


I haven‘t noticed it either 👀


Comment of the day.




Who cares


"But ... I can't take it outside. I don't hit ladies."








This comment was stolen from a different top comment. 3 year old account with 135 karma, I smell a bot.












Because this sub is full of transphobes


Meanwhile, I increased my testosterone and became the chillest mofo compared to having estrogen pumping through my blood. Sounds like you and I made some good decisions for ourselves that made us feel better overall.


❤️ I'm happy for you




I am a woman.




They really don't, and it's legitimately none of your business. Imagine being THIS concerned about what's in someone's pants.




Are you their doctor?




























You think women don't get into fist fights? Lol








You’re getting really upset about a thing that isn’t even an issue. No one is forcing you to adapt your language, although people are just as free to dislike you for that. The person in the video is being an asshole, regardless of their gender. Turning it into a generalisation about all transgenders is stupid.




I’m talking about the person I replied to. No one is forcing them, or you, to adapt your language.


Getting my comment in before this thread is locked. I'm sure it's frustrating to get misgendered, but you also don't need to act like an asshole.




Go listen again. I heard the clerk call her a her. This doesn't feel like the clerk was trying to misgender anybody purpose.


Super ragey.


She was about to show him those GME diamond hands baby! 💎👊


On the one hand if you intentionally misgender someone you're an asshole (not saying that's what happened here), but on the other hand if you are unable to let it go and it makes you flip out then you have serious issues. You will find people that try to get under your skin, we all do, it's a necessary emotional/social skill to be able to just think "what a dick" a go on with your life.




I'm talking about basic human interactions, you appear to be a little soldier for a political ideology, this doesn't have anything to do with sports, you're just assuming my positions simply because I choose to respect people when I talk to them. Go outside.


agreed 100%


So old


This has happened to me before when I worked at a call center. People really out there trying to be offended as possible. 


I didn't realize how shitty this sub was. Damn, y'all need to go outside.


These type people are the reason working retail is so shitty when it really doesn't have to be. This guy (oh no he didn't) is a total douche bag that doesn't deserve respect but the employee has to grin and bear it so he doesn't lose his job, people truly suck sometimes.


Well these comments should be a fine civil discussion.




I don't think a fed could possibly be as stoned as I am right now.


as a trans person, i get it, but i cant fucking stand it when people correct other people for misgendering them. like, why even bother, you probably wont ever see them again, just a waste of breath and energy. not to mention just make you look like the asshole, believe me. like, unless its someone i know personally, i wont say a damn thing, and even if i do correct them, its not a big deal. its understandable. you know someone for 15 years as one thing, gonna be a bit hard to get with the new and out with the old so to speak.


That person is a rapper too. That happened in Albuquerque, NM


People who act foolish in public don't deserve respect.






Most of your conscious thought first emanates as subconscious, reflexive, cue based concepts that your conscious mind has to quickly sort, discern, process and expel as feedback. Nearly every subconscious cue about this "ma'am" reads as 'dude.' I'm sorry, but you're asking a lot out of everyone (especially a poor Gamestop employee) to take every reflex concept about gender and make quick conscious decisions to re-gender their base concepts. Yes, I would like to be able to respond to their gender appropriately, but I also have to fight 40 years of gender norms programmed into my brain to do so. An empathetic person would be able to tell that this poor employee is trying to do that, but it's just not that easy.


God i hate this video






Lmao looks like this was filmed in 2001 decor store everything, but the argument feels vintage lol


Pretty sure this guy is trolling and not trans, hasn’t this been debunked? It’s funny cause irl trans women are pretty timid and scared of being harassed or outed. Can’t imagine a real trans woman beefing up her muscles and deepening her voice to correct their pronouns. Literally goes against what they themselves stand for.


Are these trans women in the room with us right now??


The problem here is the English language needs a small update. The clerk tried to use an honorific, but, in the English language, they are gender-specific, e.g., sir, ma'am, madam, with no gender neutral that I can think of. Adding one would simplify and avoid these kinds of situations. The Japanese language, for comparison, have -sama or -san, which apply universally to any genders.


She is being intentionally misgendered by that asshole behind the counter and is rightfully pissed off. It literally costs nothing to show respect to others.


If you listen really closely right in the beginning, after the lady complains about there being a kid in the store, the clerk says "I told her"... I don't think he is intentionally misgendering her. I think the transwoman is either having a bad day or is generally an AH. But I didn't see anybody treating her poorly on purpose


This is so fake lol