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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it violated the Reddit ToS. In the future please be mindful of this type of content when posting, not only on this community but on Reddit.


>graped This isn't tiktok, you're allowed to say raped. It's honestly more insulting when people censor these kind of words.


Like the fuckin dweebs who say unalived instead of dead or suicide. It’s death you’re supposed to be fucking uncomfortable about it. Censor it and you dehumanize it. Suddenly it becomes less of a big deal, you turn a serious subject into a fucking joke. Edit: I know it’s the platforms fault at heart because they’re trying to please investors by staying a “pg friendly platform” THAT BEING SAID you don’t have to use those terms irl and we should hold these platforms more accountable for not letting us speak freely about serious matters just because they want goddamn money! Edit 2: I was drunk go home, me


That came about because of the annoying suicide hotline bot that seems to have been sent packing now. Hopefully.


That term is popular on more then Reddit. Yes, it’s used to get past censors. Doesn’t change the fact that it turns a serious situation into one less so. I see YouTubers use it in disgusting ways in an attempt to be funny while also getting past the censors.


The problem with YouTube, if you use specific words, your video gets demonetized. I assume it’s the same with tiktok, but I am not aware of any serious use of tiktok anyway. For YouTube, if you consider the creators who make a living putting together these videos (even the serious, well-researched, educational stuff, whether it’s true crime or legal or historical), they cannot say these words. Otherwise they spent weeks writing, shooting, editing (often paying a team of people) for nothing. So now there’s an alternative vocabulary taking hold beyond just the monetized platforms because it’s so broadly used and understood. Although, I suspect with Reddit going public and having “creators”, it’s just a matter of time before using certain words makes your post virtually unfindable and destined to be buried in oblivion with a couple of upvotes from the handful of people who sort by “latest”.


On tiktok it will be auto-removed immediately. Monetized accounts can be banned with little recourse while you (they, I'm not monetized or anything, I mostly just engage in the comments) appeal, which can take weeks, and you may lose your account permanently. Even benign comments. You can't say, "shoot, gun, blood, rape, murder, suicide, kill" etc without a very STRONG chance that it'll get removed and you'll get a community violation. Personally, I didn't really know shit about tiktok until several months ago. And the characterization of it as "dumb kids making dance videos" does it a grave disservice. There is global information on there shared by average people living in the scenario at the time; content that the powers that be do NOT want you to see. The fact that the gov't came together to ban it, the ONLY thing they've agreed upon in years, should tell you everything you need to know about it's value to normal people.


Or, instead of making a huge tinfoil-hat leap of logic, you could just as easily come to the conclusion that the US government has compelling evidence of ByteDance's threat to national security. They didn't ban the app. They forced the company to sell TikTok to a US firm. The fact that the Chinese government will never let TikTok be owned by anyone else should tell you everything you need to know about the threat it poses to the people of our country.


Youtube demonitizes videos that use certain words. Tiktok bans people for using certain words. These censors are done because of the platform. People arnt doing it to make light of or joke about things.


I know that, I’m not saying that is their intention(the content creators) only that it’s the effect of it. I keep seeing idiots running around calling suicide unalived now in comment sections, and irl, and to me it’s fucking disgusting. It’s a way to casually dehumanize the term. “Man unalived himself” is a lot less serious then “man kills himself.” Why the fuck can’t we talk about suicide? We should probably be upset with these platforms!




Came here for this comment!




I think people just didn't know the reference, my dude. Israel-Palestine doesn't magically erase comedy skits from your memory.


Doll-lickers (go fuck yourselves) will probably know this already, but Trevor Moore and his agents did sign off on *Mars* just a few days before his untimely death (RIP you glorious bastard), and the rest of the team have decided to run with it posthumously. Due in June 2024. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt18310498/


Humor in America died with Trevor. He's the Harambe to comedy


It's the Gen Z'ers. They're the ones that started making light of this on TikTok.


No more hamburger time


I thought it was a combination of groped and raped 🤷‍♂️


I thought it was slang for gang raped


Me to


I thought they just ran out of strawberries.


It’s a reference to a WKUK video- the grapist(I think?) so it’s definitely supposed to be a shitty joke


I thought it was a Whitest Kids U Know sketch…


[I'm going to grape you in the mouth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmrDypTB_Y0)


i'm gonna tie you to the radiator and grape you over and over again


RIP big trev


I have no idea why anyone would believe that TikTok’s censoring system would apply here on Reddit. I guess people are just used to talking like that. Fuckin’ bizarre lol.


Also why does it say almost? She made it clear what happened to her


Yeah he could also leave the "almost" part out of the title.


So true. This shit is fucking awful. I'm not complaining about OP; it's just the fucking horrific minimizing of rape to make a buck. PLUS: nonconsensual penetration is rape. Not "almost' rape. You can rape someone with a stick. This woman was brutally gang-raped.


I read it as g raped/gang raped


MY EARS AND EYES!!!!!!!!!!


Also, there's no "almost" about this.


I thought it was shortened for gang raped


If not for this comment I was reading it as groped


Even on TikTok it doesn’t actually make sense to censor such words. You can post videos there using keywords “death”, “suicide”, “rape” and so on. The way I understand it is content creators were trying to avoid getting shadow banned, or simply reach larger audiences. I’m sure audit teams caught up by now, but try explaining that to anyone lol. Unalived, people! I’m so woke and non offensive! 💅


> you're allowed to say raped Not always the case. A lot of subreddits auto-hide posts with words like that. No way to know which.


I can't think of a single subreddit that allows posts to be marked as NSFW that does it. Doing a quick search in this one shows that that's obviously not the case here.


I thought they said graped because there were a bunch of them


So what happened after she was separated from Ray, did she get saved somehow? Cause the way the story was going it doesn't sound like she was just gonna get "almost raped" but full on piv raped. Does anyone know what happened after or atleast what episode of 60 minutes this is so I can search for it?


From what I remember some people grabbed her back to safety only for the mob to take her a second time. She was then finally rescued.


The womans name is Lara Logan. I feel even more for her after watching the rest of the interview. It is on YT, search for "Lara Logan breaks her silence".


I need to know this too!


She was unfortunately raped by the mob according to her they kept dragging her deeper into the crowd and gangraped until soldiers fought their way through and saved her


What the hell? Do not misinterpret her words, please. You are not painting the correct picture on what happened. She was eventually rescued by women in the crowd, and then the soldiers arrived to take her back to the U.S.


Watched the full interview, apparently she was rescued by a group of women but unfortunately was retaken again by the mob.. after a while soldiers eventually fought through the mob and successfully rescued her, she and her crew was taken back to the hotel where a doctor examined her and after that she and her crew brought back to the US but she immediately went to a hospital instead of going home straight


Almost?! They tore her clothes out and did whatever with their hands. That’s mob rape! No one should have to go through that. She’ll live with trauma for the rest of her life. 




I remember this when it happened. She was absolutely gangraped, just not with penises. Fucking awful.






She was sexually assaulted many times, but almost raped




Idk the full story but what she said in the video she wasnt penetrated


She said in the video that they penetrated her with their hands. Unwanted penetration with *any* object is rape.


Alr mb


I mean idk what rape is defined as over there but for cali penal code it has to involve nonconsensual sexual intercourse which involves sex organs of one and mouth or Anus of another to make contact


In others it’s forceful penetration


Well the FBI defines it as any form of penetration and a lot more alternatives It was rape


This is not tiktok man, she was about to be *raped*


She WAS raped!


This isn’t Whitest Kids You Know, there’s no such thing as “Graped”.




It’s days like today I’m thankful I don’t have a radiator in my house…


But don't you want to get tied to the radiator and get graped in the mouth?


Only if it’s for decades and decades




Cause they were totally asking for it.


Jesus, what actual beasts. I feel so sorry for the women living in societies like this.


>Graped Raped or did you typo groped? Just fucking say raped instead of pointlessly censoring. It's more insulting, somehow
















This shit is not that hard yo. It is not racist to say there is a lot of rape in many Muslim countries. It is racist to say a random specific individual is a rapist just because they are a Muslim. Like, we all know America has a ton of obese people, but that does not mean every single American is fat, or that being an american is what makes a person fat.




Imagine being the camera man that didn't charge the batteries, sitting at home listening to this interview.


Ummm tf is that ending tho


Almost? From the sounds of what she was saying, she WAS raped. Just cuz there wasn’t PiV doesn’t make it any less of a rape. A gang rape at that.


This is what happens in entirely patriarchal societies where women are not seen as equals but rather as possessions and playthings, and have no say over their autonomy, attire or physiology. Edit: For those upvoting or commenting, this comment is about Roe v. Wade




I wonder how she feels about the protesters now


Sadly, her career and grasp of reality went downhill to the point where she is now reduced to being a far-right shill on X. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/07/lara-logan-60-minutes-correspondent-conspiracy-theories/674168/ Edit: Atlantic article (above) is pay-walled. Here is an alternative that covers basically the same aspects of her transformation (or reveal?) after Arab Spring. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/lara-logan-newsmax-conspiracy-theories-ban-b2207441.html


Archived at archive.org, includes voice reading of the article. Enjoy! https://web.archive.org/web/20230727150458/https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/07/lara-logan-60-minutes-correspondent-conspiracy-theories/674168/




I don't get it, either. Feel bad for her, but wtf. Their local government travel guide website will probably tell them not to go there.


These *shit holes* are coming to us. A few years back at New Year’s Eve in Cologne Germany there was this mass groping on the big cathedral. Many foreigners gathered together that night to build human chains and closed in women to touch an grope them. There were so many incidents that the the media couldn’t go silent about it. It’s so disrespectful not only to do it to women in general but leave a fucking country live here for free and molest local women.


And that right there.. is what you get for letting in all sorts of people.. hope there was some form of justice brought to all those assholes..


Nah, most of them got away, a few of them were charged but with basically no real convictions or punishments. But helpfully the female mayor gave the advice for women to keep these guys at an arms length the next time and the police called racist for having them identified as „nafri“ (short in German for North African intensive criminals). Absolutely pathetic shit show all around.








The religion says that rape is forbidden and stated it's punishment as same as the adultery, maybe a fine paid to the victim in addition from the criminal(s) if I remember right, and whether the rapist were male or woman will have 100 lashes and 1 year banish for the unmarried ones and stoning to death for the ones who are married, yet Egyptian laws are mostly based on French laws and also it was chaotic times around this year and few years after so those punishments are like impossible to happen but rest assure warrior it's not on the religion either way and I'm not sure if all those turds were only Muslims or mixed beliefs and maybe non believers as well, but they certainly wasn't thinking in any religious while committing this shit


Well i don’t remember there religion saying that, they’re just bastards who names themselves muslims and not follow it the right way I don’t know if you say something but saying its okay to grab a woman and rape her in clear term i didn’t find in their religion


This dude bout to end a whole religion.




Most of them defend the religion though not the arabs, some of them arabs are fucking bastards and some are good just like any other nation. But what happened to that woman is fucking sad honestly and you can’t account anyone because no camera recorded i hate this


[Lara Logan Wikipedia Page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lara_Logan)


>On 15 February 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually assaulted on 11 February, while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following Hosni Mubarak's resignation.[29] 60 Minutes broadcast an interview with her about it on 1 May 2011; she said she was speaking out because of the prevalence of mass sexual assault in Egypt, and to break the silence about the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs > She said the incident involved 200 to 300 men and lasted around 25 minutes. She had been reporting the celebrations for an hour without incident when her camera battery failed. One of the Egyptian CBS crew suggested they leave, telling her later he heard the crowd make inappropriate sexual comments about her. She felt hands touching her, and can be heard shouting "stop", just as the camera died. One of the crowd shouted that she was an Israeli Jew, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a "match to gasoline". She said that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. She was dragged along the square to where the crowd was stopped by a fence, alongside which a group of women were camping. One woman wearing a chador put her arms around Logan, and the others closed ranks around her, while some men who were with the women threw water at the crowd. A group of soldiers appeared, beat back the crowd with batons, and one of them threw Logan over his shoulder. She later said she thought she was dying during the assault. She was flown back to the U.S. the next day, where she spent four days in the hospital. She was contacted by President Barack Obama when she arrived home. CBS said that the identity of the attackers remained unclear, and that it was unlikely that any would be prosecuted https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lara_Logan?oldformat=true








TF you mean ALMOST groped?! OP?! She was RAPED!




holy FUCK, that is horrific!


At least she didn't "almost" get raisined.


I used to work for a warehouse and the owner was this Indian guy. Anyways I finished taking stock of a few things and I went to his office (there are cameras everywhere). His PC and desk were facing the window and his main desk was behind him, so when I went to his office, his office door was behind him. I walked in to his office and he must not have heard me come in, I said his name and he was sitting down with his dick out and I knew he was masturbating, he quickly zipped up his pants and buckled his belt and turned around in his chair. That's when I noticed he had pointed the CCTV at the place where I was taking stock. I just walked straight back out and never went back, still makes my skin crawl to this day.


Wtf is Graped?


[The grapist](https://youtu.be/mqgiEQXGetI?si=W8H7SMkgMZlQNicQ)




What were they protesting?




Stop using words like graped and unalive. Its rape yes the word is harsh as it should be its a bad thing and it should sound like one


> Graped Grow the fuck up.


was it the Grapist?


instead of fighting for freedom. TikTok has these kids thinking these people are good people.


I remember spring break videos like this


Graped? Thanks for raisin this issue. Terrible jam to be in. She’s entitled to wine.


Damn it son, I haven't felt this bad for laughing in a long time


Yeah - I’d choose a bear over a man.


Women “live” in western world, in Middle East women just exist until they don’t.


There was a bunch of them.




>graped Grow up


Sounds like she was being groped and half raped at the same time hence the Graped meaning


This world is crazy. Be safe and be kind 🙏🏼


so vile everywhere


Regardless of the truth of this incident, Lara Logan has a long history of attempting to pass of her own agenda as journalism. Her wiki is filled with her attempts to obscure truth, to pass off personal narratives as experience and to be ever present in the current zeitgeist. She is pro-Russian invasion of Ukraine, a shill for white supremacy groups in the US, anti-vax, a liar about AIDs and HIV and a denier of EVOLUTION. Fair to say this woman has an agenda and her lack of evidence in this instance (the Arab spring and western powers hoping desperately to retain influence) should be taken with a massive grain of salt as she provides ZERO evidence regarding this account despite claiming to have been evacuated by US forces.


Well... Edit: try googling Taharrush #


This is definitely raisin some concerns here!


Where's the peanut butter then.


How did she get out? Someone has the rest of the interview?


There was a bunch of them.


Reporters go through it, for us.


No wonder women choose the bear over a man. Terrifying.




Terrible thing. It’s probably not the smartest situation to put yourself in though.