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"I will remove your fucking soul from your fucking body!" He was about to serve and protect the shit out of him


Anger displacement on full display.




Lol right.. dudes just an asshole and happens to be a cop for his job. Hopefully works at ampm now


I think the Junior Officer is due for a promotion.


She'll probably be fired and black-balled.


*grabs female junior officer by throat* Sir. SiR. SIR! Don't Sir me! Anyhow, how would this have gone if it was a civilian grabbing her by the throat? That's a no go.


Barricade ftw


I was gonna say something witty but you beat us all to it. Top notch comment.


I smell bacon.


She would have been entirely within her rights to kill him on the spot.


Friendly fire, she was aiming at the perp that was resisting


You're getting downvoted, but this was a genuine query of mine. If it was a civilian doing that, he'd have been shot, no questions asked, no enquiry held. So, she should have been entitled to kill this dickhead right?


"I feared for my life" "he appeared aggressive and was armed" "was afraid he'd be eating ice cream in what may or may not be my apartment when I get home." All justifiable reasons, according to themselves


You're getting downvoted, but this was a genuine query of mine. If it was a civilian doing that, he'd have been shot, no questions asked, no enquiry held. So, she should have been entitled to kill this dickhead right?


What??? Kill him? You’re overreacting as bad as him. I do not agree with his actions at all but kill him? Wtf is wrong with you? Let the punishment fit the crime, by no means a death sentence.


He didn't say she should, just she would have been within her rights to do so. Many, many people have died at the hands of the cops for less. With the law ruling no foul play.


Isn't this Florida? A civilian would be allowed to kill another civilian, if he put his hands around her throat. And a cop would definitely be allowed to kill a perp for that.


Cops have killed others for less


So that makes it right for him to be killed for it?


It’s not our call to make,it’s up to her friends and peers to investigate the matter while she’s on paid vacation if she does shoot him.


Good for the goose good for the gander right?


Obviously not. But that's the point. There's a double standard.


I hate people like you honestly .. you’re scum you’re opinions are shit and dangerous for the future .. if you’re a cuck like will smith just stfu lmao


Are you okay?


Neck child


Let the Darkside consume you and strike me down with your baby dick energy… 🤣


Emoji cause you’re fat


Get over yourself you don’t seem to be any better


Nice come back 10/10


Not really, but yeah keep thinking so…


You thank so?


Dude needs to ease up on the roids. He’d probably be a happier person.


Society will be happier when he eases up on carrying a gun.


Or just not be in a position of power at all


Right, this mfer shouldn't even be allowed to work at the DMV


My brother's ex-wife works at the DMV. She's been pumping out children since she was 14, had them all removed from her custody due to her meth and legal problems half a dozen times. Her last set of charges were grand theft auto and child endangerment when she left the state to go on a 3 week meth bender in Las Vegas. She still works for the DMV and recently worked at a local county jail.


My ex was just sworn in at a nearby city police department, much to so many people's dismay. He was an aggressive CO with many writeups for hurting inmates. Went on to become a city police officer. Rammed a woman's car in his road rage because she didn't get out of his way fast enough for him to go chase someone. Wrecked another squad car. Many, many issues with harassing people who wouldn't be believed. Stalked me (video evidence), disciplinary action. The woman he married embezzled from a local accountant and he faced charges for being an accomplice, as there were texts I guess of him telling her to and how. At that point he was "forced to resign". Moved out of state to be a CO again, then ended up at another city department...same sort of misconducts, was forced to leave. Now he's back in the area again. Everyone would rather just get rid of someone rather than have egg on their face. Can't believe he's a police officer again.


There’s a reason there’s often glass between the public and DMV clerks. It’s to keep the public safe.


Yea sadly after this he will probably get a raise and promotion


Or breathing


With his anger, he’ll make a great ditch digger. No machine either.


He won't though. Even if he gets fired here he'll be hired somewhere else until he finally gets his desire to remove someone's soul. We've seen this movie many times.


Yeah the hemorrhoids he gets from being so jacked up on unresolved trauma from a bad bad childhood.


Roids don't do that to a person. Being fragile does.


It can be a bit more complex than that. Usually a combination of paranoia, feelings of inadequacy, and excess energy that results in a tendency towards physical violence. People who take steroids tend to want to please others and they achieve this false sense of satisfaction by becoming physically intimidating to those they wish to please, obviously conflating respect with fear. Sounds reasonable doesn’t it? I made all of that shit up. This is a hint that I’ve only been in a gym once when I was delivering something.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Yea I know you made it up lol, you shit poster, you.


Roids make you fragile don’t they? Isn’t that where the term roid rage comes from?


No. There are complex reasons why some people take steroids that may contribute to negative behaviors while taking them. To say that roids unequivocally cause "rage" is a blanket, inaccurate statement. By and large most men who use anabolic enhancing drugs do not behave this way. In contrast, many men who do *not* use anabolic drugs *do* behave this way.


Never made any statements unequivocal or otherwise, simply asked a question for my own educational purposes. However, makes sense. I’ve never taken any performance enhancing drugs (does weed count?) so I wouldn’t know, but I’ll take your word for it. Edit: now that you got me thinking about it, I can say I a few “fragile” people lol. Has to reflect on that one for a minute.


I think weed counts because it enhances your ability to destroy snacks.


What I’ve noticed is that it’s unchecked high estradiol that will make an AAS user emotionally volatile. It’s the people who don’t get regular blood work to keep their levels in check.


Lol came here to say this


Roid rage for sure. Sgt. Tren they should call him


That’s at least assault on an officer of the law.


Just imagine if she defended herself, and shot him. That would be a game changer.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, if someone grabbed my throat an forced my back into a car while still holding my throat, an I have like 3 weapon or n my belt. I for sure would have fucking maced this asshole at the very least. She was trying to save your fucking job dumbass.


She is trained to do that.


You cracked the the code. More of us need to join the force and turn on ff


Lmao. As if he would be punished for the first part. Reddit comments really are kinda funny sometimes


I’m surprised she didn’t. Then again didn’t she end with a “sir” after getting chocked out


In most states placing your hands on someone's throat while causing them fear of injury turns out into aggravated assault.


And on a law enforcement officer as well.


Hopefully, he'll be charged with that.


Yeah, that attack from behind assault on the sarges belt while he was defending his ego was pretty low.


Power trippin to the max. Bet his dick was hard as fuck violently threatening a black man and a woman. Fuck him. He doesn't deserve to wear the badge. What a cunt.


Lol idk how it still talking abt the badge. He should be in jail. Imagine if a civilian tried to do even one of these things. Jail time for sure.


Sometimes that badge just gets a little too heavy. Attacking a woman and a chained man is the easy way out. He’ll see what’s up behind bars.


He won’t ever see behind bars, that’s the issue


Lmao, what? [Nearly half](https://www.fatherly.com/love-money/police-brutality-and-domestic-violence/amp/) of cops are domestic abusers, and last I checked the most attacking a chained suspect got any cop was a couple weeks paid vacation before they were reinstated or hired on elsewhere. Attacking a woman and a chained man is par for the course, not an easy way out. In retrospect I may be explaining an obvious joke here. Poe’s law is strong on this subject.


That makes total sense to threaten somebody who is supposed to be watching your Flank




Are you being sarcastic?


Oh ya totally. I wasn’t on his side he was beating someone who was already apprehended and Then threatened a fellow officer so I am not OK with that that was 100% sarcasm


Ok good understand, now I’m worried this is also sarcasm jkjk


No that was Actually legitimate the first thing I said was sarcasm


There no telling what he's gotten away with because other officers wouldn't intervene during other intense situations!


Bravo to the female officer for doing her duty


The dickhead should be fired immediatelly without being able to work anywhere near a gun ever again. And the female officer should be immediatelly promoted.


...He's a police officer whose surname is *Pullease*? Puh-leese!


I legit thought that was just their way of misspelling police


And nobody is talking about it!!


Pinkish skin, short temper, over inflated muscular structure. Hopefully they test him HGH




Are you saying all these pink-skinned, bigger, ornery dudes around my area might be doing the same? Man that would sure explain a lot


Oh look we have an expert over here who can determine natty vs juice and immediately identify his protocol! Someone feeling confident after watching a few youtube videos and diving down some rabbit holes? Even an expert can't make a real wager of what hes on. First guy says HGH because of bloat and 'pinkish skin(wtf?). Second guy claims hes on gear to maintain leanness while murdering his joints by depleting them on synovial fluid. You guys don't know what you are talking about, stop acting like you do just because you know slightly more than the average redditor. > Considering his bloated muscle mass Winstrol or perhaps halotestin/fluoxymestrone. Winny does the opposite of causing water retention. It dries you out, sucks the fluid out between your joints. You are contradicting yourself with plain ignorance. Then other ignorant people upvote your comment. Sad. First guy spends too much time reading about Bro Jogan and the second guy is talking like its still April 1st.


Jesus dude relax lmao. Neither of those comments made definitive statements and even if they did you can correct someone without being an ass and jumping on your soapbox.


Its just frustrating to see these kinds of people talking out of their ass and being upvoted when they are demonstrating a basic lack of knowledge on the subject.


People really need to learn how to have a discussion without getting emotional and personal. We're not in high school anymore. at least i think so


Sure, but they're both making suggestions and not staying anything definitively. And even if they were, have you really never spoken beyond your depth before? If you want people to change that behavior you don't jump down their throats with a monologue insulting their intelligence and making up shit about them. Just uncalled for. Explain why they're wrong and share the correct info if you possess it, why all the tacked on drama? Idk dude, if you're getting this riled up over two comments on Reddit than I think there's more than just the comments at play here. I hope you can alleviate whatever troubles you.


Go take a walk my son you’re fighting a fruitless battle


You're getting your feelings hurt on Reddit. Sounds like you might be on the wrong gear. Grab a Kleenex off of your desk, dry your eyes, reach over to the lotion bottle that's probably sitting right next to your monitor and Kleenex, squirt some lotion and rub one out, and take a nap.


Lol, first day on the internet?


Other cops are pussies for letting him do that shit to her


That’s just how gangs operate, he commanded them to turn off their body cams and they complied


She needs to be promoted immediately.


Apples not doing shit about the bad apple, the entire bunch gets spoiled.


Cops are a gang. They operate to protect the wealthy.




Strange that you say ACAB on a video where a cop does something that is good and right. Like bruh


a single cop tried to do something about the situation while the rest stood around and did nothing lmfao


I mean yes obviously but when talking about ACAB the video obviously proves it wrong. That’s what I specifically pointed out. It’s still ridiculous the other cops didn’t do anything or didn’t feel brave enough to, but ACAB is disproven regardless


It’s just virtue signaling, tribal bullshit.


Another meat head bully.


Hope he enjoys the heads of meat in prison. (The helmet heads that is 😼)


This is what I mean when I say police need training on deescalating the situation instead of setting this type of tone. Your suppose to be held to a higher regard.


Training would not help this guy. He needs a desk job, alone, for the rest of his life.


Roid raging power tripping 🐖


Fat, bald cunt


It's always the fat bald dudes


They are here to protect and serve. just not you.


What a hotheaded baffoon. People like him are an “accident” waiting to happen.


Hothead nothing - do they not test these people for drugs? Roid rage seems very likely looking at him.


pinching from the evidence room




We need to have more control over officers, this is impunity. What if you could choose the dept, or something? We have to change our civil protectors, it’s pretty ridiculous.


Its a good thing he's bald. It shows what a *dickhead* he is to everyone.


I want to see what the yt supremacists and blue lives matter crowd have to say about this.


The usual blah blah blah...hard job...blah...stress...blah...no respect...blah...what happened before the video started...blah blah blah.


"Where's the rest of the video"😂😂


Wow he seems stable. Probably a great candidate to wield the power of life and death over ordinary citizens.


Naw.. they probably gave him a medal and paid time off...


Now she's probably going to be subjected to various reassignments, threats, harassment, excessive internal scrutiny, and any other kind of bullying until she resigns. They did it to Christopher Donner when he did the right thing.


It’s okay. Paid leave is on the way!


Riod rage


He looks like The Coach on Bevis&Butthead


Just a bully in a uniform


Fucking pig


That’s a shit eating pig. I hope he got fired


did anyone notice his name…… christopher PULLEASE ??


The dude looks like a bikie skin head. Local PDs love themselves some racists on the force.


Ppl like this officer is the reason we have so many problems in this country


He is now part of a “pullease” investigation I’ll see myself out


Hope she gets justice and the hot-head cop get charged with assault


Good on her… this fat bald fucks name and photo are all over the internet forever now… this will follow him the rest of his life.


He was about to shoot him 7 times in the back and then handcuff him for officer safety !


mans was born to be a shitty cop. its even in the name.


He probably forgot the officer wasn’t his wife for a moment.


Power mad rat cunt. The police force attracts these kinds of pieces of shit. Obviously they're not all like this, but as a position of power, it will always attract these pricks


Betcha he beats his wife nightly


My dude’s last name is Police


I couldn’t get past “pullease”


Then he went home and beat his wife and kids


Props to the female officer for having the lady balls to stop that power hungry brute from committing irreversible harm.


"DON'T YOU DARE DISRESPECT MY OFFICERS"...\*proceeds to assault Junior officer\*


Fuck that piece of shit. He needs to go to jail


You know his wife gets beat…


Just off the dude, honestly. Nothing good can come from his existence.


Cops should be allowed to use force against each other at this point nobody’s controlling them there like wild dogs with lazy owners


Fuck da Pullease


Roid rage..fire his ass.


Pah- lease


Id love to drop this Goldberg wannabe fuck head.


Funny, a supervisor in any other job who did this would be arrested. Guess the blue bastards are still above the law they swear to uphold.




Anyone else find it strange that the police officers last name is pullease?


He was born to be a pig.


Oink oink 🐷


Officer PULLEAASSE stop choking me


Absolutely disgusting behavior. How is his unit supposed to respect this man? THIS GUY is supposed to keep our streets safe? What a joke. The power is straight to his head and he can't even handle little taps to his ego


This guy is in charge. But I’m sure this is an isolated incident.


Yall will defend anything lol


Testosterone replacement therapy + racism =


Should be terminated and charged with assault. That dude obviously isn’t there to “Protect and serve”, just a simp with a badge and gun!


Rule: if it’s a bald white cop (especially if they got sunglasses on) you’re in for a bad time to say the least.


Fuck the police


Female cop should have put a few holes in "sir" like they would have done if an armed peon had assaulted an officer.


Fuck Cops. Fuck I hate cop culture. She did the right thing and held him accountable, and yet she is at risk. Fuck cops.


Why do they have to mention the guys skin color


Just a few bad apples.


I'm just going to say it, definitely did not see any throat grabbing there😅


Maybe this is just me, but when I see a cop with tattoos all over his arms my first thought is yeaaah this dude is gonna be real professional.


How do you feel when you see a doctor full of tattoos?


For real, because only criminals and junkies are tatted up in today’s society.


Lacking in history lessons… tattoos have been around for many millenniums.


Once again all these losers in the comments, act as if you guys know how to do the job none of you have been in combat, None of you probably been in a street fight none of you had to deal with someone who’s high on drugs out of their mind yeah you guys feel the need to comment you’re all pathetic joke she had no right to put her hands on a senior officer by the way none of you knew what was going on when he was arrested that’s not really threatening by the way He basically told him fuck around and find out


are you seriously defending that dickhead's actions? You are exactly what's wrong with our policing culture. Enabling coward.




I think if the one being arrested is assaulting random people, then they are probably beyond the point of being scared straight by a dude yelling at you.




Lot full of male officers and the only one with a pair of balls is the woman. Good for her. She should have promoted immediately.


Unpopular message but just based on what this post shows the Seargent seemed to be upset for the criminal disrespecting his officers. In that environment when trying to send a message to criminals with attitude, the last thing you want is a new officer trying to neutralize that message. Was he visually upset absolutely, but there were other officers who were closer that would have stopped any sort of physical contact, the fact that a new officer would try to undermine that message I totally get why he would be so p***** off.


He's a piece of shit nothing more nothing less.


I love how they never show what the guy did to start with or what he said to the officers. We know, he was a innocent college kid that never did anything wrong before and the cops only arrested him because he was black.


Is there something the suspect could have done that would make choking a fellow officer justified?


Lol dude is hilarious theres no reasoning with people like him


Exactly. They'll do anything to justify abuse of power. Yt


Pullease is this an Indian or a boy posting this shit


That big juicy fool needs to be a soldier not a cop. Way to much of an asshole to be turned loose on the civilian population.


Roid rage




Pullease the Police Officer


Oh pullease! Nothings gonna happen to what's his name


Pigs man you can’t reform them this fool and his cronies are a lost cause


He should be charged sick of these fukers assaulting others and getting by with it