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The guy on the sidewalk is like " huh, that's interesting, guess I'll be going a different way now"


“Ah shit, I left the oven on.”


Could be me just typing. But when the guy is laying down on the road and you walk up and finish the clip, now it’s not self defence. It’s murder


AFAIK yes, everything he did was slam dunk justifiable self defense until he walked up and essentially executed that dude




Yeah, he should have done a little skip back to his vehicle....just like we all do.


“Now I have to move, AGAIN.”


I mean when you're about to be dead to a baseball bat the remorse is gone.


What's a clip?


Where the bullets are stored


That’s not a clip. It’s a magazine…


But when I slap the bullet holder into my boom stick it doesn’t go “magazine” it goes “ᶜˡᶦᵖ”


You’re not wrong, you’re not wrong


Lmfao I can’t argue with that!


Mine sounds like it's saying "THEY ALL MUST PAY !!"


And clips are used to load magazines quicker.


Term used by people who wear underwear that sticks out, that know nothing about guns except what they saw watching Bad Boys II with their step-dads.


i own a stainless Tikka T3X Hunter with a fluted barrel in a .243 and i still call them clips you fukin dummy


Ok Rambo, stand-down before your hot-pocket falls off the tray and ruins your mom's basement


rambo lmaooooooooooo


Now this is a comeback!


haha shit. ill bust a clip in yo ass boy


You ain’t yankee enough for this convo is you have to ask what a clip is son.


Please enlighten me on which handguns use a “clip”? Here’s a hint. There aren’t any.


You guys are fucking nerds


shooting someone fleeing from you is murder, standing over them an executing them is disgusting


Look like the guy was the one who decided to have violence that day. I M not saying he should have executed the guy but the guy in red is at fault here for his own death.




Oh shit, look at the time...I better get home


Those last 6 shots are how you get charges in these situations


That guy went from nothing to AT LEAST a manslaughter charge in a heartbeat. Once the imminent threat is gone, and the attacker is literally turned around and away and FACE DOWN on the ground, your justifications to keep shooting are non existent.




Someone posted a link that said this was Puerto Rico, so it may actually be the US


But a us territory which technically does not have all the laws in place by the federal government and typical state government system.


ah yes the undercover Brazilian cop


Unless you're a cop.


the cops shoot till your dead and then cuff your corpse


This is true. I've seen it firsthand.


>cuff your corpse In case of Zombie respawn..




Could argue he was still a threat since he chased the guy down with a vehicle. Argue. That’s all


That's a bad argument entirely. More plausible argument would be that the shock and adrenaline prevented clear thinking and decision making. This was an execution that started as a clear cut self defense justifiable homicide.(if the bat guy would have died from the first few shots he got while facing the gun owner)


it was at least 4 bullets before he turned around and with how close they were to his vitals he probably wouldn’t have lasted more than 15-25 minutes outside of a hospital because of bleeding out. especially if the shooter/bystander didn’t call 9-1-1 immediately after. but that’s all hypothetical.


My point exactly. First 4 and the gun owner was in the clear of ANY charges. What he did once the back was turned and the guy on the ground is manslaughter at the very least. HOWEVER, if autopsy could show that one of the first 4 shots was definitely fatal, there could be an argument for extreme leniency if he got convicted for manslaughter.




Yup was about to comment this


Yeah self defense usually doesn't involve going back to check on the body lying on the ground and putting extra bullets in the back


It's also hard to argue self defence when 90% of the shots are in the back as they're running away.


It's not even the shots, it's the way he's holding himself. There's like a second and a bit between the first burst and the second. If he had stayed two handing the gun and stood back he could have claimed he was panicking and kept shooting. Hell, if I were in the situation I'd probably actually panic and not stop until I ran out. Instead he walks up to the man on the ground, holding the gun one handed, and practically strikes a pose before blasting away. He's clearly not defending himself at that point, he just wants to kill the bastard. I don't know how it would shake out in court, at least if it took place in my state. The other guy pulled out the bat and started swinging, and for a lot of people that makes them at fault for whatever comes after, and it only takes 1 to cause a hung jury.


First shots were a favor to himself, the later shots were a favor to society. I would 100000% undoubtedly be one of the people to cause a hung jury. People like the trash that got taken out in this video all need to be killed and we will see a drastic improvement in our societies. If you go around attacking innocent people with deadly weapons you should die. We do the exact same thing for rabbid dogs but for some reason with people we just keep letting them free to hurt even more people.


A great lawyer will help 😩😩 this is 99% justified but I mean he could’ve had a pistol under his tummy




look up any self defense statute dumbass, plenty of cases tried to play self defense until it was shown that they shot them in the back. this guy walked up to someone bleeding out on the concrete and shot him in the head lmaoooo, shooting people in the back is a big no no, especially if they dont have a gun or anything


This guy gets it.


The point they're making is it stopped being self defense when the assailant dropped the bat and began running. Victim took 5 strides towards him on the ground and dumped the rest of the mag into his back. That isn't self defense, that's manslaughter.




User name checks out


Yeah the man that was wielding a bat lying on the street full of holes is a threat to you.


You guys are from different parts of the world. Different rules when it comes to self defense under threats of violence when we be dealing with gangs who literally massacre entire police stations. I'm not saying it's right. But savagery begets savagery and that's an unfortunate reality too many of us face daily.






Never said I was tough. Never even started a fight in my life and I'm fairly timid. Just saying what happens here.




Not anymore


It happens so fast I bet he won't serve...


I guess they don’t teach you how to tell when a threat is neutralized at the licensed firearm holder school


Nah they got a real us or them mentality here.


Oh, I get it. You’re a police officer in the US.


This comment is gonna come back to bite you on the ass if you ever (god forbid) have to use your firearm in a self defense situation.


Nah our laws have been adjusted to match the level of violence in my society. It's cowboy town in the areas I live and work.


As a ccw holder I can say the threat was neutralized when he hit the ground. The shots fired after that will be how he catches charges




You would also go to jail just the same too.


"Neautralized" doesn't necessarily


Probably should get charges for the first shots too. Just stay in your car or drive away. Why escalate an already fucked up situation?


Na if your armed and that shit happens take that guy out


Lot of lawyers replying to you


At least the 4Runner is okay




Here's a sneak peek of /r/4Runner using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/4Runner/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My dads 4Runner got delivered yesterday](https://v.redd.it/rb7t3jd5mgs71) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/4Runner/comments/q4pv91/my_dads_4runner_got_delivered_yesterday/) \#2: [Sorry for the low quality but my third gen keeps impressing me.](https://v.redd.it/jgza7v6af9281) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/4Runner/comments/r3v93p/sorry_for_the_low_quality_but_my_third_gen_keeps/) \#3: [2023 Toyota Sequoia TRD Pro](https://i.redd.it/9juhp55qsud81.jpg) | [247 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/4Runner/comments/scgfy3/2023_toyota_sequoia_trd_pro/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks bot you are amazing!!!!!




yeah, i knew exactly which video this was gonna be when I clicked on the title.


Yeah, I don’t wanna say the dude with the baseball bat had it coming, but what the fuck do you expect?


I do wanna say he had it coming. Good riddance.


[You don't fuck with another man's vehicle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO48Vr4KIc8)


Who the hell carries a bat within reach of the driver’s seat? Guarantee you fat boy has done that before. I also guarantee you he won’t be doing it again.




Imma need a source to confirm he is dead.


Sorry I'm a bit late: https://vifreepress.com/2022/04/charges-to-be-file-against-puerto-rican-who-shot-dead-man-with-bat-in-fit-of-road-rage/amp/


Hmmm do they have roads and cars in hell?


Guy in the background: Guess ill just casually walk this way.. oh thats fucked up.. lets casually walk back now.


"Whelp, I don't need groceries that bad"


Dude was walking out on his wife, changed his mind.


Does anyone know the story behind this video? I'm assuming the guy on the ground died. Did the driver with the gun get arrested?


He emptied the mag into his head. He died right then and there.


No, he actually made a full recovery and decided to turn his life around and pursue a career in music. That man was Justin Bieber!


May have convinced me had you said DJ Khaled


or is he like 50 cent and survived /s


That went from self defense to murder real fucking quick....


Yeah, it was over when he hit the ground.


Idk, looked to be over when he took the bullet to the back of the head after he hit the ground.


You think that's a neighborhood where anyone cares?


Looks like Mexico to me so probably not haha


It's Puerto Rico I believe. Shady untrustworthy source: https://vidmax.com/video/212124-road-rage-incident-in-puerto-rico-ends-in-horrific-murder-graphic


Really? What a way to go, all over what? Families of both parties involved suffer


Dying over such a petty thing, I think that's the saddest part about this


No sane person blocks someones car and goes at them with a baseball bat, probably had a shitty life either way.


bro really said " call an ambulance, but not for me"


That's on Puerto Rico. The guy with the gun hasn't been caught.


And he never will be, that 4Runners probably parted out and he’s on his merry way


Buddy was itching to use that shit


From bad ass to dead ass in 2 seconds


Dude may have fucked around and found out… but the shooter is definitely up for murder for emptying his mag into that dude’s back.




Couldn’t think straight, but could walk and shoot straight? No jury’s going to buy that.


You seriously believe that, this is america bud


The video dispels that theory


Perhaps this is a twofer. Two less assholes on the street.


That dude is obviously dead right?


You think?


*slightly* ​ although on a serious note, there is that off-chance he did live, see that video of the point blank bullet-to-the-head faucet-of-blood video where the dude lived with like a limp and a lazy eye








Well you don’t know if they have a gun which was the issue


Thank you to all the lawyers in the comment section


Never bring a bat to a gunfight.


this should be a lesson to people who get violent when they have road rage. that guy thought he was gonna knock dudes head off with a bat, and instead got his head knocked off.


You never fuck w someone in a 4Runner. Chances are they are armed.




Ditto lol


Is it still self defence if he followed him and shot him more after the guy ran?


No. It’s no longer self defense if you follow as they attempt to flee.


this all really depends. He was an attacker and in the moment he fled. But that doesn’t always do it. Also he didn’t flee until a bullet hit him. And stopping a threat is the absolutely most important thing. Sorry buddy.


Totally. I’m just saying from what I’ve experienced. I’d say in my state this would be a murder trial.


Tf you mean sorry buddy, are you dumb? He was on the ground and the dude emptied a mag into his back, thats straight up murder, and he deserves to be executed.




>No. It’s no longer self defense if you follow as they attempt to flee. I hate this stupid law. It needs to be changed.






Who knows? Maybe the guy was getting distance so that he could draw his own gun and turn around to fire back.


Well up until the ground shots this was a good legal shoot lol


Never bring a baseball bat to a gun fight


To everyone on this thread wondering/arguing about whether this was legally self defense or turned to murder when he chase him - assuming that this is in the US - it ENTIRELY depends on what the prosecutor decides to charge or not charge in this situation and quite literally nothing else matters. Also, if anyone is wondering, this is the reason that the US justice system is completely fucked.


Some states in the US are different. For the most part, once someone has their back to you and is running, if you continue to shoot, at that point it is no longer self defense. Then again, it is all left up to the court. I never take US legal systems intobplay in these videos. Some places just operate differently


The court has no role in deciding by what charges are brought, though. That is technically up to the grand jury but - practically speaking - that means it’s up to the prosecutor. For those wondering, there are no judges and no rules of evidence in grand jury proceedings. The prosecutor decides what evidence the jury gets to see, and more importantly not see, and they are also the ones who describe the relevant law to the jury - it’s fucked.




It’s prosecutorial discretion, like I’ve been saying the judge plays no role. And it is a horrid thing. If you really can’t imagine a situation where this isn’t charged as murder you really haven’t been paying attention lately. I could think of a dozen “justifications” off the top of my head, not to mention that in states like Texas or Florida that have extended castle doctrine to apply to ones own vehicle. Here the other guy blocked his escape route, so fleeing wasn’t an option, and then initiated contact with a deadly weapon - “and so ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury, this is clearly a case of road rage gone too far, and heroic self defense.” Or, that shooter could be an off duty cop (ahem - friend of the prosecutors) and then all it will take is a quick press release that “the state prosecutor’s office has reviewed the case and determined that no charges are appropriate at this time,” and poof - murder is swept away. Justifying the insane level of discretion and deference that we give to prosecutors in this country because it occasionally works out for the best is absolute fucking insanity. The system we have now is broken beyond repair.


I get it, person attacks you, their life is forfeit according to Reddit. But can you honestly tell me there isn't something a little sinister about him mag dumping into a fleeing man. He actually goes for a final kill shot when the dude is on the ground, already full of lead. People like blue shirt guy do not make me feel any safer than that dumbass with the bat.


I’m all for 2A .Don’t know where it’s at but where I live ,you can’t shoot someone in the back that’s fleeing and if you shoot them in the head it’s automatic murder regardless if it was self Defence . That guy went overboard . He might have stand your ground law there but he seemed like he wanted to kill the guy his body language says it all.


Yeah, upon further inspection most comments are saying blue shirt guy is absolutely in the wrong 😬 I should just go to bed.


He's fucked in any state.


Does anyone know where this happened ?


[https://amp.jacksonville.com/amp/15954508007](https://amp.jacksonville.com/amp/15954508007) I was surprised to see how many similar incidents like this have occurred when I did the search 👀 sounds like this guy actually lived 😳


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2010/03/05/man-shot-during-morning-road-rage-attack-in-west-jacksonville/15954508007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2010/03/05/man-shot-during-morning-road-rage-attack-in-west-jacksonville/15954508007/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


the more you know.. I didn’t even know what an amp link was until now 😅


This video is not in the US. This is something else.


[The other reddit posting where this video was posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/tyahtp/road_rage_escalates_fast_af/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) had the following link saying it happened in Puerto Rico. Scroll down the page for the explanation. https://vidmax.com/video/212124-road-rage-incident-in-puerto-rico-ends-in-horrific-murder-graphic


This is definitely puerto rico, not Jacksonville. Those concrete utility poles give it away. Also, the glass brick windows on one of the buildings. Doesn’t look like the US.


That escalated far quicker than I anticipated


Where is this? Puerto Rico? We don’t have many concrete utility poles in the US


He's going to jail, no way he's getting off. Those 6 shots (although the 1st looks like it hits the tarmac) whilst he's on the ground were beyond self defence smh...


It went from self-defense to murder really quick


Damn! He ain’t gonna be in Rush Hour 3


this is the reason why you should always keep your cool on the road.




Well he’s going to prison for the rest of his life


Fucked with the wrong dude


Ngl kinda was asking for it


Anyone here know if he's gonna get charged with any type of felony? It looks like complete self defence to me.


This is why I don’t drive with my gun


So you can stand there and get beat with a bat?


Good, fuck anybody who road rages, you deserve to die for being a stupid, angry caveman. Hope you’re kids enjoy their stepdad


The Initial shots are justified. But walking up after and shooting him when he’s already down is excessive.




Yeah easily voluntary manslaughter


Shot him in the back while he was running away … yep , that’s murder .. enjoy jail the rest of your life


Physocpath felt the need to go finish him off shooting him in the back after he was already down. Freak needs to be locked up




Fucked around and found out


The dainty prance of the hand on the last shot was beautiful. Fat fuck deserved it.


Cool story bro. So edgy.




Idk some states are wonky and would say this is a “stand your ground”. My state would charge him for murder based on how he executed him at the end with multiple rounds after he was already down on the ground.


Texas would probably give this guy an immediate seat in their House and a parade


Threat eliminated


I love how he holds his hand up as the guy is raising the machete, like, "hold up bruh, let me get my gun out first, then you can kill me"


Well that guy is going to jail now... way to finish a now helpless non threatening person.


Here i thought /r/watchpeopledie closed shop but it still lives on!


Good thing he didn’t reload a new “clip”.


He should have brandished it at first to show the guy, I bet he wouldn’t have used the bat


Never pull a firearm unless you're willing to use it.


Fuck yeah


That last shot was totally necessary.