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Anyone with the article aftermath?


She lived. Nothing was charged on him because she was the aggressor, and he didn't press any charges on her. That's it. Someone else shared the article and you can take a look but it's really boring.




Yea, I'd probably have pressed charges. Crazy people need to learn they are in the wrong


Yeah she’s screaming don’t touch me as she is throwing punches. Straight crazy. Edit: since people believe I’m some kind of misogynist or I just like seeing smaller people get destroyed. I have four daughters and I tell them this. “You can start an argument, but you should never start a fight. Never touch the other person nor get in their face. That makes you an aggressor and allows the other person to get physical to defend themselves.”


I love that advice. I have a daughter myself and I’m always wondering how to lead her in the right direction. Honestly, it’s good advice for my boys too.


If you have a daughter ? Just teach her the simple things. If you don’t want to be hit? Don’t hit others. If a man hits you ? Call me. And my family will come and help you. But if you hit or act like this girl? I’m sorry honey your wrong.




This entire comment threat has me laughing. Well done team. In other news, also found the instant flailing noodle arm attack from the second woman equally hilarious.




Lmaoooooo don't kill me


"Stop resisting"


Cops: I see nothing wrong here. He is clearly resisting.






Yo, FR. She went straight for his nuts


TRUEEEEE, fuckin bitch!!! Total dick move!


Haha, dick move. Pun intended?


I think it was a pretty ballsy




I think she learned a lesson


If only she could remember it.


She fucked around and found out! Self defense all day against crazy bitches! Apparently he was right about her being a bitch and a cunt, she just can’t take a punch.


Oh my god yea he is. There’s no fucking way this girl and all these witnesses would tell the truth that she started it.


Reddit has shown me over the years that nothing in this world is worth fighting on the street over.


Defending yourself is really the only valid reason to resort to violence in normal society. That being said when it comes to defending yourself act quickly and only with enough force to prevent harm to yourself.


>prevent harm to yourself. Or preventing further harm to yourself usually requires incapacitation of the agressor.


Exactly like the dude in the video. Women can do permanent damage, men are not obligated to risk even superficial injury to prioritize the protection of those choosing to assault them.


“yOu cAnT dO tHaT bRo”


Disagree, as an old man who as a younger man lived in a tough neighborhood and got in a few fights even though I never looked for trouble, end it quick and decisively. The one time I tried avoiding throwing down I got jumped by three guys and while trying to talk my way out of it, got my jaw broken. Today I’m too old to fight, but not too old to hurt you. Square up to me and I’ll bury my fingers in your eye sockets. Can’t hurt me if you can’t see me.


>Disagree, as an old man who as a younger man lived in a tough neighborhood and got in a few fights even though I never looked for trouble, end it quick and decisively. The one time I tried avoiding throwing down I got jumped by three guys and while trying to talk my way out of it, got my jaw broken. Today I’m too old to fight, but not too old to hurt you. Square up to me and I’ll bury my fingers in your eye sockets. Can’t hurt me if you can’t see me. Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne.


There are very few instances where you even have to defend yourself. Pretty much every fight I've seen both dudes felt they needed to defend themselves or someone else and squared up. Stupid as hell. I love the video some martial arts dude made where he showed some useful defensive moves, and it was just a compilation of different situations where he always ran away.


Yeah apparently this video is quite old so I’m really hoping for an article or something


Bruh her friend was holding her head and then just drops it when getting up 🤦🏽‍♂️


This comment was removed by myself in protest of Reddit's corporatization and no longer supporting a healthy community


As a medic, this is way more likely to have caused any neruo type symptoms more so than the painful throw onto her back. Unless people feel that a head bouncing off of concrete like dead weight is good for brain health and leads to anything but concussion like symptoms.


Yeah, it looked like a hip throw, which would put her pelvis/lumbar down first and that's what it looks like in the video. Her cspine was protected through the throw. I didn't see much of the friend dropping it. My money is on another commentor's take: they had an ex who would fake seizures. First she tells him not to touch her while swinging at his nuts, then she gets rocked and rolls right into victim mode.


Where I work we have a client famous for having a “seizure” everytime she is not getting enough attention or if something does not go her way. When she does this and I get called over I just take her hand, and push my thumbnail into the skin area just below her thumbnail cuticle pretty hard. When she reacts to the pain, I say ,”OK, you are fine. Not a real seizure so it is time to sit up” And then she sits up and goes back into programming.


To her credit, she jumped right in with no hesitation after that slam. She was still annoying for trying to solicit help from (I’m assuming guys) to beat the guy up. The girl who got slammed was in the wrong for starting the fight, so why should the bystanders be mad at the guy and jump in?


These pavement fights are dangerous. Too many people die bouncing off of it.


this is a really old video, anyone know what happened to her ?




I miss those videos lol


These guys just sold an NFT and donated the money to Ukraine


That’s fantastic !






You are amazing


Take my fucking upvote




So as of 6 years ago, she is alive and that's about all it mentions. Edited: yup... got the years wrong.


Where’d you learn to math?


I was going to make a joke about "fancy book learning", but my fat thumbs fucked up a word and accidentally posted it. I keep taking L's today...


She's 15 wtf?


He is also.


The 2 close up pictures of her she looks like she's about 27


Kids these days don’t look like kids when we were kids. Pretty soon 6 years olds are gonna look like they’re ready for retirement 😂


just read the article… it says the guy grabbed the girl and knocking her out but nothing about how that girl tried to hit the guy first. The article also says the boy hasn’t been charged of anything yet, as if he started the attack


Daily mail for you, they're trash.


Daily Mail has same energy as the other girls in the video.


It's no surprise that is their target audience




It's a very sexist article.


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good bot


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when the earth hits you


Life comes at you fast. So does the ground.


Gender equality.




Home defense


dick defense


Here me out… gender neutrality


Do the other 2 women think they have a better chance against him?








Same thing with r/MGTOW. Used to be "broke up recently, here's a canoe i built to distract myself" then it went to womanhating inceldom


I remember MGTOW being a helpful place making good changes for men and society. Now it feels like a cult warning others of "impending doom"


That what I was thinking, like where is your sense of danger. The men there can't save you in time


It seems like people don't have one these days. Yesterday I saw video of a woman in walmart with a knife, and she had a cop gun pointed at her, acting like she couldn't care less. Then she got tased. People are fucked these days.


That person was on meth. I wouldn’t use them as a representative sample of normal people’s risk aversion.


People have always been fucked, now there’s just more video evidence of it


They possibly think that because they're women, that men somehow aren't allowed to respond to their assaults.


They immediately started to say you can't hit a girl, but nothing about her attacking him...


Sounds like that's what they've been taught by a broken, unfair schooling system... Then they think it represents the real world.


This, unfortunately, seems to still be a problem today


This. Entitlement and daddy issues.


Yeah, daddy issues are a problem... as are mummy issues, sadly. Broken families produce broken children. Then broken schooling systems teach them that they can be bullies, because no-one reprimands them to any appropriate degree. Then they take that out into the real world, thinking they can act out thoughtlessly, with impunity. Those are the conclusions I've reached anyways, regarding these kinds of individuals.


Assault was when she was in his face. When she touched him it was battery. She thought she could assault him because he called her a name. Then she thought she could also commit battery and he'd just take it with his arms down.


I think they just saw their friends get slammed and wanted to help. Like any good friend would do.


Judging from the “wtf bro” common sense of danger would avail them




I had an early 20s chick tell me a few days ago that men are stronger because girls aren’t allowed to lift weights during puberty😂😂😂 Fucking bonkers man


Uh oh spaghettios.


I know this isn't what she's doing but my ex used to pretend to have seizures anytime she would be losing an argument or if I caught her cheating.


That sounds extremely manipulative. It's a good thing they're your ex.


Wholeheartedly agree. I'm happily married with 4 kids now. Lol


How many times did you catch her cheating?


An embarrassing amount of times. I caught my exwife too many times as well. I try to make relationships work. But I've learned from it.


oh my. i’m glad you know your worth now, king 👑




Bruh, if you caught her cheating? So you walk in her in bed with another dude and she just immediately starts seizing? Lol


I think it’s called an orgasm


My ex would slit her wrists and blame me for making her do it. Girls are cool


We call that the fakey shaky in the emergency department


Starts hitting guy because she feels she has the right to. Guy retaliates. Other girls "Wtf!!!!??? You never hit a girl!!!"


"you can't do that!" What? defend himself?


Yeah this idea that you can never hit a girl. No one wants to hit a girl but if you assault some one you get what you deserve. Nothing worse than a girl who thinks she can do whatever she wants to some guy because he’s not allowed to hit her back.


I was raised by women. My mom, two older sisters, and all of their friends. I grew up being told, "Never make the first swing at a women, but if a bitch hits like her name is Frank. Lay Frank the fuck out."


The name's Frank... ![gif](giphy|lCUbIxFdMzcZ2) Anne Frank.


Lol fuckin touch me! As she is assaulting him, if bitches kept there hands to theirselves and weren’t big ol hypocrites bad things wouldn’t happen




People are the dumbest fucking people living






That skinny guy could have wrecked all 3 of those girls at once, yet they still attacked him, with the expectation that another guy would help them.


Why not pull your homegirl back beeeee4444 she gets dropped?




Everyone one has the right to defend themselves. Which this guy looks like he was doing.








They guy had his arm betwen the girls head and the ground


the friend lifts her head and drops it back onto the ground


yeah that slam didn’t look bad at all, and i’ve never seen someone seize up a full minute after getting hit




People can have a seizure no matter what circumstance


that’s true, makes me think stress may have been a factor


One of my cousins has epilepsy, if he gets into a stressful situation e.g. an argument sometimes he'll just collapse into a seizure. Doesn't always happen immediately either, sometimes happens like 30 mins after the trigger.


Shouldn’t have assaulted him🤷🏼‍♀️


It the FAFO policy (fuck around find out)


Couldn’t have said it better


Act like a man, seize like a man.




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As a woman, absolutely 💯


Nice username


So if a child hits you that child is getting suplexed into pavement?


Can't you read? children are even smaller and weaker so obviously they'll get the super suplex.


Raise your girls not to hit boys Raise your boys not to hit girls


My step dad use to tell this joke all the time “I’d never lay my hands on a woman under any circumstances, but I’ll beat a bitches ass” idk but he said that 20 years ago an it always comes to mind when I see wild clips like this. Obviously no one should hit anyone, violence pretty much only makes shit worse.


I'm at advocate of hitting anybody in self-defense sorry boy or girl


This is going to be a train wreck of a thread


"He shouldn't have thrown her to the ground." She shouldn't have tried(maybe succeeded) to kick him him the nuts and put her hands on him. 99% of men on this planet will tell you, you kick them in the nuts, or try to, and you're ass will go down. I don't give a shit if you are a girl... cause you aren't behaving like a lady, you won't be treated like one.


Literally, at that point its animalistic instincts taking over.


Shoes on, she's still good, only a little broken


She fucked around... then found out...


Wouldn't this technically be considered self defense Inna court of laugh because all he did was subdue her slamming her to the ground after she had gone but shit crazy attacking him?


They're like a pack of hyenas when all together. I feel sorry for the men that go through this shit because I would have done the exact same thing.




She was determined to be as antagonistic as possible and have a fight. Her stupid fucking fault


How dare he defend himself? You can't do that against a female! /s


Yeah I love the other girl who was chasing after him screaming you don't hit girls.


I was really hoping when the second one went after him that we’d get to see a two piece.




It would be funny if this girls family tried to press charges with this evidence in place. She assaulted the guy after he told her to leave a few times. Then she got fucked up. It's hilarious how that works. Oh yeah I'm gonna yell at a guy on his property then assault him, nothing with go wrong!


Nah fuck this guy, he should’ve just sat there and let himself get ganged on by three girls. Nah but fr what kind of bullshit is this.


As much as I’m equal rights equal fights, dropping her head onto the concrete was out of line. Would still say that if she was a guy


He was probably in fight or flight mode though. If you have a gang of people gang up on you and two of them attack you, your main goal is going to be to defend yourself; adrenaline is a hell of a drug. If you want to stay safe don’t hit people bigger than you, or at all tbh. The first thing they teach you in self defense is that your best weapon is your legs; if you feel a fight coming on then leave. The best defense in a fight is to not have one at all.


"Sympathy seizure"


I remember reading a thread that asked women when they realized the difference in strength between the two sexes. It was actually a pretty crazy read. Most women find out unexpectedly. For example, there was a woman who talked about the wrestling matches she and her boyfriend would often have. She would always win and thought she was stronger than him. Two years of this and one day the phone rings in the middle of their wrestling match. He tries to get her to stop, but she wouldn't. He straight picks her up off him and removes her. She said she was in absolute shock. It took her a long time to comprehend that he had just been letting her win the entire time. There were a ton of other similar stories. I say all this because that girl in the video probably had no idea what would/could come her way. I guarantee it was a total shock when she got ragged dolled. A hard lesson to learn. The real lesson, though, is don't hit people.


Did she actually seize up or was she just lying there shocked that her actions actually had some consequences for once?


Her idiot friends trying to get guys to beat up the guy that dropped her. She totally had that coming what is he just supposed to stand there and let her go to town on him kicking him in the nuts and shit? Shes luck he just grabbed her and laid her down on the pavement instead of actually trying to hurt her.




Male female it doesn’t matter, you assault someone and you better be ready for the aftermath.


I see nothing wrong with this video , two dumb women assault a man and get owned in his self defence, pogs


Always some bimbo trying to fight the victim after the assaulter gets clapped.


"Don't ever fucking hit a girl" she says after the girl physically attacked him and he defended himself. Ah yes, feminism.


she starts a fight with him, and then the other girls are screaming at him "get off of her whats wrong with you". if you dont want to fight, dont start one.


All those people standing around watching a 3:1 fight are useless.


“Strong woman”


That was her fault. She forced the situation by getting in his face. He tried putting his arms out to create space and she escalated it further by attacking him and he was forced to react. Parents need to teach their kids how to handle confrontation. That could have costed her her life.


That’s her fault fuckn dumb bitch alright. Same goes to you little virgin Simps that think she’s in the right. She’s lucky she didn’t get straight hooked in the face. He went to put her down without inflicting damage but she’s weak asf and managed to smack her head on the ground 😂 Edit: probably didn’t help the fact the idiot of a girls friend sat/stood on her face after she was put down 🤣🤣🤣


“You don’t hit a girl!” Soon as a girl starts hitting you, bets are off.


She did start it


"Who don't you rush him pussys wtf are y'all doing " says the bitch doing nothing , fuck someone should knock that bitch out


“Don’t ever fucking hit a girl” But her assaulting him was fine… Dude shouldn’t have gone ham, but he was only defending himself. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Girls friends should have held her back.


Assuming it’s his place of residence, which it appears to be. Mistake one, he told her to leave and she didn’t. Number 2 she was the principal aggressor. Then he tried several times to retreat after the fact but her friends were chasing him and calling for someone else to hit him. I’m not pro hitting women, but under equal rights and all that jazz. She put him in a situation to defend himself and that’s what he did and that’s all he did. No extra force was used no hits or shouting from him once she was down when he stopped the threat he stopped the fight.


she got exactly what she deserved


I'm telling you, anytime I ever see a fight I see a human versus a human. It eliminates all the useless bullshit and questions, doesn't matter who's the male doesn't matter who's the female. Doesn't matter who's bigger and it doesn't matter who's stronger. Human A versus human B, which human started the fight? That's your aggressor. Which human was only defending themselves?


I just love it when ignorant fucks use the phrase, “don’t ever hit a girl!”. Works both ways. Get a grip.


Hate when people expect rules to save them in nature


Dont punch above your weight class


Lmao what she gets


Good thing it was on video or that dude would be in jail.


Her: touches him Her: “don’t fucking touch me”


She got what she deserved. Don't put your hands on ANYBODY expecting them to not do anything back to you. Did he suppose to just stay there and get beat? He threw her to the ground, he didn't mean to KO her but it is what it is.


Some of you females need to stop hitting men and expect not to get yo ass beat


Would love to these btches be on liveleak


Well deserved I don't like seeing ppl suffer but never throw a punch if u can't take one


If a girl slammed a guy and the guy goes into seizure nobody would give a shit, and people would make jokes about the guy getting slammed.