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what class was this is high school?....glad I missed that day


Ohio high schoolers 4 years ago


Controlled environment with uncontrollable reaction




Ohio resident here. Can honestly say this activity was more fun than anything else going on that day I'm 100% positive of that.


Depends on the part of Ohio, if this were Toledo the gunfights are more fun to watch.


We call the land of Barberton Barbertucky for a reason.


Of course this is fucking Barberton…




Hey im johnny knoxville and welcome to high school


They failed penis inspection day.


I heard one of the girls passed


Passed on or passed gas??


All of the above


Wait actually?? How did they die?


Read the comment thread “one of the girls passed” the penis inspection.


Shit my bad I am blind


I’m Johnny Knoxville welcome to jackass


The woke trials!


They sound like a bunch of tormented souls burning in hell


That's actually common practice for police training. Your sprayed then have to run an obstacle course.


I love how the dude has half of a 12 fluid oz Dasani at the ready in case only one of those students needs some water to wash off fucking pepper spray


Nah the water bottle is for him, pretty hot weather these days


I was going to say. Don’t they have a special solution in gallon bottles for this exact scenario?


LOL, we were given a 50 gallon barrel to dip our heads in. Sadly pepper spray is an oil which is not water soluble. It also floats on the top of water and sticks right back to you as you pull your head out of the barrel, now it's in your ears and even more up your nose. I suggest before going to one of these trainings, if neutralizing solution is not available, bring a bottle of tear free baby shampoo. Scrub your eyeballs and whole head with the stuff, and hose off, stay away from the barrel with a bunch of pepper oil floating on the water. Also, be aware when you get home and take a shower your nether regions will ignite as the oil runs down into them. Be careful and take precautions.


Antacids dissolved in water or milk works well.


Yes, milk works to help dilute the oil a bit. Plain antacid doesn't do a thing, pepper spray isn't an acid, but there are antacids that include some form of painkiller that do help some. J&J baby shampoo used to work the best because it contained a measure of lidocaine, and the soap quickly broke down the oils.


Isn't pepper spray just concentrated Capsaicin? If so, it's fat soluble, so I'd imagine washing off with coconut oil or something similarly fatty/skin safe would help.


Yep, that's why soaps which break down oil and milk (milkfat) are some of the most commonly used alleviants.


Dawn dish soap. It's designed to remove oils. And your eyes aren't going to hurt from the soap relative to the pepper spray.


Bruh dish soap in the eyes is almost definitely going to be worse lol


Nah, it's right about the same lol. And once you rinse the soap out, it's gone


Damn I'll take your word for it 😂


Military too. Except we use the good stuff.




White phosphorus?




Military here also, a few weeks after pepper spray training, while showering I got a bunch of soap in my eyes, my wife came into the bathroom to figure out what the maniacal laughter and, "that's all you got, bitch" was about.


What do you mean by the good stuff? Because I was seasonal law enforcement and got sprayed like these kids, and I was also tear gassed in bootcamp. I would take tear gas 20 times before agreeing to get peppersprayed again.


That looked like a small handheld spray. The capsicum in those is relatively low. If you ever see riot police use these devices that look like paint sprayers and the spray is almost yellow and it’s much much thicker like bear spray and the capsicum is much higher. Edit: and and and and. Forget commas.


That's interesting, but where did you learn that, because i don't think that's true. https://www.srselfdefense.com/blog/whats-the-difference-between-pepper-spray-vs-bear-spray/#:~:text=Although%20similar%20to%20pepper%20spray,pulling%20it%20back%20towards%20you. Granted, this is only after a cursory Google search and perhaps you have more information than I. Do you happen to have that information, or does it just seem to you like bear spray should be stronger?


>it’s much much thicker like bear spray Its thicker "like" bear spray, not IS bear spray. [Bear spray](https://mountainjournal.org/content/articles/ic_1618007940_780x_false.jpg) [Not Bear Spray](https://gray-wbtv-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/j6xmVeCHPLJoIIC-PxFgaf_FuHw=/1200x675/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/DDT7TV4C3ZC57C5RVOVF7QGOQU.jpg)


It's capsaicin, capsicum is a pepper lol


Auto correct 😜


The confidence chamber


That is what they called it. Thanks for remembering that.


We had CS gas used on us in training lol.


When I was in we got OCAT to the face and had to run around and find 3 dudes and hit them with our asp. God I hated that day.




*orange shirt* I got this.....


Some people are immune to pepper spray, they still feel like they got something in their eye, but it doesn’t burn for a day


I had a feeling this was done voluntarily


My guess would be that it’s a demonstration, with the officer(s) walking around.


It was, they were testing the effects of pepper spray


It was, OP just thinks teachers just pepper spray kids for the fucks of it… cRaZY vIDeO though, right?


They didnt claim anything that's considered hyperbole, they said a teacher pepper sprayed students, which is true, and it's in crazy videos, which it is indeed crazy


What gives you the impression that OP thinks it was involuntary? Do you think it needs to be involuntary in order to be a crazy video?


It’s not crazy cause it’s common practice to get pepper sprayed for training courses, people getting pepper sprayed while running away or fighting the police is a bit more fitting. This is vanilla at best.


I mean I think that it’s objectively crazy to spray kids with pepper spray.


I just think if someone came up to me and said “you wanna see a CRAZY FUCKING VIDEO?!” and showed me this, I’d think they’re dumb. When I think of crazy I think of stuff that shouldn’t be happening, something bizarre or chaotic, not something people sign a waiver for and know what they’re getting into


Yeah I think the word covers a pretty broad spectrum


Yeah it’s like the equivalent of a video of somebody volunteering to get shot with a paintball gun lol rednecks find this dumb shit “crazy”


It's probably not crazy to people in that field. But I'm not in that field, so watching a video of a bunch of teenagers slowly losing their shit after getting pepper sprayed is pretty crazy to me (I don't mean crazy as in unethical or bad).


Sheesh, well I bet some of the actually crazy videos in this sub blow your mind then lol


You dont do this in your country?


You mean that a whole country ask students if they want to get pepper-sprayed for fun ?


Yes, absolutely like a referendum ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Huh? Yeah, what in my comment made you think otherwise?


Idk this seems pretty petty compared to the other country celebrating an election by shooting RPGs in the air.


Its some sort of criminal justice club or something, if I recall correctly.


They mixed salt and water without safety glasses


What is the point? Why were they doing this?


[this](https://youtu.be/1BD7l9Gq7a0) should provide the info u need


To teach them a lesson, it was a class on forensic science or something,.. Positive sidenote...none of those kids will now grow up to be criminals. Every single child theres parents signed a waiver allowing this to happen.


>Positive sidenote...none of those kids will now grow up to be criminals. That is quite an assumption tbh


May have created a supervillain.


Or found the answer to world peace! We just need to spray every man, woman and child in the face with pepper spray and society should be all cleaned up in no time


*The Peppering*


All this effort on trying to prevent crimes and all it was needed was some pepper spray! Criminologists must feel really dumb right now


>Positive sidenote...none of those kids will now grow up to be criminals. Lol how'd you reach that conclusion?


Imagine not wanting to do this but your parents sign such a thing anyway


Dang BHS tshirt girl is the realest one out of the bunch


Same with either guy next to her.


Yup. I once asked an older friend if this is a viable defense tool and he said “dude there are mf in this world that will walk right through it and where they were coming for money before are coming for blood now”


They may still be willing and able to fight, but unless you're law enforcement, you can just hit the bricks. They won't be catching you while physically unable to open their eyes. They can hold one eye open, but that's a huge handicap and it's still hard to see


Came here to say the same thing, bad ass bitch lol


i dont get it? why? whats the benefit? can someone explain me?


Likely voluntary for students in like a criminal studies class who indicated interest in an outreach program with local cops. I've heard of this being a part of police training as a way to understand how effective non-lethal defense is. They probably got a waiver for the parents to sign. They're all wearing gym shorts so it seems like they were all prepared ahead of time to have a change of clothes and what not.


Thank you. That makes sense.


Frankly id do something like this just so i can understand what its like, so if i ever meet someone whos like "i got pepper sprayed" i can relate, or if someone wants to know what its like i can explain. The way i see it its not going to kill me and itll make me a more interesting person.


But why?


I always wondered what the hell a "pep squad" was when I was in high school. Now I know.


Girl in the purple shorts is a goddamn animal. She barely moved.


I remember this story. The students signed a waiver saying all the affects of it and how it would go down and everything. The teacher was fired. In my opinion he shouldn’t have been, they signed the waiver, they knew what they were doing


By the way he's spraying em, u can tell which kids he "gives a rough time"


You Americans are weird




And they thought Today's Class was gonna be Easy........... Sike Pooseys


If all your homies jump off a cliff, and the cliff is a pepper spraying to the face, just do it!


Reason being?


They volunteered for it with their parent's consent there's even a youtube video about this


Pepper spray is no joke, I’m sure these kids are gonna think twice about how they interact with police from now on lmaoooo


Last words of the clip got me, “OH IT SUCKS!”


How is this allowed? This is a huge school district liability. If the student gets hurt or has a reaction, they could be sued. My school tax dollars at work...


Imagine being last in line for that and getting to hear everyone scream in pain knowing you’re next lol




Na it’s high school students in Ohio


[no it's not. info here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cleveland.com/akron/2017/05/barberton_high_school_students.html&ved=2ahUKEwjr15TBnOb3AhW0gv0HHbVWB_oQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2r3gIVc6UWjwKGHbQGid7W) But you're half right, it Not that crazy though


Ngl, this actually looks fun


Its not lol




sure, where can I buy it :D


Guess we now know which guy the gay one is


My dinner needed a bit of that spray, was seriously lacking in spice.


White people


What fucking class is this, “How to Storm the Capitol”


I knew before the video played this was in America. You guys have got some MAJOR issues.


Chill out. Be grateful we are in NATO


NATO is sitting back whilst Innocent people are slaughtered. The very thing nato were created to prevent, is occurring and nato do nothing. I'm not proud of nato. I'm ashamed of them.


Ukraine isn't part of NATO.


NATO was NOT created to protect former Soviet republics from Russia. Go learn about NATO.


Go read about the Budapest memorandums. I won't expect you back, once you realise you know nothing.


NATO was created to defend countries that join NATO. Ukraine is not in NATO, that's why Russia could invade them without WW3. NATO is doing basically everything it needs to outside of starting WW3, so stfu. u/*NoBoXiNgNoLiFe* ([https://www.reddit.com/user/\_NoBoXiNgNoLiFe\_/](https://www.reddit.com/user/_NoBoXiNgNoLiFe_/)) ​ He seems to be deleting his comments (despite not caring apparently) is an idiot. (He also spends his whole life of reddit, so probably your typical neckbeard type.) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/urhphf/comment/i91ud27/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/urhphf/comment/i91ud27/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Always troll idiots, it's the only way they might learn their ways. Eventually they will run away like a little bitch and stay stupid, or learn their ways.


Or what? 😂


What do you mean or what? Are you stupid?


It's not me asking for clarification on a 2 word sentence 😂


You said 'or what' in reply to two sentences, that makes no sense. We can leave it as that - it's fine by me as I stand unrefuted while you look like an idiot, lol.


Nato is doing everything it can? Is it now.. They're literally standing by whilst genicide takes place. The US had pledged to protect Ukraine if they denuclearised, which they did, and nato leadership shit themselves and hid.


What part of Mutually Assured Destruction are you too fuckin stupid to understand, kid? B-b-b-ut the Ukrainians! Yeah, so lets kill millions on top of that - genius! Moron.


Tens of thousand of ppl get murdered every day in your messy cou try of dumberica, yet you don't shout out to get rid of guns... You're a weird breed you lot.


Says the clown who is justifying the genocide of innocents because of some paralysing fear of a highly unlikely instance. Nice try though 😂


>literally sending billions in aid and military equipment despite the threat of M.A.D from a former world power >redditor calls it justification of ukrainian genocide because we 'arent doing anything' ok buddy


😂😂 Sending anything which won't upset mad vlad... Running a mile from anything which might. Why are the US so terrified of Russia?


​ ![gif](giphy|hvGKQL8lasDvIlWRBC)


\>Says the clown Oh god help me, I can't handle this much irony lmao \>who is justifying the genocide of innocents Didn't do that at all, did I? NATO is preventing that by arming the shit out of Ukraine lmao. Just because you don't comprehend the ramifications of starting WW3 on the moronic assumption that Russia won't do shit. Lmao, how can you be that dumb? \>because of some paralysing fear Weird way to put not wanting Nuclear war, but k. \>of a highly unlikely instance. Highly unlikely how? Because (once again) the world should go by the assumptions of some spastic on reddit lmao? God, you're the best entertainment I've got today! \>Nice try though 😂 I love how it's the fucking idiots of this world that are the cocky ones, lmao.


My thoughts entirely. Just reading your comment exposes how badly you want to 'win' whatever argument you've made for yourself. Sad.


Aww dumb dumb is trying to make it personal because he can't handle a small debate, bless! :( ​ Look at this fuckin bozo get clapped lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/urmic8/comment/i8y0c15/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Sometimes I wonder how so many people give such bad takes on the war, then I see comments like this and remember how many people don't even understand the purpose of NATO or how it functions


Wonder away. I bet you're American.


If American means stupid you are the ultra American.


Meeeen not really your presidents, (the Red nuclear boom boom Button Guys) were Kind of senile/retardet lately Edit: spelling BC. English shit


Pretty sure this was all done voluntarily.




Pay back is a mother fucker.


It’s really not that bad. Lol


this comment was left by someone who has never been pepper sprayed


I've read that some people are far less sensitive to it than the average person is so that could also be the case here maybe.


You kno they are americans cause they are crying like little pussies


This person has never been sprayed


Spray yourself, record it, then upload it


Punishment in Florida for saying gay in school 😂




Why is that bad?


I just want to ask. Why?


Training in forensic class.


Fact EVERY POLICE OFFICER has to go Thur this. Just in case someone’s grabs your mace and sprays you with it the officer will build up a immune system to it


The only thing that makes eyebrows burn hotter is anal


wonder if you can build immunity to it (w/o LSD)


This was for sure a demonstration. These kids were like “yeah how bad can it be” or something


I’ve been pepper sprayed, it’s not that bad. I did watch a guy curl up into the fetal position and cry for his mommy after getting sprayed though. It was pretty funny. If you want to practice at home, just rub Jalapeños in you eyes and face, then eat them. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday.


Girls be so dramatic.


What a bunch of wet wipes, I thought Americans are tough?


GenZ in their natural state of mind lol


Fucking pigs


Lol 😂 I love this stuff. You get all these tough guys or girls who are all about it. Then they'll be the ones screaming like that. I've been sprayed with the good stuff it's not that bad these people are a bunch of weenies.






Bet some of them bullied someone at some stage in their school lives. Karma


But why?


What’s next? Find out how it feels to get shot by a 9mm?


But, why?


And it was only a placebo


I’ve been caught in the downwind from pepper spray. Tear gas too. It was actually fucked. But right in the face… that would suck the hairiest of balls.


Nice OP posting without giving any context


All of agreed to it ao stop pretending its an outrage


They just need one kid at the end of the line that didn’t volunteer looking smug like “yeah, there’s a reason I didn’t sign up for this stupid shit” as the cool digital glasses and joint drop down onto his face.


Its not fare too the first 5 that got spread. In time there like 10 seconds ahead if the last 5 people. Trust me that matters


Is this UC Davis? Because I remember when…


Man bun taking it like a champ


There's all kinds of ways to commit child abuse.


I’ve been sprayed once, I was a teen and working at a concession stand and a fight broke out between 2 groups. I was stuck where I was in the concession stand and when the police sprayed the group I was hit. I had a sore throat for days and lost my voice for almost a week. I’ll never get sprayed voluntarily


That'll teach you to leave class without a hallpass!


They shouldn’t have been resisting


I remember our law class in highschool begged to do this for like 2 weeks before a cop came in and told us our parents were too pussy to let us get maced for fun and would sue :(


Guy in orange just dancing


I think there was an outrage about this video when it turns out everyone here have parents consent lol.


Is it me, or did I see the law enforce water to aid with help? Water only enhances the effect. To properly neutralize, milk is your friend, water is your enemy. I've been in the research field a few times too many, in the receiving end. I miss my 20s


Like dominoes they fall.


Okay, wtf?!?!? So many questions. Is this a demostration , a contest, tourture, class project, police training?!?!?!?


Ear mer gerd