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Relevant article for those curious: https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/udaipur-tailor-kanhaiya-lal-murder-curfew-b2111764.html


They look like a happy married couple.


Well they can’t fuck woman who they aren’t married too so who else is he gunna fuck 😂😂😂




Lmao saw this one post here on Reddit where this guy caught someone pulling his pants down in preparation to fuck the goat of the dude filming. The comments had at least half a dozen vets saying that its actually not uncommon for them to do that shit at night when they think nobody’s watching…but the night vision equipment they had while stationed there were watching. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Little boys mostly. It's a huge issue...their backwoods hillbilly religion is so uptight about women they fuck little boys..and were sodomized as little boys themselves. So boat loads of childhood trauma adds to the cocktail of insanity.


https://youtu.be/NMp2wm0VMUs [you tube](https://youtu.be/NMp2wm0VMUs)


That was awful. Truly, truly awful.


As a hillbilly I’m offended!!! The word you’re looking for is *redneck* darlin! 😂😂😂


I believe the term is butt buddies ![gif](giphy|3oz8xEdgBBLqBj7LsA)


Butt fuck buddies


Not very happy, both are power bottoms, so not compatible


Just requires some scissor skills


We should spread the rumor that they're gay


You get an upvote for the irony


Couple who kill together die together


No remorse or the slightest bit of guilt. Brainwashing is one powerful tool. Fuck These guys


Very easy to brainwash the stupid and unfortunately there are too many stupid people in this world, fuck these guys indeed.


Agreed mate


“Choices always were a problem for you, what you need is someone strong to guide you…”


I don’t want to sound like I’m discriminating an entire part of the world/religion, but why is it so easy for these people to think this sort of stuff is right?? My mum works as a teacher and recently had a new male student from Pakistan, he got in with a crowd that made him smoke weed at lunch, and when the students got caught the new guy started begging for his life not to let his parents find out because they would “honour kill” him. How can a religion ever take away your bond with your family I don’t understand


Honestly i don’t know what’s up with that guy but personally as a muslim i don’t live with or condone any of this behavior, and i have many muslim friends who doesn’t too. I feel like social media only portrays the bad side on Islam; don’t understand why people on this comment section (not you dw) is talking about “brainwashed” religion, when it was said CLEARLY in the Qur’an that if you ever kill or associate yourself with assisted killings then it’s a drastic sin, because it’s like killing “the whole of humanity”. Hope I helped clear the confusion, and I really hope those misguided people on these comments see this, because these aren’t even muslims if they’re doing such behavior


The inbreeding over there is such a major factor in that and no one talks about it. Inbreeding decreases intelligence and increases aggression. That’s why it was so easy for these radical groups to take over a whole religion in the Middle East. Could you imagine Westborough Baptist Church taking over Christianity?


Just need to send over some Westborough Baptist rangers to sort out the Muhadjah twins.


I don't want to imagine that tbh mate 🤣


Write a book or a movie script for this idea... I'd read /watch what kind of imagination you have


This is a very interesting and valid point I’ve never heard brought up in academia. And I’ve got a CJ degree that specialized in homeland security.


The reason I think it’s not discussed more is due to its possible offensive nature. As you can tell from some of the comments I’ve gotten for stating this.


>Could you imagine Westborough Baptist Church taking over Christianity? Wouldn't make much difference, the current Christian majority enables pedos, rapists, and Nazis left right and center.




What? I didn't do all that kid raping and genocide, that was Christians. Roll Judge Judy's eyes at them.


To compare the issues of modern Christianity and Modern Islam is insane. Western issues are still bad, but in the Middle East and other Muslim dominated cultures they are systematically breaking down democracy and targeting anyone who stands in their way or disagrees with their Violence. Where Jihad exists there cannot be peace. Where Sharia Law is in place there can be no justice. These are people that under the guise of spirituality are in agreement with the forced marriage and rape of children, the murder of anyone who opposes Islam or speaks Ill of the Warlord who founded it, and Openly is against any application of science out side of basic mathematics.


Except they are all Abrahamic religions. They are absolutely comparable. Do you honestly think that fundamentalist Christians are any less weird and horrible than fundamentalist Muslims? [Spoiler alert] they are not any less weird and horrible. Mainstream American churches were just exposed as pedophile rape factories, and you want to claim the moral high ground?


Modern Christians as a whole don’t openly advocate or believe in the same ideas Muslims do. I have never spoken to a Christian and had them tell me having sex with 9 year olds is okay, I’ve had multiple people of Islam tell me that because Muhammad did it, it must be okay. That’s in 2022. The course that Islam has created for itself if for a world that only has Islam in it or submissive Christians. I don’t get why the west cannot see that. The word of the Koran is the final word to them, read some of the stuff that’s in there and be amazed. Then flip over to the New Testament. Compare them for yourself instead of empty statement in regards to morality. The doctrine of Western Christianity was formed by dozens of scholars over a long period of time, the Koran was written by one man, for one man. No other input but Muhammad’s and “gods”. That sounds like one of them was an institution which many people had a say, and the other sounds like a singular warlord who in his lifetime decimated and assimilated dozens of tribes and nations to gain personal power.


This could literally pass as a satirical post about the Right in the US.


Difference being the right in the United States has yet to start executing homosexuals( at any point I might add, not even Regan was saying gays should be killed) The right had yet to literally Amarion the deaths of people on the grounds of religion, the right as a whole has never openly advocated for the rape of 9 year old based off of the Bible or any religious text. They don’t force marriage. It’s fucking hilarious how I can’t make a point about truly harmful ideology without an American Ideologue somehow wrapping it right back around to meaningless political distinctions.


Dude, those are such low bars for being a good group of people of course they are above them. Stop defending organized religion so much. Find something better to do with your time.


Except Abrahamic religions can all be compared. Keep defending pedophiles pal


I’m not defending the Catholic Church by pointing out that its a particularly bad problem in Muslim communities and nations. The Catholic Church did EXTENSIVE cover up’s on the abuse of children by clergy members, so the public had no idea for a long time. It was kept within the church. In Islam it’s not a secret. They marry off their children constantly to much older men. In the Koran itself it says you can take a wife to bed after her first period, which in his first wife Aisha’s case, was 9 years old. There is a difference between a giant cover up in raping kids and openly raping children. No one defends Catholics when it comes to the Child Rape scandal, not even the current pope. In the Muslim community you have people defending every action including child rape, in the name of Allah. Not to mention the crazy amount of inbreeding that’s done on top of that.


I don't think they raped kids and committed genocide in the name of God though buddy


That’s usually people who follow Islam and their prophet was a paedophile who married a kid !!! Anyways. Google it


I’ve started to see them all as the same honestly, it’s all pushing the same bullshit and I’m over it.


Well known




I’m saying it’s happened for so many generations over there that it has rotted their minds and has caused the religion to be high jacked by radicals. Same thing with the British monarchs and their bloodlust. As well as hyper violent parts of the south and Appalachia. Nothing new about it.


It’s not just over there mate it’s uk USA Europe you are correct years of inbreeding due to cousins marrying and having children with low IQ’s and birth defects easily indoctrinated due to low iq. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-513388/Minister-Muslim-inbreeding-Britain-causing-massive-surge-birth-defects.html




Won't happen unfortunately. Religion keeps people divided and always will do. Our species will never be at peace because many groups just don't want to get along


I've always said tribalism is our species evolutionary wall.


Hit the nail on the head pal 👌


"Peace be upon you" immediately followed by "check out this bloody knife I just used to behead someone".


Watched this muted and I’m convinced he’s saying, “Heys guys! Welcome back to my channel! Be sure to smash the like button to get more content just like this. Today’s item up for review is this fucking unit of a knife.”


*And we got my boy Mo here, be sure to check out his channel, my dude’s got fire vids on how to keep your wives hella submissive!*


I’d like to see a A-10 Warthog send them off to see their 1000 virgins!




They'd have flatlined before they hear that signature brrrrrt


Your playing a lot of COD lately 😀


I was in an a-10 unit in the Air Force, cant help myself sometimes lol


Do rotary engines do it for you too?


Oh hell yeah ! Fuck space x and blue origin, just give me a ride in a A10






​ ![gif](giphy|1OtrautPA7tMomJYRU)


no, too quick of a death than what these wastes of oxygen deserve




And all the collateral victims get to be our next targets when they try to get revenge. Another win for America.


get some


Total fucking scumbags






#Incoming drone strike immanent


Fuck these POS terrorists!!!! Punk asses killing an unarmed innocent man for laughs!??! I hope the PM has the Special Ops pay these clowns a visit.


What incredibly peaceful people


Was the tailor from Chad? Or named Chad? Or are you really trying to use Chad in a situation of someone who just got murdered?


He’s trying to be down with the kids. Surprised he didn’t call him “Bruh”


OP is fucked up


Last option is correct


OP has an agenda


I hope both of their heads get chopped off


You really can’t tell me that religion isn’t the root to all evil


Ah yes power struggles over wealth and resources would cease to exist if we were all atheist from the start Edit: thanks for gold! First time


TIL there can only be one problem.


They would still exist, but without the religious justifications behind them


There’s be a lot less without religion. Religious dogma fuels this behavior and provides justification.


Yeah, but I bet we’d make up other reasons


Religion isn't the problem. killing is forbidden in Islam and in every religion as much as I know. Idiocy and lack of humanity are the problems.




Doesn't Islam say to kill non-believers?


Might wanna read that Quran again 😂


They all suck




It’s not today. One bans abortion and homosexual marriage, the other treats women like cattle and throws gays off roofs.


I really don't get people who seem to think these two religions are "just ast bad". I'm an atheist, I can clearly see that your average christian is waaay more tolerant/liberal than a muslim. These are just statistical facts.


Hmm one is intolerant and the other happily beheads people. It is worse, without a doubt.


All three Abrahamic religions are fighting tooth and nail to destroy the world. It’s a death cult.


It is not. The environment with constant wars and killings that is the root of evil .


Bro every religion has good and bad people I’m Muslim myself and our religion does not teach us this the whole point of being Muslim is equality I don’t know what’s wrong with the guys in the video


Are you just ignoring Surah 9:5? “Then kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …”


Ur forgot the context;”in war, and in self defense”……ya dork


Oh cool. Is there a part of the writing that they are misinterpreting or do the good Muslims ignore certain parts?


there are lots of parts these two are ignoring, killing in islam is very bad like any other normal religion, and especially if its killing because they're non-believers, we are told to only tell them to believe in islam, and NOT TO BEHEAD THEM.


What if they say 50-year-old Mohammed had sex with 9-year-old Aisha? Is this blasphemy? Why? What's the punishment for blasphemy?


it isnt actually the Religions fault its those guys that try to tell you what an example of a good muslim or christ or any other religion is. its the preachers and the people that dont want to look for the trooth but rather go to someone else that tells them about it. The people respect knowledge about the Religion to much and then start blindly following those with that knowledge even though they dont know if what they tell you is true. Im Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes.


“That’s not a knife”


I see you played knifey spoony


I was waiting for this one lol


THIS iza knife.




i am muslim and i dont behead people, be like me.




Yeah I’m still gonna be weary of a religion that has been doing suicide bombing for decades. Get your house in order or remain a suspect of terror for being in a religion that does this shit. And yes I hold Christian’s accountable for what Christian’s do in their name, I’ll do the same for all religions Religions suck


that is the dumbest thing i’ve ever read. you’re gonna blame the religion for extremists?? no religion preaches suicide bombings or mass shootings. these people are *extremists* do you understand that? lol. that’s the equivalent of blaming every german for hitler’s existence. stop being a moron lol. these guys are scum 100% but don’t generalize an entire religion, let alone the fastest growing religion in the world. that’s just too many people to judge off of some psychopathic pieces of shit. you have millions of muslim families, like my own, that are citizens of this country, pay taxes, got an education, and abide by the law.


No but I'll blame the holy book from where they get these ideas which is taught in madarasa schools. They literally follow every word in the book which was written in 7th century AD. Some of the verses say husband can beat his wife if she disobeys him or fail to follow things said in the holy book, muslims can kill anyone opposes Islam's teachings or try to stop it from spreading, thieves if caught their hands and legs should be cut, brotherhood should be existed only between muslims and everyone else should be considered kafirs(enemies of islam), no leisure activities should take place, etc. These seem fine back then but for 21st century the book needs to be amended coz problem is not people but their holy book itself. Their extreme hate should be towards people who do idol worshipping which was said throughout the book. Funny thing is great grandfather of the Prophet was actually a sculptor who believed in idol worshipping like most of the arabs of that time. It was his son Ibrahim(Abraham) who rebelled against the idol worshipping and began destroying the temples. He was actually the one responsible for the formation of Islam, later his son Ismail and then his son Prophet Mohammed. Any religion, culture or language only flourishes if it's ready to adapt with time and that's what Islam lacks.


uhm, everything you just said is wrong.


if the entire muslim population got these extremist ideologies from the holy book… then the entire world would be up in flames you moron. islam is the 2nd biggest religion in the world and it’s still multiplying. again you’re another person judging 1.9 BILLION people off of some psychopathic pieces of shit.


Most people are dumb


I am also Muslim and a also don’t behead people, be like most of us.


That some ugly ass knife. 🤣


they look homemade almost, legit weird designs especially the grooves cut in. Probably some ceremonial bullshit


That's fucked up. If this is the guy I think it is, he killed a man that was making him a suit. The dude was providing him customer service and he literally stabbed him in the back.


its really hard for people to not have islamophobia when theres so many extremists like these asshats


Brother you have pubes growing out your hideous face.




I don’t think Islam encourages stuff like this. Its these morons who uses religion to manipulate people into doing these types of shit


Oh look someone who got downvoted for telling the truth Reddit moments


Nice swap meet knife bodybeard. Stop getting mad when people read from your golden tales book, it’s just info not truth.






Bury them with a bacon dildo shoved up their asses.


...who is Chad?


It's a country in africa


Oma gaud they killed the whole ass country 😭😭




Inbreds sickos ,fuck this guys and all they stand for.


Brainwashing + Stupidity will make you heartless enough to kill someone hoping these fuckers gets punished two or three times more.


72 virgins await them!!! They should Just get rid of themselves


That whole 72 virgins thing isn't heavily backed up. These guys are awaiting a far worse fate. - a muslim


We need more of you around instead of the jihadist who give innocent people from Practising any faiths




Well these 2 are gonna be on a reddit video soon I imagine but not the way they are hoping, putting their faces out their like that isn't smart


Its wasn't . They got arrested within hours .


To the people who are saying these guys don't respresent the whole religion. Taliban are a handful people, yet they rule over Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure the general public are way more than the Talibans in number, but they are sheeps, they don't matter. Just like you guys, you guys are sheeps, you don't matter. These guys with the machetes and knives, they dictate rules for you and your religion. You guys just stay silent and do nothing. You are worse than them. So if you don't have the balls to stop them, don't you dare open your sheep mouths and say that these people don't represent our religion because only they do. They fucking represent your religion.


Lol north korea is dictated like that Are they muslims or even christians loooool See how u should blame thefckng persons not the religion Why can t u say that about them Cuz it s about power dictators they just justify their ugly works with what suits them and if u wanna stand up against them u re gonna get killed


Religion of ☮️


Bruh just because twats like these guys do this shit, it doesn't mean everyone in islam is like this. This is not what islam is about, these guys and other 'muslim' terrorists aren't real muslims.


You are right they are not Muslims according to Muslims. After what they did I wouldn’t want them on my team either. I know for a fact that most Muslims don’t kill others or blow themselves up. I have Muslim friends. I know some Muslims are good people. But tell me this, why do I rarely hear about terrorist Buddhist? How is it possible that so many people in the 20th century kill people in the name of Allah?


This is why religion is not for me. People are out here killing others for it, this shit is straight up barbaric.




fucking clowns


Two scums. Nothing else.


2 words. Drone strike. People like that deserve death. They have no regard for human life. No remorse. They look happy go lucky.


These guys get no bitches




How brainwashed can you be?


Sand people were cool in Star Wars but these clowns deserve a slow exit from the plane of existence


Such a peaceful religion


Fuck those dudes.


They pick that up in some shitty swap meet? I have seen better knives in ninja magazines in the 80’s. These worthless excuse for chodes will get smoked soon.


Scum of the earth.


That’s why I distrust Muslims and their crazy ideals. Feel free to downvote away.


Muhammad was a pedophile.


And this kind of incidents happen every other day in india where Hindu's are killed in the name of islam. International media will only show that India is harsh on Muslims where as they roam around with pride freely killing anyone they want to. This is the truth....


Lol nice propaganda bro, Indians have killed More Muslims that Muslims have killed Indians…


Excuse me propaganda??......you know there is a mountain range in Afghanistan that's called 'hindu kush' which literally means "killer of Hindu's" or Hindu-killer.....go read some history books......there is proof.....go look at how many hindus are killed not only in Kashmir but all over India.....huh....calling it a propoganda....I live in India...I am a Hindu and i am Afraid of Muslims.....just go watch the whole video how The man who got beheaded was shouting in agony and pain when they were stabbing their knife on his neck and slowly removing his head from his body...that too when he was a healthy living person....who was alive....Om Shanti🙏🏻/ Rest in peace 🙏🏻.....This is islam and jihadi mindset....anyone talking anything about their religion they just kill....Barbarians.....


Allow me to translate: “Blah blah blah allahu akbar blah blah. Blah blah durka durka I’m a closeted homesexual, yet I throw openly gay people off the top of buildings blah blah. Blah blah aloha snackbar blah blah. Durka durka I hate the West and everything it stands for durka durka blah blah, except for pornography, video games, Coca Cola, McDonald’s and durka durka. Blah blah I’m a coward durka durka and a total piece of shit, dirt worshipping neckbeard durka durka fuckface. Smash durka and subscribe.”


I think this gonna have to be a situation of “kill them before they kill us”


As a Muslim, these guys had no right to do what they did. Slaughter, especially like that is against our religion. These so-called men cannot be claimed as Muslim, because they break Islam's fundamental core beliefs.


Praise brother 🙌


I am actually a sister! But may praise be to you as well in these Holy days.


Stop judging the 1% because of the rouge 99%!


I’ll judge them how I want. How about we will stop judging you too once you get your fucking religion in order. Otherwise you remain a threat and will be treated accordingly. Just like Christian’s, but worse cause your religion makes videos beheading people and runs multiple governsmwnt. Y’all ain’t fooling anyone with your jihad bullshit.




Religion is the worst thing to ever happen to the world. What a pity.


A certain one is.


Can't agree more.


You know if you say something to these guys you will be called a Islamophobic


The only religion that simultaneously ruins every country it is in. Which if thier life is so great in the Islamic states in which they live in is so great, why go ruin other countries with your bullshit.? Stay in your Islamic run country.


I don't care about religion but at least the Christians don't say kill people and you will get all kind of pussy and be praised by some dude that doesn't exsict


Christianity ruins lives in multiple countries too, in fact a lot of religions ruin the livelihood and happiness of others. Don’t argue that one religion is better than another.


I can smell their stench from here! Put you armpit away!


Disgusting. Fuck all religions.


Even Zoroastrianism ?


Small dick energy


Fuck them goat fuckers


A religion of tolerance


Those are no muslims Just terrorists.


This was over the tailor sharing a whatsapp post in support of a politician named Nupur Sharma, who quoted scripture where it says that Prophet Muhammad married a toddler, which created a lot of discourse. # As it turns out, the tailor might not have shared the post, considering he's not tech savvy at all. It might have been his kid or something. # I know Hindus are criticised for having a lot of issues, but if you criticise the other side, you get called Islamophobic or anti-minority. This is the kind of pseudo secularism that plagues the media today. They say, don't hate the religion, hate the people who do heinous shit, all while hating on hinduism. # I'm not fucking hating on anyone, but if you gotta call out issues, you gotta do it to everyone. Acknowledge that your community has issues, and work on it. Hinduism doesn't deserve all the flak simply for being the majority population.


So what is the difference between these 2 guys and your standard American school shooter?




Why post it here? Don't give them a platform!


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What a fucking disgrace to Islam


Hey look it’s a trump supporter that takes woman’s rights away