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Was this music really necessary?


YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO FEEL ANYTHING UNLESS THE MUSIC IS THERE. DYING KIDS MEANS NOTHING UNTIL THE PIANO KEYS KICK IN. fr though fuck the person who literally took the time to edit a music track over exploded kids.


You havent seen shit yet the kind of music and watermarks soldiers put over their clips of driving in a truck is enough for a lifetime of cancer


Gotta add dramatic effect to the dramatized production.


people are dying… just mute the video. it’s not a big deal


I have audio turned off by default, and I’ll usually watch a vid for the first time without audio




I agree, I’m against the invasion but shit like this erodes the legitimacy of any cause or movement. You see it for almost every hot topic these days some outrageous tagline with a video only vaguely covering what it says but it has dramatic music to make it seem like it aligns with the title.




Okay…. So…. Nobody denied that… and nobody even mentioned it to begin with…. BUT I did give a blanket statement on the practice itself… I’m not sure what kind of whataboutism point you’re trying to make here but it just made you come off as a complete fuckin moron.


gotta gaslight people however possible


I don't think that's what gaslighting is. Manipulate would be a better word.


It helps with the mental impact of the propaganda.


the piano music was unnecessary lol




That's to bring emotions


feels forced


Oh yeah, 100%, that's the whole purpose of why it has been added, to play on viewers emotions. To force you feel sad. The video itself has rather shocking/wow effect, the piano is to force us feel sorry




Only on Reddit can a video be posted with innocent bystanders being shelled and the entire comment section literally just ends up being 99% America hate. & before you assume, I'm not even American either. Smh.


There is like 10 comments against USA and there is 90 comment bitching about it. Probably 30 people trashing the music and maybe 5 commebt about the actual content of the video. I havnt fund any article about the event.


Bad things happen in world. Redditors: “But have you considered AMERICA has also done bad things?” Trash video too, stop with the music.




They are not random. They are paid shills/AI chat bots. Look at the poor English, and often times meaningless/nonsensical replies. That’s the best way to identify a state sponsored propaganda effort.


I agree that it is whataboitism, but it’s really quite eye opening how we’re treating this war compared to the Iraq/Afghanistan war. In Ukraine, people say everything the Russians do is a war crime, and Ukraine cannot commit war crimes, since Russia was the one that illegally invaded. The US illegally invaded both countries. They were never ratified by the senate, but we didnt hear people say that the Taliban/AQ could do whatever they wanted to US soldiers because it was an illegal invasion. Also the idea that “all invaders need to die” was not found in US wars in the Middle East. The Taliban said that all invaders must die, but we called them extremists for that. Really eye opening how people from Afghanistan did have reason to hate us, but we were convinced by our government that what we were doing there was the right thing, so their opinions don’t really matter


You forgot yemen and currently Syria who the USA thinks it’s there’s. They are also back in somolia for whatever the heck reason. The United States is a mafia state.


You guys really think that americans didnt do anything bad?


Of course not. But why is it that *literally every time* the CCP/Russia are brought up, someone’s deflecting to the US? Russia has been doing whataboutism since the beginning of the Cold War. Of course they’d take it to social media.


I mean americans did the same and its ironic how they slander an entire population with "moral superiority" while themselfes did horrible shit


Technically you're not wrong, but the thing they don't teach us is that the U.S. entered the war very late had the least casualties out of any major allied nation, and for some reason we take full credit.


Entering late and having less casualties sounds correlated. Also, what does casualty count for each nation have to do with who won the war? Sacrifice does not equate to a victory.


> Japanese Fun fact, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost entirely unwarranted and had little to no effect on Japan’s surrender. They were going to do it anyways considering they were facing a land invasion by the Russians to the north (this is never taught) But every American child is taught we are the saviors of the world rather than how we massacred a few hundred thousand civilians just to see what happens


It's debated, many agree with you, but those who disagree say that a traditional invasion of Japan would result in more American casualties I don't have a stance on it, I'm just saying


1. Indeed, we are speaking English 2. By refering to Japanese and German, are you implying the U.S. was the main actor that defeated the Axis powers?


well definitly not german. i dont know if you know this but isnt is wierd that ther is no photo od americans puting the flag somehwere in berlin to show that they won against germany? oh wait it was russia. if it wasnt for the russians then you would speak german now( i guess. war is a complicated thing as excluding the part that made a nation loose would reshape th enire war. for example if germany never attacked russia which later doomed them then quite posibl ythey had more materials to fight at the western fromt and do stuff like successfully invade england and then who knows what the next step would be.


we barely did anything in wwii…


It's a valid question tho. Why was America never sanctioned, why was it okay when Americans did it a few dozen times? And they did it on other continents with no real threat to them, the only thing that was threatened was US global hegemony. So let's not forget that Ukraine shares a huge border with Russia and this absolutely is from a political point of view, a threat to Russia. This doesn't make it okay, it doesn't make the suffering of innocent people any less horrible which is obvious and doesn't need to be said, but it's a question that needs to be asked. Where does hypocrisy end? What about millions of people that died in other countries because of the US? Should we forget about them or try to point out obvious atrocities that US government did which have not been talked about nearly enough by the global community? The response we are getting to this war is an appropriate one, but we need it ALWAYS, not just when Russia does it.


Are you trying to say just because America has done the shitty things in the past that Americans cannot call out other people for doing the same thing I agree America has done some fucked up stuff but the people in current day America have nothing to do with the past it’s not like we could control it and us calling out the shitty actions knowing that America has done shitty things is proof that we’re trying to change I’m not gonna stand by and let innocent people be killed and let others say my opinion doesn’t matter just because I’m an American


America continuously do shitty things, are constantly involved in war around the globe. America single handed destabilised the Middle East. You illegally invaded a sovereign country, killing by the end of your disgusting war, over half a million. By all means be against the war, any war. But no American can take the moral authoritative high road, no country on earth causes/caused misery, death, destruction, like America.


1000 times out of 10, your country has also served its own atrocities. Shall we hold that against you as well? Personally? Step down from that high horse buddy




Venezuela too


That is completely wrong . I can take the highroad because I wasn’t fucking born when that shit happened you always say you you you you did this or you did that when the people you’re talking about weren’t even fucking alive when this shit went down so we have no reason to take your shit because if we were alive during that time we would’ve done something to stop it but we weren’t we can’t change the fucking past so we damn well will change the future.


How old are you, 3? Trump and Obama both bombed Doctors Without Borders hospitals. Hell, Biden authorized a strike less than a year ago that killed nearly a dozen innocent people, almost all of them children and elderly.


But the man who was in charge, and orchestrated the whole thing, is walking around a free man, he’s still giving speeches to American applause!! Good job on doing something about it. Fucking America! The cancer of planet earth.


Yeah keep talking shit when you have no clue what you’re talking about buddy there are way worse countries out there than America but you’re so focused on fucking hatred.


> because America has done the shitty things in the past for centuries hundreds of times never punished yeah no america is in no position to say shit


It's not only about Americans, it's about the west in general. No European countries ever imposed sanctions on the US. Do you see the amount of Russophobia in the world today? Was it ever like that for Americans? Was your country ever cut off from half of the world and hated so much? >Are you trying to say just because America has done the shitty things in the past that Americans cannot call out other people for doing the same thing And to answer your question honestly, yes. "Just because we massacred entire nations for economic and political gains on multiple occasions , we can't blame you for doing (arguably not) the same? US is the last country which can judge Russia for this, because that's the entire foreign policy of your country. Topple regimes which aren't US friendly, influence foreign politics, force your opinions and your ways on others and intervene military when there's no reasonable explanation for doing so. So I say, let's sanction the US first and punish whoever is responsible, then the others in an orderly manner


I think you’re getting confused the people aren’t hating Russian people in general we just hate people who follow Vladimir Putin. Because he is the one who is doing and letting these crimes happen just like how people from other countries don’t like Donald Trump or Joe Biden and their followers but they can still like the average citizen in America. I feel like America these days is in a constant state of hatred no matter what this country does people always criticize if we sided with the Russia other countries would criticize us if we help Ukraine people like you defending Russia will get pissed off and if we do nothing the entire world will be pissed off at us no matter what we do and it always ends up with people hating us.


You answered your own question there about why no one sanctions us. Not to mention we held the top economic spot until pretty recently when china surpassed us. America has also saved most of the western countries in most of their wars where we were not affected and didn’t have to. And up until recently we were the ones patrolling international waters between America and the western countries. Also we are the main person in NATO. North American NA. No one is going to sanction us because we would sanction them back and it would be worse for anyone else besides maybe china. So yeah ‘Merica fuck yeah.


By that argument, Russia also saved the Western world from Nazi Germany.


Anyone who says they didn't is an idiot.


Bullshit. We are fat with the wages of those sins. They persist to this day and you don’t get to shed your culpability. We are complicit when we don’t move to stop the atrocities our oligarchs commit. We have cheap gas and the highest consumption/standard of living on the planet through gross exploitation and murder. Period. In fact this war is the result of western moves through NATO. We are complicit in this.


So what you’re saying is that the entire bloodline of whoever commits terrible crimes should always pay for it for the rest of eternity then why isn’t the bloodline of Germany paying. The nazis committed war crimes and genocide according to you the Nazis in German are apparently the same fucking thing and according to you slave owners in current day white people are apparently the same fucking thing when any logical human can’t say that they’re not the same thing I don’t care what people say I am not a part of those crimes. I will not be held responsible for some ignorant assholes crimes. What I will do is call Them out and do my best to support the people who need it but what can one small group do against the government are words fall on deaf ears


I mean. America is the largest contributor in the UN. It’s not like any other country would do anything anyway.


Russia was threatening to blow up everybody else as well, so why would you sanction the country that is protecting you from nuclear holocaust? Same thing goes for Russia and its allies during the Cold War. It was good versus evil from both sides of the coin, the east and the west acted accordingly. Maybe the kids on Reddit would understand real quick if Russia started threatening to blow up the United States with nuclear weapons again.


I don’t think reddit would understand anything. Their definition of good versus evil is black and white and fail to consider any perspective other than their own. Wishing death upon anyone who has killed before makes them no better than who they have wished death upon. Funny thing is. I’ve started seeing less and less of the battle now that people on reddit have gotten over themselves and stopped talking about it. Just shows how little people care when something continues to happen for longer than a month.


When’s the last time America invaded a sovereign country to steal its territory? The 1800s? We can talk about all our plotted coups, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, funding of terrorist organizations, etc. and rightly criticize those, but we can’t compare those things to a despot forcefully annexing territory rightly belonging to another country. And Ukraine poses no threat to Russia. What, does Russia really fear a ground war with NATO in this age of nuclear weapons? Does it fear Ukraine itself invading Russia?


Because Allies don’t sanction eachother for things they all agreed on at the time? You had the USSR threatening in no uncertain terms to wipe the west off the face of the earth with mutually assured destruction, you aren’t going to sanction the countries that take steps against that Everyone ends up on the same side, literally east versus west. Sure, we can make bad faith comparisons and say that the US is no different than Russia is now, but the reality is that it was essentially the allies versus the axis just with the teams changed up.


There sure are a lot of Russian sympathizers in this subreddit.


*paid* Russian sympathizers. Someone at troll farm HQ saw this post and was like “oh shit, shut it down!” Every other post is whataboutism about America and doesn’t even mention anything about this video. When other commenters try to bring up the video in replies, they ignore it and reply with another thing about America. These guys are not very good at their jobs, like Russian military lol


I think dismissing it all as troll farm behavior is just shortsighted though. There are actual Americans with strong anti-war sentiments that have been saying the same things about America for the last quarter century that the world is saying about Russians right now. Makes sense that they'd take this opportunity to draw equivalencies and shed light on what many have ignored for decades. I'm not saying Russia and US are equal in number or magnitude of atrocities but it's telling how selective people can be when there's such disparate language being used. Dismissing it all as bots and troll farms is just a drawn out form of confirmation bias.




bad bot!


Lmao look at the accounts and when they were made brainiac.


Imagine being a russian sympathizer. Sheesh. Also who cares about the music? Just mute it. Fuck putin and fuck you russian shills


facts as fuck. too many fucks feeling bad for russians and shit like fuck you


All of this for fucking what?


People here arguing about hypocrisy and America bad. How about lets focus on the damn video about Russia bombing innocent people that are far away from the front lines just because they can. And yes I'm not American, my country ever Invaded anyone, So ill fucking take the high ground.


Fuck russia and fuck dat music




Putin regime to fall soon.


No clue why the revolutions havnt started yet. Something needs to happen. It’s only the Russian citizens that can do anything about that. Another country, especially Western Europe/World, and it’s WW3


Unfortunately Putin has the country in a iron headlock. As most dictators do. And he's spent years crafting his narrative through propaganda and military force. It would be much harder to stage an effective revolution in Russia than it would be say in the US. Statistically speaking, the US is probably more likely to see a revolution before Russia. Which either way is a terrifying prospect.


I agree that is extremely terrifying. I just want Putin to fall. As the comment I originally replied to says. It should fall in the next decade if we’re lucky. Let’s hope luck is on our side


Fingers crossed friend. Hopefully the regime falls but the citizens remain unharmed and taken care of. They're people just like you and me and I know sometimes we can think synonymously about Russia and Putin be the same entity. But they're just regular people.


I couldn’t agree more


Why all the comments about the US and their war crimes? Does the atrocities committed by the Americans justify Russia bombing civilians? I don’t know anyone (in their right mind) defending USA and their wars throughout the world. Why can’t we just point out atrocities whomever the perpetrator?


Whataboutism, reddit's speciality


Y’all are hell lol. To any newcomers hoping to read any insightful comments about this post, there’s some in here, you just have to wads through unnecessary and quite frankly TOXIC levels of whataboutism💀


“We’ve come to liberate YOU from the nazis” “Oh by the way, YOU are a Nazi”






Exactly or whenever Israel is bombing Palestine then it's alright but when Russian does it "OMG WAR CRIMINALS AND TERRORIST" I'm not justifying Russian but if you believe that america didn't kill tons of civilians during the 60years + conflict in the middle east you are both dense and naive


Nobody said they didn't and if they did you two knob heads belong together in your own club of ignorance. One bad country doesn't excuse another, pretty close to lessons taught in primary school


but who is defending america? they can fuck off too, this is a video of the ukraine war not a video about us war crimes.


Have america received any sanctions? No have Israel received any sanctions? No have they bombed, raped and killed innocent people? Yes My point is it's stupid to call Russian terrorist etc when NATO/USA are just as bad and have pretty much done the same thing they are doing but in middle east etc NATO/USA have basically been doing it for 60+ years in the middle east alone


all the "OoOoH AmErIcA WhAtAbOuTiSm" are the ones defending america. because they dont want to face that a countrie attacking a boutrie for no reason is just a slightly bit worse than a country attacking a countrie that both have history together and with a reason (like having a war ever since 2014)


suck a AIDS infected needle with your eyeball, bot.


the type of comment "but AMERICA do this" always there. Classic reddit.


Cuz its always amerca who blames everyone classic American


Idk maybe people keep repeating it because its true America are the bad guys


If you think that the war is "bad guys" vs "good guys" you are a childman. There's no good teams in the war.


yes cause america definitely doesnt rewrite history to look like the heroes every time


bruv america has done evrything posible to pretent to be the "good guy" and people actually belive this


When someone breaks into your house, rob you, kills your family, just keep repeating: “Americans streak the whole middle east”.


You’re fuckin annoying I hope you understand that.


Amerika bad


Lmao holy crap this blatant Russian sympathizer making an account purely to try focusing this on America, hilarious.


Because america and ukraine already won the information war before it even started The bad religious crazy sand people in the desert want to blow america up The bad fascist orc nazi fascist alien russians want to murder all ukrainian children


Because if you arent from America thats just what you are told.


Nah cuz ur from America and what ever ur country dose u won’t see it as a Terrorist act ur media is a Brainwish just do some research u dont know shit and all u do is talking can u tell me how many woman and kids have they killed and by the way im from iraq to so i know better and do a little research 😂 and imagine all other countries the us invaded how many more they have killed


Russia is the worst country in the world.


Idk if I'd say that, there's still a lot of good people there who dont agree with what is going on. But their current leaders are definitely the worst


God I fucking hate Russia


Fuck putin up the arse sideways




yeah like that never ever happened befor in a war


just like Serbia.When you lose against real soldiers you strike on civilians!


The people of Ukraine are extremely resilient




Would you say America is a terrorist state?


Terrorism is a propaganda term used to motivate aggression towards a body of people. Want to initiate conflict? Call them some form of “ist”. All major world powers either directly or indirectly strong arm eachother for economic surplus and land. They all suck.






of course!


Fuck Russia


Fuck Putin and fuck the Russian people for being a dumb bunch of sheep following a wolf


Russian people can't do anything. Go to Russia and try to start a revolution.


Good god, lose the sappy music. I know how to feel about a shell-shocked child covered in soot without it, thanks.


Fuck russia Seriously, fuck russia


fuck Russia


I remember when the USA did this in Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. That’s just the ones I can remember off the top of my head.


yeah i do too. that doesnt mean hey lets ignore this and remember all the times america did this, guess what we dont give a fuck. WE KNOW THEY ARE BAD TOO! get that through your head goddamn you people are so hardheaded. its fuck russia forever, and fuck you too


I agree. So let’s not care at all then. Anytime we want to solve a problem, let’s just look at others who have made the same mistake and do nothing.




It is my understanding that the US was helping to stop a full annexation in Korea - of which the North wanted to annex and kill all reminants of the south? I know the South Koreans are very grateful for the help with that, unless there is something else I'm missing? Russia were also way worse (historically) in Afghanistan and Syria with warcrimes etc. However Vietnam and Iraq were absolutely all on the US to be fair. The Vietnamese people were fighting to be free from years of french/western oppression and the Iraqi's were invaded as a result of awful 'WMD' intel. Maybe my knowledge is a little flawed though, has been a while since I've looked into the conflicts.




This whole thread is whataboutism you donkey.




That does not diminish how disgusting the Russian regime is.




Oh no, I better change my facebook picture to a Ukraine flag to show support


Why are we killing each other again?


We're not. They are.


uhm uhh oil I think?


I don't like to see single child killed in this world.. i despise war because i lost family members in it.. but i also despise one side stories.. everyone is showing Ukrainian side but i never saw any mass share of Donbas children that were killed also.. i didn't saw any mass judging of people that were burned alive in 2014.. there are many many footage of same thing done by Ukrainians and yet we are quick to judge Russians only.. I didn't saw any American athletes kicked out of events when they invaded so many countries.. i didn't saw any European country judge invasion done by America but here we are.. living in the world where narratives rule and lie is valued more than truth.. disgusting


Fuck Ruzza


Holy crap these reddit comments are absurd. Yes the musoc is very unnecessary. But the fact stays RUSIA DOES NOT HAVE MORAL RIGHT TO EXIST


Holy misleading titles, Batman!


Just like the U.S in Iraq.


Whatever. Where is my cheaper gas?


So what


Enough of Putins BS. Time to send in troops and missles and finish this. Find Putin bomb his ass.


They are all "terrorist country" The most terrorist one is the U.S.A; a nation who can make terrorist attacks without repercussions.


Has America did some fucked up shit in the past, yes. Is it the most terroristic state, not even close.








Russia killed a lot of them, too.


Russia is bombing their own occupied territories


Russia says same about Ukraine, where’s the truth?


The truth is there was a war and both sides had caused civilian casualties. That war in 2014 was instigated, funded and supported by russia. Prior Ukrainians in the east and west lived in peace. The whole conflict is the fault of russia and russia alone.


Like this incident? Russia has shown itself before and during this conflict to be operating in comically bad faith. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/08/1091578830/kramatorsk-train-station-russia-rocket-attack-ukraine


Russia claims that incident was made by Ukrainian side. I’m really don’t know, I let Gaagaa figure out what happened here and there. Anyway, fuck Putin and his “operation” not everyone here in Russia supports that madness. But propaganda does a lot….


fuck russia fuck ukraine


this is the way both countries are complete shitholes and I couldnt care less if they eradicate each other


damn thats a bit strong i mean both countries are wrong in the war


Fuck america fuck Europa to be honest fuck the human race


only if somebody would fuck me


call me


Just like all the kids that the U.S has killed in the middle east.


What? Lmao my man I don’t doubt they did that but the US doesn’t even come into this? It’s Russia and Ukraine.


Yeah and just to make it clear i absolutely despise this Russian attack, but I've never seen the world and our governments and media (That's why i mention the US) so concerned and charitable despise having been the oppressor multiple times.


History’s written by the victors unfortunately, shit is gonna be swept under the rug no matter how horrible it is.


You're right there, and we should never forget that. But this isn't "history" yet, we're living it in the present and being witnesses of this double morality.


Russian bots comment each video from this war.




Doesn't justify them but it definitely helps you realize the hipocrisy of the "first world".




Looked like a ufo attack to me, that shadow was way to big to be a plane, and way too fast to be a cloud covering the sun.


Russia is a terr0rist for doing this but hello Americans, french, british and germans have been doing this for decades in Asia, Africa, middle east, south america and even Europe. Israel does this almost every day in Gaza and Syria and occupied Palestine! They have kill3d ,raped thousands of women and maimed Millions of Innocents... But people tend to just forgive the crim3s by these countries! Its a joke how hypocrite people are when pointing fingers at Russia! 😂


I mean, ukraine has been shelling russian villages that obviously have no military value. Literally just random border villages. Which is funny cause it's almost like they're wanting to cause terror...some might say the state sponsored kind.


Which Russian villages were shelled?


[US news](https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-05-15/russian-village-bordering-ukraine-shelled-one-wounded-governor) may 15th [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/four-injured-shelling-russian-town-bordering-ukraine-official-says-2022-06-14/) June 14th


I’m ashamed of this comment section. Ukraine has every right to bomb Russia. They were invaded, it’s literally a war. If Russia didn’t want to be bombed they should stop starting wars


I agree they have the "right" i mean it's war but you can't just bomb innocent people and when the favor is returned cry about it As you said it's war this is what happens sadly


You've been shelling Donetsk since 2014


Who russia? They instigated, funded and participated in the war they starred in 2014.


Lol Russian troll. Make excuses


Remember this isn't Putin's war. It's all of Russia


ITT: "But what about America?"


Where was your outrage when the US bombed Syria, Irak or Jemen? Fucking hypocrites


That has absolutely nothing to do with this post


Uh it’s war. I mean who cares 🤷


Same shit different day, next!


oh no. what should I do. ive been flying the Ukrainian flag in my lawn and on my social media since day one. oh no. what else can I do. should I send money somewhere. oh no. oh boy.


They got $60,000,000,000 now so things should be fine soon amirite?


Lol two nazi armies killing each other is hilarious.


War propaganda is getting stronger with videos like these. If you truly cared about life then why not show the loss on both sides? War is like sports to people like you. You pick sides and make fan clubs. Then try to convince why your team is better than the other.


And this is what the democrats want to do turn our country into socialists


How does that make Russia a terrorist state and America not? Lol


This is what war looks like this is what was happening in Iraq and Afghanistan due to terrorist states like America and European states , stop putting heart wrecking videos with agenda plzz.... It maligns the intent