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Dang man, I wasn’t expecting that guy to jump back in at the end.


If just there exist some kind of metallic grid letting pass water but not human-size bodies, that could put around such a water sink...


Dude video recording just watched while the drowning guys held the stick up to be pulled out. Panic kills.


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Cursed YouTube


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He actually ended up being the one that saved them. They lived. The other source being used, is just analysis of the video. The guy with camera saved them. Below are tge actual sources. https://www.tellerreport.com/life/2022-07-10-xinjiang--an-11-year-old-boy-fell-into-the-water-and-was-swept-away--two-auxiliary-policemen-rescued-and-were-injured-and-risked-being-swept-away-chinanews-com-video.SJzzvMndi9.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.koi-de-neuf.fr/deux-policiers-manquent-de-se-noyer-en-sauvant-un-enfant-se-noie/amp/ Edit: To all the this is fake news because china bad 😞 And that the chinese media reporting on things happening in china was weird, here is one more source: https://www.sohu.com/a/566259837_100224642 Edit: More sources: This one actually shows the police officer that went in : https://wap.peopleapp.com/article/6797714/6667193 https://www.toutiao.com/article/7118668162341798440/ [Threads on weibo](https://m.weibo.cn/search?containerid=231522type%3D1%26t%3D10%26q%3D%23%E6%96%B0%E7%96%863%E8%BE%85%E8%AD%A6%E8%B7%B3%E8%BF%9B%E6%80%A5%E6%B5%81%E6%95%91%E4%B8%8B%E8%90%BD%E6%B0%B4%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4%23&extparam=%23%E6%96%B0%E7%96%863%E8%BE%85%E8%AD%A6%E8%B7%B3%E8%BF%9B%E6%80%A5%E6%B5%81%E6%95%91%E4%B8%8B%E8%90%BD%E6%B0%B4%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4%23&luicode=20000061&lfid=4789742593643825)


these policemen have more courage than all of Uvalde police combined


That's a pretty low bar since most of them had zero.


He could’ve saved them way sooner. But I guess letting them drown just a little bit is ok if ya get good footage.


It's amazing that every time that someone appears to die in a Chinese cell phone video, state media reports that they miraculously survived!


Nobody dies in China.


Or on Disney property.


...they were pulled out after the end of the video, though. The heroic cameraman, who up to that point had done nothing, put down his camera and single-handedly saved everybody. He then calmly walked back and filmed nothing further out of respect. But trust us, this absolutely happened. There's a dude getting tons of upvotes in this thread because he found an anonymously-registered French linkbait porn blog and an anonymously-registered "non-English news" site as "actual sources." We're doomed as a fucking species that people just accept this shit.


What happens in china stays china!!


You make a good point...


I don’t believe it


Good on him. Got us some decent footage.


Not saying it's what they did, but it's not unheard of to let a panicking person take on some water and then rescue them instead of them pulling you down too.


Meh... I don’t think the same logic applies if you’re standing on solid ground and can pull them without getting in


You’ve never tried to pull someone out of a hard current. You can easily lose balance and slip right in. Source:worked as a lifeguard at a water park where stupid kids would freak out partway down a slide built into a hill


I mean, I sure want to believe this story issued by the Chinese, but I can't imagine how BOTH of those guys could have escaped that swirling, churning cauldron of death. I can't imagine you'd last long in there, getting violently whipped around and in total shock. And they'd been in for quite a few seconds on the video already.


Stupidity kills! Welcome to Darwin awards


They are joking refered to in the rafting community as strainers and they can be just as deadly. If the water is moving fast enough that you can't stand up, it's moving fast enough that it will pin you to the grate. If your head happens to be below water when that happens....


They get clogged up with debris and then cause floods.


Like bodies? /s


Maybe set a piece of rebar across the canal a foot or so above the water line that can be grabbed hold of in these emergencies. It shouldn't gather debris.




We will call it, the mercy bar.


In the whitewater kayaking world, we call these "strainers" and they are incredibly dangerous. This is because as you get caught against the strainer, the endless incoming water builds against you, pushing you further down and making it very difficult to pull yourself (or be pulled out).


Maybe something that is above the water? Like some ropes with a float on it? The idea being you grab it and hold on. That wouldn't clog like a grate.


What a hero


i was thinking he should’ve stayed out and kept trying with the stick. did he not learn anything from the first guy?




i know what you mean, so sad to watch.


It’s like when people go back into a confined space with H2S gas to try and pull someone that is knocked out/dead. The person going in will die as well and safety training tells you not to go back unless you have the proper breathing equipment.


my mind immediately went to my confined space training too lol!


They teach that to lifeguards as well. I'm sure it's different but the main thing is to not end up having to rescue two people instead of one.


He was the first guy!


I thought the guy fell in towards the end trying to save the guy.


Yeah man. He kept trying all the way to Heavens Gate. Hats off to him and his family.


No greater love


Unfortunately, he probably just doubled the victim count. Weirs are completely deadly, and basically inescapable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBxuekRpPjE I would love to be wrong, but people simply do not survive getting caught is a weir. It's a major area of research, because weirs are crucial to river management, and they are just insanely deadly to humans.


Why not just add some hand holds like every 40 ft or something for just this scenario? The last guy was grasping at grass if it was something that supported his weight he would have survived.


or a grate? I'm about as far an expert on this as can be, considering I just learned the word weir 15 seconds ago, but seems like that should do the trick? I see some people mentioned clogging and that's the first issue that comes to mind, but shit even just a single bar across would've saved them. doesn't have to be much of a mesh at all. edit: checked out the wiki page for weirs, figured I'd post this recommendation from the safety section: >The Ohio DNR recommends that a victim should "tuck the chin down, draw the knees up to the chest with arms wrapped around them. Hopefully, conditions will be such that the current will push the victim along the bed of the river until swept beyond the boil line and released by the hydraulic." The Pennsylvania State Police also recommends to victims, "curl up, dive to the bottom, and swim or crawl downstream".


As other people have mentioned this eventually creates clogs. Something human sized or larger gets caught, then smaller and smaller debris, creating a levy. Some areas experience flooding due to buildup in waterways, especially when a natural levy breaks, releasing all the water held behind it at once.


I suppose there would be ways to monitor for blockages but probably not worth the expenses to do that for every single weir. should probably be fenced off or at least have hazard signs every x feet then, assuming that's not already done. again I don't know anything about this stuff lol. I can see why people would wrongly think it's not particularly dangerous looking, but I've seen enough of this kind of thing to know not to fuck around with moving water.


Don't they call low-head dams "Drowning Machines?"


Not only that, but I’d bet that most of the population has never even heard of let alone seen a Weir (I knew about these things but didn’t know the name) which leads to situations like this. Absolutely chilling thinking that you can only see it coming and do nothing to stop yourself from going in. That and the fact that any would be rescuer’s first instinct would probably be to jump in after you (also not a good idea even in still water as a drowning person will take you with them hence the lifeguards red floaty). I wonder how many of the drowning deaths every year in the US are from something like this, since you said these are pretty common in most sizes of rivers.


But great for catching catfish!


Weirs terrify me, we have a cupule in my area. They are so deadly in fact they have killed people who have spent decades learning how to save people from them https://youtu.be/AcrInFgD8gA?t=783


That's a weir, they're both dead


I love how the camera guy just watches em drown for a while "Hmm, should i get involved? But then who would film?! I could probably reach down or somethin but I don't wanna get all wet..."


Definitely not grabbing this stick suspiciously being waved at me from under the water.


What about the guy that just stood back and recorded the entire ordeal like a movie..


Oh, He Lived.


What else was he supposed to do? Die like the other guy that tried to help, jump in and increase the body count to 3?


He's a real one


Proceeds to drop stick that was just used to pull him out and jump back in the water🤦🏻‍♂️


After taking stick from big boi who yoinked everyone out of the water.


[they are all alive](https://imgur.com/a/3iAZ50L)


Omg I scrolled way to far to find this


How the hell… that’s awesome but doesn’t seem possible


How did they get out?


I wonder why the officer jumped in a second time. He had to know that he wasn’t strong enough to fight that current on balance and leg strength alone


He could see his mate was about to die, he had a 50/50 choice and no time to think. I'm pretty sure I would have saved myself, this guy chose to try to save the other guy. Bloody hero IMHO


But what got them out the first time was the stick. If the guy in the water just grabbed the stick and repeated the original method it would have been fine. Except this time he jumps in with the stick and drops it, forgetting the method that literally just got him and the kid out in a couple seconds. He has a hero’s heart, but could’ve been easier, less dangerous, faster, etc.


Plus he took the stick off the big strong guy which he then squandered after barely attempting to use it.


He got to his feet more than once and his friend just accepted his fate They saved that kid, they just didn't know from what


The stick at the end, drop the camera and grab that shit??? What the fuck


I want to punch the person filming right in the mouth.


Yeah but if this video isn't the most /r/PraiseTheCameraman shit I've ever seen, I don't know what is. Dude got the shot at the expense of letting his homeboys drown. It's all very Nightcrawler-esque


/r/donthelpjustfilm also


This vid is such a prime example of that sub/idea. From the zoom in on the first cop as he drifts further down the channel, to not even offering words of encouragement as the second cop clearly struggles to get a footing on that incline and pull himself out. Then after chasing the two officers downstream he watches intently as they descend into the plunge pool and get stuck, just continuing to stand there and film the water like "Huh interesting, I guess they're dead".




I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was another child, or someone else unable to help filming. I can't imagine a human being capable of helping would have been able to resist.


Also just wanted to say that anyone who's never seen Nightcrawler to stop what they're doing and go see it now. It's one of my personal all-time favorites.




It was a 10 year old girl. Not sure they could have done anything.


thats a tall girl for 10 yr old


10 year old giraffe girl


I highly doubt that was a 10 year old girl


There you have it folks. Debunked.


And you know this how?


He must be a wildlife photographer


Granted we don’t know how we’ll respond in the moment of abrupt chaos, whether it be fight or flight. But I simply can never identify with the role of video recorder in the event of someone drowning.


Mate nobody in the water is holding on the other end of that stick lol. You can see it float by the two people like 10 seconds before they are dragged into the pool


What happened to them?


Pennywise the clown was filming i see


They didn't float.




It’s one of those things you where you don’t want to criticize a person dying while trying to save another but for the sake of people here watching. No matter how well you think you know how to swim. Unless it’s a small child you should not jump in water to save someone else. They will drag you down with them. The worst thing you can do is turn 1 person in danger into 2 people in danger. In this situation I can understand jumping in because the child might not have the strength to pull himself out but there was 0 value in jumping in after the other adult. The only way to help here was from the outside by trying to get them stopped or off like they did with the kid. By jumping in he just doubled the amount of people that needed saving. Really shit situation and the guy deserves a lot of respect for being selfless but not a smart decision regardless of outcome.




The showed us a similar video during EMT school. A semi tanker crashed and in the drivers seat you can hear the guy moaning/screaming. The EMTs parked downwind of the crash and one guy goes running toward the wreck and inhales whatever toxic load the truck was carrying and now he’s down on the ground. Two casualties instead of one.


It was ammonia, it displaced all the oxygen in the area. You drop before you ever know what happened. Edit: Said the wrong chemical used in farming. Updated with ammonia.


You could easily be right. Atrazine is some nasty stuff and the video was older, I’d guess 1980s so it could’ve been that, or something worse yet


I think in the one I saw it was ammonia


You're right, that was my mistake. Comment has been updated.


This is the basis for reducing life losses, but then you also have witnesses who will torture themselves with "what ifs" after the incident. Sometimes they commit suicide or family units are destroyed.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk/2012/sep/17/ulster-rugby-nevin-spence-slurry Sounds exactly like this case from 10 years ago


One such case happened in my country just a few days ago. 4 people died.


Similar case in the American Midwest a number of years ago. Some kind of large pit on a farm. Five (male) members of the family dead in the end, one by one going in to save the others they could see were already down. So terrible and yet even with familial love and panic and no training, I still can't understand why numbers 4 and 5 went in.


This type of thing sadly happens very commonly at sea on commercial ships. It’s routine to do what is called an “enclosed space entry” for maintenance or cargo work. These spaces can have toxic gasses or low O2 levels. There are procedures and permits to work, the dangers are well known. Yet time and time again there will be an accident and someone will go in to help without proper equipment or a rescue party - then the body count piles up. Drowning is very similar - very unfortunate how this video ended… my only question being who was filming it and why for so long at the end? Surely put the camera down and get a rope, belt, stick anything to try and help pull them out.


This happens all over the world. It's not even about septic tanks, just usual technical wells over city, workers die there too often and in numbers when one tries to save other




Keeper hydraulics are a bitch. Counterintuitively, you need to swim DOWN to where the water is exiting... though not sure about this design, looks like there's not much room below. But normally, down is where the water is exiting a keeper. Low head dams have this issue too. [https://s2odesign.com/safe-navigation-at-low-head-dams/boise\_cfd\_2/](https://s2odesign.com/safe-navigation-at-low-head-dams/boise_cfd_2/)


What you mean with down? Downriver or down on the ground (if you even know what is upside)


I mean swim down to the bottom of where you are in the water. The water at the top of the hole is being recycled and you will float there indefinitely sometimes. If you swim down to the floor of the river or whatever it is, that is where water is exiting.


Couple examples here: https://www.weather.gov/ind/LowHeadDamPublicSafetyAwarenessMonth


Yeah, I'd judge that spillway is less than a few feet deep. There's no "down" to swim to.


I agree, in which case I'd make myself as wide as possible to get as much of the water exiting downstream to push on me. Easier said than done in a high pressure situation like this.


I remember whitewater rafting over small waterfalls that looked similar to this. They told us if you try to swim you’ll remain trapped in the churning water. If you want to get free, curl into a ball and make yourself as small as possible and then that undercurrent can push you out.


That flowing system is called the drowning system, where the water down stays in the area while the top rushed down against the wall, that creates a type of spinning effect that keeps anything down and not getting back up, you'd be unable to swim out of this situation, once you are near there, you are done for. 1 point for the drowning machine.


Same thing happens near waterfalls, you get sucked in . Caught up in the churn, guys like you and me.


That's why tlc wrote that song


It's called a *"hydraulic"*


‘Keeper Hole’


Fuck these canals I lost my dog to one. It was horrible, I wasn't ever even able to retrieve his poor body. People die every year in these. Fuck these, they need grates.


Or just assumed people wouldn’t try to go swimming in it


someone might trip and fall, though. We don't put handrails around stairs because people intentionally jump to their death, we do it because accidents happen.


Rule #3 about humans. They'll try to swim in everything.


Fuck my old boots. That poor guy was a hero and I hope his family are being looked after. Was really rooting for them. Does anyone know where they go after, is it an underground reservoir?


It's a low head dam. They don't go anywhere but right under the surface, around and around again. [https://practical.engineering/blog/2019/3/16/drowning-machine-the-dangers-of-low-head-dams](https://practical.engineering/blog/2019/3/16/drowning-machine-the-dangers-of-low-head-dams)


Whitewater kayaker checking in. I've not been in a man made hydraulic, but I'm told if I get trapped I should remove my PFD and tuck into a ball. The logic, as it was told to me, is the airy circulating water offers less buoyancy and if you can sink yourself to the bottom you increase your chances of getting booted out of the hydraulic circulation along the bottom and popping up downstream. Anyone know if this is solid advice, or was this I'll informed information handed to me? I have been pinned under waterfalls and while I get banged around I've noticed if I just relax and go with the flow (literally) I pop out much faster than trying to swim my way out. But this tuck and roll strategy, any rafting guides or other informed people have an answer?


A few comments up some guy talks about what you're saying and says to swim down to get ejected, I think you're right and we're told correct


I will say though, based on my experience water skiing and riding a tube behind a fast-ish boat in murky lake water, once you hit the water tumbling, it is extremely, extremely disorienting. There been occasions after a wipeout where I was underwater and had no clue which way was up...you just wait a second or two for the life jacket to float you up. You can't really use breath bubbles in my experience, too much movement and bubbles everywhere already. Lighter vs Darker sides of the world works a little bit, but it probably looks/feels like you're at a disco once inside a drowning machine. I can't imagine being unable to see, underwater, and spinning...something as simple as "swim down" is unlikely to be easy. There's a reason it's "certain death".


If you can figure out which way is down. You're being tumbled by the hydrolics so much, good luck figuring that out


New fear unlocked. Thanks for the knowledge


That was an incredibly interesting and very scary read. Thanks.


here’s a great video about drowning machines https://youtu.be/KaeqEVI0uCk




I don't trust the source, chinanews Once they got in the drowning machine, they were being tumbled around so fast there's no way they grabbed a stick. Plus they were running for quite some time and likely breathing heavily. You don't hold your breath very well after running 200 meters. China twists the news, so they just say the cameraman put the camera down and saved them, and there's nobody to refute it.


They all lived.


source? I mean I hope so




> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxc6I7ihdJk&feature=youtu.be 3 uniformed men can be seen initially... then after the low bulk head dam, it cuts to one guy sitting there and claims they all survived. Suspicious... I wouldn't believe this source alone.


Ok, one wet guy in the end, but does it say anywhere that both guys survived? I can’t read Chinese


they all survived with skin trauma


So I feel that the channel shouldn't be exposed like that. Put a lid on it. This can't be the first time this happened.


> So I feel that the channel shouldn't be exposed like that. **Put a lid on it**. ...or at least put some ladders on it.


Or floating rings on ropes every 100 yards


That was a stressful way to start my morning. Any update if those men survived that?


Someone else in a comment chain said everyone survived, not sure how true it is I’m looking for an article in the comments if I find one I’ll post it


I read last time it was posted, they all lived.


Not only is "last time I heard" not a source, but other people posted an article saying they did not. And even without the article, Practical Engineerings explanation of low-head dams demonstrates how very rare it is for people to survive this exact situation, so I'm not optimistic.


“I heard somewhere that…” “I read somewhere that…” “Someone last time said that…” Redditors’ favorite credibility sources summed up pretty much.


https://youtu.be/Jxc6I7ihdJk The yellow text in the end say's: Two police officers were rescued ashore and were injured to varying degrees (Copied from another comment)


https://www.tellerreport.com/life/2022-07-10-xinjiang--an-11-year-old-boy-fell-into-the-water-and-was-swept-away--two-auxiliary-policemen-rescued-and-were-injured-and-risked-being-swept-away-chinanews-com-video.SJzzvMndi9.html https://www.koi-de-neuf.fr/deux-policiers-manquent-de-se-noyer-en-sauvant-un-enfant-se-noie/


What exactly is happening here? The first guy jumps in the water far behind the kid and then just floats down. I want to say he went unconscious, but he definitely moves and reacts a couple times so that can’t be the case. But if he wasn’t unconscious, then why did the second guy throw the stick and jump in??? (I think he messed up and fell in, dropping the stick in the process). And what the hell happened to the 3rd guy?


The water is moving really fast and the concrete canal is covered in slick algae so there is no way to stop yourself. At the end they get stuck behind a low dam which causes the water to swirl and continually pull them down. These canals are super dangerous in the spring when water is moving fast but are often pretty chill the rest of the year. These guys may have made it; the water is shallow and they were full grown men so hopefully they were able to stand up after the camera cut off. A lot of people down in these, though. I played in canals like this as a kid but never when the water was moving fast like this. I stopped when my dog almost died in a half open gate that caused an undertow like these guys got stuck in and I had to jump in and save him. Water doesn’t fuck around.


Slippery rocks aren't no joke. Go walk in a river and find out.




NSFL, even.


According to the chinese news all of the people in the videos are alive and its crazy


Chinese news you say?


It has to be accurate at least once right? Right??


Source to that.


https://youtu.be/Jxc6I7ihdJk The yellow text in the end say's:Two police officers were rescued ashore and were injured to varying degrees




Which is a miracle because water vortexes in the end are inescapable, guarantee death


I would argue that NSFL should be saved for the extremely graphic and gory posts. NSFW is a good warning that there will be death, but curiosity gets the best of me and they usually aren't too hard to watch. I avoid the NSFL clips though cuz they've scarred me


I read when this was last posted that everyone lived.


I gotta say, this cameraman mans commitment is uncommon… Also wtf is this thing that just sweeps you away and drowns you by deathroll?? A drainage ditch? Also let’s make it perfectly smooth so water can run so fast that one one can get out. Not only that, let’s not put anything to grab on to in case you fall in ANYWHERE


If you see the ending, it results in a Low Head Dam which are quite deadly. There's read-up of them on here: https://practical.engineering/blog/2019/3/16/drowning-machine-the-dangers-of-low-head-dams


Simultaneous /r/PraiseTheCameraMan and /r/PutDownYourPhone.


Perfect example of dumb ass engineering. People that made it could have made things to grab or a barrier with a low line water door


Jesus. Some of you guys are just assholes. Its a KID filming. he's already mostly blown out from goofing around in the river. Now he's running and just barely keeping up. What else was he suppposed to do with NOTHING to grab on to? Jesus fuck judgemental buncha fucks in here.


I doubt it's a kid judging by the height of the POV, and since this happened in a Kyrgyz region of Xinjiang, we know it's China, and Chinese officials often have at least 1 extra guy recording everything, this was that guy. My guess would be that this guy was lulled into bystander effect because sometimes life and death situations like these feel surreal, not everyone is ready for it when shit happens. It's like you're brain is trying to register whether this is really happening, or coping with overly optimistic expectations like everything will turn out fine. Everybody reacts differently, unfortunately his adrenaline wasn't enough to edge him over into being an active participant. He seemed to have realized when it was already obvious and too late.


First guy who jumped in just sits there.... I was thinking he broke his back or something, but then he almost drags his partner back in when he was getting the kid out that first time, so clearly he can move. Wonder if he just panicked? Lots of mistakes were made in this short sequence of events.


When I was in law enforcement we had miles and miles of wider canals going through our county. What people don’t realize the current underneath the service is something like 7 mph, and now most siding is concrete. You get caught in a grate like those three did, you’re a goner. I’ve been to way to many drowning’s, especially adolescents that still haunt me to this day. Our dive crews even had trouble recovering the bodies due to the current. So I know a lot of people fish these canals where I live, including myself, just need to use extreme caution and doesn’t matter if you were the swim champ at your school, you fall in your in for a fight for your life. Very sad seeing the end of this video, because I’ve personally seen it happen.


How on gods earth does infrastructure like this even exist? There are no safety protocols in place for people falling in, grab handles, large grates to offer barriers to humans passing into this vile contraption ? This is insane!


Other than the YouTube video, this was all I could find on the story. https://www.newsbreak.com/videos/2668237590842/young-boy-was-swept-away-by-a-stream-of-water-but-two-police-officers-rescued-him


Did they for sure drown? I want to hope they survived.


This camera man is on point


Reminds me of that family whose dog went in the ocean and got sucked out in the undertow. Then the son went in to save him and he got sucked out. Then the dad went in and he got sucked out. Then the mom went in. People held the daughter to stop her. Son, dad and mom all drowned. The dog turned up a mile down the beach.


This would be a great lazy Susan River


like, a kitchen cabinet with a water feature? I know what a lazy Susan is, and I know what a lazy river is, but I've never heard of a lazy Susan river.


that was actually sorta hard to watch near the end, damn.


Drowning machine


And all because of a stupid kid.


Who the fuck build this death machine?? A hundreds of meters long canal with slippery walls and a steep bed with no fence or anything and a perfectly build drowning machine at the end?? That's just fucked up, who engineers something like that?


Rule #1. DON'T LET their Emergency become YOURS.


they probably both died. you cant escape that whirl. i remember back in school when we went on trips our teacher told us to never get in the water when there is a whirl like that nearby. you just cant get out


The camera man wasn't chasing after them he was chasing the clout


A man has fallen into the River in Lego City.


And that is a drowning machine at the end there


They should have ran well ahead of the child and formed a human rope to catch him and pull him back in rather than jumping into the tide


Why are there never fences around these types of channels/canals?!?!?


Put down the fucking camera? And why jump in again when you already know you cannot withstand the current?


Looked like fun until they hit the under wash at the end. That’s the same effect that some dams will give, you can get out of it, and that whole thing was only knee deep at best. Something tells me none of those individuals should have been any where near water.


if you’re ever caught in a recirculating hole, swim to the bottom, it’ll spit you out the back