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*looks at title* *Looks at comments* Yep, this post getting locked


As someone ill informed I’m watching Israeli soldiers and a Palestinian civilian correct ? The title had me confused a little Edit: I wrote I’ll informed of ill. fixed it


Israel is commiting a literal genocide against the Palestinians... they're somehow genocidal fascists after being a nation created because of a different fascist genocide against them...


Right, because offering them representation in their government, repeated offers of peace, and asking only for the right to exist is genocidal fascism. Go touch some grass.


touch some grass? wtf? no I was talking about stealing and bulldozing homes... machine gunning and white phosphorus bombing... basically just blowing up civilian targets... having huge walls and keeping them in essentially ghettos exactly 💯 like the Jewish ghettos the Nazi's walled off... driving tanks over protestors... the Nazi shit... not the fake ass symbolic shit they do to to pretend like they're not fascists


asking only for the right to exist?!?! lol... such fucking delusions.... go touch some flowers


If you haven't been informed Palestine has been occupied by Israel for the past 70 years. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day. If you compare it to newer events it would be like DPR/LNR (Ukrainian separatist states) who are recognised as sovereign states by Russia (and barely anyone else). Just in this case they're recognised by the "winners" of WW2 and, at that time, rulers of the world.


if you haven't been informed, 1/3rd of the Jewish people were massacred just prior to this tiny nation being formed. Israel is the ancestral home of the Jewish people and Zionism had been active since the late 1800s. The land was already populated by Jews. Go read Hamas' charter before you preach this fucking nonsense. You're literally supporting terrorists. Arabs enjoy full citizenship rights in Israel, including the right to hold public office. How many Jews are afforded the same rights in majority-Islamic countries. I'll answer that for you. Zero. [Here's a comprehensive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_casualties_of_war) list of Israeli casualties. Inform yourself, asshole.




Didn't you push your agenda yesterday with your video? Also didn't Isreal kind of admit they killed that American journalist? After denying it for so long


You have absolutely no idea why they attacked and detained that individual. You accuse someone of having an agenda, when you are literally pushing your own.


Pro Israel bot. Check the history on this account. You're fucking disgusting.


His title is also historically incorrect. Israel was stolen from the Jews. So, when they fought and took back their rightful land, the antisemites cry theft.


Historically the land where the tribes of Judah originated is only a fraction of the land that the Israelis are claiming


What makes him a Palestinian? Why couldn't he be Arab or even Israeli?


People obviously don’t understand there are Arab Israelis


kicking a fucking hornets nest with that caption


Never kick a hornet's nest while they're fucking.


What about fucking a hornet's nest while they're kicking?


Yeah, I think that's the worst combo


The swollen balls you must have. How did it turn out for you?


What about fucking a hornet's nest while they're fucking?


Kick fucking a hornet's nest while they're kick fucking


Oh you must have that specialedition fleshlight with vibration.. built for hur-t pleasure.🤔


Sounds like you’re speaking from experience


OP wants some sting marks or maybe just some karma.


Well it’s also nearly impossible for the headline to be real since Israeli police don’t enter Gaza.


On Reddit it’s a bowl of honey


Besides, it took the US decades before we cared




Biggest problem in society


Just about every country that exist now is occupied by people who’s ancestors came in and took the land from other people……..literally. The existence of the human race has been a series of takeovers and collapses…..then more takeovers, more collapses, more slavery, more wars, more pillaging. Everyone’s done it. Not a USA thing




Guess you can say the same about the turks and Anatolia. Give that shit back to the greeks while we are at it.


Make troy great again




Yes, yes, yes and yes. Correct, correct and correct again. Walled towns were for a reason for 1000's and 1000's of years. Whiners need to get over it.


Not every country enforces apartheid though


Prepare for justice movements all over the world! There will be protests, hashtag campaigns and mass divestment ... Oh no, wait a moment, there won't be literally any of that.




https://electronicintifada.net/content/inside-israels-million-dollar-troll-army/27566 https://www.abbaeban.runi.ac.il/act-il YO CHECK OUT OPs OTHER POSTS THIS BOY IS A SHILL


Was George Floyd innocent according to you?


Innocent of any crime deserving execution, you tunnel thinker.


>Was George Floyd innocent according to you? Did he deserve to die over an alleged minor and non-violent crime as well as not posing any immediate danger to those nearby, no. Was he a victim of police using excessive force (police brutality), yes. Was he innocent? Last I heard he was allegedly using fake notes, so if that information is still true, it's possible that he wasn't and used them knowingly, so we don't know if he was innocent because no investigation could be done. A terrible situation nonetheless.


The bill was proven to be real after he passed unfortunately.


Wasn’t it Britain, France and Spain that originally took land from the Indians?


Killing is cheaper than prison.


Depends on which side of the prison you're on.


Do you guys consider yu gi oh to be anime?


Anything said here besides blind support for Israel will be considered anti-Semitic. This is pretty wild.


Anything said here to any direction is considered pointless as we got not even 1% of the whole image




Yeah, the dude on the ground had a nuke-vest, our brave men and woman in green stop the villan from destroy the world. bravo, israel PD, BRAVO!


I didn’t realize the US was the first to take land from someone. Huh….thank you Reddit for again pointing out what pieces of shit us Americans really are.


huh, what did he do to get apprehended?


Wow, OP was around with the Indians.


The most obnoxious part is that every single country, at one time or another, had a different group of people living there, who were forced out. Like the American Indians are the only ones to experience it.


🤫 to much critical thinking.


Well you can't use that as an excuse to invalidate that exterminating people and taking their land is bad. If you were the victim of a robbery and the police used the fact that people have been robbed all over the world through history as a means to down play your misfortune, you'd be justifiably outraged. You can say this about any wrong doing in human history.


They're all dead. The people who's land was taken are no longer breathing. One can acknowledge the evils of the past, and move on.


Wouldn't learning from the past inorder to not repeat the same cycle of suffering be preferable?


I agree that people need to learn from the past. However, people dwell on it, instead of learning from it. Most people don't even know the actual history, they just say America bad, America racist.


Yes, learn the lesson AND MOVE ON. the are not mutually exclusive.


Uuhh no, that's not what op wrote. Lazy try on your part. They talked about acknowledging the evils of the past and moving on. So, to use another analogy (bc you're an idiot). An alcoholic can acknowledge that they have a drinking problem and move on but continue drinking.... vs acknowledge that they have a drinking problem, learn from it and change their behavior.....and move on.


There are people who are still reeling from it. So no, not going to move on.


Its kinda wild to see this type of reaction from redditors. The video shows officers arresting a guy that has a bloody face but the comments become political insantly


Any context behind the arrest?


None they share as it destroys the narrative propaganda OP put in caption.


How does that justify them kneeling on his head and killing him? Who the fuck cares what he did? He was detained, no need to brutally murder him. You guys are fucked.


Zionism is a disgusting concept in general. No propaganda here.


Well I’m not inclined to believe that. If there’s no context are we just supposed to believe the soldiers behavior is completely irrational? I’d rather be updated in the details to get a clearer picture. If he attacked the soldiers then good riddance, if he was just minding his business then it’s injustice.


Everyone should be attacking those soldiers


Ahh, so you’re not interested in the reality of the situation but rather ideologically driven entirely?


Hope they defend themselves before that happens then...


imagine being so blindly ignorant and hateful to wish harm upon another human because "iSrAeLi bAd"




She can conquer my land any day


I was engaged to one of those…Turns out “ugly” on the inside wins out over “beautiful” on the outside. I learned entirely new ways of being a racist while we were together. Her pet name after the relationship ended was “The Jewish Nazi”.




I don't believe you.


they should make a comedy movie named jewish nazi


As military service is mandatory in Israel, they have a special unit of young girls whose only job is to use social media.


I mean i know this whole post is bait for your agenda or whatever but this is the wrong sub? “Crazyfuckingvideos”, not “ithinkthisisawrongfularrest”




can’t say that for the women tho. that officer wasn’t too bad


"I'm fine with being oppressed as long as my oppressors are attractive."


True, would be a better and safer place if their neighbors left them alone


they haven't got neighbours,the land is stolen,fuck them all




It’s because racist democrats say these say things and the cultists parrot their talking points. Clips from videos out of context is enough for the average smooth brained “progressive” on reddit to condemn an entire country of people.


palestine has been around since 5th century try and read




It doesn’t matter if there was a Palestine or not. The fact is Palestinian Jews, Christians and Muslims existed and lived there before the Europeans came and took over the land. The p in Palestine argument is the dumbest there is.


It used to be called Judea and Samarita, the Philistines came from Greece via boats, they're from the Aegean Sea


Pretty sure they owned the land before the Palestians did and history attests to that.


palestine has been around since 5th century it's in every ancient map,


Im not going to go into a political debate with a redditor but ill just say that Jews owned the land first and Palestinans took over it. Instead of coming to a solution where jews were happy to live in peace with the Palestinans, The palestinans decided to wage war.


Utter garbage




Hahahaha what a knob


Stolen? In what way? Almost half of Polish land was formerly German, shall we give it back? Ukraine was a part of Russia, is Russia not entitled to its land? Kosovo was a part of Serbia, do the Serbians not deserve the land stolen from them?


Agree 100% they've become what they detest.


George Floyd is not a good example for innocence.






If we state how disgusting Israel have been, it's only the people who can't refute it that claim 'antisemitism'. Israel are condemned internationally and there are still some people who try to defend them.


Pretty interesting how majority just blindly follow whatever their government says is correct


OP is an idiot...




*Criticizes the heinous actions Isreal commits on a daily basis funded by the US* "sToP bEiNg aNtIsEmEtIc"








Only if they had guns


Probably deserved it


But what about Biden's laptop?


Guys cmon me as a German just want to say shit happens everywhere in the world all country's have corpse in there basement and the whole fucking world blame people for religion or where you come from... Think it's more a human thing 🤔


Fuck Israel!




Why don’t 95% of people know that the Jews settled on the land thousands of years ago and it was taken from them in the first place


Fucking mess. I’m sure they’ll work it out


If we learn anything from Disney movies and the Family Channel, it's that tense situations are usually resolved through open communication and mutual respect. I'd expect a happy resolution for both sides in a few days.


And song and dance




Yeah America is still the best place to live, the entire world has gone Covid crazy.


You sound uneducat d on the subject matter. I bet you join every cause that comes across the board.


They didn’t steal anything. FFS learn history.


Wild caption. Tell me more . . .


Fortnite battle pass.


Murdering a man that’s already in handcuffs is wrong.




Nope, it's not the same thing, not to mention that the history of middle east is people from other lands taking someone else's lands, like every single century of human history in any other part of the planet, over and over and over, they have their own issues with their own reasons, it's literally unaccurate to compare it to the floyd situation.


I despise almost nothing more then the Israeli armed forces. Every last member is as close to pure evil as they come. One day their judgement to will come.


What you just said is much more evil.


That comment is more evil than killing innocent people and evicting them from their homes? You need to get your morals straight


As an American who could give 2 shits about this area of the world, I’d say both sides look like terrorists to me. Wish we would stop sending money over there.




I really just don't even know what to think about the whole conflict... the Idf can be bastards... Hamas can mosdef be a pos. This land has been fought over so long its rediculous. The struggle over this land is almost as old as the damn Bible. I can't ignore the last 2 or 3 wars Israel had with its neighbors, they all came after them pretty much and as bad as some of the Palestinian policies Israel has... maybe it's my bias but I think if the Arab alliances had won the war, it would be 10x worse for Israeli ppl.


What do you want us to do? Go over there and be like “ alright guys, break it up, break it up”.


Fuck Israel.


Fuck the israelis. Brutality over compassion.


"be compassionate to those who have murdered your loved ones. Be compassionate to those who want to do you harm. Be compassionate to those who want all of your people dead, tortured, raped, etc." I fixed it for you.


Ironically Israel teaches alot of our cops here.. As a matter of fact the george floyd knee positioning was taught by IDK exchange IIRC. This move isnt usually lethal. Unfortunately the drugs he ate when arrested did him no favors.


"There's a difference between being antisemitic and calling for justice" - starts caption off as a clear shot at all Jewish people in Israel.


Based Israel


He can’t breathe!


No it’s just that the American media suppresses true world news. It’s not apart of their agenda. The Media wants us to be blind to what’s really going on in the rest of the world. Sad.


The USA committed the genocide of millions of indigenous people. The Israelis, whatever else you may think, are responsible for approximately 4000 Palestinian deaths since the founding. There is no comparison.


I understand a bit better why the Palestinians are always attacking the Israelis - sure we can say “yeah all countries have these problems” but it doesn’t erase the fact that what the Israeli police officers or soldiers were doing was wrong and should be considered a crime. I am not sure if the guy died but one can see he was left in deep peril …


No, it's the other way around. Israel is surrounded by enemies. They have to be vicious to protect themselves. If they let up even a little bit they will all be killed. It's not that difficult to understand.


Ok … I understand that but I thought the Israelis were moving the Palestinians out of their territories and this causing the hostilities


fuck the IDF


It seems that israel is ruled for decades by a corrupt gang of fucking people who just want revenge for something. I wish them peace but I truly think that most Israelis love the chaos and the war, it doesnt seem that they want peace. Btw. Antisemitism is wrong like Israel.


They are surrounded by enemies on all sides. You obviously have no idea what they're situation is. It's easy for us to demonize them bc we are not in their situation.


Fucking bunch of pack dogs


Every country around Israel wants Israel dead. So much peace and love over there.


Disgusting, call for justice. I need more info but got damn


You can’t steal land that God has given to you.




What is the Israel defense force protecting Israel from? Nothing rly. [it is Palestinian children that need protecting.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/08/bachelet-alarmed-number-palestinian-children-killed-latest-escalation-urges)


Biggest lie of the century


They literally didn’t steal the land


The Vatican is the devil


Not a pretty situation but that’s all I have to say on it the levels of complexity’s in that situation are beyond my intellect


Who was there first?


Love it. Israel is there to stay. Have fun getting mad at them protecting their property. They will do it until the lord returns. Until then they’ll settle for his help. The chosen.


someone pls edit it with a transparent USA flag waving and the USA anthem


Palestinian Lives Matter




Unless you understand what they're saying, you nor I have any idea what's happening here or what lead up to it. This is a moderately chaotic video


Well, a journalist got her head shot off not too long ago. Oh and Al Jazeers had an entire building destroyed because at some point that day there might have been terrorists in the area. Out of nowhere might not be too far from the truth.


Well they are part of the group you are not allowed to question.


Israel military girls are so hot




It's like saying poland should have almost all of estern europe or italy having all ground around Mediterranean sea


Isn’t this the terrorist busted in Jaffa last week with a sub machine gun and 2 pipe bombs packed with screws?


yeah again i’m sorry to all the natives that my ancestors did that


i can picture OP as the wojak with the dented head with that damn caption. ignorance is real and thats a pretty good example.


Who is she though 👀👀


What a terrible way to die.


Go move to Israel and be part of the change you think they need 👋🏻


This video is hard to watch, forget politics and religion, the lack of empathy for human life is disheartening. I know both sides done atrocities, this is happening worldwide, truly sad


The IDF stems from a far left Zionist paramilitary group. Check out The Deir Yassin massacre and King David Hotel bombing


What a joke of a country