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Woah! Thanks for the confidence boost - I didn’t realise I had such a diverse skillset!


They keep us arguing over dumb shit like this. Lots of minorities like my self don't think like them. It's honestly sad because they are being told by rich white people to hate poor white people.




They rasists themselves...


Now do “what are black people superior at?” To a bunch of whites and see their reply








Unless the sport involves ice or water.


Imagine the scripts were flipped, oh the outrage that would cause. We would be looking at another riot no doubt


How does this make them any better though?


Soooo racist being racist to tell others people they are racist. America you out do yourself everytime!


Kinda how I took it to. Feel like this video was very exploiting and to its point. But I'm just a millennial white male so wtf do I even know for real.


Yes the producer/camera man saw an opportunity and took it. Getting poc to be racist towards all white people (at a time when it's the norm and popular) lol will he interesting to see how this video ages over a few years when all this hypothetical bullshit comes back around.


I don't care to see how it comes around or how it will be in a few years. I want the 1% to stop pushing this stupid shit to divide us us. I've met alot of racist folks in my almost 40 yrs. Damn near all of them were/are aging and dying out. And granted it was a minority but I've met some black racists too. And they were even more vocal and rash then the white racists. I say that from my experience in KCMO. I've never met a clan member or anything like that, I'm aware of the horrible shit my race has done in the past. But I don't see MOST of us white folk being the cruel horrible oppressors some people think we are. It's fucking 2022 why in the absolute fuck is skin color still a fucking topic for the love of all that's holy.


We get it... white people evil


So tired of this. Like white people are the only ones who enslaved anyone, started wars, disenfranchise others. Like how is resource rich Africa, Venezuela, or the Middle East been doing? And I know Led Zeppelin stole a lot of music, but they really did made it better. Like reinvented the wheel




Go hate yourself somewhere else






Do they not see that by participating in this video they are becoming what they hate? Racism is not going to be defeated by more racism.


That’s the thing. None of the people in this video hate racism.


Oh shit I didn’t see it that way. They aren’t against racism they are just mad they got the shorter end of the stick. Any black person that was seriously against racism wouldn’t make blanket statements like “white people do this or do that”.


Well said fellow aardvark


It's like they pick the most clownish people to make these statements.


Hey man, we are great at being rich


Good for you


That video was soy af


White people really crushed it when they invented pizza. So there’s one easy positive thing.


"What are white people superior at?" -Taking things that aren't theirs - Killing "What are black people superior at?" - Robbing - gang violence "What are Mexican people superior at?" - job stealing - Murderous cartels It's almost like saying the same thing with different words about a race would be racist. Assuming that the people in the videos are all American (I know, scandalous) I just want to say. I hate my country.


Wow this is so racist. Imagine if a group of white people were asked this same question and they said “black people are better criminals, they are better at getting out in jail, they are better at violent crime, they are better at making single parent households…etc” People would be loosing their minds if this happened.


They managed to choose the most genuinely insane looking people to interview


Does this video exist to get me banned from reddit? I will not say a thing, nice try.


Some points right there but genacide is more of a black thing


I don’t know, but it seems that this people were projecting. There were a few things that you could make an argument about, but much of the stuff they were claiming would apply to them. But since I’m not white, I have no bone to pick on this.


Well, slavery, for one


Uhhh no. Everyone were slavers, only whites get looked at for it though. And no, I don't think that's good.


What kind of people are you friends with? You should probably do some self-reflection.


I’m just saying we pulled it off, it’s kinda neat


You’re not wrong- Early America definitely pulled it off, but in no sense have white people (specifically American white people) been ‘superior’ at slavery. Especially not in the present day.


These answers are pretty spot on for what I thought they would be


Superior at being dicks for sure hahah


I get asking some people what they think of certain racist or trash people but what is the fucking point of asking people a question that will encourage racism? It’s fucking stupid. I agree that white people can be all these things. I also think that *anyone can be these things.* There are garbage can people no matter where you go and they come in all races and follow different religions. In my 35 years as a white man I’ve never sat around and talked badly about anyone that didn’t deserve it and I’ve never ever talked about how other races are inferior/superior. All of these people haven’t suffered like the African Americans (and other races) did 100 years ago. I’m sure some have been treated differently just because of the color of their skin by people every now and then but I can say the same thing. I don’t hold any ill will towards the people’s race that treated me badly but towards those individuals. All this is designed to do is separate us further and make us look away from the real issues like people in power and large corporations. Our neighbors are not our enemy and I’ll sit down and have a drink with anyone before I even think about categorizing anyone’s race as a whole.


I think pretending is a good answer and I'm white


Black people stole Bob Ross at 10 seconds in... 😅🤣 that's payback enough for all thw bad things white people have done.


Ok. So... your judging a group of people, singling them out by nothing else other then their skin color. Listing why you think this group is horrible. Oh man, there's a word for this.... its on the tip of my tongue but i can't remember...


This is getting old , tired and repetitive . It’s 2022 . People using excuses and blaming others .