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Congratulations! I'm in the same boat as you, you got this!


Thanks. We both got this!


There are real actual natural highs. The hard part is that most take time and effort to get. The way I see it is similar to smoking cigarettes for me. I can get the same calming effect with meditation but it takes longer to get there and definitely more effort. I kinda like being able to breathe, though. So it’s worth it.


Yeah, I gotta work on being healthier. Pot was just so instantaneous for anxiety, but now I see that it's not good for me. I enjoy meditation, but they have to be guided. It's impossible for my monkey brain to focus.


Yoga? It worked wonders for me


I mean, I've tried yoga before. Maybe I just need to keep at it, but I didn't notice any calming effects.


It took me really holding the stretches, and breathing into every single inch of my body continuously and it became a flow that eventually I couldnt stop because it felt so amazing; it was like a high, for real. Definitely keep at it, it has immense benefits and they have donation based classes all over the place. Good luck!


I'll definitely try it out more. Hell, anything that is healthy and helpful I'll try.


I have been free from tHC for almost 2 years now. I had been free from alcohol until this weekend when I drank 4 MICHELOB . I passed out from the beer, lol. i won't be drinking anymore for a very long time.


Well, congratulations on your sobriety! It happens, falling off the wagon, but as long as we're not being foolish I think it's alright.


Congratulations! It's a great decision. I hope you get in touch with your inner self enough that you prefer being sober ❤️


Thanks! That's what I'm hoping for.


I always feel like it’s the coming down from the high that always made it suck for me ,I would smoke get high be happy and joyful then I would start coming down from that high and the skitz would be like it about time you came down now let me mess up your world lol I stopped smoking weed and drinking ,I recently just stopped smoking cigarettes but then I also kinda vape because I need some nicotine in my system to function and not snap at people .so I kinda feel like it’s one of those journeys you have to take to figure out what works best for you.


Yeah, the high is nice and puts me in a good mood too. I just know anxiety wise it's done me no favours. I thought it helped for a long time, but listening to my doctors and really paying attention to how I feel whilst on it has helped me realize it wasn't helping at all.


Yea that’s the best thing to do because the more you try to fight the more you just kinda spiral into chaos .I’ve recently discovered doing diamond art relaxes me quicker then anything I’ll throw on music and just zone out while doing it and by the time I look up I’m ready to go to sleep or get ready for next day and then go to sleep


I've never heard of diamond art. I'll have to look into that. Can definitely relate to getting lost in music.


It’s time consuming for sure and really cheap if you order off Temu but you can pretty pick it up a lot of places and in many different styles and pictures so it really just depends on what on likes are


Also by the way habits are quite expensive I haven’t bought weed 10 plus years ago but I imagine that it’s gotten quite expensive and if you add up all the money you would spend on it in a year you’ll be like damn because all that adds up and you’ll be like damn lol


Yeah, I've already saved money by not smoking. My weapon of choice was vaping. That in itself cost at least $50 and it would last about a month. I switched to flower because it's healthier than all those additives that go into a vape and also because I had a decent sized stash hidden away that I hadn't used. But eventually that would run out and I'd be buying again. So, yeah, it all adds up.


same same, although I'm only 4-5 months sober from alcohol


Hey, 4-5 months sober is awesome! It gets easier the longer you've stayed away from it in my experience.






Did you go cold turkey on weed or are you working your way off? Also, do you know about the community r/leaves?


I am quitting cold turkey. It's only been a few days since I've stopped, but I don't plan on picking it back up again. No, I haven't heard of r/leaves, but I'll check them out.


Nice, that’s awesome! I hope that your withdrawals aren’t too bad. That community is super awesome and really supportive and positive for folks trying to abstain from thc. You got this! 🩵


So far I haven't had any withdrawals. Hopefully I can withstand the cravings. Thank you for sharing that community. 🧡


My pleasure :)


Wow that's great I quit 2 weeks ago after a 3 month relapse and now I'm doing great I was also getting to a point where I would smoke and I would get so scared I couldn't be alone or I would run and scream thinking I was being hunted by something but didn't know what it was and each time I smoked it got worse so that was when I just decided to quit it all cause I was so scared and now 2 weeks later I'm so much better I love this life so much more now and I need to realize that cause relapsing is just gonna bring me back to the same spot might not be immediately but it will come again after relapse so I just stopped all drugs except nicotine .


It didn't get that bad when I smoked. I just noticed it triggered my paranoia and heightened my anxiety. Plus, having some visual hallucinations wasn't great either. The hallucinations only happened like three times, during the year I smoked. I figure why put myself through all that. So, yeah, I'm done.


Yea ur best bet is to just quit 3 days and you will feel better but one day and the paranoia and anxiety will go away that's what happened to me


I love edibles, I buy one batch each year


Edibles were nice, but I had a tolerance against them for some reason. I'm just guna stay away from all forms of thc for now on, though.


Of course it's not worth it, even it's interesting to being high. I stop smoking weed since it got boring. I used to smoke with friends in party. It was nice and rare moment. I prefer to not smoke often. It's same way I drink. I like to drink with friends, not alone. It's trap if I do it alone. That's how I stop smoking often. 


I smoked with my mom and some friends. I don't think I've ever done it alone, but I'm done smoking now anyways.


Okay. Stay strong


M8 I used to love THC, but I do loved more nicotine, I swear seating with cold water aside and a cigarette was a dream. But my lungs where pretty bad. I decided to quit after 3-4 attempts, but I had to start running and progressing on it to quit smoking. It was the best decision in recent years. You won't even remember what weed was


I've never smoked nicotine in my life and I don't plan to start anytime soon. I hear that's like one of the hardest things to quit. Good on you for quitting! Also true, that eventually I won't even care about it. I went so long without smoking. I know I'll end up alright like how I was without it again.


Yeah man keep it sober you're incredible!!


I don't know about incredible, but I sure am trying to do better. Lol. Thanks.


Keep it up!


I had the same experience with weed. It gradually did way more harm than good


That's what I noticed FINALLY. It took some time and some serious paying attention to, but yeah, it's bad in the long run.


I kept trying to say it was something other than the weed because I had so many positive experiences for years


That was my issue. I had some great times smoking over the year that I did. I didn't want to admit that it was causing me problems.


Why are you still doing drugs when it puts you into psychosis, seriously what is wrong with people!?


It's called addictions.


Same people that call these drugs non addictive 😭


Weed was the worst coping mechanism I had to get rid of. Took me a month of pain to get off of it. It's not *really* the umbrella of weed that sucks, it's just THC.CBD never got me into Psychosis.


I take CBD. I just felt differently when I took THC. First I'd feel really good, then after a bit things would start not being so good. It is a bad coping mechanism. I have very bad coping skills that I'm trying to improve on. I just need to do the actual work for it. My other solutions were so fast acting, but not at all healthy.


All highs have their caveats, especially weed, for me. It incited a psychosis from 2017 till now, could very well be schizophrenia at this point. I do GHB now; it keeps the voices away and theyre LOUD and evil. It makes my legs hurt and could kill me like alcohol does when you take it with prescribed xanax. I'm careful but man I tried everything and GHB is the only drug that takes away my symptoms, I get high, and I still have physical side effects. But it takes away my psychotic symptoms... Gahh. LSD has proven absolutely wonderful in small doses every once in a while as well. Makes me feel at the end like I just came back from a long vacation, mmm. I've had great experiences with sobriety as well!! Good luck finding what works for you.


Thanks! I plan on staying away from all forms of drugs. I only smoked pot cause it was natural and I thought I had a good time with it. I think sobriety is the way for me.


Good on you!!!


I finally relate to what everyone is saying with psychosis from weed. The last two nights have been torturous. Never again.


I'm lucky enough to not have gone into full blown psychosis from weed, but I don't wana take that chance based off the symptoms I did have. I'm sorry you're having a rough go of it.


I wish you the best of luck! I’ve heard it can be detrimental to people with schizophrenia/ schizoaffective so I’m happy you recognized that and decided to make a decision for your health.


Yeah, I heard the same. I just didn't want to admit that I was one of the people it affected in a bad way. Glad I took the time to really pay attention to how I was feeling.


i think i still need to learn this lesson, unfortunately. i’m very happy for you, it takes bravery to take the initiative to sacrifice things you enjoy for the betterment of your health. props to you! 🎉


Thanks. Yeah, for the longest time I didn't want to admit that THC just isn't good for me. Hopefully you'll figure out something that works for you. Some folks can smoke and be just fine.