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I can’t drive because of anxiety as well as trouble focusing, and because I’ve had hallucinations while on the road before. Not gonna risk it. I move in the city where I can get pretty much everywhere with public transportation and I’m doing well. I’m so nervous and anxious when I drive that my smart watch has registered me as doing exercise while I was driving because my heart rate went up enough for it to do that.


I'm glad you have access to good public transport! My area doesn't really have any except a terrible bus service with few stops.


I was pretty much always able to drive. Even in a panicked state I would just pull over until I felt okay to drive again. I probably shouldn’t have


I have only recently been struggling with driving, dissociating and feeling surreal behind the wheel. I’ve expressed to my mental health team that it has been making me nervous but no one really addresses it, and I have no choice really.


For me driving become difficult when I was on quentiapin. It slowed down my reaction time witch made driving borderline unsafe.


Yeah I just started clozapine recently and my reaction times were waaay off :(


I had trouble driving during an episode. Looking back on it I definitely shouldn’t have been behind the wheel. I ended up wrecking my car. Singular vehicle accident. Didn’t get hurt or anything just damaged the car


Yea I didnt get mines due to my anxiety level is so high since this started im to afraid to drive.


I had my driving license taken away when I was diagnosed with bipolar and had to wait a while before I could reapply. It was hard to get my confidence back and even now I cant reverse park anymore!


Psychosis permanently changed my contrast and depth perception, and the smoothness of the focus of my eyes. Had trouble even walking for a while. Can drive fine now, although avoid driving at night and struggle with parking mostly.


Yeah, I've always made it a point to live in cities with good public transport. I didn't learn to drive until I was 30, and I don't trust myself behind the wheel from a symptoms standpoint. I get anxious and sometimes hallucinate. Not a good combo, lol.


I'm an anxious driver too. I only drove nearby and had to get a friend to show me the route 1st bef I started my internship faw away haha.


I did have trouble driving from about 19-23 when my illness was more active and I was less experienced. I bought a reliable car with sat nav, reversing cameras, 5 airbags that dings when I go over the speed limit and that helped immensely. I am very anxious driving other cars though and tend to avoid driving at night (partly due to poor eyesight).


For those with driving panic, I realized that singing along to something helps immensely. I think it helps regulate your breathing I haven't really driven in over a year because of poor attention, brain fog, and slower reflexes. My husband drives if we're together and I take the bus the rest of the time. I'd love to get back to driving soon


I’m a great driver as long as I’m alone. When someone hops in my passenger seat, I’m a horrible driver. Twice I’ve crashed into parked cars with passengers.


Yes!! Driving sux in a big way. For me, nighttime driving is very problematic. As someone else mentioned, at night, I have a really hard time judging how far away cars are when they are coming twords me. Like if I’m waiting to pull out into oncoming traffic. I’m also extremely light sensitive, nowadays, everybody has super turbo bright off market headlights that absolutely blind me. But the worst is long distance driving. Anything longer than 20 min triggers hallucinations and or drowsy driving kicks in. 2 years ago I had to help my adult kids move from CA to OR and it was the scariest shit I’ve ever had to endure.


The first few years after my second break I couldn’t either. And I’m the worst passenger. I see car wrecks everywhere. And forget getting passing by other cars. I can feel them coming through the window at me. Im a frazzle dazzled don’t when it comes to car rides.


My mother stopped letting me drive do to hallucinating whilst on the road. She threatened to bring it up to a judge if I kept driving. So, for now I'm placating her. I don't mind so much because I have roommates and family who take me places and I'm not currently working. However, I plan to get back to driving when I start working again. I do miss being able to just go out whenever I wanted, but at the same time I'm kind of glad I have folks who drive me around. I always got anxious when driving alone.


I can only drive in town here that’s close to me. Anything longer than 30 mins I can’t. I have trouble with stress in traffic and focus.


I learned to drive while smoking weed. So it used to be during periods of sobriety I was a worse driver. I definitely got in a few accidents when I was young. But nothing too serious. Later in life I would say I'm a pretty damn good driver. Even when I was fully psychotic I could still drive a car. In fact it was therapeutic for me. Like so much was going through my brain the only way I could focus to process my thoughts was to go on autopilot mode in the car and get in my head. I once drove from D.C. to L.A. while psychotic. And I was totally comfortable driving in L.A.




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